Ratan Kumar Sarkar
Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India
Correspondence to: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.
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Transfer RNA is associated with Earth-Moon time curvature. The amino acids are synthesized by multitude of anti-gravitational influx into acceptor point of t-RNA driven by codon disposition and systematically transit to gravitational arena with a positional motivation. The distance of constancy from the loop of anticodon to the acceptor point possesses a significant acceptance towards structural biology.
Transfer RNA: P53 protein molecule, Anti-gravity, Anticodon
Cite this paper: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, The Transition Theory in Context of Biophysics, International Journal of Biophysics , Vol. 7 No. 2, 2017, pp. 33-35. doi: 10.5923/j.biophysics.20170702.03.
1. Introduction
This paper involves the cumulative progress of anti-gravitational values with a systematic transition to the gravitational arena urged by the structural positioner. The clarification of t-RNA structure explicit the deterministic time motivation towards amino acid synthesis to some extent. The codon position possesses a parametric structural motivation towards protein amplification.
2. Discussions
Derived from the structural analysis of amino acids molecular weight, it is seen anti-gravitational time values (gn) extrude or transit to the gravitational arena (g) systematically and that can be mathematically explained. Considering initiating amino acid methionine (149.2124) where 0.2124 is the anti-gravitational values and the naturally infiltrated (codon driven) anti-gravitational values = 0.2124 – 0.0149 = 0.1975 and 0.1975 + 0.0267 (a fundamental structural value) = 0.2242 = 0.3496(184) – 0.1254(66) where 184*0.0019 = 0.3496 and 66*0.0019 = 0.1254. The 0.0149 is an anti-gravitational values transit to the gravitational arena due to structural thrust into the system but closely interrelated to the anti-gravitational arena. The basic difference of g and gn i.e. g = 149*0.0019 = 0.2831 and 0.1975(gn) are of same kind but are opposite in directions of time where 0.0266 / 14 = 0.0019 [1] and 0.2831 – 0.1975 = 0.0856 = 8*0.0107 where 0.0107 is the unit of anti-gravitational influx.The anti-gravitational rotations of Met cumulatively reach to 19 rotations*0.0107 = 0.2033 and the transitional value is 414/ 2(bisection of codon) = 207 = 149 + 58 where 58/ 2 = 29 = 0.0552 exist as negative values of the molecule. While Met incorporates 19-rotations the anti-codon (UAC) assign to Tyr (181.1894) comprises 16-rotations since 0.1894 – 0.0181 = 0.1713 = 16*0.0107. It is seen gravitational integer values (e.g. 149) is a part of codon. Here the value ‘149’ is assumed to be vertical time (vt) while 0.2124 is assumed to be horizontal time (ht).The summation of g & gn for Met = 149 + 112 = 261 = 238 + 23 where 112*0.0019 = 0.2124 + 0.0004(a 0.0001-0.0004 time difference found in many places).238.3059 are in compliance to structural timeline i.e. 0.3059 – 0.0238 = 0.2821 with ‘difference of 10’ in the structure since 149*0.0019 = 0.2831.It is seen 149.2124(met) + 89.0935(ala) = 238.3059, 121.159(cys) + 117.1469(val) = 238.3059 and 131.1736(leu) + 107.1323 = 238.3059 where 121.159 – 14.0267 = 107.1323.Now, 261 = 238 +23 = 0.3059 + 0.0437(23) = 0.3496(184) that significantly shows 261 – 184 = 77 = 0.1463(val ht) exist as hidden time with 0.0006 