Ratan Kumar Sarkar
Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India
Correspondence to: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.
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The reverse theory based on two opposite mathematical quantities exists in the biological cell system. On more suppression the opposite values comes closer and acts as a hormone and neurotransmitter. There are front and backward suppression or expression occurs to restore the structural system in equilibrium. Intrinsically lunar time and lunar gravity are two anti-directional forces associated with the system.
Tyrosine, Dopamine, Neurotransmitter, Membrane, Mutation
Cite this paper: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, The Reverse Theory in Genetics, American Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 14 No. 1, 2024, pp. 1-3. doi: 10.5923/j.chemistry.20241401.01.
1. Introduction
According to ‘factors of opposite’ 154 and 6 (i.e. 6*0.0019 = 0.0114 or 114), histidine (155.1552) and proline (115.1311) are significant in the processes with one molecule difference with lunar time (183) in vertical segment although horizontal time (ht) segments(0.1552 and 0.1311) gives negative impulses on positive side. The molecular weight of histidine and proline are bracketed and the formula T(ht) = 0.0019*M(vt) is used derived from 14.0266, a factor found in inter- amino acids molecular weight somewhere.Previously I have shown 184 = 155 + 29 = 115 + 69 where 69*0.0019 = 0.1311 and 29*0.0019 = 0.0551 with a structural difference. Here, 155 + 115 = 270 and correspondingly 0.1552 + 0.1311 = 0.2863 where 0.3496(184) – 0.2863 = 0.0633 = 633 (on transition) and 0.3667(193) – 0.2863 = 0.0804 = 804 where 184 and 193 are points of bisection. The values ‘2863’ can be suppressed to 163 (i.e. 62 or 64 under suppressions) where the suppression values are ultimately 900 [1].It is seen the opposite of 0.0551(29) is 155 and opposite of 0.1311 or 0.0411 (under suppression) is 114 avoiding decimals with a difference of 100 where 511 – 411 = 100 = 652 – 551 with a difference of 1 due to opposite direction. These indicate a theory coined as Reverse theory where forward and backward directions are opposite having front or backward suppression or expression to restore structural equilibrium.The molecular weight of amino acids represents Earth-Moon space-time structure where the energy potentially exists into curvature.The lunar time (183) and lunar gravity 705 (or 0.1605) are associated with the system where 183 + 705 = 381 + 507 = 888 = 900 (suppression values) – 12. It is seen 900 – 705 = 195 = 183 + 12 (i.e. 6*2) = 198 – 3 and 900 – 591 (i.e. opposite of 195) = 309 = 154*2 +1 where 381 – 183 = 705 – 507 = 198 in the structure and in opposite direction 705 – 183 = 522 = 900 – 378 (TTT) and 705 + 378 = 1083 (expressed form of 183) where ‘900’ would acts as a structural membrane.The his-pro chemistry is applicable to met-tyr codon-anticodon chemistry where 163 = 94 + 69 = 138 +25 where 25 + 113 (factor of opposite) = 138. It is seen tyrosine (181.1894) possesses 0.1894 (or 994) where 994 – 705 = 289 = 361 – 72 = 163 + 126(or 27 with backward suppression that opposite to 72) and 289 tends to 982 in vertical side and 982 = 900 + 82 where 82 is backward suppression of 181 (tyr vertical time). It is significant that 1894 – 1605 = 994 – 705 = 289 and 994 – 475(25) = 519 that front side suppression to 69 where 69 + 114 = 183. It is seen 289 = 94 + 195 where 900 – 705 = 195 and in opposite direction 591 where 91 is front side suppression of 181 beyond 500.For methionine (149.2124), 2124 – 1605 = 519 while 705 – 324 (i.e. suppression of 2124) = 381 (i.e. opposite of 183) where 519 + 3 = 522 and 378 (TTT) + 3 = 381 and where 519 – 381 = 138 = 69*2 that indicates a bisection in methionine where 149*2 = 298 would be a differential form of 289 where 298 – 289 = 9 (or 0.0171) = 804 – 633 in his-pro chemistry.In reverse theory, there is scope of suppression of 100 where 198 tends to 99 = 72 + 27(opposite to each other) where 72 is suppressed form of 171(9) and 27 is suppressed form of 126(T) and where 621 – 126 = 495 = 451 + 44 that opposite to 198 = 154 + 44 since 44 is rounded and the ultimate suppression is 99.The reverse theory is associated with cancer development and hormone based diseases like Parkinson revealed mathematical suppression is linked to emotion. The decimals have been avoided somewhere since transitions are in the system.
