American Journal of Economics

p-ISSN: 2166-4951    e-ISSN: 2166-496X

2018;  8(3): 174-182



Understanding Inspiration Currencies in Woman Development Programs

Mohamed Buheji1, Dunya Ahmed2

1Founder, International Institute of Inspiration Economy, Bahrain

2President, Inspiration Economy Society, Bahrain

Correspondence to: Mohamed Buheji, Founder, International Institute of Inspiration Economy, Bahrain.


Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


The world is in search more than ever today to different economy concepts that makes sense and replace the strong chains of the materialistic currency, with more human-friendly alternative currencies. In the last decades, there have been many attempts to present to the world the alternative currencies that depends on the ‘intrinsic human capacity’ such as Knowledge Currency, Innovation Currency, etc. However, the literature fails short till today, from addressing the Inspiration Currency. In this paper, we’ll focus on studying inspiration currency on an organisation focused on ‘woman development’ in Eastern Europe region. The case study investigates what type of inspiration currencies needs in order to achieve its mission, i.e. to be a competitive Woman Development Organisation. The results of this case study after the organisation realise its potential inspiration currency are mapped with its main goal. Discussion and Conclusion are done with focus about how it can generalise the outcome of this case into other organisations and communities in order to benefit from ‘Inspiration Engineering’ practices.

Keywords: Inspiration Currency, Woman Development, Inspiration Economy, Inspiration Engineering, Human Capital, Intrinsic Human Capacity, Visualisation

Cite this paper: Mohamed Buheji, Dunya Ahmed, Understanding Inspiration Currencies in Woman Development Programs, American Journal of Economics, Vol. 8 No. 3, 2018, pp. 174-182. doi: 10.5923/j.economics.20180803.07.

1. Definitions

Inspiration Currency = A means to deliver and measure inspiration in order to make from it larger significance to influence without power.
Inspiration Engineering = Finding inspiration currency and mapping its opportunities inside the organisation or the targeted community, thus using it to overcome challenges and discover more possibilities for outcome and legacy.

2. Introduction

This paper call for a transitional thinking and for an economy that is designed and built by all. This economy is called Inspiration Economy, it is an economy that comes from within us to serve all, without the currency of the dollar (Buheji, 2016). Hill (1994), in her publication “Exercising Influence” emphasised that such sources of power bring in a currency would create a type of influence. This currency, according to Hill, depends on the key players that would attain first key competencies and then lead to creating the desired outcomes.
Currency, is something valuable that possess and which can be traded for something is wanted or needed. So, any currency is about what to create or trigger, what is targeted, i.e. can regenerate. Creating inspiration currency when influence others to do or add something they or their community want. Thrash and Elliot (2003) were one of earliest researchers who identified inspiration as an important psychological construct that can be re-generated.
The currency of inspiration as per Thrash and Elliot (2003) is about the power to inspire and to kindle inspiration in others. It is worth to note that inspiration as a medium or spiritual currency has been used for long time by different religions indirectly, as noted by Hedge et al. (1878). A number of religions have used different methods to utilise an inspiration currency to inspire its followers to act. Therefore, Hedge et al. (1878) asserted that faith and inspiration enhance the currency of inspiration as they offer different sides of one fact. In the following literature review we’ll try to understand what is the currency of 'Inspiration Economy' and how it is built, after understanding the history of non-materialistic currencies. The ‘power of visualisation’ is explored in relevance to both effectively creating and sustaining the inspiration currency. The role of inspiration currency during economic instability is seen and compared to its role towards focused society development.

