American Journal of Economics

p-ISSN: 2166-4951    e-ISSN: 2166-496X

2019;  9(6): 289-301



Analysis of the Impact of Industrial Areas on the Society Economic Activities in the Dumai Industrial Area Pelintung Dumai City in Islamic Economic Perspective

Deny Setiawan, Azwar Harahap, Syafril Basri, Hilma Zuryani

Faculty of Economics and Business, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


The formulation of the problem in this study is how the impact of industrial area on society's income, employment opportunities, unemployment, and economic facilities and infrastructure in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City In Islamic Economic Perspective. The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of industrial area on society's income, employment opportunities, unemployment, and economic facilities and infrastructure in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City In Islamic Economic Perspective. The method used for this study is quantitative descriptive which is expected to be able to answer the problem and research objectives. The results show that there is an increase in society's income, greater employment opportunities, reduced unemployment, and increased economic facilities and infrastructure after its establishment the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung. However, public awareness in paying zakat is still very low, consequently income is not distributed equally. While employment opportunities are more for migrant and not for local people.

Keywords: Impact Of Industrial, Society's Income, Employment Opportunities, Unemployment, And Economic Facilities And Infrastructure, Islamic Economic Perspective

Cite this paper: Deny Setiawan, Azwar Harahap, Syafril Basri, Hilma Zuryani, Analysis of the Impact of Industrial Areas on the Society Economic Activities in the Dumai Industrial Area Pelintung Dumai City in Islamic Economic Perspective, American Journal of Economics, Vol. 9 No. 6, 2019, pp. 289-301. doi: 10.5923/j.economics.20190906.03.

1. Introduction

Nowadays development is often associated with the process of industrialization. Industrial development is an activity that can improve society's welfare, namely achieving a better quality of life. So that, it will not only achieve the independent activities but also the main goal that is improving the society’s welfare in suroundings.
The existence of industry is also often associated with the role of industry as a leading sector, namely industrial development can spur and promote the development of other sectors such as the trade, agriculture, or service sectors (Arsyad, 1999). The presence of the industrial sector is required to create a diversity of economic life, meaning that the presence of an industrial area will create various jobs such as services and trade, in addition to employment in the industrial sector itself. By opening employment means increasing economic activity, and supporting the emergence of multiplier effects from other sectors.
In the Islamic view, Industry is very good to do, because industry is a manifestation of hard work that is highly recommended by Islam. Five principles of a Muslim in his economic activities, namely: tauhid uluhiyyah, tauhid rububiyah, istikhlaf, tazkiyatun nafs and al-falah. Working hard is the most effective way to obtain the grace of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad taught since fourteen centuries ago. Industry is one manifestation of hard work. And industry is a branch of the economy whose level of productivity development is faster than the overall level of productivity development of the economic branch. So its role in creating production and creating jobs is certainly greater than the whole branch of the economy. As the word of Allah in Q.S. At-Taubah (9) verse 105
That means: And say (unto them): Act! Allah will behold your actions, and (so will) His messenger and the believers, and ye will be brought back to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will tell you what ye used to do.
Riau Province is one of the Provinces that has 7 industrial areas that have the potential to be cultivated, but only 3 regions in Riau are now the focus of development as the Center for Industrial Development (WPPI). The three regions are Dumai City, Bengkalis Regency, and Tanjung Buton, Siak. Dumai City is one of the cities in Riau Province which consists of 7 Subdistricts namely Bukit Kapur, Medang Kampai, Sungai Sembilan, West Dumai, South Dumai, East Dumai, and Dumai Kota. The City of Dumai also has 33 villages (Dumai in Figures, 2018). If seen from the administrative area, Dumai City is the third largest city in Indonesia. Dumai City is also one of the cities which is the Center for Industrial Development (WPPI) in Riau Province. Various industrial fields are developing in Dumai City, aside from being a petroleum processing city, other industrial fields ( are: (1). Crude Palm Oil (CPO) processing, (2). Storage tank services, (3). Fertilizers, (4). Cement bagging, (5). Ports and containers dan (6). Housing developers, and so on.
The development of various industrial fields is also supported by the presence of several industrial estates, namely: (1). Bukit Kapur Industrial Area, (2). Bukit Timah Industrial Area, (3). Dock Yard Industrial Area, (4). Dumai Industrial Area (KID) dan (5). Lubuk Gaung Industrial Area. Based on the large number of industries in Dumai City, it should have a very large impact on economic activity in the area. The existence of this industry should have a positive impact on the economic activities of the people around the industry. The industry should be able to create new jobs, with the creation of new jobs, resulting in the formation of new broader employment opportunities, for example with the establishment of the industry there will also be many local people and newcomers from outside the area to work because there are new job opportunities both in the field of industrial work or trading or service businesses.
Along with the number of newcomers from outside the area, the demand for shelter and food also increased. This certainly should have a positive impact on the local people, which previously only worked as farm laborers, the local people must be able to take advantage of existing opportunities for example switching to open grocery stalls or food stalls. In terms of unemployment, it should also decrease and the location of the industry will also attract housing and trade activities, because it involves labor and raw materials from outside the area. The existence of the industry should have a very big impact on the economic activities of the people in the surrounding area.
Investments in the city of Dumai both domestically (PMDN) and foreign (PMA) are very large in value, namely Domestic Investment (PMDN) as much as Rp 2,007,203,800,000, while Foreign Investment (PMA) as much as Rp 2,390,904,980,000. This value is of course very large and can contribute substantially to the increase in people's income in the city of Dumai.
The development of this industry should be supported by the increase in economic facilities and infrastructure that can be seen as in the facilities of roads, highways, and bridges that facilitate access to public and corporate transportation in carrying out economic activities. In line with the development of economic infrastructure, it will trigger an increase in economic facilities such as the establishment of stalls, shops, markets (goods markets, service markets, and capital markets), shopping centers, financial institutions (conventional or sharia) and others.
Pelintung Village is one of the four villages in Medang Kampai Subdistrict, Dumai City, which is the largest area in Medang Kampai Subdistrict.
Table 1. Area, Number and Population Density in Medang Kampai Sudistrict in 2017
Besides having the largest area, Pelintung Village is also the most populous area in Medang Kampai Subdistrict, with 5,545 inhabitants with 2,881 male population and 2,664 female ppulation. The existence of industrial development in various sectors will encourage economic activity. Economic activities are all activities that aim to change things to be different from the beginning, activities can also be referred to as movements, so economic activity is all changes or movements that aim to produce something related to income. There are several general economic activities, namely production, distribution and consumption.
The formulation of the problem in this study are:
1. What is the impact of the industrial area on local society's income in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the Islamic Economy Perspective?
2. What is the impact of the industrial area on employment opportunities in Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the Islamic Economy Perspective?
3. What is the impact of the industrial estate on unemployment in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the Islamic Economy Perspective?
4. What is the impact of the industrial area on economic facilities and infrastructure in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the Islamic Economic Perspective?
Based on some of the problems that have been formulated above, the objectives of this study are:
1. To find out the impact of industrial area society income in Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in Islamic Economic Perspective.
2. To find out the impact of industrial area on employment opportunities in Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the Islamic Economy Perspective.
3. To determine the impact of the industrial area on unemployment in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the Islamic Economy Perspective.
4. To determine the impact of the industrial area on economic facilities and infrastructure in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the Islamic Economic Perspective.

