Human Resource Management Research
p-ISSN: 2169-9607 e-ISSN: 2169-9666
2024; 13(1): 5-14
Received: Jul. 1, 2024; Accepted: Jul. 24, 2024; Published: Aug. 10, 2024
Napoleon Arrey Mbayong
Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (FEMS), University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon
Correspondence to: Napoleon Arrey Mbayong, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (FEMS), University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon.
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Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
This study seeks to identify more precisely the approaches to intrapreneurship implemented within small firms. In particular, we are interested in the internal context specific to these companies, which is likely to encourage intrapreneurship, as well as the measures implemented to stimulate the creative spirit of staff members. We focus mainly on three factors: 1) the organisational choices made by the company's management to create a work environment and autonomy conducive to initiative-taking and the emergence of innovations; 2) the role played by line management in supporting and encouraging intrapreneurs to develop their projects; and 3) the human resources management practices in place to detect, develop and stimulate intrapreneurial skills. We structure our thoughts as follows. We carried out a quantitative study among 42 SMEs (20 small and medium-sized businesses with 3 to 8 employees, and 22 SMEs with 25 to 137 employees) in different sectors marked by a strong need for innovation: architecture, electronics, energy, geo-technology, IT and software, advertising, business services, etc. Data collection was carried out via an electronic questionnaire sent to employees. A total of 311 employees were invited to complete the questionnaire. The employees' responses were cross-referenced with a questionnaire sent to their direct superiors. A total of 64-line managers were asked to complete a questionnaire on their subordinates. The questionnaires were designed using a range of complementary measurement scales. Findings suggest that SME managers wishing to stimulate intrapreneurial behaviour within their company need to pay particular attention to the choices they make in terms of human resources management. The implementation of simple; HR tricks designed to promote intrapreneurship is far from sufficient, and may even prove counterproductive in some cases. On the contrary, we need to think about and implement an HRM policy with an individualizing essence, conceived and articulated around the intrapreneurial objectives pursued. Before being generalized, however, these conclusions call for further empirical research, aimed in particular at gaining a better understanding of the possible interactions between the development of intrapreneurship, employee participation in the realization of innovative projects and employee loyalty to their company. We see these studies as a relevant complement to our own reflections and, more generally, to ongoing work on the stakes, ins and outs of intrapreneurship.
Keywords: Organisational and HR incentives, Intrapreneurship, Challenges facing small and medium- sized enterprises
Cite this paper: Napoleon Arrey Mbayong, Organisational and HR Incentives for Intrapreneurship: Analysis of the Challenges Facing Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises, Human Resource Management Research, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2024, pp. 5-14. doi: 10.5923/j.hrmr.20241301.02.