3. Literature Review

3.1. History of Non-Materialistic Currencies

There are lots of non-materialistic currencies that came throughout contemporary history to challenges the dollar or paper based currency. Hargadon and Sutton (2000) mentioned about how new ideas are considered precious currency in the new economy, even though generating them is not a mysterious process any more since innovation have been more systematized during the stages of its production and testing. Knowledge as a currency can be managed to where demand is highest and barriers lowest as experienced by Leong and Pennell (2007). Therefore, today 'knowledge enhanced' products or services can command price premiums over comparable products with low embedded knowledge or knowledge intensity. The pricing and value of products and services in a Knowledge Economy (KE) are becoming dependent on the context.
Wang and Mainwaring (2008) studied closely the human currency interactions for the sake of developing human programing. Such studies along with earlier projects of the author show that currencies in the end means something valuable that are possessed and can be traded for something wanted or needed, (Buheji, 2016, Buheji and Ahmed 2017). Currency is then valid if it has something to offer what others want. So, having a strong currency means that it can create an influence with it or even drive change through utilising it effectively. Examples of currencies other than money can range from having specific technical expertise, to specific organisational knowledge, to having differentiating will, even having unique knowledge, etc. Even today gratitude, recognition, appreciation, listening, respect, assistance with tasks, are also considered small currencies. Grants and budget allocation are also considered types of currency (Emmons & Stern, 2013).
Grover and Davenport (2001) mentioned about the importance of knowledge-based currency in creating organisational positioning, affiliation, relationships, networks, or knowledge and skills. Cohen and Bradford (2005) even devised a model that could be used to enhance inspiration currency through focusing on the big picture (vision), and the practice and value of excellence. Then, resources, information, assistance and support, recognition, visibility, reputation, networks/contacts, inclusion, self-concept, challenge, ownership, gratitude and involvement were all considered another type of currency.

3.2. Currency of 'Inspiration Economy'

Inspiration is "the" most important tool can be given to someone whom loved and care about during their life journey since inspiration is about belief that turns into love and messages of trust. Inspiring others means open their minds, hearts, spirit and the rest of their body’s senses to their ability to achieve what was thought to be impossible (Buheji, Saif, & Jahrami, 2014).
Inspiration Economy (IE) is an economy that focuses on raising our capacity to discover the potential of human beings’ abilities to be the currency of competition and the source of a planned outcome and legacy. Thus, the Inspiration Economy is a mix of many disciplines that lead to inspirational practices that motivate the spirit to a level that creates waves of inspiration in a socio-economic development which lead to Inspiration Currency. These mixed discipline practices can involve entrepreneurship, innovation, risk taking, opportunity seeking/creating, along with a focused and change-driven mind-set. It is a type of economy that capitalise on the abilities of our societies, organisations and human-beings to discover their potential and capacities for inspiration (Buheji, 2016).
Since inspiration has been proven over history to be a source of energy that fuels socio-economic development and creates influence in reality without the need for major extra resources, inspiration engineering can be the vehicle that create such a stable evolving economy. Therefore, IE as a concept help to build inspirational currency based on challenges and visualised insights, leading to sustained capabilities in innovation and learning.
Today more than ever the world is in search of different economic concepts that makes sense. Most of us, however, are more followers than creators of our fate and it is due to such materialistic economies that rarely manage to engage with or control our own fate. This research calls for a transition from this position as IE comes from within us and serves all of us, without depending on resources or external power. An inspiration-based economy, it is believed, can be built by many enablers and different inspiration-generation theories, without which a competitive and sustainable future cannot be envisaged (Buheji & Thomas, 2016; Ahmed & Buheji, 2018).
This is an economy that focuses on discovering the potential and raising the capacity of human beings where their abilities are the currency of competition and the source of a planned outcome and legacy. Thus, IE is a mix of many disciplines that leads to inspiration practices which motivate the spirit to a level that creates waves of inspiration in socio-economic development. These mixed disciplines and practices can include, for example, entrepreneurship, innovation, risk-taking, and seeking/creating opportunities, along with a focused and change-driven mind-set. It is a type of economy that would be based on the abilities of our societies and organisations to discover the potential and capacities of human beings, and then capitalising on these through inspiration (Buheji & Thomas, 2016; Ahmed & Buheji, 2018).
Inspiration currency is a means for empowering people to see their internal potential and shift them to be producers instead of being purely consumers. Therefore, through inspiration currency people are expected to evolve and to shape more and more the communication medium without any saturation. Those that would capitalize on this now would be the richest and also the most powerful influencers. However, inspiration currency produces passion, and passion might have a high production cost and therefore it is not fair to measure it the formula of immediate financial return, but rather on the level of legacy return.
Inspiration currency can be created by two stages. The first stage of this currency manufacturing is when people are being "inspired by" ideas, behavioral learning, concrete life decisions or others things or individuals. The second stage of this currency making is when people are being an "inspiration to" our society or our legacy. Here once people reach this stage they would achieve higher value of this currency capacity as they would create more of re-orientation, sense making and empathetic thinking that would differentiate the competency ad capacity to creating actual change.

