Hardani Widhiastuti
The Lecturer of Faculty of Psychology – Semarang University
Correspondence to: Hardani Widhiastuti, The Lecturer of Faculty of Psychology – Semarang University.
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The purpose of this research is to find the influence of Big five Personality traits ( Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience) , work value and compensation satisfaction toward the behaviour performance and work outcomes .The data were taken from 115 Sales services from 12 PT. JAMSOSTEK Branch offices in Central Java & DIY. The hypothesis of the research: There are any influences of Ekstraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience variables against compensation satisfaction of behavior and work value in a structural model The result of data analysis by using SEM technique shows Chi-square =9.35, Probability = 0.053,GFI = 0.0803, TLI = 0.86, RMSEA = 0.11 and CMIN/DF=2.34. From the result, the hypothesis has been proved. It means that there was a positive influence among Extraversion, Agreeableness, work value, and compensation satisfaction toward job performance of behavior. Conscientiousness seems to be the personality trait with the most positive influence on work outcomes. Neuroticism negatively influences on the work outcomes, and openness to experience influences positively on the behaviour performance.
Big Five Personality, Work Values, Compensation Satisfaction, Performance of Sales Services
Cite this paper: Hardani Widhiastuti, The Influence of Big Five Personality Traits, Work Values, and Compensation Satisfaction with the Performance of Sales Services: Employment Insurance, International Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2013, pp. 74-78. doi: 10.5923/j.ijap.20130303.06.
1. Introduction
The companies must be considered significantly engaged in the financial service that defines them as a "financial institution". It’s not only need a person who’sfriendly and politely, but alsoa person who gives work values to the customers.The value not only about friendliness and courtesy , but also the existence ofsuperiorproduct, process and the human resources in the company. That’s why, the expansion of marketing elements for a service business cannot bepostponed. Frendliness, speedto provide services and speedto provide services will be change the customer management[1]. The performance of vendingservices is influenced by personal personality and it is an individual attribute that can be determined directly from their individual traits.
2. Literature Review
According to Allport[2], personality as "dynamic organization within the individual psikofisik system that determines the adaptation of unique to the environment.The main aspects ofthe performance with service orientation based on Dictionary University of Kentucky[3] such as:1. Appropriateness, consistency and friendly with their job. 2. Using the effective ability in interpersonal relation.3. Identifyingthe needs ofthe service user.4. Willingnessto respond.Depend on the main aspects, it can be found the reflection of their behavior:1. Listening the problem and customerrequest. 2. Making the extra assignment to help the customer.3. Anticipating the customer needed, giving a good and pleasant service.4. Following upcustomers.5. Giving empathyto customers whenproblemsoccur.Goldberg[4] found that individual differences are more in an anthology, which distinguish individuals from one to the other is the interaction with personality factors with each of the facets[5] In the other hand, John[6] condenses the five factors of personality with the OCEAN. As for the Neuroticisme include negative feelings, anxiety, sadness, sensitive, and nervous. Openness factors include the experience of openness, depth, and complex individual mental and life experiences. The Extraversion and The Agreeableness factor included Interpersonal, is a person can work together and get along with others. Last is called Conscientiousness factor, concerning the duties and achievements which is part of social requirement. Baron and Jerald[7] mentions that in addition to the Five of Personality Factors, there is also one important thing called self-efficacy, which is an individual's belief about the competence to be demonstrated expertise for specific tasks.Work culture will also affect to one’s values in relation to the individual's particular employees in the services company[8]. The concept of one's values is more on concepts that derived from variations in the behavior sciences. This is in accordance with the opinion from Dunnette, Marvin, and Laetta[9], that these values are a belief that goes as a specific way of behavior or the existential of circumstances.In Ordnance Survey[10] argued that as individuals and as an organization in relation to the customer is looking for and assess customer opinions, struggling to put in all aspects of customer service, trying to reconcile their interests. Allport[2], categorizes the values in the work into six types: Theoretical is considered very important discovery of truth through the critical and rational approach, Economical is the emphasizing of us ability and practical, Aesthetic which put the highest value on the form and compatible or harmony, Social is giving the highest value on the love of the people, Politic is putting the pressure on the gained power and influence, Religious is concerned about the unity of experience and understanding of the cosmos as a totality.In addition to the six variables, compensation is also not ruled out as the effect of the performance, as it reflects the status, recognition, and the fulfillment of which is enjoyed by the employee with his family. Satisfaction is an evaluation term which described with an attitude like or dislike. Satisfaction the pay, concerned with the employee preference or do not like to the compensation, including payments and benefits[11] .Strauss and Sayles[12], suggests about the determinants factors from the work satisfaction in general, is depends from the hope (such as a challenging job or higher salary), self-assessment (to adapt), social norms (my job satisfying / considered good by others), social comparisons (my job or anyone else more interesting), the relationship of input / output (or input into the relationship work and what I got), the integrated (of generated satisfaction), the rationale (for the example is salary more important).Compensation for the sales person is rather different, compared to the compensation of employees in general. When it's time to pay a professional sales person, no one had the right size. Some companies pay commissions based on the number of sales, and other companies based on the stock, incentive and special bonus. The options are a compensation plan is the success of sales in order to achieve company goals[13] .
