International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

p-ISSN: 2165-882X    e-ISSN: 2165-8846

2018;  8(4): 139-143



Survey Study Greenbelt Species of Natural Triangulasi Alas Purwo National Park (TN-AP) Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Indonesia

Jati Batoro1, Rodiyati Azrianingsih1, Nia Kurniawan2

1Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Indonesia

2Zoology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia

Correspondence to: Jati Batoro, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.


Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


The purpose of this study is to reveal the diversity of natural forest flora species of mangrove beach and sand beaches in Triangulasi National Park Alas Purwo (TN-AP) in Banyuwangi, East Java. Mangrove and and sand beach forest green belt as disaster mitigation of sea level rise in coastal zones. The foremost species of magrove forest and natural sand beaches as an indication of the existence and conservation of its diversity. This research is expected to provide scientific information, evaluate ongoing development, especially in Trianggulasi area TN-AP. This research was conducted through survey and field identification. The results of the survey then in the collection, made herbarium, diagnosis and determined its scientific name. The results of a survey of natural greenbelt diversity in the Triangulasi area in 26 species belonging to 26 genera, and 19 families recorded. The benefit of this research is to know the structure of flora diversity in supporting the determination of the potential of the green-belt of Java's southern coastal forest. Conservation of natural ecosystems is important in these areas concerning the life of coastal ecology organisms. The natural forest ecosystem structure Triangulasi area can be used in the selection of greenbelt species and the development of attractive natural tourism destinations.

Keywords: Tropical coastal areas, Green-belt, Triangulasi, Alas Purwo National Park (TN-AP), East Java

Cite this paper: Jati Batoro, Rodiyati Azrianingsih, Nia Kurniawan, Survey Study Greenbelt Species of Natural Triangulasi Alas Purwo National Park (TN-AP) Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Indonesia, International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 8 No. 4, 2018, pp. 139-143. doi: 10.5923/j.ijaf.20180804.01.

1. Introduction

Indonesian is an island with an approximately 17.508 islands and length of beaches approximately 81.000 km. Alas Purwo National Park (TN-AP) has an area of 43.420 ha with a height of 1-322 m ASL. [1]. There are very large biotic and abiotic in coastal resources. The Mangrove Alas Purwo National Park (AP-NP), Banyuwangi regency is one of the most dynamic special in South Java island. Biodiversity TN-AP recorded 580 species of flora and 50 species of fauna with more than 5 ecosystems including mangroves, sand beaches, grasslands, bamboo forests, etc. [1] reported more than 31 species of mammals, e.g. bull or banteng jawa (Bos javanicus), deer or rusa (Cervus timorensis), wild dog or ajag (Cuon alpinus), hog or babi hutan (Sus scrofa), deer or rusa (Muntiacus muntjak), leopard or macan tutul (Panthera pardus), javan lutung or lutung (Trachypithecus auratus), long-tailed macaque or monyet kera (Macaca fascicularis) and large lizard or biawak (Varanus salvator).
Magrove ecosystems are found in intertidal areas where deposition of sediment occurs. The are dominated by trees, shrub, herb, liana, epiphyte, saprophyte and associated organisms occupying environment at the land or sea. Conservation of mangrove ecosystems is especially important for archipelagic areas. Thus, the mangrove ecosystem has many functions to holding strong winds, tsunami, strom and hydrological forces and coastal erosion [14]. [11] reported magrove diversity in Papua New Guinea more than 37 species. In the other hand over 50 plant species found in mangrove vegetation in Thailand [3]. One of the most important coastal natural resources is forests mangroves. Mangrove forest ecosystems have enormous functions for human life, both physical, ecological and economic [11].
[5] reported sand dune diversity in Glagah resulted in identification of 84 plants. pandan ri (Pandanus tectorius), balaran (Ipomoea pescaprae), krandan (Canavalia maritima), biduri, widuri (Calotropis gigantea), teki laut (Carex sp.), preketekan (Spinifex littorius), is special well growth in sand beach. Krandan (Canavalia maritima), rumput angin or preketekan (Spinifex littorius), pandan ri (Pandanus tectorius) are very important to protect the beach and coastal dunes, as well as for the protection of coastal infrastructure.
Parangtritis beach adjacent to the epicenter of the quake zone from both tectonic faults from Opak sesar and Indoaustralia-euroasia plate stretching in the southern island of Java [7]. While Triangulasi has a coastline similar to Parangtritis Yogyakarta on the southern coast of Java. The obyectives of this risearch reveal the condition of the mangrove and sand-beach ecosystem biodiversity in Trianggulasi Alas Purwo National Park (AP-NP).