3.3. Currency of 'Inspiration Engineering'

Inspiration Engineering target to prepare organisations and societies to be a resource free that survive and thrive on human ‘intrinsic powers’ and then less in other ‘extrinsic resources which are exposed or discover with the consistent attempt and eagerness to learn from both failure and challenges, Buheji and Ahmed (2017). Inspiration Engineering is a powerful tool that builds confidence in our societies and in our abilities to create better legacies that can influence both societies resilience and its economic status.
With the changing base of our life inspiration engineering would become a very important tool for generating inspiration currency. This can be pragmatically done through focused planning that create inspiration currency compliant people whom create changes with minimal materialistic resources.

3.4. Building Inspiration Currency

Inspiration will need at least three stages to occur as per Bloom's taxonomy: analysis, synthesis and evaluation; in order to occur. Each level will need one or more different practices in order to attain its full potential. These different practices are considered types of inspiration currency, Buheji and Ahmed (2017). For example, for the level of Knowledge it might have to collect, describe, identify, list, show, tell, tabulate, define, examine, label, name, retell, state, quote, enumerate, match, read, record, reproduce, copy and/or select in order to trigger inspiration. There are knowledge activities that might lead to inspiration currency are: events, places, and vocabulary and key ideas.
In an inspiration economy these activities and practices will be the actual currency that creates the real economic prosperity for a country or a society.
Inspiration currency is built when ‘Inspiration Engineering’ try to achieve a sustainable legacy, as shown in Figure (1).
Figure (1). The focus of Inspiration Engineering towards Sustained Legacy
Inspiration Engineering create 'waves of inspiration' to influence the socio-economy, create inspired mindset, to create stronger inspiration currency and create better lifelong learning. The outcome of all these four things are path towards sustained legacy.
Currency of Inspiration links between Thinking, Knowledge Economy, Happiness Economy and Inspiration Engineering. Buheji and Ahmed (2017).

