International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
p-ISSN: 2165-882X e-ISSN: 2165-8846
2012; 2(4): 171-174
doi: 10.5923/j.ijaf.20120204.07
Sujatha Raman 1, Dina Ermias Dagne 1, Nutan P Malpathak 2, W.N. Gade 1
1Department. of Biotechnology, University of Pune, Pune, 411007, India
2Department. of Botany, University of Pune, Pune, 411007, India
Correspondence to: Sujatha Raman , Department. of Biotechnology, University of Pune, Pune, 411007, India.
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Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
The present work has been undertaken to study the in vitro response in widely used cultivars WesternHB-55, TAG 24 and SB11 of peanut having desired agronomic characteristics. The mature embryo derived leaflet explants of all three peanut genotypes were found morphogenic in vitro. When comparing the effects of TDZ and BA with respect to caulogenic response, it can be inferred that TDZ is a more potent inducer of caulogenesis in vitro than BA. All genotypes responded equally to different concentrations of BA. WesternHB-55 responded better than others which results in high proliferation rate in vitro. The present study emphasizes on the usage of WesternHB-55 germplasm through adventitious organogenesis pathway in transformation studies (biolistic gun approach), for the production of proteins, vaccines enzymes etc.
Keywords: Peanut, Westernhb-55, TDZ, Adventitious, Organogenesis, TAG 24, SB 11
![]() | Figure 1. Caulogenic bud induction in MZEDL explants of peanut genotypes with different concentrations of BA |
![]() | Figure 2. Effect of different concentrations of TDZ in caulogenic bud induction in MZEDL explants of peanut genotypes |
![]() | Figure 3. Histological sections of cells obtained by double staining of cells in control and morphogenic mass obtained in TDZ |
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