3. Research Model
According to the literature review below, it can be decided that there are two kinds of performances, they are behavioral and work result performance. The behavioral performance can be found in tasks or the service-relatedjobs, such as give the good service , courtesy and try to solve the problem which’s related with customer. So, the result of vending services will increase and the behaviour performance and get a good assessment from customer if ; 1). the employee has Extraversion behaviour, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to experiences and negative Neuroticism, 2). the employee has work value based on their service orientation, 3). the employee satisfaction with the compensation provided by their company.This research is based on the model which bulid from several theories, it consists of performance behaviour and the result of dependent variable which’s influenced by independent variable; 1). 5 factors of personality are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness,Neuroticism, Opennes to Experience, 2). Work Value and 3). compensation satisfaction.The research model presented in the figure below: | Figure 1. Research Framework |
HYPOTHESISBased on the theoretical basis and literature review, it can be be defined that hypothesis ofthe research model as follows:There are any influences of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience variables againstcompensation satisfaction of behavior and work value in a structural model.
4. Research Method
The subject of this research is 115 Sales services from 12 PT. JAMSOSTEK Branch offices in Central Java & DIY. Validity and Reliability Tests are performed using SPS2000, meanwhile the preparation of data analysis with AMOS version 4.0 . So far, there is no formula to calculate sample size of SEM modelling. Empirically that the sample size is sufficient 100-200[14] (Ghozali, 2008). In addition, a major consideration in the use of samples is resource contains (time, money, and other resources), and accuracy, which through the selection of a good sample design, can researchers obtain accurate data.The principles of validity and intern reliability is trying out instruments once, then using Cronbach’sAlpha to observe the result.The theoretical value of alpha varies from zero to 1, since it is the ratio of two variances. However, depending on the estimation procedure used, estimates of alpha can take on any value less than or equal to 1. The rule of thumb should be used with caution ± 0,7 – 1 (Excellent), ± 0,3 – 0,69 (moderate) and ± 0,0 – 0,29 (poor)[15] .
5. Discussion
Analysis of Moment Structur (AMOS) is a tool used to SEM in this study. AMOS is developed by Dr. J. Arbuckle[16] which is the most advanced new generation today to process the models.Theas suption required by the SEM can be evaluated when AMOS process start.This section performed full Structural EquationModel.The purpose of this analysis is to test the most fit model (figure 2).
5.1. AMOS-Computational Calculation Results
The model framework is measured by using many kids of goodness of fit to get adequate level of Conscientiousness. The result from adequate level of Conscientiousness can be seen in the table below.Structural Equation Model can be used to measure the causality relationship between variables in the model, it can be shown that the model is acceptable. 0.053 probability shows that the model is acceptable and there’s no difference between sample covariance matrix and population covariance matrix which is estimated. The other indeks show the acceptance rate which’s qualified, so the model is acceptable.Based on the calculation result above, CR is already fullfil the criteria, the value is 1,96 in pada taraf signifikansi 5% (0,05), so the hypothesis is acceptable. | Figure 2. SEM Model |
Table 1. Goodness of Fit Structural Equation Model  |
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Table 2. Acceptable model  |
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6. Conclusions
Based on the calculations process in order to analyze the data and discussion, then it can be concluded that:a. Five personality factors influence the performance of the services seller. In general, the service seller personality has an average in the Characteristic of Five Factor Personality, the services seller has the Extraversion personality that more open to customers. The deal is sincere, customer-focused, and humble. Conscientiousness is more disciplined and committed to meet the target yield. The law Neuroticisme makes the seller can control the emotions services in relation to the customer, so the performance results can improve and the Openness to Experience a good result in the seller or service are more understanding and satisfying customer needs. Yet individually, each seller service has a unique personality that cannot be compared between individuals with one another. b. Work value has a positive influence on the service seller performance in the form of behavior and the evidence of work result. These values are relatively permanent possessed since childhood and finally deal with the world of work. The possessed of higher work value of services seller, then it is increasingly to be able to understand and serve the customers. c. The compensation satisfaction has a positive influence on the performance of service seller both behavior and work. With the satisfaction of compensation that be received by the services seller, will impact on the customer services and acceptance, both the work and achievements of the target average.d. The Performance of services seller in the form of behavior has a negative impact on the performance, such as work result. The finding in the field has shown that employment insurance salesman sometimes faced with a contradictory phenomenon. The services seller on the one hand has to keep the satisfaction of customer, on the other hand if only pursuit to the target achievements, it is worried less satisfied customers. Therefore, in the face of competition among the employment insurance company, the services seller should continue to provide the optimal services in order the customers get the satisfaction.
7. Suggestions
Based on the above conclusion that the five factors of personality, namely Extraversion and Agreeablenesss influence to the behavior and work performance, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism effect on the work, and the Openness to Experience affect behavioral performance, it is recommended that: a) Each selection of employment insurance should be done by the big Five Factor Personality Traits test, in order to obtain an overview personality of applicants in accordance with the personality of a services seller. b) Vending services have become permanent employees need to be trained as a form of self-development, with the expectation that services seller has a minimum requirement of Extraversion personality, Agreeableness,Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness to Experience, and how to achieve a particular behavioral targets. This training is useful to balance the provision of services to the customer in order to keep the customers satisfaction, and on the one hand services sellers can manage their self, in order the targets can be achieved. Based on the conclusions regarding the effect of the value of work and the satisfaction of compensation for the performance of the behavior and the work can be suggested:a. Sales services should maintain to maintain the value of the work, that has been held as an work value of the employment insurance salesman, so that the good relations and customer satisfaction is maintained properly.b. For company managers, compensation satisfaction of service seller should be maintained or improved, so the expectation is the escalation of the service seller performance.
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