International Journal of Ecosystem
p-ISSN: 2165-8889 e-ISSN: 2165-8919
2012; 2(3): 32-37
doi: 10.5923/j.ije.20120203.01
Noori Mitra 1, Zakeri Rezvan 2, Mazaheri Seyed Ahmad 3, Mahmudy Gharaie Mohamad Hosein 3
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, 38156-8-8349, Iran
2Department of Geology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
3Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciencet, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Correspondence to: Noori Mitra , Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, 38156-8-8349, Iran.
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Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
Today drinking water quality, water pollutant and cleaning water are important topics in applied hydrology. Algae play an important role in controlling metal concentration in lakes and oceans. Their ability to absorption metals and taking up toxic elements from the environment has been recognized for many years. The study is examination of the possible extent of Arsenic and Boron algae phytoremediation in three springs from Sang-E-Noghreh area, Iran, by calculating bio-concentration and bio-accumulation factors in them. Water samples from the sites were separately collected for microscopy, ICP/MS analyzing and graphitic oven. Algae were identified and counted using available equipment and references. Data analyzed and bio-concentration (BCF) and bio-accumulation factors (BAF) were calculated for Boron and Arsenic. Results showed four algal divisions (Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta and Heterokontophyta) in all of sample sites waters with the exception of Gargab that lacked Euglenophyta. Boron and Arsenic BAF were higher than 10 in all three sites. It is believed that algal flora of three springs have absorbed and accumulated these elements from their environment into their bodies. Then these algae can be hyper-phytoremediator and their presence in water reduced water Arsenic and Boron pollutant.
Keywords: Biological treatment, Algae, Phytoremidiation, Arsenic, Boron, Iran
Figure 1. Water and algae sampling sites location in Sang-E- Noghreh area, Iran |
Figure 2. Four identified algal division concentrations in three springs of Sang-E- Noghreh area, Iran in winter |
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