International Journal of Applied Sociology

p-ISSN: 2169-9704    e-ISSN: 2169-9739

2015;  5(3): 144-151


Model Implementation of Special Needs Education in Organizational Capacity Development Perspective (A Study on the Primary School Providers of Inclusion and Segregation for Autistic Students in Special Capital Region of Jakarta)

Bambang Irawan1, Agus Suryono2, Ratih Nur Pratiwi2, Sarwono2

1Doctoral Program of Administrative Studies, Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

2Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Correspondence to: Bambang Irawan, Doctoral Program of Administrative Studies, Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.


Copyright © 2015 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


Education Services is a matter which must be implemented by the government based on the rule of law that a nine-year compulsory education to citizens aged seven to fifteen years old. In organizing the educational services to children with special needs with autism, there are two methods in delivered the service, inclusion and segregation. Implementation needed organizational capacity development in technical, managerial, and institutional. To understand the implementation of special needs education organization, system model is used to explain the context, inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes in education for students with autism.

Keywords: Special Needs Education, Organizational Capacity Development, System Theory

Cite this paper: Bambang Irawan, Agus Suryono, Ratih Nur Pratiwi, Sarwono, Model Implementation of Special Needs Education in Organizational Capacity Development Perspective (A Study on the Primary School Providers of Inclusion and Segregation for Autistic Students in Special Capital Region of Jakarta), International Journal of Applied Sociology, Vol. 5 No. 3, 2015, pp. 144-151. doi: 10.5923/j.ijas.20150503.05.

