International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
p-ISSN: 2165-882X e-ISSN: 2165-8846
2014; 4(2): 73-77
P. M. Eko 1, U. H. Udoh 1, I. D. Edem 2
1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Nigeria
2Department of Soil Science and Land resources Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Nigeria
Correspondence to: I. D. Edem , Department of Soil Science and Land resources Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Nigeria.
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This study investigated the effects of different litter levels on the performance of broiler birds, and soil nutrient quality amended with poultry dropping. Also the effect on germination of cowpea (Vigna ungiuculata) seeds was taken into consideration. A total of 96 Top Notch broiler breeds and litter were used as treatments; T1 as 2.5kg of wood shavings, T2 as 2.0kg, T3 as 1.5kg and T4 as control (without litter). Each of the treatments was replicated three times on a floor space of 1.44 m2 and 8 broiler birds assigned in a pen. Routine management procedure and vaccination schedules were maintained throughout the experimental period. Parameters studied included the body weight, feed intake and faecal droppings. Data obtained showed significant (p < 0.05) different between faecal droppings of T1 and T4. Accordingly, broilers in T1 indicated about 12 % appreciable body weight, 34, 23 and 60 % increased in feed intake for T1, T2 and T3 respectively and quantity faecal droppings. However, in T4, broilers exhibited reduced body weight, low feed intake (anorexia) and decreased faecal droppings, in addition to stress, poor health and low performance. Negative correlations existed between litter levels and feed intake (r = - 0.727). Effects of litter levels on seedlings emergence of cowpea (Vigna unguculata) seeds suggested that treatments T1, T2 and un-amended soils were found to be effective for the growth of cowpea.
Keywords: Birds, Cowpea, Germination, Litter levels, Poultry droppings, Soil nutrient
Cite this paper: P. M. Eko , U. H. Udoh , I. D. Edem , Contributions of Different Litter Levels on Birds’ Performance, Quality of Poultry Droppings on Soil Nutrients and Percent Seed Emergence of Cowpea (Vigna ungiuculata) in Acid Sand, International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2014, pp. 73-77. doi: 10.5923/j.ijaf.20140402.04.
![]() | Figure 1. Percent cowpea seed emergence after 10, 15 and 20 days planted in poultry dropping amended soils |