2. Literature Review

a. Relevant Theory
Kuwartojo in Setyawati (2002) defines industry as an activity to produce mass goods, with good quality then sold and traded. In order to maintain the mass amount, a number of workers are employed with certain equipment, techniques and methods and work patterns. According to the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, National industries can be grouped into three major groups, namely:
1) Basic Industry. Basic industries include the basic machinery and metals industry group (IMLD) and the basic chemical industry group (IKD).
2) Various Industries (AI). Various industries are industries that process forest resources, industries that process agricultural resources widely and others.
3) Small Industries. Small industries include the food industry (food, beverage and tobacco), the clothing and leather industry (textiles, apparel and leather goods), the chemical and building materials industry (paper industry, printing, cutting, rubber goods) general handicraft industry (wood, rattan industry, and non-metal excavated goods) and metal industry (machinery, electricity, scientific equipment, goods and metals and so on).
Indonesian industries can be classified into several types. Industries based on the number of workers are divided into 4 groups, namely: (1) Large industry, with a total workforce of 100 or more people; (2). Medium industries, with a total workforce of 20–99 people; (3). Small industries, with a total workforce of between 5-19 people; dan (4). Home industry, with a total workforce of between 1-4 people.
Definition of Industrial Area
Industrial area is the development of a selected area based on integrated planning, control and evaluation of development programs by considering the conditions and potential and spatial use in accordance with the regional government authority. (Ministerial Regulation No.72 of 2013).
The Purpose of Industrial Area Development
The purpose of industrial area development has been contained in PP No. 24 of 2009 concerning Industrial Area, that the development of industrial area aims to: (a). Controlling the use of space; (b). Increasing industrial development efforts that are environmental insight; (c). Accelerating industrial growth in the region; (d). Increasing industrial competitiveness; (e). Increasing investment competitiveness; and (f). Providing location certainty in coordinated infrastructure planning and development among related sectors.
The Impact of Industrial Area
The positive impacts that can be taken with industrial development include:
1. Increasing the society’s income, so that prosperity increases;
2. Producing various goods needed;
3. Expanding the use of raw materials, so that many raw materials are processed, the benefits obtained are greater;
4. Expanding society’s employment opportunities;
5. Reducing Indonesia's dependence on foreign parties;
6. The plantation industry can provide additional results for farmers;
7. Stimulate the society to increase industry knowledge;
8. Expanding society’s economic activities, so that they do not depend on the natural environment.
Some of the negative impacts of industrial development include: (1). Reduced agricultural land; (2). loss of Surface Land (peak) which is part of the suburbs; (3). changes in people's lifestyles; dan (4). polluted environment.
Incomes are contributions that the society receives from achieving in certain periods, whether daily, weekly, monthly or annually (Sukirno, 2006). Rahardja and Manurung (2001) stated that income is the amount of income (money and not money) of a person or household in a certain period.
Employment Opportunity
The more development will increasing employment opportunities availability. Means the greater the demand for labor. Sukirno (2006), defines work anywhere where all workers who want to work above wage level will easily find work.
Unemployment is a macroeconomic problem that affects humans directly and is the most severe. Most people losing their jobs means a decrease in living standards and psychological partners. So it is not surprising that unemployment is a topic that is often discussed in political debates and politicians often claim that the policies they offer will help create jobs (Mankiw, 2006).
Economic Facilities and Infrastructure
The development of facilities and infrastructure has a very important role in supporting economic, social, cultural activities, and national unity, especially as a basic capital in facilitating interaction and communication between societies and binding and connecting between regions. Supporting facilities and infrastructure for national economic growth is mainly manifested in the role of transportation, communication and information networks that enable people, goods and services to move from one place to another and exchange information quickly.
Infrastructure is the basic physical completeness of an environment, region, city or area that allows the space to function as it should. The infrastructure refers to the physical system that provides transportation, irrigation, drainage, buildings and other public facilities needed to meet basic human needs in the social and economic sphere (Grigg, 1988 in Kodoatie, 2005).
b. Economic Activities in Islam
Economic activity is a society activity that is driven by certain motives to meet the needs of self and family life by utilizing the environment (Biotic, and Abiotic). In general, economic activities are grouped into the main activities of production, distribution, and consumption.
1. Production
Behavior of production is an attempt by a person or group to rid themselves of poverty (Yusuf Qardhawi 1995). Production in Islamic economics is a form of activity carried out by humans to realize benefits or add to it by exploring the economic resources provided by Allah SWT so that it becomes beneficial, to meet human needs. In Islam, production activities have several principles, namely: (1). Producing in a Halal Circle, (2). Fairness in Production, (3). All Production Activities Are Bound At Islamic Moral and Technical Values, (4). Production activities must be in accordance with social aspects and (5). Economic problems arise not only because of scarcity but also complexity.
2. Distribution
a. Zakat. One of the main concerns of Islamic economics is to realize social justice. Social actions must be driven directly to improve the welfare of the middle to lower classes in society through zakat, infaq and sodaqoh.
b. Inheritance. Inheritance law is a very important rule in reducing the injustice of wealth distribution. Inheritance law is a very powerful and effective weighing tool to prevent the collection of wealth among certain groups and its development in large groups in society.
c. Prohibition of Stockpiling. In Islam prohibits stockpiling or things that hinder the distribution of goods to consumers.
3. Consumption
According to Samuelson consumption is the activity of spending utility (use value) of goods and services. Goods include durable goods and non-durable goods. Consumer goods according to their needs, namely: primary needs, secondary needs, and tertiary needs.
c. Framework
In connection with the issues to be discussed in this study, namely the impact of industrial area on the economic activities of the Dumai Industrial Estate (KID) in Pelintung Village in the perspective of Islamic Economics, it is expected to get an understanding of how the economic activities of the local people in terms of income, employment opportunities, unemployment and economic infrastructure are seen from an Islamic economic perspective.
Picture 1. Framework

3. Research Methods

This study was conducted in the city of Dumai, Riau Province, by considering the city of Dumai is one of the two cities in Riau Province after the city of Pekanbaru as the capital of Riau province by looking at the abundant resources. This study was conducted for 6 (6 months).
The population used in this study is the local people in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Village, Dumai. As a way of choosing samples, the authors use a purposive sampling method. This is done by taking the subject not based on strata, random or region but based on a specific cause. Sugiyono (2012) explains that purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations. In this case the sample used as respondents is the population found in the Dumai Industrial Area (KID), Pelintung Village, Dumai. As for determining the number of samples used in this study using calculations proposed by Slovin (in Husein Umar, 2003). Then obtained 100 respondents as a sample.
Data Analysis Technique
This research uses descriptive research type with quantitative approach. Quantitative descriptive research, is data obtained from a sample of the study population analyzed according to the statistical methods used. Quantitative descriptive research in this study is intended to explain the impact of industrial area on socisty economic activity in terms of the perspective of Islamic economics.