1. Introduction

The government's role is crucial in the face of complex challenges. The need for growth in the economy and the competitiveness of the sector is now increasingly leaving little room for a global perspective on issues such as the long-term preservation of the environment and social justice as the foundations of sustainable development. The complexity of sustainable development has challenged traditional management for solving problems related to the capacity of the government. Today, local government institutions are urged to make the planning and implementation of policies that are more suited to solve social and environmental problems that occur and provide better service.
Some form of change in the public sector now is the social policy. The strong economic liberalization, democracy and civil society contributed effect in changing the public sector in many ways. Viewpoints and approaches in the formulation of social policy are also having significant change. The social policy is a public policy in the field of social welfare. The role of government was originally seen as the most dominant actors in the formulation and implementation of public policy, especially in social policy with many adjustments in a various ways [1].
One type of social policy is social services. Hall and Midgley [2] explains that there are four types of basic social services, namely health, education, housing and social protection. As a one of social services, the government has several important roles in education. The urgency according to Suharto [1] include: First, as the main provider of education service, such as schools and colleges. Second, as the regulator or regulatory provision of education, which organized by the government, private sector and non-formal institutions. Third, the facilitator in the provision of educational infrastructure, including the provision of scholarships and educational grants for students who excel and incapable in finance. Educational services in the context of social policy is not only directed in order to prepare and provide the labor force which is needed by the job opportunities, but to achieve social objectives in a broad sense, i.e. freeing the people from ignorance and backwardness.
Educational services, especially primary education is one kind of human rights [3]. In the Indonesian context, the primary education that must be implemented by the government is a nine-year education shall be compulsory for citizens aged seven to fifteen years old [4].
Formal education of a general nature can be given in public schools run by the government and society. However, the type of special education for citizens with special needs, such as persons with disabilities requires the implementation which is involved many parties, including government, private and non-governmental organizations.
The term includes a group of people with disabilities with physical, mental and intellectual deficiencies [5]. In providing educational services, group disability or who have special needs require an oriented education model for their special needs, which is known as special needs education.
Some people who have physical performance, mental and behavior that deviates substantially or deviate from normal, either higher or lower were called special needs [6]. Fom this perspective, the concept of special needs education has shifted not only in principle of deficiency but in substances or deviations.
One type of special needs as the focus of this study is students with autism. Children with autism have pervasive development disorder that causing the difficulty in communication and social interaction with others. There are also children with motor coordination disorders in balance, hand-eye coordination, and locomotion. Another expert states that children who are identified as autism will be less ability of motion compared with a normal child in his/her age, measured by the ability of static and dynamic motion, strength, coordination, balance and agility [7].
Each child with autism is unique and has different symptoms in quality or quantity different from each other. Diversity barriers were owned by the child, requiring a response that can accommodate the services and provide a solution to overcome the existing barriers. Characteristics of children with special needs such as autism is a form of natural barriers that they often make it difficult for them to access public services, such as facilities in public places that are not accessible to them, thus the growth and development services and education requires relatively extra effort and cost.
The Director of Mental Health, Ministry of Health assumed the prevalence of autism was based on research in Hong Kong in 2008 for the Asian region of 1.68 per 1000 for children under the age of 15 years. Meanwhile, the number of children aged 5-19 years in Indonesia reached 66,000,085. Data of the National Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2010 estimated 112,000 children with autism. Data were obtained from the Autisma Indonesia Foundation in 2012, which stated the number of children with autism which are accommodated in formal education in Jakarta reached 177 children.
The concept of organizational capacity is important for the providers in organize and carrying out its mission. This is caused the capacity of organization associated with the ability to apply the skills and the use of resources to achieve its goals and meet the expectations of stakeholders [8]. Understanding the organizational capacity is important, because it includes the capacity of every quality that can inhibit or accelerate success in achieving organizational goals [9]. This was confirmed also by Ingraham, Joyce, and Donahue [10] that the organizational capacity is a critical determinant of the quality of service.
Organization capacity is closely related to the ability of organization in technical, managerial and institutional level [11]. The concept of the organizational capacity classifies the responsibility and control of all activities in the organization into three levels. Technical capacity, which serves to produce goods or services transform inputs into outputs. Managerial capacity has ability and responsibility to design and control the system in produce goods or services and create outputs. Institutional capacity connects organizations with the wider environment. Likewise, the implementation of special needs education, especially children with autism, needs the organization that has the capacities to achieve the goals of the special needs.
Organization of special needs education can be understood more clearly in the form of the model implementation. One model that could be considered is system model, which consists of context, input, process, output, and outcome [12]. Furthermore, Usman [12] explained the context consists of legal basis and applicable government policies, demands self-development and graduate opportunities, values and expectations of society, and government and community support. Input, include the vision, mission, strategies, goals, objectives, programs, curriculum, tranquility, students, facilities and infrastructure, funding, regulation, organization, administration, community participation, and school culture. Process activity consists of the learning process and methods used, while the output is something that will be achieved. The outcome include the graduate opportunity for further study and improvement of personal ability or skill.
In organizing the educational services to children with special needs with autism, there are two methods is given. The first is educational services to children by using the concept of segregation, which is a special school apart from normal children who are often referred to as the Special School. Second, the method of inclusion or mainstreaming schools by definition as social integration, instructional, and temporal special needs children with normal children, based on the needs of education as measured individually [13].
Empirical phenomena found some weaknesses in the special need education provision. For example related to the availability of teacher assistant for children with special needs are still unmet. According to data Acceptance Students New Jakarta in 2014, primary school education providers and 255 such schools designated as organizers inclusion including dealing with children with autism. However, in practice, based on preliminary interviews on July 2014 on several schools in East and South Jakarta, not all schools are able to perform its role in receiving the student with autism. In other hand, the sources of financing in the provision of special needs education are not conducive until now.
The purpose of this research includes:
1. To describe the types of needs in education at primary school organizers of inclusion and segregation for students with autism in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta
2. Find the organization model of the special needs education in primary school organizers of inclusion and segregation for students with autism in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta in the perspective of organizational capacity development.

2. Research Method

2.1. Research Approach

This study used a qualitative approach with case study intensively sought to investigate a small or a set of case and context. This means that the case study focuses on the details of the internal characteristics of each case and the surrounding circumstances.
Case study research involves collecting a lot of data, as researchers try to build a picture of the depth of a case. On the other hand, the case study should use the method of content analysis in summarizing and interpreting information [14].

2.2. Research Focus

1). Describe the forms of organizational capacity development in inclusion and segregation primary school for students with autism include:
a. Technical capacity of the organization, including the availability of supporting infrastructure and the provision of shadow or special teacher, financing and curriculum.
b. Managerial capacity of organizations, including the method of inclusion and segregation
c. Institutional capacity of the organization, covering the involvement of professional network and special needs education policy
2). Model of special needs education provision for children with autism in inclusion and segregation primary school in organizational capacity development perspective using systems theory.