2. Discussions
The Met-Tyr chemistry:The structural values 1000 = 900(9) + 100(1) having crosswise relation in met-tyr chemistry where 900 + 94 = 994 (tyr ht) and correspondingly 100 + 49 (i.e. opposite of 94) = 149 (met vt) and also 982 (i.e. opposite of 289 where 994 – 705 = 289) is corresponding to 128 = 138 – 10 in the structure. It is seen 982 – 289 = 693 where 591 – 195 = 396 in reverse theory.In tyrosine, 982 + 12 = 994 and conversely 289 – 21 = 268 and in methionine 941 (i.e. opposite of 149) + 21 = 962 i.e. opposite of 269 with a difference of 1.In the structural labyrinth of met-tyr chemistry, leucine (131.1736) is applicable since 1605 – 1031 = 574 (i.e. opposite of 475 where 25*0.0019 = 0.0475) and 836 (i.e. suppression of 1736 where 44*0.0019 = 0.0836) = 705 + 131 and 969(51) + 31*2 = 1031 where 31 beyond 1000 complements 31 beyond 969 in the structure. Now, 131 + 50 (i.e. backward suppression of 149) = 181 (tyr vertical time) and 131 + 18 = 149 where 50 + 44 = 94 (tyr horizontal time beyond 900) and 342(18) – 324 (i.e. 2124) = 18.The significant values 289:In relation with t-RNA, front side suppression of 357 (CCA) gives 87 = 222(CC) – 135(A) where 289 = 135 + 154 (factor of opposite) and 289 + 222 = 511 = 357 + 154 and also 135 = 67*2 + 1. Since 66A0 is a significant values in t-RNA, 66 = 87 - 21 = 78 - 12 and correspondingly 357 + 21 = 378 = 289 + 89. It is seen 888 – 357 = 531 (i.e. opposite of 135) and 982 – 753 = 229 = 289 – 60 where 705 – 60 = 645 (i.e. core values of tyr in suppression) and 707 (core values of met) +289 = 996 i.e. structural form of 169 where 229 – 60 = 169.It is also seen 900 – 753 = 147 = 135 +12 where 21 + 114 (factor of opposite) = 135 and 147 = 87 + 60 in the structure.The values 289 can be subdivided as 289 = 204 + 85 where core values of trp (204.2261) = 204*0.0019 – 0.2261 = 0.1615 = 85*0.0019.289 = 75 +214 where 75 is suppressed form of 174(arg vt) and 0.2017(arg ht) – 0.1605 = 0.0412 = 412(under transition) i.e. opposite of 214 and correspondingly 214 + 3 = 217 where 3*0.0019 = 0.0057 = 57 i.e. opposite of 75.289 = 229 + 60 is applicable for leu where 922 (i.e. bisection of 44 beyond 900) and correspondingly 131*2 = 262 where 60 is backward suppression of 262 in the structure towards equilibrium.Cancer on reverse theory:Considering JAK2 G1849T V617F (MPN) and TP53 G469T V157F mutations, it is seen 151(G) – 126(T) = 25 = 0.0475= 475 followed by protein mutation 0.0754 (val core values) – 0.1235 (phe core values) = - 0.0481 where 475 + 6(factor of opposite) = 481 = 469 + 12 = 460 (i.e. 617 – 157 = 460) + 21. The negative mutational values should be added to respective molecular point where 617 + 481 = 1098 and 157 + 481 = 638 where 836(44) – 638 = 198 (suppressed values of 1098) would approves reverse theory. Since 198 = 154 (factor of opposite) + 44 (rounded) and 184 (i.e. opposite of 481) = 163 + 21 where 475 + 163 = 638, a structural violation under mutations