International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

p-ISSN: 2165-882X    e-ISSN: 2165-8846

2012;  2(1): 84-92

doi: 10.5923/j.ijaf.20120201.14

Determining the Local Importance of Non-Timber Forest Products Using Two Different Prioritization Techniques

T. O. Amusa 1, S. O. Jimoh 2, I. O. Azeez 1

1Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, 200001, Nigeria

2Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, 240003, Nigeria

Correspondence to: T. O. Amusa , Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, 200001, Nigeria.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


Among the key uncertainties in the sustainable management of forest for non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is the high diversity of species and paucity of information on indigenous use pattern. In designing appropriate strategies for sustainable management of non-timber forest products, therefore, it is important to identify species with high local importance with the potential for sustainable and profitable extraction in a managed system. In this study, we assessed the use of two quantitative techniques including the Use-Value index (Phillips and Gentry, 1993) and Assigned-Value approach (Adeola et al., 1994), as procedures for prioritization of NTFP species in a tropical lowland rainforest ecosystem, Omo Forest Reserve (OFR), southwest Nigeria. A simple random sampling approach was employed to obtain data on the uses of NTFP species through semi-structured interview of 81 households in four communities within the reserve. Descriptively, the data were analyzed using frequency distribution, tables, chart and percentages. The Spearman correlation coefficient was employed to test for relationship between the values obtained for each of the two techniques. Results obtained for both techniques were fairly positively correlated (ρ = 0.59; P < 0.01), suggesting a cautious interchangeable use of the techniques for the same end. Based on our findings, we posit that in evaluating forest and NTFPs for local importance and use, the end objectives of such evaluation must be critically examined in the light of the interest of the different respondents’ group.

Keywords: Tropical Rainforest, Non-Timber Forest Products, Use-Value, Assigned-Value and Prioritization

Cite this paper: T. O. Amusa , S. O. Jimoh , I. O. Azeez , "Determining the Local Importance of Non-Timber Forest Products Using Two Different Prioritization Techniques", International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2012, pp. 84-92. doi: 10.5923/j.ijaf.20120201.14.

1. Introduction

There is a plethora of literature on the socio-economic potentials of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as an important component of the livelihood strategies of people living in or adjacent to forest areas[1-5]. The growing number of reports has suggested that hundreds of millions of people world-wide currently derive a significant portion of their subsistence needs and livelihoods from gathered plant and animal products. For most of the world's rural households, NTFPs provide essential food and nutrition, medicine, fodder, fuel, thatch and construction materials, mulch and non-farm income. It was estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that the total value of internationally traded NTFPs for the year 2002 was about 5.56 trillion US Dollars for fifty five species assessed[6].
Despite the known and substantial economic value of few individual NTFPs, and the unknown, but likely high economic value of NTFPs in aggregate, forest managers havehistorically not included them as important factors in forest management. But not only do NTFPs comprise a significantpart of the biological diversity of forest ecosystems, they are integral element of sustainable forestry[7]. Non-Timber Forest Products are particularly important in ensuring food security, maintaining nutritional balance in people’s diets and contributing to health care system. They are also essential to human survival during famine and ‘hungry season’ (period when most agricultural crops are not yet matured)[5]. At other times, NTFPs serve and support income-earning activities in both rural and urban economies.
Forest management for NTFPs can provide a continuing source of livelihood and help to maintain the forest resource for future generations. It has been argued that establishing extractive reserves for the sustainable harvest of marketable NTFPs has the potential to unite economic and conservation goals by promoting nature conservation while maximizing long-term economic returns per unit area[8-10]. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that the management of forest lands is complex, and this is never more so than when considering many competing and non-complementary uses for the same area of forest.
Among the key uncertainties in the sustainable management of forest for NTFPs is the high diversity of species and paucity of information on indigenous use pattern. For instance, there are indications that Nigeria has more than six thousand NTFPs growing in the wild[11]. However, there is no complete list of NTFPs in the country because most biotic species from which forest products are derived are not well documented[2]. Increasing population coupled with large scale depreciation as a result of shifting cultivation, bush burning, logging and forest conversion have continued to pose concern about the sustainability and need for conservation of these species. Similarly, inadequate information on the ecological productivity, growth forms, life history and maintenance of the various species used as NTFPs further complicate management scenarios and the setting of conservation priorities for this category of forest products[12]. Therefore, in the design of appropriate strategies for sustainable management of non-timber forest products, it is important to identify species with the potential for sustainable and profitable extraction in a managed system.
Since the economic importance of NTFPs are often reflected in the social and cultural values placed on the products, in this study we carried out a socio-economic survey of NTFPs commonly utilized and found within the tropical lowland rainforest of Omo Forest Reserve, southwestern Nigeria. The rainforest of Omo has been identified as of high priority for conservation attention on a continental scale[13]. In addition to being a reservoir of an enormous quantity of plant and animal species, the forest reserve also constitute an integral part of the rural economies within which it subsists. Given that the importance of NTFPs is location-specific and dynamic, and because local use of non-timber forest resource varies greatly, there is the need to conduct a survey that will provide a checklist of non-timber resources in the study area so that forest management plans consider all relevant information. We also conducted a prioritization of the NTFPs following the method of Adeola et al.,[14] and the Use-Value index proposed by Phillips and Gentry[15]. Then we examined the relationship between the two prioritization procedures. This is with a view to determining the reliability of the different indices as substitutes to be used for the same end.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. The Study Area