2.3. Data Processing

There are three techniques for collecting data in qualitative approach, namely: (1) in depth, open-end interviews; (2) Direct observation; and (3) Written document [15]. The analysis is based on the results of field research such as interviews, observations and documents, all done later interpretation, sought meaning and drawn conclusions.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Special Needs Education for Autism in Jakarta

Special needs education in Indonesia is often called with special education. Republic of Indonesia Act. No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System [3] mentioned special education is an education for students who have difficulty in following the learning process because of physical, emotional, mental, social, and / or have the potential of intelligence and special talent. He also explained that the citizens who have physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and / or social are entitled to special education. The target group of special education students according to Government Regulation No. 17 of 2010 on the Management and Operation of Education [16] explained that the school-age group who have abnormalities such as the blind, deaf, speech impaired, mental retardation, quadriplegic, tunalaras, learning difficulties, slow learning, autism, have motor disorders, become victims of drug abuse, drugs, and other addictive substances, and have other abnormalities.
Organization of special education for students with special needs including autism stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 157 of 2014 on Special Education Curriculum [17], can be performed on regular education units in regular classes or special classes. However, for students with disabilities or special needs with intellectual disabilities, communication and interaction, and behavior, the organizers arranged done in special education units or units of regular education in special classes. Organization of special needs education is organized in regular schools, known as the method of inclusion, whereas if implemented on a special or extraordinary school known as the method of segregation.
At the local government level, there is a Governor regulation of the Province of Jakarta No. 67 of 2014 on the Amendment of the Governor Regulation No. 40 of 2013 on Admission of Students New [18], and the Decree of the Head of Education Department of Special Province of Jakarta No. 736 in 2014 About Technical Guidance Admissions Students New Academic Period 2014/2015 [19]. Both the above rules had provided an umbrella rules for government in ensuring education for children with special needs.
Special needs education provider as locus in this research includes Islamic, Nature and Science Al Jannah Primary School, West Cempaka Putih 16 (Morning class) State Primary School, and Cilangkap 01 (Morning class) State Primary School as the organizer of Inclusion. In other side, Cipta Anugrah Autism Schools and Exception School 03 Jakarta as the organizer of segregation or Special School.