2. Materials and Methods

This study was conducted through surveys and direct observations in Triangulasi of Alas Purwo National Park (AP-NP) region, in May 2017 and May-2018 (Fig 1). This research using with collecting the plant materials, drying, mounting, preparation and preservation of plant specimens [4, 8. 9]. The identification and nomenclature of the listed plants were based on the Flora of Java and Flora Malesiana.
Figure 1. Map of Alas Purwo National Park (AP-NP) Banyuwangi Regency East Java (blue color). A. (Triangulasi) of study sites [2]

3. Results and Discussion

Information regarding their listed below starting with local name, scientific name and family name, location mangrove, sand beach and habitus (Table 1)
Table 1
In the lagoon of the Ombo river Triangulasi, the mangrove ecosystem is kayu buta-buta (Exocaria agallocha), nipah (Nypa fructicans), bintaro (Cerbera odollam), waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Derris trifolia, Derris indica and bogem (Sonneratia ovata) (Fig.2). Exocaria agallocha is commonly found adjacent such as Nypa fructicans, Cerbera odollam and Hibiscus tiliaceous [11]. Exocaria agallocha is found in area flooded by only exceptionally high tided on mud stony soils and is often associated with Nypa. Mangrove swamps are important as nurseries for young fish and shrimp and they have been developed for commercial purposes [11]. The major magrove flora commonly found in the Trianggulasi such as bintaro (Cerbera odollam), kayu buta-buta (Exocaria agalocha) and nypa palm, nipah (Nypa fructicans). The diversity of mangrove species in Trianggulasi is not as much as in the mangrove coast of Pasir Mendit village district Temon, Yogyakarta, Pancer Cengkrong Watulimo, Clungup (Sumber Manjing Wetan district) Malang regency, Cilacap village of Central Java (30 species) [1].
Figure 2. Magrove Triangulasi A. Exocaria agallocha B. Nypa fructicans Wurmb. (Photo:J.Batoro)
The structure of the type of coastal bordered by sea begins type krandan (Canavalia maritima), teki laut (Carex sp.), balaran (Ipomoea pes-caprae) and rumput angin, preketekan (Spinifex littoreus). In this location also found seedlings from coconut plants or kelapa (Cocos nucifera) and Fish poison tree (Baringtonia asiatica). Canavalia maritima is a pioneer plant in the open sea in the form of liana plants, branching, phink flowers included in the family Fabaceae or Papilionaceae. Within a year there were additional locations of Canavalia maritima distribution in trianggulasi, which caused the seeds to be carried by the waves of the sea. This species grows relatively fast in sand beach and is naturally regenerated.
Small shrubby tree-shrubs include: pandan ri (Pandanus tectorius), dudulan (Scaevola taccada), Caesalpinia sp., kacangan, orok-orok (Crotalaria striaca), and dudulan (Scaveola taccada) have branched stems with strong roots which are small trees resistant to salinity (Fig. 3). Such diversity is at the level of first position structure in the detention of wind and ocean waves. The next positions of large tree species include: keben (Baringtonia asiatica), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), kayu pule (Alstonia scholaris), kempis (Hernandia javanica), pakis haji, sikas (Cycas rumphii), lampeni (Ardisia sp.). Pule (Alstonia scholaris) and keben (Baringtonia asiatica) is the preferred playground of the lutung abu-abu, as are the fruit and honey. The investigation forest Triangulasi Alas Purwo National Park (AP-NP), Banyuwangi include 26 species belonging to 26 genera and 19 families (Table 1). Triangulasi forest is a mixed forest adjacent to the lagoon of the Ombo river with mangroves estuary and beautiful coastal forests. On the other hand shrub types for example kerinyu (Eupatorium inulifolium), alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica), telekan (Lantana camara), pecut kuda (Stachytarpheta indica (L.) Vahl.) etc. The natural ecosystem area of Triangulasi has the ability to withstand ocean waves, tsunami and tectonic activity.
Figure 3. Sand beach A.Distribution Ipomoe pescaprae, Pandanus tectorius, Spinifex littoreus B. Habitus Ipomoea pescaprae C. Pandanus tectorius D. Scaeveola taccada (Photo, J.Batoro)
Types of toxic plants in the area include kayu buta-buta (Exocaria agallocha), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), kempis (Hernandia peltata), keben (Baringtonia asiatica), krandan (Canavalia maritima), bintaro (Cerbera odollam) and tubo (Derris spp.). [6] reported, krandan (Canavalia maritima) flowers and seeds can be utilized foodstuffs with special processing for example “tempe krandan” and flowers as a vegetable material.
From direct observations the main species that have potential for the development of greenbelt include Canavalia maritima, Pandanus tectorius, Scaveola taccada, Calophyllum inophyllum, Baringtonia asiatica, Alstonia scholaris, Exocaria agallocha, Nypa fructicans, Cerbera odollam, Cycas rumphii, Hernandia peltata, Terminalia catappa and Hibiscus tiliaceus.
The natural forest ecosystem structure area Triangulasi can be used in the selection of greenbelt species and the development of attractive natural tourism destinations. On the other hand, its management requires local wisdom, in communities and individuals [13]. The of green belt at sand dune, magrove, sand beach can be a barrier savior of community, ecotorism, support the economy and can reduce tsunami attack caused by earthquake [5, 12]. Sustainability and stability of sand dune can reduce tsunami attack caused by earthquake [7]. Species diversity in this area relates conservation to fauna for example rusa, deer (Muntiacus muntjak), lutung (Trachypithecus auratus), kera abu-abu (Macaca fascicularis) and biawak (Varanus salvator), birds, fish etc. The relationship between plant and animal biodiversity relates to food and their habitats.