Omo Forest Reserve (OFR) is located between Latitudes 6o 35’ - 7o 05’N and Longitudes 4o 19’ - 4o 40’E in the Ijebu East and North Local Government Areas of Ogun State, southwestern Nigeria (Figure 1). The Reserve covers an area of about 130,500 hectares forming common boundaries with Osun, Ago-Owu and Shasha Forest Reserves in Osun State and Oluwa Forest Reserve in Ondo State. It also shares some common natural endowments with these forest reserves. The Nigerian Government legally gazetted it a forest through Order No. 10 Gazette No. 40 of 7th May 1925 which was amended in 1952[16]. The forest was originally ceded to Government for reservation on the 8th of October, 1918 via an agreement made between the District Officer, Ijebu Ode on behalf of the British Colonial government and the Awujale of Ijebu Ode on behalf of the Ijebu Native Administration. The government in 1946 established a 460 ha Strict Nature Reserve (SNR) within Omo Forest Reserve. This was upgraded to a Biosphere Reserve (BR) in 1977 by UNESCO[17;18].
The rainy season in OFR usually commences in March. The mean annual rainfall in the area ranges from about 1600 to 2000 mm with two annual peaks in June and September. The driest months are November and February[19]. Temperature ranges from 32.150C to 21.400C and a minimum relative humidity of 76.34 %[20]. The vegetation of the Reserve is a mixed moist semi-deciduous rainforest. Earlier works in Omo reported by Okali and Ola-Adams[17] distinguished a dry forest in the northern part and a humid forest in the southern part. The plant families with the most abundant individuals include Araceae, Compositae, Ebenaceae, Lilliaceae, Papilionoideae, Poaceae, Rubiaceae and Violaceae. The most common tree species are Diospyros spp., Drypetes spp., Strombosia pustulata, Rinorea dentata and Voacanga africana[21]. Most of the forests are disturbed with a substantial parts converted to monoculture plantations of Gmelina arborea in a programme assisted by loans from the World Bank and the African Development Bank to provide material for a pulp mill at Iwopin.
For effective management, the reserve was subdivided into areas or sectors called J1, J3, J4 and J6. These subdivisions were apportioned to enclave dwellers in isolated villages or camps. In addition to these settlements (which have continued to grow), large numbers of migrant farmers have moved into the reserve, some of them encouraged as taungya farmers to help create the Gmelina plantations. Within the various sectors, there are several settlements (both legal and illegal enclaves). Estimated total population in the area is between 20,000 and 25,000. Farming, fishing, hunting and NTFPs gathering are the predominant occupations for the majority of the enclaves’ population.

