International Journal of Biophysics

p-ISSN: 2168-4979    e-ISSN: 2168-4987

2024;  12(1): 1-6


Received: Dec. 11, 2023; Accepted: Jan. 22, 2024; Published: Feb. 5, 2024


Impact of Advanced Sensor Technology to Accelerate Initial Volcanic Eruption

Md Rahimullah Miah1, 2, Jorin Tasnim Parisha3, Alexander Kiew Sayok2, Mohammad Belal Uddin4, Shahriar Hussain Chowdhury5, Md Main Uddin Miah6, Md Bodrul Huda7, Md Shoaibur Rahman8, Md. Amir Sharif9, Md Sher-E Alam10, Md Mehedi Hasan11

1Head, Department of IT in Health, North East Medical College and Hospital, Affiliated to Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Medical University, Sylhet, Bangladesh. and PhD Awardee from the IBEC, UNIMAS, Sarawak, Malaysia

2IBEC, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia

3Government Satis Chandra Girls’ High School, Sunamganj Sadar, Sunamganj, Bangladesh

4Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

5Department of Dermatology & Venereology, North East Medical College and Hospital, Affiliated to Sylhet Medical University, Sylhet, Bangladesh

6Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh

7Department of Environment, Sylhet Region, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

8Department of Agroforestry and Environment, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh

9Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh

10Department of Law and Justice, Metropolitan University Bangladesh, Sylhet, Bangladesh

11Department of Law, Green University of Bangladesh, Rupganj, Narayanganj, Bangladesh

Correspondence to: Md Rahimullah Miah, Head, Department of IT in Health, North East Medical College and Hospital, Affiliated to Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Medical University, Sylhet, Bangladesh. and PhD Awardee from the IBEC, UNIMAS, Sarawak, Malaysia.


Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


The study of volcanic eruption is the most innovative research of all man-made disasters - no doubt, but there are new horizons of wonder for the thoughtful. Many people of the world are shocked when they hear the name of the volcano. Many of them are oblivious to the horrors and dire effects of volcanic eruptions. Underground hot air, water vapor, molten rock, mud, ash, and hot gases suddenly erupt at high velocity through cracks or holes at a specific GPS location. The material ejected from deep below the surface cools and solidifies rapidly when exposed to cold air, which gradually accumulates as rock and thus volcanic eruptions occur in the area. As a result of these volcanoes, the lives of all people, animals, plants and others in the vicinity are at great risk. Studies have shown that when many tourists gather in mountainous or remote areas, the area erupts within a short period of time, turning into large volcanoes. Many people become mentally disturbed and physically ill from man-made volcano and many die. People, animals and plants living around the volcano are also affected. The study on volcanos is unique with world-class scientific research, which will open many research gateways for future generations.

Keywords: Sensor Technology, Initial, GPS location, Volcanic eruption

Cite this paper: Md Rahimullah Miah, Jorin Tasnim Parisha, Alexander Kiew Sayok, Mohammad Belal Uddin, Shahriar Hussain Chowdhury, Md Main Uddin Miah, Md Bodrul Huda, Md Shoaibur Rahman, Md. Amir Sharif, Md Sher-E Alam, Md Mehedi Hasan, Impact of Advanced Sensor Technology to Accelerate Initial Volcanic Eruption, International Journal of Biophysics , Vol. 12 No. 1, 2024, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.5923/j.biophysics.20241201.01.