3.5. Power of Visualisation in Sustaining Inspiration Currency

Visualization was defined by McCormick et al. (1987) as seeing the unseen as a method. It is a dynamic process of modelling the behaviour of any systems. The large volume of information typically generated during dynamic visualisation necessitates tool support is a very important for inspiration currency, (Pacione et. al, 2003). The visualisation is the first pivot stone of any inspiring practices to help move a community or an organisation’s towards seeing the big picture and increasing the imagination while managing expectations, (Buheji, 2016). This visualisation helps to enhance the organisation’s ability to innovate and generate inspiration again.
Visualisation in an organisation can be enhanced by field visits, gamification, networking, and filling in questionnaires and surveys. Through visualisation, the capacity of both individuals and collective reflections create a major currency (Baker, 2007).
Inspiration Labs that the researchers first presented in (Buheji, 2016) and then (Buheji and Ahmed, 2017) set up a culture within the community or the organisation that create focus through the art of visualisation. Once the organisation or community leaders start to visualise the big picture, the observations and gathering of data from a situation would start to be of relevant meaning and thus their curiosity and intentional exploration would open for them lots of inspiration opportunities that will turn into an inspiration currency.
Inspiration currency has been shown to exist where people have a better ability to visualise outcomes, even in times of high fuzziness, as shown in the researchers earlier work (Buheji and Ahmed, 2017). The more individuals can survive this fuzziness with a firm belief in what is coming next, all will be clearer and individuals will create a better realisation that will be a more valuable type of inspiration currency. Therefore, the research experience shows that more individuals manage to influence others to visualise, the more individuals can help them to divert their currency to change people, or at least create with them effective action.
Through inspiration labs the targeted community start to realise the powers within and thus develop a higher ability to see and realise how to influence without resources or power using their intrinsic currencies. In Buheji and Ahmed (2017) the repeated success of the case studies that generated inspiration currency process shown that a selective pull-thinking starts, once the community start to realise their intrinsic powers as shown in Figure (2). This is where the mind becomes more selective about where to invest resources to create a difference. This leads to creativity: i.e. thinking in different ways and this, in turn, helps in doing different things in new ways: i.e. innovation. This all leads to creating unique values from different thinking and acting and this leads to the spirit of entrepreneurship as shown in Figure (2).
Figure (2). Drivers of Inspiration Currency
The inspiration currency which is built into the model also plays a role in renewing knowledge and competitiveness, helping to shift our capacity to make an accurate and proper decision gradually. Researchers started discovering the strength of our inspiration currency through the curiosity and intention to build a business model with a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. Exploring socio-economic situations using sequential queries that start with ‘what’ and then ‘why’. Based on understanding the benefits and opportunities that the business model offers, we can move to the next stage in developing the model: i.e., asking ‘how’ to tackle the challenges and then understanding the barriers and the trends towards that.

3.6. Inspiration Currency during Economic Instability

With economic instability and the increase of uncertainty everywhere in the socio-economy, the world is looking for diversification in currencies that will aid the development of human beings. Although there is limited research as yet on inspiration-based economy, the currency of inspiration is becoming more important as a performance indicator, Strange et al (2006). However, the literature review, can link and measure the role of currency in all the up-and-coming economies that are creating a transformation from ‘traditional thinking’ to more ‘transitional thinking’.
Inspiration can enhance ability to adopt or even create what seems to be impossible and, once inspiration is used as a currency for differentiating our competitiveness, it can extend our thoughts and visions to view what can be expected, thus raising our forecasting abilities as shown in earlier work of Buheji and Ahmed (2017).

3.7. The Logic of Inspiration Currency

Inspiration is becoming most essential social and human capital for any successful business. Inspiration comes more when you deliver your heart, and you visualize it in your mind the energy moves. Inspiration if used as a currency it would makes a difference as to your energy and thus capacity. What you focus on matters and this would move from being a scarcity based individual to abundance based individual. Buheji and Ahmed (2018).
Oleynick et. al. (2014) mentioned that under optimal conditions when the idea is actionable there are enough capacity to do, the process of being "inspired by" gives way to the process of being "inspired to" which motivates action. Regarding the transmission model, creative inspiration often takes a specific form of transmission called actualization (Thrash et al., 2010). Here is where inspiration currency is created and ready to be shared or transmitted from an idea to a finished product or service. The concept and logic of inspiration is being created from the time of its being just may be a momental Aha moment as per Topolinski and Reber (2010) till the time is converted to a suggested awakening and finally till individuals create the necessary reflections that leads to more abundant thinking thus become a value currency (Buheji and Thomas, 2016).

3.8. Role of Inspiration Currency towards Focused Society Development

Inspiration currency can a very effective source for focused society development. Through being selective in spots of inspiration currency individuals can divert the technical expertise, knowledge of clients and partners, and appreciation of the organisation employees or followers to enhance the organisation achievement and outcome. Proper utilisation of organisational opportunities increases its visibility, besides it differentiates its cultural acceptance and tolerance (Ngome, 2013).
Since inspiration currency thus is highly related to challenges, or even what are perceived as life’s chronic "problems". For example, researchers believe that instability will not be resolved in education without having the total involvement of students in both class and school management (Buheji & Jahrami, 2014). This type of inspiration currency should help to raise our capacity to respond to life’s challenges and thus build virtual observations and reflections in order to overcome life’s blind spots. The more the blind spots are discovered the more the more the organisation can develop.