2.2. Data Collection and Analysis

Socio-economic survey of NTFPs was carried out in the J4 sector of the reserve. Using a simple random sampling technique, four enclaves were selected for household survey. Data were obtained on the ethnobotanical uses of NTFP species through semi-structured interview. A total of 81 households were sampled. To complement information from the household survey, focus group discussion (FGD) was also conducted in each of the sampled community. This provided forum for weighing the relative importance of identified NTFPs and opportunity for more reliable data to be generated.
The ethnobotanical data generated were subjected to descriptive statistics using frequency distribution, tables, and percentages. For the ranking and prioritization exercise, we followed the method of Adeola et al.,[14] and the Use-Value index proposed by Phillips and Gentry[15]. Using the technique of Adeola et al., each respondent was to list ten most important NTFPs derived from the forest in their order of importance. The list of NTFPs was then scored in ascending order from 1 – 10. The first most important product was scored 1 while the least was scored 10. The scores for all the respondents were pooled for all the identified NTFPs and the mean for each species calculated. Products with the least mean score was ranked highest and the trend continued in that order. To establish the final position of an NTFP species in the ranking exercise, the following parameters were calculated; i. number of times each NTFP was mentioned (a), ii. Mentioned Value (b), iii. Average Ranking (for a particular NTFP) by respondents (c), iv. Rank Value (d) and; v. Final Assigned Value (e). The number of times a particular NTFP was mentioned (a) was computed to obtain its Mentioned Value (b). Average Ranking (c) of each NTFP was calculated as a function of the sum of its assigned ranking by each respondents divided by the number of respondents. The Rank Value (d) was obtained by the tabulation and ordering of the position of the individual NTFP. Assigned Value (e) was determined by adding up Mentioned Value and the Rank Value and thereafter dividing the result by 2 i.e. e = b+d÷2.
The technique of Use-Value is based on the number of uses and the number of people that cite a given plant, indicating the species that are considered most important by a given population. We used the formula, UV = Ui/n[22] to calculate the Use-value. Where: Ui = the number of uses mentioned by each informant for a given species, n = the total number of informants. For instance, if a species has 6 uses as mentioned by respondent A and the same species has 8 uses as mentioned by respondent B, then the Use-Value (UV) of that species would be: number of uses for the species divided by total number of respondents/informants citing the species (6+8/2). In this case, we have the UV as 7. Thus, the Use-Value of a given plant is determined by the number of uses locally attributed to it in relation to the number of informants.