adjustable time difference in the structure.Now, 238 – 89 = 149 and 112 – 23 = 89 are structural matters.Systematically, 0.2124 – 0.0935 = 0.1189 = 0.1894(tyr ht) – 0.0707 (met core values) and 0.3496 – 0.1894 = 0.1602(lunar gravity) and 0.0935 + 0.0437 = 0.1372(72) exhibits polymorphic site.Again, 149.2124 = 149 + 112 = 261 = 238 + 23 = 184 +77 is structural matter since 112*0.0019 = 0.2124 + 0.0004 time difference.Histidine (155.1552) incorporates 13*0.0107 = 0.1391 = 0.1552 – 0.0155 with 0.0006 time difference is a bisected molecule i.e. 2*0.1397 = 0.2793(147) = 0.3496(184) – 0.0703(37).Now, 0.2793 – 0.1299 = 0.1494 (glu core values) thus Glu plays a significant role in the system e.g. E6V mutation in hemoglobin molecule harms the protein system.The acceptor point CCA of transfer RNA denoting here as 184-CCA accepts multitude of anti-gravitational waves synthesized to amino acids with systematic dimensions where 66A0 constancy of distance is significantly concerned.Sometimes valine (117.1469) substitutes Met as initiating amino acid into protein would likely to be since 149.2124 – 117.1469 = 32.0655 where 47*0.0019 – 0.0238 = 0.0655 = 32*0.0019 + 0.0047 constitutes a relation between Met-Val.The addition of Met-Val core values = 0.0707 + 0.0754 = 0.1461 = 0.2922 / 2 and the negative part of the molecules 0.0547(met) + 0.0500(val) = 0.1047 = 0.1461 – 0.0414 and 0.1461 – 0.0357 = 0.1104 = 0.0552*2 calculated from 66(0.1254) constancy of distance in t-RNA.The integer gravitational values is a part of codon, 263(GU) = 117(val vt) + 146 (gln vt) and addition of its core values = 0.0754 + 0.1323 = 0.2077 and 0.2077 – 0.0047(core value differences of met-val) = 0.2030 = 19*0.0107(met rotations) with 0.0003 time difference and 0.2033 + 0.1463(77) = 0.3496(184).The mathematically supported explanation above would agree to the synthesis of amino acids by anti-gravitational values and systematically extrude to the gravitational arena where positional motivation (amino acid position) is significantly concerned explained later to some extent. The transit value e.g. 0.0149 to 149 is also a position in space-time extruded urged by the positional structure but the manifestation of molecular weight would lies to the deep meaning of nature.The g & gn can be discriminated by 149 and 0.0149 are the part of the structural biology and the transition creates structural equilibrium to exist where both are of same kind but are oppositely directed.It would be very curious that CCA-184(lunar time termination point) accepts anti-gravitational influx and 266 = 184 + 82 where 82*0.0019 = 0.1558 = 0.1605(lunar gravity) – 0.0047 indicates oxygen as a structural value since the interaction of Met-Val at its positive and negative part, where 0.0047 acts as a complementation. According to Tyrosine, 0.3496(184) – 0.1602 = 0.1894(tyr ht) while 0.3496 – 0.2124 = 0.1368(72- polymorphic site) + 0.0004 and 0.1605 + 0.0608(32) = 0.2213 = 0.2124 + 0.0089 and 0.2831 – 0.0571(30) = 0.1605 + 0.0655 in the structure.About 29.2920 values:Leu (131.1736) and Asn (132.1184) are assigned to UUA-AAU codon-anticodon complementation.Now, 0.1736 – 0.1184 = 0.0552(29) and 0.1736 + 0.1184 = 0.2920.Again, Val-Gln gives 146 – 117 = 29 and 0.1451 + 0.1469 = 0.2920.The core values 29*0.0019 – 0.2920 = (-) 0.2369 generally not being a negative value. So 29 or 0.0551 is a negative value while 0.2920 is a positive.The acceptor point of transfer RNA is a bisectional point of earth-moon