4. Research Result

In the Study on analysis of the impact of industrial areas on the society economic activities in the dumai industrial area (KID) pelintung dumai city in islamic economic perspective using a sample of 100 respondents in Pelintung Village, Medang Kampai Subdistrict, Dumai City.
Characteristics of respondents by Gender can be seen in the following graph:
Figure 2. Characteristics of Respondents by Gender (Source: Processed Data 2019)
Based on the survey results, the majority of respondents were 64.0% men and women 34.0% respondents. Characteristics of respondents by Age can be seen in the following graph:
Figure 3. Characteristics of respondents by Age (Source: Processed Data 2019)
Based on the graph above that the most netted respondents at the age of 40 - 49 years were 36.0%, furthermore the age of 50 - 59 years were 32.0%, ages 30 - 39 years were 28.%, ages 20 - 29 years were 4,0%, while the least is> 60 years, only 1.0%.
Study that has been conducted on 100 respondents netted respondents with the most recent education at the elementary school (SD) were 42.0% then junior high school (SMP) / equivalent were 33.0%, high school education (SMA)/ equivalent were 22.0%, while the least is bachelor degree (S1) only 3,0%. Here is a graph of respondents based on Recent Education.
Figure 4. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Recent Education (Source: Processed Data 2019)
Impact of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area on Society's Ec. Activities Income
This section describes the impact of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area on the income each respondent receives each month before and after the establish of Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, Dumai City. As shown in table 2.
Table 2. Income of Respondents before and after the establish of KID Pelintung
Based on the results of table 2, it can be seen that monthly income obtained by respondents before the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area shows that the most dominant amount of income obtained by respondents, ranging from Rp.1 - Rp.1,000,000 were 38.0% respondents. Here there are still respondents who have no income were 6.0% respondents.
While the monthly income of respondents after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area has increased where the most dominant monthly income is Rp. 1,500,001 - Rp. 2,000,000 by 25.0% respondents and here respondents who have no income before KID established were 6.0% respondents, after establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area there were no more respondents who have no income.
Furthermore, does the respondent have additional income that can fulfill the primary or secondary needs of the respondent. Below this can be seen respondents who have additional income.
Table 3. Respondents Who Have Additional Income
From table 3 it can be seen that respondents who have additional income are 17.0% respondents, while the remaining 83.0% respondents did not have additional income that can help in meeting primary or secondary needs.
Based on table 3, there are only 17.0% of respondents who have additional income, where the additional income can be seen from before and after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, whether there was an increase in additional income. The following is the additional income of respondents before and after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area.
Table 4. Additional Income of Respondents before and After KID Pelintung Dumai Established
Based on table 4 that the additional income of respondents before the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area there were only 10 respondents who had additional income from the total respondents. Where 9 additional income respondents ranged between Rp.1 - Rp.1,000,000, while 1 respondent additional income ranged from Rp.1,000,001 - Rp.1,500,000. Where the remaining 90 respondents or 90.0% of respondents did not have additional income. After the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, respondents who had additional income increased, namely 17.0% respondents from the total number of respondents. Additional income of the most dominant respondents after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area ranged from Rp.1 - Rp.1,000,000 by 8.0% and> Rp. 1,500,000 by 8.0%. While 1.0% of respondents are additional income between Rp. 1,000,001 - Rp. 1,500,000. So that the overall total of respondents who have additional income after the establishment of KID Pelintung is 17.0% respondents, and the remaining 83.0% have no additional income.
This is because respondents who started out as farmers after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area had new jobs as laborers, traders and so on. So that agricultural land owned before it is used as a source of additional income to help fulfill primary and secondary needs. Furthermore, when the respondent already has a fixed income or additional income. There are still respondents with basic needs not fulfilled. This can be seen in table 5. below.
Table 5. Respondents' Responses Before and After the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area About Basic Needs Fulfilled
Based on table 5 it can be seen that the basic needs of respondents before the establishment of the Industrial Area Dumai Pelintung 88.0% respondents had met their basic needs, while the remaining 12.0% respondents had not met their basic needs. After the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area the number of respondents whose basic needs had been fulfilled increased to 93.0% respondents, while respondents whose basic needs were not met decreased to 7.0% of respondents.
After the respondent's income and basic needs are met, then the researcher wants to see whether the respondent pays zakat maal, as the obligation for Muslims. For more details can be seen in the table below.