We examined the correspondence between the above- stated techniques. To test for relationship between the values obtained for each of the two indices, the Spearman correlation coefficient was employed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v. 15.0) software.
Figure 1. Map of Omo Forest Reserve Showing Sampled Communities
Table 1. Checklist of NTFPs in J4 Sector of Omo Forest Reserve
S/NFamilySpeciesLocal NameHabitUse(s)Part(s)used
1AlliaceaeAllium sativum, L.Ayuu (Garlic)CreeperMedicineFruit
2AnacardiaceaeSpondias mombin L.IyeyeTreeMedicine, SnacksFruit, Leaf
3AnnonacaeMonodora myristica (Gaertn) Dunal.AriwoTreeMedicineSeed, Bark
4Annickia (syn. Enantia) chlorantha (Oliv.) Setten & MaasAwopa (Yaani)TreeMedicineBark
5ApocynaceaeRauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.AsofeyejeTreeMedicineLeaf
6Alstonia boonei De Wild.AwunTreeMedicineBark
7Hunteria umbellata (K. Schum)EerinTreeMedicineFruit
8Picralima nitida (Stapf) Th. & H. DurErinTreeMedicineSeed, Bark
9AsclepiadaceaeMondia whitei (Hook.f.) SkeelsIsigunHerbSoupRoot
10Gongronema latifolium Benth.ItejiShrub or TreeSoupLeaf
11Parquetina nigrescens (Afzel.) BullockOgboTwineMedicineLeaf
12AsteraceaeCrassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. MooreEboloHerbSoupLeaf
13Ageratum conyzoides, L.Imi esuHerbMedicineLeaf
14Erigeron floribundus (Kunth) Sch.Bip.OlowojejaHerbMedicineLeaf
15BignoniaceaeNewbouldia laevis (P. Beauv.) Seem. ex BureauAkokoTree or ShrubMedicine, Traditional riteLeaf
16Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.PandoroTreeMedicineFruit
17BoraginaceaeCordia millenii, BakerOmoTreeMedicineBark
18CaesalpiniaceaeGossweilerodendron balsamiferum (Verm.) HarmsAgbaTreeMedicineBark
19Brachystegia eurycoma Harms, B.Akporachi (EKU)TreeSoupSeed
20Afzelia Africana Sm.ApaTreeSoup, FodderSeed, Leaf
21Dialium guineense Willd.OmoyinTreeSweetsFruit
22CapparaceaeBuchholzia coriacea Engl.Kokoroijemu/ObiikoroTreeMedicineSeed
23CelastraceaeHippocratea indica Willd.MawoleClimbing shrubMedicineRoot
24ChrysobalanaceaeParinari excelsa SabineAbereTreeMedicine, Traditional ritesFruit, Bark
25ClusiaceaeGarcinia kola, Heckel.OrogboTreeSnacksSeed
26CombretaceaeTerminalia ivorensis A. Chev.Afara duduTreeMedicineBark
27ConnaraceaeCnestis ferruginea, DCGboyin-gboyinTreeMedicineLeaf
28CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida Schumach.EjinrinHerbMedicineLeaf
29Momordica angusticephalas, HarmsKainkanClimberWashingFruit
30DichapetalaceaeDichapetalum pallidumMarigboTreeSoupLeaf
31EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia hirta LTomideHerbFodderLeaf
32Tetracarpidium conophorum (Mull.Arg.) Hutch.& DalzielAsalaClimbing shrub or LianaSnacksFruit
33FabaceaeErythrina senegalensis D.CIlaka ileTreeSoupLeaf
34Abrus precatorius, L.OjuologboTreeMedicineSeed
35IrvingiaceaeIrvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O'Rorke) BaillAapon (Ogbono)TreeSoupSeed
36Irvingia wombuluOoroTreeSnacksFruit
37LabiataeOcimum basilicum L.Igi otaShrubMedicine, Chew-stickStem, Branch
38LamiaceaeCulcasia saxatilis, A.Chev.AgunmonaHerbMedicineFruit
