International Journal of Control Science and Engineering

p-ISSN: 2168-4952    e-ISSN: 2168-4960

2011;  1(1): 8-14

doi: 10.5923/j.control.20110101.02

Averaging of Fuzzy Integrodifferential Inclusions

Andrej V. Plotnikov 1, 2

1Department Applied Mathematics, Odessa State Academy Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa, 65029, Ukraine

2Department Optimal Control, Odessa National University, Odessa, 65026, Ukraine

Correspondence to: Andrej V. Plotnikov , Department Applied Mathematics, Odessa State Academy Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa, 65029, Ukraine.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


In this article we prove the substantiation of the method of averaging for the fuzzy integrodifferential inclusions with small parameter. Thereby we expand a circle of systems to which it is possible to apply Krylov-Bogolyubov method of averaging.

Keywords: Fuzzy Integrodifferential Inclusion, Fuzzy Systems, Method of Averaging

Cite this paper: Andrej V. Plotnikov , "Averaging of Fuzzy Integrodifferential Inclusions", International Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2011, pp. 8-14. doi: 10.5923/j.control.20110101.02.

1. Introduction

Many important problems of analytical dynamics are described by the nonlinear mathematical models that as a rule are presented by the nonlinear differential or the integrodifferential equations. The absence of exact universal research methods for nonlinear systems has caused the development of numerous approximate analytic and numerically-analytic methods that can be realized in effective computer algorithms.
The averaging methods combined with the asymptotic representations (in Poincare sense) began to be applied as the basic constructive tool for solving the complicated problems of analytical dynamics described by the differential equations. Averaging theory for ordinary differential equations has a rich history, dating to back to the work of N.M. Krylov and N.N. Bogoliubov[1], and has been used extensively in engineering applications[2-6]. Books that cover averaging theory for differential equations and inclusions include[7-10].
In recent years, the fuzzy set theory introduced by Zadeh[11] has emerged as an interesting and fascinating branch of pure and applied sciences. The applications of fuzzy set theory can be found in many branches of science as physical, mathematical, differential equations and engineering sciences. Recently there have been new advances in the theory of fuzzy differential equations[12-16], fuzzy integrodifferential equations[17-20], differential inclusions with fuzzy right-hand side[21-24] and fuzzy differential inclusions[25-27] as well as in the theory of control fuzzy differential equations[28-30], control fuzzyintegrodifferential equations[31-35], controlfuzzy differentialinclusions[36-39], and control fuzzy integrodifferentialinclusions[40]. In works[41-48] various schemes of an averagefor the fuzzy differential equations and inclusions have been considered. In this article we prove the substantiation of the method of full averaging for the integrodifferential inclusions with small parameter on the metric space. Thereby we expand a circle of systems to which it is possible to apply Krylov-Bogolyubov method of averaging.

2. Preliminaries

Let be a set of all nonempty (convex) compact subsets from the space,
be Hausdorff distance between sets and, is -neighborhood of set.
Let be the set of all such that u satisfies the following conditions:
is normal, that is, there exists an such that;
is fuzzy convex, that is,
• for any and;
is upper semicontinuous,
is compact.
If, then is called a fuzzy number, and is said to be a fuzzy number space. For, denote
Then from 1)-4), it follows that the -level set for all.
Let be the fuzzy mapping defined by if and.
Define by the relation
where is the Hausdorff metric defined in. Then is a metric in.
Further we know that[49]:
1. is a complete metric space,
2. for all,
3. for all and.
Definition 1.[15] A mapping
is measurable if for all the set-valued map
defined by is
Lebesgue measurable.
Definition 2.[15] A mapping is said to be integrably bounded if there is an integrable function such that for every.
Definition 3.[15] The integral of a fuzzy mapping
is defined levelwise by
. The set of all such that
is a measurable selection for
for all.
Definition 4.[15] A measurable and integrably bounded mapping is said to be integrable over
Note that if is measurable and integrably bounded, then is integrable. Further if is continuous, then it is integrable.
Now we consider following fuzzy integrodifferential inclusion
where means; is the state;is a fuzzy mapping, is a fuzzy mapping, ,.
We interpret[21-24] the fuzzy differential inclusion (1) as a family of integrodifferential inclusions
where the subscript indicates that the -level set of a fuzzy set is involved (the system (2) can only have any significance as a replacement for (1) if the solutions generate fuzzy sets (fuzzy R-solution)[24]).
Let denotes the fuzzy R-solution of the fuzzy integrodifferential inclusion (1).

3. The Scheme of an Average

In this section we consider the Cauchy problem with small parameter
where is a small parameter.
In this section we associate with the equation (3) the following averaged integrodifferential equation
Remark. In this paper we will consider a case when the limits (5), (6) exist.
Theorem. Let in domain
the following hold:
1) is continuous in;
2) is continuous in;
3) there exist constants such that
for all, and any ;
4) there exist continuous functions, , and constant such that
for any, and any
5) there exist constants, and such that
for any;
6) there exist continuous functions , and constants such that
for any and
7) the limits (5),(6) exist uniformly in;
8) for any and the fuzzy R-solution of the system (4) together with a -neighbourhood belong to the domain.
Then for any and there exists
such that for all and
the following statement fulfil:
Where , are the fuzzy R-solutions of the initial and the full averaged equations.
Proof. Let is any constant. In the beginning, us
prove the validity of the inclusion for all
where for all. Let is arbitrary and we prove the validity of the inclusion
for all.
We consider the integrodifferential inclusion
. (9)
Let is any solution of the system (9). Then
Divide the interval into partial intervals by the points We consider the function
By conditions 3), and 4) of the theorem, we have
for all and.
Let. Then, we get
By (12), and conditions 3), 5) of the theorem, we obtain
for all.
It follows, we have, for all.
for all, then we get
for all.
Then we obtain
Now we have function such that
By condition 7) of the theorem, for any, there exists such that the following estimate is true for:
Also we have
for all.
From here and by conditions 3), 6) of the theorem, we obtain
From (13) it follows the existence of such a solution of inclusion
that for all
Than we obtain
Also , then
there exist such that,
for all. Hence, for all is arbitrary, then
, for all.
Now, we proof, that, for all. Also, let is arbitrary and we prove the validity of the inclusion for all.
We consider the integrodifferential inclusion
Let is any solution of the system (14). Then
Divide the interval into partial intervals by the points . We consider the function
By conditions 6), and 8) of the theorem, we have
for all .
Let. Then (similarly (12)), we get
for all, then we get
Therefore for all
Then, we obtain
Now we have function such that
By condition 7) of the theorem, for any, there exists such that the following estimate is truefor:
Also we have
for all.
From here and by conditions 3), and 6) of the theorem, we obtain
From (16) it follows the existence of such a solution of inclusion
that for all
Than we obtain
Also thenthere exist such that ,
for all . Hence , for all . As is arbitrary, then
, for all . This concludes he proof.

4. Conclusions

In this article we prove the substantiation of the method of full averaging for the fuzzy integrodifferential inclusions with small parameter. Thereby we expand a circle of systems to which it is possible to apply Krylov-Bogolyubov method of averaging. In a case if limits (5) and (6) do not exist it is possible to receive only result similar[46].


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