3.9. Importance of Selecting Inspiration as a Currency

In order to see, handle, manage the highly disruptive innovation of products and services, in reality individuals have limited choice of not to choose inspiration, as without inspiration individuals cannot see the huge folding of things and thus cannot see how to use between these folding and unfolding disruptions. Thus inspiration currency would help us absorb and then ride smoothly this radical disruption and with high adoption capabilities in accordance with the speed of human highly evolving innovation.
This paper is coming with many innovations that would capture our attention more, yet are going to fade rapidly. Inspiration can enhance our mediation ability to adopt and even create what seems to be impossible. Once inspiration is used as a currency for differentiating our competitiveness, it can extend our thoughts and visions to what individuals can expect, thus raising our forecasting abilities. So instead of using magic sticks or money or knowledge to extend who we are, we can use inspiration to extend our cognitive, mental, physical and spiritual abilities. Buheji and Ahmed (2018).
Once Inspiration become a realized currency we'll shorten the gap between human systems and technological sophistications. Inspiration architects would look on what patterns of inspiration waves needed in their socio economy that would help develop the society with minimal resources or with no extra resources. Maximizing the power of inspiration means individuals can release innovative products and services overcoming whatever type of challenges and thus ensuring more survival.
If the power of inspiration is used into a means of exchange currency individuals can yield a substantial transformation for an entire society rather than just attempting to adopt new version of something consumers already use and need, with inspiration one or society can see the same thing from different perspective.
The benefits of Inspiration Currency is that it work within different environments ranging from simple to more complex one as engineering. So, it is a currency that would help to enhance and transform basic and classical experiences to a more universal and modular systems with great adaptation.

4. Methods

4.1. Area of Study

This study explored the IE model by implementing it in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It adopted a qualitative ethnographic case study approach and applied it through formal and informal teams, groups and organisations, using observations, individual and group interviews, focus groups and surveys carried out by the teams.
This study concerns the field work research experience of the researchers during their stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina and argues that IE theory can change societies without resources and power; it can also be applied in different contexts. This was not only proved by the researchers but also by research group members who have acted as researchers in some situations (Ahmed & Buheji, 2018).
The IE theory and model was applied by the founders of this concept in different countries within the Arabian Peninsula, the founders decided to prove the theory in a totally different context: in an ex-communist country, with limited resources and where they were total outsiders in cultural terms. The research was applied from July to November 2016, mainly in the city of Bihac within the Una Sana Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

4.2. Study Design and Population

A Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) dedicated for Woman Development serves a population of more than two million, 39% of them woman above 16 years old, was selected to explore how its inspiration currency could help in optimising its goals and outcomes. The organisation has three main active chapters. Only one chapter was selected to be the model for the other two. A team selection from Woman-NPO management team, trainers and youth.
This case focuses on creating an 'Inspiration Currency' by using the methods of the Inspiration Economy based on the researchers developed and published work in Buheji (2016) and Buheji and Ahmed (2017) and (2018). This case study, present a social change agent that works to create entrepreneurial jobs for women in a developing an East European country. This is one of the best organisations that works as an Non-Profit Organisation; it is very strong and firmly focused but it is still struggling to deliver tangible rewards compared to market demands: i.e. equipping women to be strong and competitive. This research studied how to create a currency of inspiration that would the NPO competitively Lead.