Table 6. Respondents who Pay Zakat
It can be seen from the table above that respondents who paid zakat maal were 13.0% respondents, while the remaining 87.0% respondents did not pay zakat maal. This is because the average income earned by respondents is only enough to fulfill basic needs. Researchers try to explore the 13.0% of respondents who pay zakat maal, to whom the respondent pays zakat. The following can be seen in table 9. below.
Table 7. Respondents' Responses To Whom Paying Zakat
In this table 13.0% of respondents paying zakat maal. The most dominant respondents paid the zakat maal to the masjid as many as 11.0% of respondents, while the other 2.0% of respondents paid zakat maal to the National Zakat Agency (Baznaz).
Employment Opportunity
With the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, it is expected that the employment opportunities around the KID Pelintung will be greater for the local poeple of Pelintung Village and migrant communities. For more details can be seen in the following table.
Table 8. Increased Employment Opportunities After the Establishment of the Dumai City Pelintung Industrial Area
From the above table that the majority of respondents answered, with the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area resulting in greater employment opportunities, namely 74.0% of respondents answered Yes, while 26.0% of respondents answered that the employment opportunities after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area are not large or small. With a large employment opportunity, it is expected that the local people of Pelintung Village will have great employment opportunities. The following are respondents from the local people of Pelintung village.
Tabel 9. Responses of Pelintung Local People
Based on table 9, it can be seen that most respondents, 87.0% of the respondents are Pelintung local people, and the remaining 13.0% of respondents come from outside Pelintung Village. With the number of respondents coming from the original area of Kelintus Pelintung, the researchers wanted to see whether the company provided employment opportunities for the local people of Kelintus Pelintung or for migrants. For more details can be seen in table 10.
Table 10. Respondents' Responses About Employment Opportunities for Local Peolpe and Migrant in Pelintung Village
Based on table 10 it can be seen that only 43.0% of respondents answered that the company provided employment opportunities to the local peolpe of Pelintung Village, and the remaining 57.0% of respondents answered that employment opportunities were provided to migrants. With the large number of employment opportunities provided to migrants, the researcher wants to see if there is any ethnic influence in the employment of KID Pelintung. Following are responses of respondents about differences in ethnicity in the recruitment of workers at KID Pelintung.
Table 11. Ethnic Differences Affect Labor Acceptance in Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area
Can be seen from the table above, according to most respondents answered there is no ethnic difference in the recruitment of workers at KID Pelintung by 84.0% of respondents. Because here the company looks more at education and competence of the worker in the process of hiring. There were only 16.0% of respondents who answered that there were ethnic differences in the employment of KID Pelintung. According to 16.0% of the respondents the most widely accepted ethnic group as laborers was the Batak. While in terms of religious differences, there are no religious differences in the recruitment of workers in the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area.
With the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, researchers are aware of the impact on the reduction in unemployment, and there are changes in permanent and side jobs of respondents before and after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, and the level of society education that has improved after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area.
Table 12. Respondents' Responses About the Establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area in Unemployment Reduction
It can be seen in table 12 according to respondents that the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area reduced unemployment by 69.0% respondents while the respondents who stated that the establishment of the Dumai Industrial Area did not reduce unemployment by 31.0% respondents.
With reduced unemployment after the establishment of KID Pelintung. Researchers see that there are changes in work that occurs in the local people of Pelintung Village. The following is a table of respondents' permanent work before and after the KID Pelintung establishment.
Table 13. Respondent's Permanent Work Before and After the Establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area
In table 13 above, it can be seen that 41.0% of respondents answered permanent work before the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area was established as farmers, while 12.0% of respondents answered their permanent work as traders, 23.0% of respondents had permanent work as factory workers, while the remaining 24.0% of respondents chose other permanent works.
After the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, the respondents with the most permanent work were farmers, although it decreased to 32.0% respondents, while the number of respondents who had permanent works as traders did not change, as many as 11.0% respondents, in permanent employment as factory workers has increased to 30.0% respondents, and the remaining 27.0% respondents have other permanent jobs.
Similar to the respondents' permanent work, the researcher wants to see the respondent's side work before and after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, where this side job is useful to help the respondent in fulfilling the primary or secondary needs of the respondent. For more details can be seen in the table below.