39LauraceaeBeilschimiedia mannii, (Meisn.) Benth. & Hook. fGbokonigaTreeSoupLeaf
40MalvaceaeCeiba pentandra, (L.) Gaertn.EegunTreeMedicine, SoupLeaf
41Sida veronicifolia, Lam.Esi-ileCreeperSweetFruit
42Malvaceae- SterculoidaeCola acuminata Schott & Endl.Obi AbalayeTreeTraditional ritesFruit
43MarantaceaeThaumatococcus daniellii (Benn.) Benth.Ewe eeranHerbPackaging leavesLeaf
44MeliaceaeTrichilia rubescens, OlivKurereTreeMedicineStem, Branch
45Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.OganwoTreeMedicineBark
46MenispermaceaeCissampelos owariensis, P. BeauJenjokoClimberMedicine, SoupLeaf, Bark
47MimosaceaePiptadeniastrum africanum, (Hook.f.) BrenanAgboinTreeMedicineRoot
48Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach. & Thonn.) Taub.AidanTreeMedicineFruit
49MoraceaeTreculia africana Decne.AfonTreeMedicine, Food, SnacksFruit, Seed
50Musanga cecropioides R.Br.AgaTreeMedicineStem, Branch
51Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) FosbergBerefuutuTreeFoodFruit
52Ficus exasperata VahlIpinTreeMedicineLeaf
53NyctaginaceaeBoerhavia diffusa, L.EtiponnlaHerbSoupLeaf
54OchnaceaeLophira alata Banks ex Gaertn.PahanTreeMedicineBark
55PalmaeRaphia hookeri G.Mann & H.Wendl.Ako (Raffia palm)PalmBeverage, ConstructionStem, Leaf
56PhytolaccaceaPativera alliaceae, L.AwogbaHerbMedicineLeaf
57PiperaceaePiper guineense Schumach. & Thonn.IyereLianaSpicesSeed, Leaf
58PoaceaePoaceaeChloris pilosa Schumach.EeranGrassMedicineLeaf
59Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.OparunGrassConstructionStem, Leaf
60PolygalaceaeCarpolobia lutea G. DonOsunsun/SandaShrubAnimal careStem
61RubiaceaeMitragyna ciliata, Aubrév. & PellegrAburaTreeMedicine, PackagingLeaf, Bark
62Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild. & T.Durand) MerrillOpepeShrubMedicineLeaf
63Gardenia erubescens, Stapf & Hutch.OrunwoShrub or TreeMedicineLeaf
64Morinda lucida Benth.OruwoTreeMedicine, ConstructionLeaf, Bark
65Massularia acuminata (G Don) BullockPakoShrub or TreeChew-stickStem, Branch
66Ruscaceae-AgavaceaeSansevieria trifasciata, Prain.Oja ikokoCreeperMedicineLeaf
67RutaceaeZanthoxylum zanthoxyloides, (Lam.) Zepern. & TimlerIgi ataShrubSpicesLeaf, Root, Bark
68SapindaceaeBlighia sapida, K.D.KoenigIsinTreeMedicine, SnacksFruit, Leaf, Bark
69SapotaceaeChrysophylum albidum, G. DonAgbalumoTreeSnacksFruit
70Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumach. & Thonn.) DaniellAgbayunShrubSnacksFruit
71SolanaceaeCapsicum spp.Ata ijosiShrubSpicesFruit
72VariesEdible mushroomsAtaase (Olu)FungiFood supplementWhole fungus
73ZingiberaceaeAframomum sceptrum (Oliv. & Hanb.) K Schum.Ata oguroHerbSpicesFruit, Seed
74Aframomum melegueta K. Schum.AtaareHerbMedicineFruit, Seed
75Zingiber officinale, RoscoeAta-ile (Ginger)TuberSpicesRoot
Table 2. Ranking and prioritization of NTFPs in J4 Omo Forest Reserve
S/NSpeciesLocal NameNumber of times MentionedMentioned ValueAverage RankRank ValueAssigned Value (Adeola et al., 1994)Use-Value (Phillip and Gentry, 1993)
1Irvingia gabonensisAapon (Ogbono)1882.398.50.03
2Tetracarpidium conophorumAsala3943.8138.50.06
3Massularia acuminataPako3363.71290.03