4.3. Re-establishing Inspiration Currency in Leading Women’s NPOs

The Women’s NPO team were asked to re-evaluate all the type of services delivered with a focus of creating an outcome that really different the services that leads to realised woman development and not only woman services. The team had many sessions to explore the opportunities available within in their services and the blind spots in relevant to influencing the socio-economic status of women in the country or the region. The team carried first a comprehensive research of the type of women’s development needs in the different fields of services delivered by the NPO.
All the strategic plans where reviewed with fresh eye with focus again on the main outcome that is creating a currency or currencies that lead to women’s development. Such mindset made the NPO team explore the effectiveness of the Women’s Empowerment Programme in terms of entrepreneurship compared to the actual development needs of the women. This trigger clear focused measures on the Women’s NPO Inspiration Currency in relation to women’s Continuous People Development (CPD), Lifelong Learning (LLL) and Quality of Life (QoL).
In order to create focused inspiration currency, the team assessed the different projects and interviewed the beneficiaries of the different services relevant to women education, women health, women entrepreneurship, women contribution and women skills based on need and priority.
The team was asked by the researchers to evaluate the sustainability possibility, as shifting from cost centres to profit centres. The type of research needed in the field of women’s development were also evaluated as the team wanted to explore the type of currency that can be generated from this.
The level of strategic planning was evaluated in relation to the realised social impact measurements. The team also re-evaluated the type of ‘Competitiveness Training Programme’ needed for women in relation to the developments and changes needed in the socio-economy. The outcomes of the tailoring program and other similar popular courses relevant to labour market where evaluated relevant to the role of these job creation programs in creating a currency for women development not only women finding jobs.
All the programs were evaluated again by the team on whether they participate to increase women’s contributions to the economy and the quality of life.

5. Results

After clearly define and/or re-defining the role of the NPO in creating a realised women’s empowerment and development in relevant to the women situation in their community lots of new learning and unlearning occurred in the participating team and clearly new mindset started to occur regarding the big picture of this NPO role.
All the types of training programs were shifted to focus on the women development and competitiveness and not only on employment or satisfactions with the skills gain. i.e. the value of each program were voluntarily re-evaluated from these points by each of the trainers.
The following new key performance indicators (KPI’s) were set:
a. The percentage of women who became job creators.
b. The percentage of women who became employed and earned decent salaries?
c. The percentage of women beneficiaries who became self-sufficient after the empowerment programmes?
d. The type of women who are really influenced by empowerment programmes.
e. The type of Women’s Empowerment Programmes conducted by the NPO that have resulted in success stories.
f. The percentage of courses which became profitable (directly or indirectly). i.e. the type of profit, which are relevant to society, and which proven to be value added?
Besides the above the NPO leaders started an initiative of women focused market study in collaboration of the youth of the NPO. The study focused on what does the society need from women and what criteria are required for a market study? Then each program was weighed again according to its role in development and according the market study.
A business plan was put the strategic leadership in collaboration with the project team to encourage women to create real changes in themselves, their families and in society. The target here was to create a currency that enhance the competitive spirit of women, moving them from being dependent to being independent. A new Key Performance Outcome (KPO) measure was developed to see how many of women graduates were unemployed or were employed after the NPO programme and what happened to all the women who applied and were accepted or not accepted?

