Human Resource Management Research
2012; 2(3): 9-14
doi: 10.5923/j.hrmr.20120203.01
Elzbieta Talik 1, Mariola Laguna 1, Monika Wawrzenczyk-Kulik 2, Wieslaw Talik 1, Grzegorz Wiacek 3, Graham Vingoe 1, Patrick Huyghe 4
1Institute of Psychology, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, 20-950, Poland
2University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, 20-209, Poland
3North Devon College, Devon EX31 2BQ, Great Britain
4Syntra West, Brugge 8200, Belgium
Correspondence to: Elzbieta Talik , Institute of Psychology, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, 20-950, Poland.
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Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
This article presents the process of constructing a new method for evaluating the competencies of micro firm’s managers – Astra-Manager. The literature study on competence pointed out the need to construct a multidimensional tool, which assesses the competencies strictly connected with leading a small enterprise (specific competencies) and those referring to other areas of activities (general competencies). The Astra-Manager method was created, which comprises of 75 statements grouped in 12 scales. The psychometrical analyses were carried on the results of 180 micro firm’s managers from six European countries. The reliability of specific scales ranges from .53 to .89. The method identifies competencies gaps and helps to design training for managers.
Keywords: Managerial Competencies, Micro Firms, Assessment, Training
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