Table 14. Respondents' Side Jobs Before and After the Establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area
Based on table 14, there were only 10.0% of respondents who have side jobs before establishing KID Pelintung, the most dominant side job as farmers is 8.0% respondents, while the remaining 2.0% respondents do other side jobs. After the establishment of the KID Pelintung the number of respondents who had side jobs increased to 17.0% respondents, where the most dominant side job was still the same as the side job before namely as farmers, but the side jobs as farmers increased namely 14.0% respondent, followed by a side job as a trader were 1.0% respondents and the remaining 2.0% of respondents doing other side jobs.
With the reduction in unemployment and changes in the respondents' permanent jobs before establishing KID Pelintung the most dominant is as a farmer, but after establishing KID Pelintung the most dominant job remains to change as laborers. While side jobs have increased from before to after establishing KID Pelintung. This is based on the level of society education that has been better since the establishment of KID Pelintung. Where 100.0% of respondents answered the level of public education after the establishment of KID Pelintung has increased for the better.
Economic Facilities and Infrastructure
The establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Estate is expected to stimulate economic facilities and infrastructure for the better. Here the researchers want to see the impact after the establishment of KID Pelintung both in business opportunities, the development of facilities and infrastructure, and whether there are facilities and infrastructure for sharia-based economy. Where can be seen in several tables below.
Table 15. Economic Facilities Before and After the Establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area in 2009 and 2017
Based on the table above, it can be seen that before the establishment of KID Pelintung there were economic facilities, namely 1 market, 1 bank, 14 large enterprises, and 51 small and medium enterprises. Whereas after the establishment of KID Pelintung the number of economic facilities increased to 112 facilities, where 1 market, 2 mini markets, 1 bank, 10 large enterprises, and 98 small and medium enterprises.
In line with table 14 above, respondents' responses to business opportunities after the establishment of KID Pelintung were easier, which can be seen in the table below.
Table 16. Respondents' Responses About Easier Business Opportunities After the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area Establishment
From table 16 according to 91.0% of respondents business opportunities are getting easier because the demand for goods and services is increasing because of the increasing population due to the establishment of KID Pelintung. While 9.0% of respondents who answered business opportunities were increasingly difficult after the establishment of KID Pelintung due to increasingly fierce competition and low mentality in entrepreneurship.
With easier business opportunities, the economic facilities will increase. All or 100 respondents answered that the establishment of KID Pelintung had an impact on improving economic facilities in Pelintung Village. In line with the development of economic facilities, with the establishment of KID Pelintung also has an impact on a better infrastructure. According to 95 respondents the establishment of KID Pelintung had an impact on improving economic infrastructure such as roads, highways, bridges, etc. Whereas 5 respondents answered that the establishment KID Pelintung had no impact on better infrastructure or tended to be the same and did not change.
With the increase in economic facilities and infrastructure, as well as with the majority Muslim population, it is expected that this will have an impact on the establishment of sharia-based facilities and infrastructure. However, 100 respondents answered that there are no Sharia-based facilities and infrastructure in KID Pelintung.
Supporting Questions
With the establishment of KID Pelintung accompanied by an increase in population, social problems that occur are increasingly complex in Pelintung Village, social problems that occur in urban areas also occur in Pelintung Village.
Table 17. Social Problems in Local Societies around the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Estate
Based on table 17 it can be seen that 28 respondents answered there were social problems in the KID Pelintung society. While 73 respondents answered there were no social problems. Social problems that occur in the societies around Pelintung KID such as community diseases (drugs, drinking, and gluing), theft, clean water crisis, and conflicts between migrants and local societies. By establishing KID Pelintung, the company is required to pay attention to the environment of local people Pelintung Village. For more details can be seen in the table below.
Table 18. The Company Pay Attention to the Society Environment in the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area
It can be seen in the table above, according to 67 respondents answered that the company pays attention to the society environment around KID Pelintung by providing assistance in the form of nine-basic necessities, and the remaining 33 respondents answered the absence of company attention to the society environment around KID Pelintung. In line with the establishment of KID Pelintung, it must have good or bad impacts on the environment. The following are the responses of respondents about the impact of KID Pelintung on the environment. A total of 62 respondents thought the establishment of KID Pelintung had a bad impact while 38 respondents thought it was good.