6. Discussion

Finding the right inspiration currency is not easy, but it easier when focus on setting the right questions. That’s what the above analysis shows. The currency of inspiration can be a strong source of any development once the purpose of all the practices and observations are linked to a specific visualisation. From the sequence of the case it can be seen that all blind spots declared by the different questions would be a source of development.
The analysis of the NPO Women Development case shows however that valuable inspiring currencies, won't be clear unless setup clear directions.
The main challenge for the inspiration currency generation is to overcome the demands of inter-cultural communication that is relevant to seeing a suitable big picture: i.e. the highest value which in this paper was the realised women development.
The NPO in this case study managed to differentiate its inspiration currency when it started to see things from different perspectives, i.e. the core is developing women and not training women only. This lead the NPO to explore its currency in proactively discover potentials of the market and deal with profit centre to create more independent model for the organisation sustainability. This brought another currency that optimise the utilization of resources, including the untapped human potentials.
The inspiration currency which is generated by autonomous and intentional learning directs competences in three inter-related areas: knowledge, skills and awareness.
The case study shows that the utilization of inspiration currency in organisation similar to this Women Development NPO, i.e. by it government or private entity can generate help to review the sources of sustainability, including i.e. sources of income, level of women membership, depth of entrepreneurship programs, the value added of women health programs into the realised quality of life, the profit of the commercialised courses, the return of the training, coaching, mentorship and psychological counselling programs.
Thus it can be clearly observed through this case study that inspiration currency can generate a now knowledge management system about the current and the potential programs that can raise the organisation capacity vs. the demand; i.e. without raising resources as number of trainers and number of workshops, etc.
Setting the visualisation helped to create a weightage matrix for each course and activity in this NPO relevant to the outcome expected to be realised. The matrix could include the following variables: people’s demand, market demand, income, cost, empowering people, empowering society, needs of family, and family members’ dependence on the women, etc.
This case shown that defining how the priorities for women are specified, especially in terms of their need for specific focused developments helped to bring also currency relevant to innovation projects for women with low incomes, such as considering how to utilize knowledge of textiles to build a new textile industry.
a. Evaluating the reality of the growth in Women’s NPO services in order to move the organisation on to a higher stage with resources: changing the number of attendees, classes, etc.
b. Studying Human Capital Development (HCD) by collecting live data from programmes and then auditing and analysing them (by number crunching).
c. Building aspiration into HCD via success stories in women’s development. Survey inspiration using reverse thinking: how people make developments with minimal resources.
d. Making systematic judgments about who to choose for training courses and balance between those who can pay, and those who are in need will be accepted free of charge.

7. Originality/Value

As the world is trying to discover what would be the shape of the next economy, inspiration is considered by certain authors in many communities would start believing that the world is worth living. With inspiration minds can be used to think of what is wanted rather what is seen. Inspiration based economy is believed to be built in many enablers and different inspiration generation theories, without which competitive and sustainable future will not be seen.
The original contribution to knowledge of this study is its consideration of an approach that can transfer inspiration to currency. The study show that this can be applied for different categories as there is a need to develop an approach in this area with changing in economy. While most of empirical experimental part of this study took place in a country with limited resources and use to depend mostly in oil the model can be used in developed and development countries.

8. Conclusions

This case study shows that the power of utilization of inspiration based currency in organisations similar to a Non-Profit Organisation that focus on Women Development. Using such currencies help to ensure better outcome through effective sustainability, sources of income, level of women membership, depth of entrepreneurship programs, value added women health programs that would make targeted outcomes as quality of life, profit of commercialised courses, return on investment in training, coaching, mentorship and psychological counselling programs be realised.
Based on the literature review and discussion, benefits of inspiration currency shows to be a source for raising organisations capacity and could further studied in different environments. The case study shows that inspiration currency has great powers of adaptation that helps to enhance and transform basic and classical experiences of any organisation towards a more universal and modular systems. Further studies in this line is highly essential, as it helps communities and organisations to deliver more effective outcomes.
The way inspiration currency is linked to visualisation, as in this case, help the organisation to review its status towards development which help to move the organisation to a higher stage without committing extra resources: i.e. changing attitudes and behaviours. The organisation leaders started to question the way women services are delivered and measured, by re-examining the courses and the way evaluations are carried out. The exercise of inspiration currency increased the productivity through raising the role of each supplier (be it a coach, a trainer, etc.) to more than just training: i.e. improve the design of how a process is done to deliver a women development.
The currency of inspiration found to help engulfs the organisation with new learning practices. For example, the Women Development NPO re-defined the type of sponsored attendance and shifted the organisation from being focused on the ‘amount of training’ to being focused on the ‘number of inspiring workshops’. Also the variety of opportunities in relevant to the business of women’s development scale: i.e. quantifying greater independence or examples of more of job creators became more clear.
From the learnings of this case study, one could be say that inspiration currency is more than a tool, it rather a development project that can help even to re-brand the organisation starting from the way it visualises its role towards the community till the way its measure its value added social benefits services. The limitations of this study would be overcome if more studies are carried on the exploitation of visualised inspiration currency influences in different sectors and different countries.


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