4Anninckia chlorantaAwopa/Yaani5114.2189.50.06
5Piper guineenseIyere4234.32011.50.05
6Bucholzia coriaceaeKokoroijemu/Obiikoro (wonderful kola)4824.522120.02
7Edible mushroomsAtaase (Olu)1884.825130.02
8Irvingia wombulu.Ooro15153.311130.07
9Hippocrata indica.Mawole6311.5216.50.17
10Aframomum meleguetaAtaare63123170.17
11Treculia africanaAfon63123170.50
12Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloidesIgi ata63123170.33
13Tetrapleura tetrapteraAidan920414170.11
14Artocarpus artilisBerefuutu920414170.11
15Momordica foetidaEjinrin12174.52219.50.08
16Chrysophylum albidumAgbalumo9204.320200.11
17Garcinia kolaOrogbo3655.335200.03
18Thaumatoccocus danielliiEwe eeran63131020.50.17
19Synsephalum dulcificumAgbayun12174.82521.00.08
20Beilschimiedia manniiGbokoniga1885.536220.06
21Parinari excelsa.Abere920526230.17
22Chloris pilosaEeran1885.838230.11
23Cola acuminateObi Abalaye1885.838230.06
24Monodora myristicaAriwo6314.11623.50.17
25Bambusa vulgarisOparun15155.23424.50.07
26Allium sativumAyuu (Garlic)3501125.50.33
27Mitragyna ciliataAbura2476.945260.08
28Crassocephalum crepidioidesEbolo3502326.50.33
29Gardenia erubescensOrunwo3502326.50.33
30Blighia sapidaIsin3502326.51.00
31Brachystegia spp.Akporachi (EKU)6314.52226.50.17
32Aframomum sceptrumAta oguro63152628.50.17
33Momordica angusticephalasKainkan9205.73728.50.11
34Erythrina senegalensisIlaka ile920640300.11
35Alstonia booneiAwun1887.354310.06
36Cissampelos owariensisJenjoko3504.116330.33
37Raffia hookeriAko (Raffia palm)920746330.22
38Trichilia rubescensKurere6315.53633.50.17
39Nauclea diderichiiOpepe3504.218340.33
40Piptedeniastrum africanumAgboin188860340.06
41Spondis mombinIyeye188860340.06
42Ceiba pentadraEegun12177.55636.50.08
43Khaya ivorensisOganwo9207.354370.11
44Picralima nitidaErin350526380.33
45Capsicum sppAta ijosi350526380.33
46Sida veronicifoliaEsi-ile350526380.33
47Ocimum basilicumIgi ota350526380.67
48Carpolobia lutea.Osunsun/Sanda350526380.33
49Afzelia AfricanaApa63174638.50.33
50Dialium guineenseOmoyin63174638.50.17
51Morinda lucidaOruwo9207.75939.50.11
52Parquetina nigrescenOgbo9208.366430.11
53Abrus precatoriusOjuologbo6317.55643.50.17
54Musanga cecropioidesAga350640450.33
55Zingiber officinaleAta-ile (Ginger)350640450.33
56Gossweilerodendron balsamiferumAgba350640450.33
57Cnetis ferrugineaGboyin-gboyin350640450.33
58Newbouldia laevisAkoko63186045.50.17
59Culcasia saxatilisAgunmona63186045.50.17
60Mondia whiteiIsigun63186045.50.17
61Gongronema latifoliumIteji9209.372460.22
62Terminalia ivorensisAfara dudu350746480.33
63Hunteria umbellataEerin350746480.33
64Cordia milleniiOmo350746480.33
65Ficus exasperataIpin350746480.33
66Pativera alliaceaeAwogba350746480.33
67Ageratum conyzoidesImi esu6318.567490.17
68Lophira alataPahan6318.567490.17
69Dichapetalum pallidumMarigbo6311073520.17
70Boerhavia diffusaEtiponnla350860550.33
71Sansevieria trifasciataOja ikoko350860550.33
72Erigeron floribundusOlowojeja350860550.33
73Kigelia africanaPandoro35096969.50.33
74Rauvolfia vomitoriaAsofeyeje350107369.50.33
75Euphorbia hirta.Tomide350107369.50.33