1. Introduction

Volcano is a name that evokes human existence and the afterlife. Many people shudder at the mention of volcanoes, both natural and man-made. During volcanic eruptions, lava, ash, gases are emitted in various ways, which are caused by underground pressure, thermal compression and steam emission due to misuse of wireless sensor technology. It is rare in history, but advanced studies by researchers and scientists show that volcanoes can be created by technological artificial means. Although many say that volcanoes are natural, humans can also create volcanoes by misusing wireless technology, this study shows. Because volcanoes cause so much damage to societies and regions that people suffer. But the Lord never oppresses the servant. In this context, Allah saithe “My Word cannot be changed, nor am I unjust to My creation.” [36]. Creator is not an oppressor to the servant, but human beings create problems around the world. Man-made disasters have spread on land and water. Allah wants them to taste the punishment of their deeds, so that they return. Allah says, “Corruption has spread on land and sea as a result of what people’s hands have done, so that Allah may cause them to taste the consequences of some of their deeds and perhaps they might return to the Right Path” [37]. The calamities that befall you are the result of your deeds and He forgives many of your sins, Allah says, “Whatever affliction befalls you is because of what your own hands have committed. And He pardons much” [38]. Cloud GPS tracking illustrates man-made volcanic eruptions around the world [3,5,15,19,26]. When the volcano erupted, surrounding villages were covered in ash, many were trapped and many died. Rescuers find it difficult to rescue victims from the fire - some of them are alive, but seriously ill. Some of them have burns, some have wounds, and they are weak and defenseless. Many are missing and their relatives are worried.
Earth is an ideal planet, habitable for all living things. Here all living beings live happily and rejoice. But suddenly the volcanic eruption of the earth spread sadness among everyone. Volcanoes usually occur where tectonic plates collide or separate, but volcanic hotspots can form between plates. But the question in everyone's mind is why this volcano? What causes it to erupt? What is the secret of the destruction of many resources due to the impact of volcanoes? Is this volcano man-made? Or the cruel revenge of nature on human society? Some think that volcanoes are punishment from the Creator. But God has sent man as the best creature in the world for a certain period of time. So, why is this punishment for creation from the Creator? When lava and gas erupt explosively from a volcano, it is known as a volcanic eruption. A volcanic eruption is a spectacular display of Earth's energy in a GPS location. Although eruptions are fascinating to witness, they can cause catastrophic loss of life and property, especially in highly populated areas. Prior to this, steam and gas emissions from minor vents in the Earth may have started to accumulate gas-rich magma in reservoirs near the Earth's surface [1-5].
The study evaluates the main causes of volcanic eruptions in specific areas with scientific evidence.

2. Materials and Methods

The materials and methods included different study sites, multidata methodology, data sampling and oscillated design, global data collection, data compilation and data analysis for interpretation, which were followed by the methods listed below the uniform resource locators (URLs) in published papers.
i. Man-made earthquake:
ii. Man-made Flash Flood:
iii. Man-made climate crisis:
iv. Digitally Killing Biodiversity:
v. Digital COVID-19 Disease:
vi. Digital Loss of Biodiversity:
vii. Man-made heatwaves:

2.1. ISNAPHO Design

The study demonstrated the ISNAPHO (Impact of Sensor Network towards Animals-Plants-Human beings and Object) design incorporates various research-related variables, which are outlined below: (i) area map coding study, (ii) Hilly Area Mapping, (iii) coding of tourist spots or houses at a specific GPS location, (iv) Big tree coding for bench marks, (v) Human coding with retina scanning and fingerprinting, (vi) Mobile phone coding with active connections, and (vii) VPN active in volcanos prone areas. The ISNAPHO experiment assesses the causes of human-caused volcanic eruption with digital burning due to satellite tracking towards tectonic plate areas at a specific GPS location (Figure 1).
Figure 1. ISNAPHO Experiment [5-10]

2.2. Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data are usually used in this study from single, multiple or different sources. Free earthquake data collected from various government and non-governmental organizations around the world. Qualitative and quantitative seismic events data related to man-made disasters including volcanic eruptions were collected through field survey, laboratory tests, observations, interviews and informal communication with relevant stakeholders, while secondary data was obtained from diverse sources. Misuse of satellite technology makes risk assessment extremely challenging without considering important criteria and indicators that vary across studies on the location of tectonic plates. Data were compiled and analyzed for presentation and interpretation of results using standard data analysis software – MS Office Suite 2022, SPSS version 29 and R version 4.3.1 for Windows.

3. Results

3.1. Characteristics of Man-made Volcanic Eruption

Studies have shown various effects of man-made onset volcanic eruption including digital object poisoning, burning, surface object demolition at specific hill areas due to misuse of GPS sensor device. The study included different characteristics of onset volcanic eruption, such as:
(a) Magmatic eruption
(b) Phreatic eruption
(c) Phreatomagmatic eruption
(d) Surface object and living-beings suddenly heated,
(e) Volcanos area digital poisoning,
(f) Electric loadshedding and barrier communication,
(g) Objects on the ground suddenly fall down and immediately burning
(h) Invisible digital terrorist at a particular GPS location, and
(i) Digital killing at the selected GPS area, etc.

3.2. Root Causes Volcanoes to Erupt

Due to tracking with GPS sensor, electromagnetic bubble and electromagnetic needle, the selected hilly underground area’s temperatures are so high that some rocks slowly melt, forming lava, a sticky fluid. Magma is lighter than the surrounding solid rock because of this it rises and accumulates in magma chambers. Through vents and cracks, some of the magma finally makes its way to the Earth's surface.
The lava refers to magma that has erupted due to several burning. Digital explosive and non-explosive volcanic eruptions are both possible. The composition of the magma determines the explosivity of an eruption. If the magma is thin and fluid, gases can emerge very quickly. As the volcano erupts, this type of magma rushes out. Lava flows rarely result in human fatalities because they move too slowly for people to avoid them. Gases cannot easily leave viscous, sticky magma. The gases violently escape and explode as the pressure rises.