3.2. The Identification of Organizational Capacity Development on Carry out Special need Education for Autism Student

3.2.1. Organizational Technical Capacity
Infrastructure is the result of supply and demand, added with public policy [20]. Infrastructure both on inclusion and segregation school should consider the needs of students who were served, and existing infrastructure should adapt to these needs. To achieve the ideal infrastructure, also need the policy that regulated it.
In general, school infrastructure in inclusion school cannot support the needs of students with autism, this is due to the orientation of inclusive education is not understood as a special education in general condition context. Thus Inclusion school only able to handle special needs in mild level only, while for the medium and heavy level is difficult. On the other hand, the characteristics of the need for specific infrastructure are an advantage for students to enter the education in the segregation or special school, although the quantity must be improved.
Shadow or Special Teacher
Personal ability and adaptation capability are the basis for shadow or special teacher in order to play an active role in the provision of services for student with autism. The essence of inclusioan method, shadow teacher required to be able to adapt the context of student needs in an inclusion environment. However, due to limited support facilities, the ability of existing shadow teacher is still limited. The consecuency is training related to inclusive education is necessary for the teachers. Different with segregation methods, special teacher can innovates more in developing the mechanisms of adaptation to the student.
The ability of shadow or special teacher in delivery of special needs education has oriented in technical ability (technical skills) and social ability (human or social skills). In fact, according to the concept offered by Hersey and Blanchart [21], teacher must have three areas of capability in achieving the objectives of the special needs education that includes technical ability (technical skills), social ability (human or social skills) and conceptual ability (conceptual skills). Conceptual ability is related to the ability to understand the complexities of education providers in implementing educational services for students with special needs. The complexity of the process includes an effort to synergize the implementation of educational services with other parties that may improve the results towards a better service.
Adequate financing is necessary to the success of the organization of special needs education. The existing financing was funded by the government and society. From the government side, the current funding is focused on education providers that established by the government, both in inclusion and segregation education. Otherwise, the schools was established by society or non-profit organizations, governments provide the assistance and financing even with a minimal amount.
Educational financial in current day is only related to input and process, and does not make the output as a target to be achieved. Financing in input is based on how many special needs student are expensed. The regulations only accommodate the number of students that can be accepted at designated education unit. It means, the number of students with special needs that should be expensed is not enough. In addition, the financing in process is intended to develop and maintain the sustainability of learning and teaching in special needs education. It can be worked by facilitating the school with supporting facilities and provide training facilities for teachers. While financing on results considering the target to be achieved in special education, the ability of learners both in education and in special inclusion education (exceptional). This concept is in accordance with the opinion of Fletcher-Campbell et al. [22] that describes the orientation of financing on special needs education that includes, input, process and output.
Providing education in segregation method, there are several principles to be considered in the implementation of curriculum provided by the organizers. First, the curriculum is intended to achieve educational goals by taking into account the limitations of the students' learning ability. It is concerned and possible to be adapted on the existing curriculum in schools, because the condition of children with special needs such as autism also requires the general knowledge. Second, the curriculum devoted to the development of learning skills that are done through life skills. Life skills development started in basic skills specially ability to live independently.
Curriculum implemented in inclusive education, with certain methods that have been modified in the learning process, so the student can understand the lesson from teacher. Inclusion of education providers can implement the curriculum under the existing standards, if the students cannot follow the established standards in general. The consideration is acceptable, because the inclusive education providers must accommodate the needs and abilities of learners according to their capabilities.
In accordance with the concept described by Field et al. [23], one of the approaches used in the adjustment of the curriculum for special education is a model of self-determination which is a combination of skills, knowledge, and the involvement of other parties to engage in the learning process to understand the strengths and limitations of learners.
3.2.2. Organizational Managerial Capacity
Inclusion Method
In principle, the inclusion of education necessary condition of existing instruments to support the fulfillment of the needs of students. This is a challenge that must be met by the inclusion of education providers, thus the goal of learning by using the inclusion method can be run well.
The students are placed in a general education setting with accommodated and services to suit their individual needs. Shadow teacher in the class is responsible to change the instruction to meet the needs of students in receiving lessons. This concept basically been mentioned by Rozalski et al. [24], there are three concepts that can be applied in the inclusion method, the regular classes, classes with accommodations and modifications, and a separate class. Currently, the provision of education by inclusion method is using the regular class with certain accommodations and modifications.
The concept of a regular class with accommodation and modification are still cannot be applied well. In ideal conditions, the emphasis is on the process of learning a special teacher and availability support of adequate infrastructure. Unavailability teachers and support facilities can be inhibiting factors for school or educational providers in inclusive education. The assessment related to the fulfillment of the needs of students in terms of accommodations and modifications necessary to be done continuously.
Segregation Method
Limitation or special need that is owned by the students need some special treatment and different for each student. Groupings by the needs of students, will lead to educational services provided can be optimized, because the instrument of teachers, support facilities and learning environment can be adapted to the special needs groups.
The existence of student group who received services in segregation education, actually relevant to the results of the study of Hardman et al. [5] and Westwood [25] that there are students with special needs who could not received lessons on inclusion class.
There are several factors that caused students with special needs could not get education on inclusion methods. First, students with special needs such as autism require special handling in methods and support facilities that much different from other normal children. Second, some students had lower intellectual functioning, so although adapted to the inclusion curriculum, they were still incapable to join the inclusion class. This analysis is accordance with statement of Turnbull et al. [26], Foreman [27] and Smith [28].
3.2.3. Organizational Institutional Capacity
Professional Network Involvement
Availability, accessibility and professional role is also important in providing services for student with special needs. The need for professional are urgent, because their special skills has particularly consistent with special need education purposes.
The involvement of professionals in inclusion school is still limited. Schools usually ask parents to provide some additional therapy, but it was depends entirely to parents. Different with segregation methods, schools will provide special treatment for each student with special needs. The consequence is financing and depends on financial ability of parents.
The involvement of professionals in special needs education according to Rye [29] has several approaches. Thus approaches are professional-oriented, family-oriented approach and family-centered approach.
The type of approach that is applied today related with a professional involvement in school and at home by using a family-oriented approach. This approach can be seen from the school's role, in this regard accompanying teachers and professionals who provide educational services to the appropriate method in the implementation strengthened the activities and routines in the home environment. Thus it becomes a habit that is positive for the development of special needs education.
The involvement of professional personnel will not be optimal when the role of the family and the school are inconsistent. This is due to the handling of children with special needs and the interrelationships between families, professionals and school are required.
Special Needs Educational Policy
Context of public policy related to the policy in special needs education is a social policy related to the development, implementation and impact of policies on the social situation of the community. In accordance with the concept offered by Adams [30], the role of government in policy making should solved a social problems by providing services and guarantees citizens to achieve the social welfare. Children with special needs are groups of people who are less fortunate and need the government to give a special touch by special programs that are known as social services.
Social services provided to children with special needs such as autism is a product of social policy. In accordance with the concept was described by Suharto [1], the social services in the form of a program devoted to helping individuals or groups who have problems in meeting their needs is essential. In the context of special needs education, special needs education provision by the provider, either by inclusion or segregation have already accordance with existing policy.
Participation of all stakeholders such as governments, schools, communities and professionals is needed in the implementation of social policy. This is according to Islamy [31], that the policy needs to be realized and implemented by the various parties that have a clear impact for non self-executing nature that cannot be implemented by them.