would leads to cancer development.Love hormone and neurotransmitter:The metabolic pathways of love hormone or dopamine is Phe (165.1900) > Tyr (181.1894)> L Dopa> Dopamine (153.1800) > Epinephrine (183.2040) & Norepinephrine (169.1800).Phe (165.1900) can be subdivided as 100 + 65 and 1900 = 1800 (i.e. 900*2) + 100 where 165 – 94 = 71 and correspondingly 82 (values beyond 900 of 982) – 17 = 65 = 66 -1 where core values of phe = 165*0.0019 – 0.1900 = 0.1235 = 65 *0.0019.The time values 1800(ht) is complementary to 66 derived from 12 + 21 = 33 and 21 – 12 = 9 that would be multiplied by 100 i.e. 9*100 = 900 in the structure.The transformation of dopamine from tyrosine can be clarified as 181(tyr vt) – 153 = 28 (i.e. opposite of 82) or 82 – 28 = 54 (i.e. suppression of 153) and correspondingly 94 – 28 = 66 = 54 + 12 while 82 + 12 = 94 and complemented by 1800.Alternatively, 54 (i.e. suppression of 153) + 66 = 120 where 120 + 94 = 214 = 181+ 33 since tyr-94 exists beyond 900.Norepinephrine (169.1800): 289 – 169 = 120(i.e. 12*10) = 54 + 66 where 66 – 54 = 12. Alternatively, 169 = 103 + 66 where 103 = 94 +9 (i.e. 900) of tyrosine and the values 1800(ht) is complementary to 66.Epinephrine (183.2040): 2040 – 1800 = 240 where 240 – 66 = 174 = 183 – 9 since 21 – 12 = 9.Serotonin (176.2151): The pre-cursor of serotonin is tryptophan (204.2261) where the difference of core values = 1615(trp) – 1193(serotonin) = 422 = 154*2 + 114 (factors of opposite) and where 289 – 65 = 224(i.e. opposite to 422), a shift of ‘5’ from 289 = 229(i.e. 114*2 + 1) + 60 (i.e. 6*10).Alternatively, 204 – 176 = 28 and 2261 – 2151 = 110 = 82 + 28.There is an interesting structural relation of trp-tyr-phe amino acids.From codon standpoint, 414(UGG) – 336(UUU) = 78 i.e. opposite of 87 where 87 = 66 + 21. For first two bases 263 – 224 = 39 = 151 – 112 (third bases) and 263 + 224 = 487 = 994 – 507 and 289 – 65 = 224 (i.e. opposite of 422) and also 422 = 289 + 133 (i.e. structural form of 933) where 133 + 91 (i.e. suppressed form of 487) = 224.Oxytocin (1007.1900): The Oxytocin sequence is CYIQNCPLG-NH2 where the difference of molecular weight = 1007.19 – 74.083 (G-NH2) = 933.107 where 422 – 289 = 133 (i.e. opposite form of 933) and 133 - 107 = 26 = 91 (backward suppression of 487) – 65 shows 900(ht) and corresponding values 33(vt) comes together.
3. Conclusions
The suppression values (900 or ultimately 900) would acts as a membrane exists between lunar time and lunar gravity and interacts. The lunar time and lunar gravity are two anti-directional forces comes closer under suppression intrinsically exists in the system. Two opposite mathematical quantities or factors of opposite comes closer under suppression coined as reverse theory are associated with hormone and neurotransmitter. There is an intrinsic structural relation of trp-tyr-phe the pre-cursor component of hormones.
[1] | American Journal of Medicine and Medical sciences 2023, 13(4): 496-498. |