3. Results

3.1. Checklist of NTFPs

Respondents mentioned a total of seventy five non-timber forest product species distributed in forty three families in the study area (Table 1). The dominants families were Rubiaceae, Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Asteraceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Zingiberaceae. Products were extracted from trees, shrubs, herbs, fungi and lianas. Local end-uses include food and food supplements, snacks/sweets, soup/soup ingredients/spices, beverages (consumptive plants), packaging leaves, chew-sticks, washing items, construction materials, medicine, traditional rites, and animal feed and care. The most frequently mentioned uses of plants were medicine (n=42; 50.00%), consumptive (n=30; 35.71%), house construction (n=3; 3.57%), traditional rites (n=3; 3.57%) and animal feed and care (n=3; 3.57%). Other uses of listed NTFPs include use as chew-stick (n=2; 2.38%), packaging leaves (n=2; 2.38%), and item for washing and bathing (n=1; 1.19%) (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Uses of NTFPs and Frequency in Sampled Communities

3.2. Ranking and Prioritization of NTFPs

Using the Assigned-Value method developed by Adeola et al.,[14] and described in the data analysis section, Apon (Irvingia gabonensis), Asala (Tetracarpidium conophorum), Pako (Masssularia acuminata), Awopa/Yaani (Annickia chloranta) and Iyere (Piper guineense) ranked as the five top priority species (Table 2). Applying the Use-Value index; Isin (Blighia sapida), Igi ota (Ocimum basilicum), Afon (Treculia africana), Igi ata (Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides) and Ayuu (Allium sativum) were the five top priority species. Conversely, on the Use-Value index Apon ranked 71st, Asala 63rd, Pako 72nd, Awopa/Yaani 64th and Iyere 70th. On the other hand, Isin (Blighia sapida) ranked 30th, Igi ota (Ocimum basilicum) 47th, Afon (Treculia africana) 11th, Igi ata (Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides) 12th and Ayuu (Allium sativum) 26th when applying the Assigned-Value method. A general comparison of the two indices shows a fairly positive correlation (ρ = 0.59; P< 0.01) between them. When the correlations were further analyzed considering the values obtained for each technique versus the number of times a given species was mentioned, there was a strong negative correlation for the two, being greater for the Use-Value technique (ρ = -0.95; P< 0.01) than Assigned-Value method (ρ = -0.65; P< 0.01). In other words, there is a general inverse relationship between the number of times a given species was mentioned and its value/ranking in both techniques.

4. Discussion

The results of the two quantitative techniques have shown a fairly positive correlation (ρ = 0.59; P< 0.01) between the two, suggesting a cautious interchangeable use of the techniques for the same end. According to Philips et al.,[23], the Use-Value reflects the importance of a species to the respondent objectively. However, Use-Value places more emphasis on species that have many uses, even if these uses are only known to a few people[22; 24]. The number of uses is therefore the principal factor in this technique. Nonetheless, the technique may indicate how knowledge about a certain plant is distributed in a community[24]. Our findings suggest that the Use-Value, more often than not, gives a higher ranking to species that are more widely used for subsistence or consumptive value. This is contrary to the submission of Philips et al.,[23] that Use-Value could be used simultaneously for evaluating species with direct subsistence and commercial value. On the other hand, however, the Assigned-Value gives priority to species that have more commercial value being the major consideration of its inventors. The importance of a plant may therefore, not derives from the different ways it is used. Conversely, the local importance of NTFPs would need to take into account various combinations of objectives such as the species role in subsistence, commercial and socio-cultural activities. While Albuquerque et al.,[22] have rejected the association of the Use-Value with questions of conservation (i.e. the most important species will suffer the greatest harvesting pressure), the Assigned-Value may support the view that species with high commercial value often face increased exploitation. From the foregoing, it seems both the Use-Value and the Assigned-Value does not capture the same aspect of traditional ecological knowledge of a species. Thus, in evaluating forest types for relative importance and use, the end objectives of such evaluation must be critically examined in the light of the interest of the different respondents’ group.

5. Conclusions

The use of quantitative techniques has received increasing attention in ethnobotanical studies. Identifying NTFP species with the potential for sustainable and profitable extraction in a managed system may however, not lend easily to quantitative approaches found in the ethnobotanical literatures. Quantitative techniques used in Ethnobotany often reflect cultural value systems than conservation concern or priority of species for socio-economic development. Therefore, determining NTFPs with top priority concern will require the development of criteria for species selection such as economic importance, level of use, species habit and population status. Unlike the setting of approach by experts in ethnobotanical studies, thus, determining the local importance of NTFPs must necessarily be based on participatory resource appraisal.


We express our sincere gratitude to village leaders and communities in the project area for providing the enabling environment to carry out the survey. We deeply appreciate the assistance in logistics and personnel provided by the management authorities of Omo forest reserve, Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria.


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