3.3. Recommended Implementation Model of Special need Education for Autism Student in Organizational Capacity Development Perspectives

Based on the discussion and interpretation of research results, there is still a gap between theory and implementation in the organization of special needs education in the perspective of organizational capacity building of service providers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model of recommendation that can provide solutions to the problems faced by the organization of special needs education in the perspective of the development of organizational capacity.
On the model of the system [12], stage special needs education provision more comprehensible. Development of organizational capacity is used as the basis of terms of reference in the organization of special needs education. Related input, then the elements that must be fulfilled and the condition for the next stage is on the technical capacity component which includes infrastructure, teacher assistant, finance, and curriculum and institutional capacity of organizations including professionals and policy. At the stage of the process, then the reference is in a managerial capacity component of the methods used in providing special needs education that includes a method of inclusion or segregation. Output to be achieved is an implementation of responsive special needs education to the needs of learners, is the result of the learning process is executed. While the outcome in the organization of special needs education, e.g. receipt of children with special need on further studies, can be accepted in the sector of employment, and increase self-efficacy.
In terms of process, based on the results of the analysis and discussion found that the process of assessment in determining the type of method of education services for children with special needs become important. Therefore, the selection of the implementation method used becomes important related to the special need who owned subsidiary. In addition, aspects of the outcome of this research have not been depth-studied, thus the studies in this dissertation only lasts until the output of the responsive delivery on special needs education.
Presentation of the model on the implementation of special needs education for children with autism in the perspective of organizational capacity development can be applied to the inclusion method and the method of segregation. This model is a development of the existing models by combining the two methods of providing education for children with special needs which in this case is a child with autism.
The findings on the model that is recommended by optimize the assessment performed against special needs children. The assessment was expected to give proper consideration to the application on the method of education delivery for learners with special needs. Activity assessment should be conducted on an ongoing basis so that the program is applied to the teaching and learning activities to follow the progress of students. Assessment activities are closely linked to the method of providing education for learners with special needs, so that assessment is provided an organization which has the managerial capacity of the closeness to the method of implementation special needs education. The concept of assessment as a managerial capacity which principally in accordance with the opinion of Thomson [11], that at the managerial level, the capacity is used to design and control systems that produce goods or services for the procurement of inputs and create outputs. In this context the input that will be used will attempt to meet the challenges that are required of the assessment carried out and the achievement goals of responsive special needs educational (see Appendix 1).
The concept above is actually in accordance with the opinion of Falvey [32] and Helm [33] which explained that the assessment is a process that is carried out continuously, so it can facilitate the right education method to the children in improving their skills and abilities. Assessment can also be used as the process of extracting depth information and will make the overall learning strategies for students, the better. If the assessment is operated properly, the device or instrument input and institutional capacity will be required to match the needs assessment and impact on future output. It is called the quality improvement process that impact on improving the quality of input and output. Quality-oriented input on the requirements that must be met, while the quality of the output impact on meeting the needs of special services.

4. Conclusions

Forms of organizational capacity building are needed in special needs education provision for children with autism in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta have been well identified. It can be seen from the various levels of organizational capacity that includes technical capacity, managerial and institutional.
Model of special needs education provision for children with autism in the perspective of the development of organizational capacity special needs education providers in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta is the development of a model system that can support the implementation of special needs education provision that is responsive.

5. Recommendations

In the context of the organizers, the fulfillment of the input element which includes technical and institutional capacity of the organization, will have an impact on: infrastructure development, fulfillment of the adequacy of teacher assistant, a clear source of financing, availability of curriculum download on the principle of self-determination and modified according to the needs of students with autism, involvement of professionals, and special policy operationally relevant and inclusive education or exceptional fit the demands of existing regulations as a reference. Process that involves the capacity managerial organization requires assessment on students with special needs with autism routinely. It also sustained implementation of the method associated with the selection of appropriate education either inclusion or segregation.
In the context of the policy, which should be a basic reference for special needs education for children with autism is social policy. Educational services in the context of social policy is not only intended to prepare and provide a labor force that is needed by the world of work, but also to achieve social objectives in a broad sense, i.e. freeing society from underdevelopment and other social problems.
In the context of the protection of the right to have good education, need to be initiated in solidarity for students with autism by establishing autism center, which serves as a center that can facilitate a variety of needs and assessment for students.

Appendix 1. Recommended Model

Recommended Model Implementation of Special Needs Education in System Theory Context


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