5. Discussion

Impact of Pelintung KID on Income according to Islamic Economic Perspective
It is known from the income of respondents that before the establishment of KID Pelintung showed that the most dominant amount of income obtained by respondents ranged between Rp.1 - Rp.1,000,000 as many as 38.0% respondents. Here there are still respondents who do not have income as many as 6.0% respondents. While the income of respondents after the establishment of KID Pelintung has increased where the most dominant monthly income is Rp. 1,500,001 - Rp. 2,000,000 as many as 25.0% respondents and there are no more respondents who do not have income.
Respondents who have additional income as many as 17.0% of respondents, while the remaining 83.0% of respondents do not have additional income. Where before the establishment of KID Pelintung there were only 10.0% respondents who had additional income from the total respondents. Where 9 additional income respondents ranged between Rp.1 - Rp.1,000,000, while 1 respondent additional income ranged from Rp.1,000,001 - Rp.1,500,000. After the establishment of KID Pelintung respondents who have additional income have increased, which is as many as 17.0% of respondents from the total number of respondents. Additional income of the most dominant respondents ranged from Rp.1 - Rp.1,000,000 as much as 8.0% of respondents and> Rp.1,500,000 as much as 8.0% of respondents. While 1.0% of respondents are additional income between Rp. 1,000,001 - Rp. 1,500,000. This is because respondents who initially worked as farmers after the establishment of KID Pelintung had new jobs as laborers, traders and so on. So that agricultural land owned before it is used as a source of additional income to help fulfill primary and secondary needs.
It is known that before the establishment of KID Pelintung there were 88.0% of respondents whose basic needs were met, while the remaining 12.0% of respondents' basic needs were not met. After the establishment of KID Pelintung, respondents whose basic needs were fulfilled increased to 93.0% respondents, while respondents whose basic needs were not met decreased to 7.0% respondents. This is because the income of respondents has increased from before KID Pelintung Establishment.
Respondents who paid zakat maal as many as 13.0% respondents, while the remaining 87.0% respondents did not pay zakat maal. In this table 13.0% respondents obtained paying zakat maal. This is because the average income earned by respondents is only enough to fulfill basic needs. The most dominant respondents pay zakat maal to the mosque as many as 11.0% respondents, while the other 2.0% respondents pay zakat maal to the National Zakat Agency (Baznaz). The establishment of KID Pelintung has an impact on increasing income and meeting the basic needs of local people in Pelintung Village. With the increase in society's income, it is expected that the community will pay zakat maal. After conducting interviews by giving questionnaires to respondents, it was found that only a few respondents paid zakat maal, namely as many as 13.0% respondents.
One of the main concerns of Islamic economics is to realize social justice. Therefore, all economic conditions based on imbalances (zulm) must be replaced by conditions that meet the demands of balance. In the KID Pelintung there are still people whose income is low or there is still an imbalance. Here the role of distribution is needed, namely zakat, to replace the imbalance, which in Islamic economics wants to maximize total welfare. Then there needs to be an awareness of the people who are economically capable to pay zakat maal, thereby helping the imbalance that occurs in the KID Pelintung so that social justice will be realized.
The Impact of KID Pelintung on Employment Opportunities in the Islamic Economy Perspective
With the establishment of KID Pelintung, the impact on employment opportunities around the KID Pelintung is even greater. According to respondents after the establishment of KID Pelintung resulted in greater employment opportunities, namely 74.0% respondents, while 26.0% respondents answered that the employment opportunities after the establishment of KID Pelintung were not large or small.
Most of the respondents, 87.0% of the respondents are local people Pelintung Village, and the remaining 13.0% of respondents came from outside Pelintung Village (Migrant). With the large number of respondents coming from the original Pelintung village, there were only 43.0% of respondents who felt that with the establishment of KID Pelintung employment opportunities were only given to local people in Pelintung Village. While the remaining 57.0% of respondents felt that more employment opportunities were given to migrants. According to the majority of respondents there were no ethnic differences in the recruitment of workers at KID Pelintung by 84.0% of respondents.
Because the company prioritizes education and competence of the workforce in the process of hiring. There were only 16.0% respondents who answered that there were ethnic differences in the employment of KID Pelintung. According to 16.0% respondent the most widely accepted ethnic group as laborers was the Batak tribe. While in terms of religion, there are no religious differences in the recruitment of workers in the KID Pelintung. The establishment of the Industrial Area provides the opportunity for the community to work at KID Pelintung and provides opportunities for the society to open businesses so as to increase community income in the Pelintung Village. So that it directly or indirectly helps the society's income thereby increasing the family's economy.
This is a form of contribution from KID Pelintung for surrounding. Because the participation of the local peolpe can help in the optimization of the production process of products made, so that KID Pelintung makes it easy for the society to get jobs, especially in Pelintung Village.