3.3. Why do volcanoes erupt at a particular GPS?

Depending on individual GPS tracking, the selected GPS area's inner mantle crust is divided into several regions. These include the upper mantle, which extends from 8–40 km to 415 km; the transition zone, which extends from 415 to 650 km; and the lower mantle, which extends from 650 to 2891 km. From the crust to the mantle, the situation is vastly different. The pressure increases due to digital burning with high radiofrequency dramatically, and the temperature reaches 1000 degrees Celsius.
Chambers within the large GPS area's crust collect this viscous and molten rock. Because the lava is lighter than the surrounding rock, it floats to the surface, looking for cracks and weaknesses in the mantle. After reaching the surface, it finally erupted from the summit of the volcano. When the molten rock is below the surface known as magma and erupts as ash it rises.

4. Discussion

Volcanologists identify different types of volcanic eruptions in which lava, tephra (ash, lapilli, volcanic bombs, and volcanic blocks), and other gases are released from volcanic vents or fissures. Magmatic eruptions are the most well-known eruptions, which decompress gas within the magma and propel it forward, notably Hawaiian eruptions, Strombolian eruptions, Vulcanian eruptions, Pelian eruptions, and Plinian eruptions. Steam-explosive eruptions are fueled by a type of steam expansion, in which cold ground or surface water meets hot rock or magma in certain areas, causing it to suddenly superheat and erupt undetected. It immediately splits the surrounding rock and becomes a violent mixture of steam, water, ash, volcanic bombs and volcanic blocks. Compression of gases within the magma that drives phreatomagmatic eruptions occurs when magmatic activity occurs at the opposite pole of that process, particularly in Suratseian eruptions, submarine eruptions, and subglacial eruptions. Due to sensor tracking at volcanos areas, cybercriminals create a lot of sensor diseases [11-35].

4.1. Prediction of Volcanic Activity

Earth throws its load from below through man-made volcanic eruptions. Seismic activity is a very important link to eruptions when artificial volcanoes are ready to become active. But artificial volcanoes usually signal specific eruptions at increasing wavelengths while low-level seismic activity continues, so that the onset, GPS location, and termination pattern are known via alerts.

4.2. Myths about Volcanic Eruption

There are some myths in volcanic eruption. Now human beings create volcanos through wireless sensor tracking, but some are not believed. Because vvolcanic eruptions have the potential to be incredibly destructive and deadly. They can release hot tephra clouds from a volcano's side or top. These raging storms tear through the mountains, annihilating whatever in their path. Ashes have fallen to Earth like powdery snow after exploding from the sky. If ash blankets are thick enough, they can suffocate vegetation, animals, and humans. When heated volcanic debris collides with water from streams or melted snow and ice, mudflows form. Mudflows have buried entire cities near active volcanoes. Everything occurred by advanced GPS sensor tracking and burning.

5. Conclusions

The study illustrated the findings with man-made technological volcanic eruption occurs at a particular GPS location due to wireless sensor tracking. The findings include the postulate regarding fluctuated satellite technology at a fixed GPS location. Man-made disasters are not only the main obstacle to a peaceful society, but also the continuous advancement of safe technologies to reach the ultimate destination.


This research work is a part of PhD Thesis, which was funded by the Zamalah Postgraduate Scholarship of UNIMAS, Malaysia and also sponsored by the Information and Communication Technology Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The funders had no role in the design of the research, in data collection, analyses or final interpretation of data, in the writings of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the findings.
Data Availability
The data being used to support the findings of this research work are available from the corresponding author upon request.
Competing Interests
The authors declare no potential conflict of interests in this research work.


The authors acknowledged the authority of Universiti of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia for providing the Zamalah Postgraduate Scholarship for the completion of PhD degree. The authors are also grateful to the authority of the Information and Communication Technology Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, for PhD Fellowship during the higher study in Malaysia. The authors acknowledged the UNIMAS Malaysia's Bantuan Police for providing security during the night as the ISNAPHO test was conducted at the lake. The authors acknowledged the authority of North East Medical College & Hospital (NEMCH), affiliated to Sylhet Medical University at Sylhet in Bangladesh for kind support. The authors also acknowledged the higher authority of International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2021) at Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh for oral presentation.


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