curvature (0.0367) in time form that may be denoted as CCA-184 is a lunar time termination point (184*0.0019 = 0.3477 + 0.0019 = 0.3496) where 3*0.0184 = 0.0552(29).Now, 184 – 29 = 155(His vt) and correspondingly 0.2920 – 0.1552 = 0.1368(72) exposes polymorphic site-72 as well as 0.3496(184) – 0.2124 (Met ht) = 0.1372(72) with 0.0004 time difference. The difference of core values 0.1393(His) – 0.0707(Met) = 0.0686 = 0.1372/ 2.Again, 0.3496 – (0.1393 + 0.0707) = 0.1397 = 0.1552 – 0.0155.Again, 0.3496 – 0.2920 = 0.0576 = 0.0547 + 0.0029 (extruded) where 0.0547 + 0.0707 = 0.1254(66) meets to 66A0 about constant distance of anticodon from the acceptor point in transfer RNA. Now, 0.292 - 0.1736(bisection of lunar time) = 0.1184 = 0.1736 – 0.0552(29).Considering 0.0292 = 0.0146*2 with one-step change of decimal position of 0.292 and 0.3496 – 0.2920 = 0.0576 = 0.0146 + 0.0430 where 0.1881(lys ht) – 0.1451(gln ht) = 0.0430 and 0.3496 – 0.0146 = 0.3350 = 0.1881 + 0.1469(77) that disappears would be since 292 – 77 = 215 = 107*2(first two unit values of anti-gravity in the structure) + 1.Again, 292 + 29 = 321 and 292 – 29 = 263 = 146(lys vt) + 117(val vt) are the structural matters into the system.Lys-Val is closely related explained later on.Transfer RNA mechanism:The acceptor point-CCA (357) of transfer RNA is [367(earth-moon time curvature) – 10(difference of 10)] / 2 = 184 and denoting here as 184-CCA and correspondingly GGU (414) would be the backbone of t-RNA structure. The acceptor point receives anti-gravitational influx at the limit point of lunar time (0.3496). Now, 357 = 3*119 and like effectiveness of first two bases of codon, 2*119 = 238 is a factor (238.3059) of timeline structure.Again, 0.3059 – 0.2793(147) = 0.0266 and 266 + 91 = 357 where 238 - 147 = 91 = 77(hidden time) + 14 and (238 + 147) = 385 = 414 – 29 = 356 + 29 = 266 + 119 where transition like 0.0266 to 266 is the structural chemistry of g & gn. The constancy of distance (66 A0) [2] in t-RNA is a structural factor while 66*0.0019 = 0.1254(anti-gravitational time values) where mass-time-distance are synonymous and factor of positional motivation in biophysics.In Met-Tyr context, 0.1254 – 0.0707(met core values) = 0.0547(29) and 0.1545(tyr core values) – 0.1254 = 0.0291 = 291 = 357- 66(met position) = 184 + 107(tyr codon position according to p53 molecule) in the structure. The Met core values 149*0.0019 – 0.2124 = 0.0707 is the hidden time in the gravitational arena while 0.1254 = 0.0707 + 0.547(29 exist in the negative part of the molecular structure with 0.0004 time difference).Previously, it has been shown that Met-Ala structural consistency where 184 – 89 = 95 = 66 + 29 and correspondingly 0.3496(184) - 0.0935 = 0.2124 + 0.0437(23) and 95*0.0019 – (0.2124 + 0.0437) = 0.0756(ala core values).In Glu-Val context, 147*0.0019 – 0.1299 = 0.1494 and 0.1494 – 0.1254(66) = 0.0240 = 240 = 184 + 56(codon position according to p53) = 357 – 117(val vt) and 414 – 240 = 174(arg vt).It is seen in this case both the co-ordinations (184 and 240) in the structure is in bisectional form where 240*2 = 480 = 414 + 66.In Arg-Val context, 117.1469(val) + 174.2017 = 291.3486 and 0.2017 – 0.1469 = 0.0548(29).Now, 357 – 291 = 66 and 117 + 66 = 183 and correspondingly 0.1469 + 0.1254 = 0.2723 = 0.2017 + 0.0707(met translocation) and 0.3496 – 0.2723 = 0.0773 = 0.0754(val core values) + 0.0019.According to codon position in p53, 240 = 174(arg) + 66(met) = 0.1289(arg core values) + 