In Islam, mutually help is called ta'awun, which comes from Arabic. According to the terms in the Aqeedah and Akhlaq, the meaning of ta'awun is the nature of helping among human beings in terms of goodness and taqwa. In Islamic teachings the nature of ta'awun is very much considered, only in goodness and ptaqwa, and there is no help in matters of sin and animosity. Therefore, the nature of ta'awun or help includes good character in Islam (Murshal, 2015). The Islamic economic system has provided justice and equality of production principles according to their respective abilities without oppressing (looking at rich or poor, tribal and so on) others or destroying society, so that people get the best service. Because in the Islamic economy justice is very emphasized and has become an obligation in every activity. As explained in Al-Quran surah An-Nahl verse 90 which means:
“Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded.” (Q.S An-Nahl: 90) (Ministry of Religion of the Republic Indonesia, 2006)
The above verse explains that, the attitude of justice that God commands, including justice for His rights and His servants. The attitude of justice in this matter is by implementing the rights that are completely. A servant carries out what God requires of him, in the form of rights relating to wealth, physical and a combination of the two related to complete justice. Each person in charge must carry out the obligations under his responsibility, whether he holds the highest authority or the power of the judiciary, or the representative of the entrepreneur or the judge's representative. So the essence of justice is all that Allah requires upon the servants in His book through the oral Apostles and ordered them to carry it out.
The Industrial Area of Dumai Pelintung has carried out an attitude of justice as instructed by God, which does not differentiate the society in accepting labor based on ethnicity or religion. so that the concept of justice applied by KID Pelintung is based on education and competence or in accordance with the ability of the society or workers who want to work in the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area.
The Impact of Pelintung KID on Unemployment in the Perspective of Islamic Economics
With the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, it has an impact on reducing unemployment, according to respondents that with the establishment of KID Plintung reduced unemployment by 69.0% respondents, while respondents who stated that with the establishment of KID pelintung did not reduce unemployment by 31.0% respondents. With reduced unemployment after the establishment of KID Pelintung. Researchers see that there are changes in work that occurs in the population of Pelintung Village. Respondent's permanent employment before KID Pelintung establishment was as a farmer for 41.0% respondents, while 12.0% of respondents were their permanent works as traders, 23.0% of respondents had permanent works as factory workers, while the remaining 24.0% of respondents chose work other remains. After the establishment of KID Pelintung, the respondents with the most permanent work were farmers, although it decreased to 32.0% respondents, while the number of respondents who had permanent works as traders did not change, namely as many as 11.0% respondents, in permanent work as factory workers has increased to 30.0% respondents, and the remaining 27.0% of respondents had other permanent works.
With the establishment of KID Pelintung, it gave an opportunity to local people in the Pelintung Village so that the society did not only have one job. But it has competitive work which helps in meeting the primary and secondary needs of the society. There are 10.0% respondents who have side jobs before establishing KID Pelintung, the most dominant side job as farmers is 8.0% respondents, while the remaining 2.0% of respondents do other side jobs. After the establishment of the KID Pelintung the number of respondents who had side jobs increased to 17.0% respondents, where the most dominant side job was as a farmer, but the side job as a farmer increased by 14.0% respondents, followed by a side job as traders, 1.0% of respondents and the remaining 2.0% respondents do other side jobs.
Reducing unemployment, changing the respondent's permanent employment and increasing the number of side jobs owned by the respondent, this is based on the level of society education that has been better since the establishment of KID Pelintung.
Work is an obligation because Allah SWT strongly recommends and commands all his servants, as His word in the At-Taubah verse 105 which means:
“And say: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the knower of what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did.” (Q.S At-Taubah verse 105) (Ministry of Religion of the Republic Indonesia, 2006)
According to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Shahih al-Utsaimin the above verse explains that Allah commands all mankind to work with work that you think is appropriate, do not think that your deeds will be vague on Allah, that your work will be seen and proven good or bad (Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia , 2006).
With the establishment of KID Pelintung, it has an impact on the reduction of unemployment in Pelintung Village due to greater employment opportunities at KID Pelintung and opportunities to open new businesses. Thus the society is eager to find work at KID Pelintung and open new businesses. This is in accordance with the obligations ordered by Allah to all his servants to work.
The Impact of Kint Pelintung on Economic Facilities and Infrastructure in the Islamic Economics Perspective