4. Conclusions

Result description of the investigation forest Triangulasi Alas Purwo National Park (AP-NP), Banyuwangi include 26 species were recorded. Potential development of greenbelt species selected Triangulasi includes Canavalia maritima, Pandanus tectorius, Scaveola taccada, Calophyllum inophyllum, Baringtonia asiatica, Alstonia scholaris, Exocaria agallocha, Nypa fructicans, Cerbera odollam, Cycas rumphii, Hernandia peltata, Terminalia catappa, Hibiscus tiliaceus. Biodiversity conservation on Triangulasi area can reduce tsunami attack caused by earthquake. The natural forest ecosystem structure Triangulasi can be used in the selection of greenbelt species and the development of attractive natural tourism destinations.

5. Suggestion

The results of this selected type of research can be used as a basis to undertake the effort to repair the area of greenbelt that was damaged in the tropical coastal areas.


The author would like to express their gratitude to Deparment Biology FMIPA Brawijaya University for field practicum of Biology Students and FMIPA and DPP/SPP financial supports during our research mangrove and sand beach Triangulasi-National Alas Purwo National Park, East Java. The author thanks to Dean TN-AP and Mr. Kiswandi from LIPI, and also Mr. Purnomo M.Ling (Ecology laboratory), Mr. Arifin’s, curator MUBR for using specimen during this research.


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