0.0703(met core values with 0.0004 time difference) = 0.1992 and 75.0669(gly) + 165.19(phe) = 240.2569.Now, 240*0.0019 – 0.2569 = 0.1991 shows codon position is a part of the system.Again, 240 = 168(arg) + 72(pro) [3] = 0.1289(arg core values) + 0.0875(pro core values) = 0.2164 = 0.1991 + 0.0174 where 0.1289 – 0.0875 = 0.0414.Again, 240 = 168(arg) + 72(arg) = 0.1289 + 0.1289 = 0.2578 = 0.1991 + 0.0588 where 0.0588 = 0.0414 + 0.0174.It is seen Trp-Thr combination is in compliance to t-RNA structure assigned by UGG(414)-ACC(357) codon-anticodon composition while the core values of Trp is 0.1615(85) and that of Thr is 0.1064(56) that differentiated by 85 – 56 = 29(0.0551).Now, 0.1615 – 0.1254(66) = 0.0361(0.0357 + 0.0004) where UGG(414) is in equilibrium to anti-gravitational codon 0.0357 while 0.1254 – 0.1064 = 0.0190 = 0.0547(29 with 0.0004 time difference) – 0.0357(ACC). The existence of anti-gravitational codon is explicit above where 414 + 266/2 = 547 shows 0.2261(trp ht)*2 – 0.1463(hidden time) = 0.3059.P53 protein molecule (393 codon associated protein) where 393 = 321(lys) + 72(arg) is in timeline structure.Now, 321 = 146(lys vt) + 174(arg vt) + 1 and according to core values 0.0893(lys cv) + 0.1289(arg cv) = 0.2182 = 0.2889 [4] – 0.0707(met cv) where 707 – 321 = 386 = 320 + 66(met codon position) shows structural molecular points and anti-gravitational transition.Again, (0.3496 – 0.0393) / 2 = 0.1552(his ht) that corresponds to 393 + 184 = 577 = 267 + 2*155 are events of structural biology.Amino acids relations derived from Lysine (146.1881):Mathematically, 0.3496(184) + 0.0266 = 2*0.1881(lys ht) and after transition of 0.0266, 184 + 266 = 450 = 393(p53 amplification) +57 = 252(TT) + 2*99 where 99*0.0019 = 0.1881 = 0.171 + 0.0171 that indicates replication process and correspondingly 0.221 + 0.0221 = 0.2431 = 0.1881 + 0.0551(29) since 221 + 171 = 393 – 1.Now, 450 + 2*146 = 742 = 336(UUU) + 405(AAA) + 1.In opposite direction, 266 – 184 = 82 = 0.1558 = 0.1881 – 0.0323(extruded for trp-thr) and correspondingly 0.1558 + 0.1881 = 0.3439 = 0.3458(trp-thr ht) – 0.0019 and 393 – 82 = 311(extruded values for lys-phe) and 0.1881 – 0.0330(extruded values for met-tyr) = 0.1551(his ht) are structural matters.Now, 0.1615(trp cv) – 0.0893(lys cv) = 0.0722 = 0.0703(met cv with 0.0004 time difference) + 0.0019 and 0.1064(thr cv) + 0.0893 = 0.1957 = 0.2261 – 0.0304(coined as oxy-time a fundamental structural value) where 0.0304 + 0.0019 = 0.0323.Again, 0.1064 + 0.0893 = 0.1957 = 2*0.0703 +0.0551(29) where 0.1615 – 0.1064 = 0.0551.Again, 2*0.1957 = 0.3914 = 0.3496(184) + 0.0418 = 0.2831(149) +0.1083(57).In E6V(Hemoglobin-S) and E6K(Hemoglobin-C) mutations, it is seen val-lys(GU = 263 = 146 + 117) are closely related and 184 + 266 = 450 = 292 + 158 = 146 + 304 and 263 + 158 = 421(GAA) = 117 + 304.Since 0.1494(glu cv) – 0.0754(val cv) = 0.0740(39) and in mutation GAA(421) – GUA(398) = 23 and consequently 39 – 23 = 16 = 0.0304(oxy-time) is absorbed as hidden time causing de-oxygenation in sickle-cell-anemia(SCA).
3. Conclusions
The amino acids are constituted by anti-gravitational values directed by t-RNA mechanism and the anti-gravitational transition is necessarily happening for molecular manifestation. The paper is supported by quantitative and mathematical descriptions and the positional events of coincidence and discrimination in the structure would be an interest of biophysics.
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