With the establishment of KID Pelintung, the economic facilities and infrastructure will also be better. Where before the establishment of KID Pelintung there were economic facilities, namely 1 market, 1 bank, 14 large enterprises, and 51 small and medium enterprises. Whereas after the establishment of KID Pelintung the number of economic facilities increased to 112 facilities, where 1 market, 2 mini markets, 1 bank, 10 large enterprises, and 98 small and medium enterprises. With so many economic facilities established, according to 91.0% of respondents the business opportunity after the establishment of KID Pelintung has become easier, because the demand for goods and services has increased due to the growing population due to the establishment of KID Pelintung. Whereas 9.0% of other respondents considered business opportunities after the establishment of KID Pelintung was not easy, due to increasingly fierce competition and limited capital.
In line with the development of economic facilities, economic infrastructure is also experiencing growth, according to 95.0% respondents with the establishment of KID Pelintung, which has an impact on improving economic infrastructure such as roads, highways, bridges, etc. Whereas 5.0% respondents answered that the establishment of KID Pelintung had no impact on better infrastructure or tended to be the same and did not change.
With the increase in economic facilities and infrastructure, as well as with the majority Muslim population, it is hoped that this will have an impact on the establishment of sharia-based facilities and infrastructure. However, after the establishment of KID Pelintung there were no Islamic-based economic facilities and infrastructure in Pelintung Area.
The impact is the increasing number of demand for goods and services, so that business opportunities resulting from the establishment of KID Pelintung will be even greater. People who work seriously and optimally will get wages, so that they can help their economy, from the income or wages they get from working, they can open a field or business as an effort to increase their economic income. This can be seen from the number of businesses such as trading or buying and selling transactions in Pelintung Village. Because the community is innovating to make businesses such as snacks, food stalls, and groceries shops, small stalls, as well as restaurants and will automatically increase their income.
There are four main principles in the Islamic economic system that are implied in the Qur'an, one of which is to run halal businesses, far from maisir and gharar; covering raw materials, production processes, management, production output to the process of distribution and consumption must be in a halal framework. Thus it is necessary that in the future the facilities and infrastructure of sharia-based economy in order to implement the economic principles in Islam that is running a halal business, far from maisir and gharar.
Development of infrastructure that is often given to the surrounding society, especially in Pelintung Village is repairing roads, casting and so on around Pelintung Village before entering the KID Pelintung area, the purpose of the development or improvement of infrastructure is to facilitate the activities of the society and other road users. Because road damage is mostly caused by trucks going in and out of KID Pelintung.
As Allah SWT explained in the Al Qur’an surah Al-A'afaf verse 56 which means “And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. And invoke Him in fear and aspiration. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good.” (Q.S Al-A’raf verse 56) (Ministry of Religion of the Republic Indonesia, 2006)
According to Ali (2006), the above verse explains that, Allah SWT forbids anyone who makes damage on earth after Allah SWT created this nature perfectly, full of harmony, harmonious and very balanced to meet all the needs of His creatures. People must have a feeling of fear with hope, a feeling of reluctance of fear when Allah is far away, because Allah SWT does not like people who do damage, Allah created the earth and its contents as well as possible, all made into Allah to be used by mankind, not to be corrupted (Eriska, 2018).
In this case the existence of KID Pelintung has helped the community as explained as maintaining Allah creation in the form of running, repairing and facilitating daily activities in building infrastructure.

6. Conclusions and Suggestion

6.1. Conclusion

Based on this study it can be concluded that the impact of industrial area on economic activity in Dumai Industrial Area (KID) Pelintung Dumai City in the perspective of Islamic economics is as follows:
1. An increase in society income after the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area. However, the increase in income is not evenly distributed. Therefore, the role of zakat maal as an equal distribution tool for income distribution is important. While the awareness of paying zakat maal by the society is still very lacking.
2. With the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area, greater community employment opportunities. Most of the local people in Pelintung Village, but more work opportunities are for migrants.
3. The unemployment rate of the society is reduced by the establishment of the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area.
4. An increase in economic facilities and infrastructure in the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area.

6.2. Suggestion

1. An increase in society income should be in line with an increase in paying zakat.
2. Paying attention to the education level of the local people in the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Area to be able to compete with workers from outside the area.
3. Despite the decline in the unemployment rate in the Dumai Pelintung Industrial Estate, efforts must be made to reduce the unemployment rate to a minimum. The cause of unemployment is a low level of education and competence. It was suggested by the government and the private sector to establish vocational schools needed by industry.
4. With the majority of the Muslim population in Pelintung Village it is expected that the role of the central and regional governments will be to be able to develop sharia-based economic facilities and infrastructure.


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