International Journal of Biophysics

p-ISSN: 2168-4979    e-ISSN: 2168-4987

2016;  6(1): 4-6



Biophysical Informatics

Ratan Kumar Sarkar

Janhabi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India

Correspondence to: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Janhabi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.


Copyright © 2016 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

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Biophysical informatics are concerned to anti-gravitational influx into the system that lead to synthesis of amino acids under supervision of lunar gravity and time following codon-anticodon complementarity. The positional charecteristics of anti-gravitatioal strands have been discussed, especially for hemoglobin molecule.

Keywords: Bisection, Anti-gravity, Hemoglobin

Cite this paper: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Biophysical Informatics, International Journal of Biophysics , Vol. 6 No. 1, 2016, pp. 4-6. doi: 10.5923/j.biophysics.20160601.02.

1. Introduction

This paper is a sequel of ‘Biology of Time’ [1]. Biophysical informatics relating to chemistry of gravity and antigravity that controlling the biological proceedings explained in this paper to some extent. The building block of proteins i.e. amino acids are interactive due to its variable codon composition and execute noncovalent weaker forces that would be gravitational forces [2].

2. Discussions

Earth or Moon’s diameter is a measurement of time:
The diameters of earth(12756 km) and our moon(3476 km) are measurement of time and that relevant to biology. The formulation, g = relative mass*curvature of diameter2
Where g = gravity of the celestial bodies considering earth’s mass & gravity (= 1) as a body of reference and this is applicable to all solar planets.
In earth-moon context, Earth’s diameter / Moon’s diameter = 12756 km/ 3476 km = 3.67 and moon’s relative mass = 0.012 with respect to earth’s mass = 1.
Applying this in above formula, we get, moon’s gravity = 0.012*3.672 = 0.16.
In earth-mars context, Earth’s diameter / Martian diameter = 12756 km/ 6786 km = 1.88.
Martian relative mass = 0.107.
Applying this in formula, we get, Martian gravity = 0.107*1.882 = 0.38.
This is applicable to all solar planets and the results are in approximation and would asserts diameter of moon, earth etc. in kilometre are measurement of time.
Repetitive 14.0267:
Here is a mathematical model of amino acids follows repetitive 14.0267.
The amino acids start with 75.0669gly + 14.0267 = 89.0935ala and 89.0935 + 2*14.0267 = 117.1469val and 117.1469 + 14.0267 = 131.1736leu and 132.1184asn + 14.0267 = 146.1451gln.
It is significant that 131.1736leu – 121.159cys = 10.0146 and 117.1469val – 121.159cys = 4.0121 where 10.0146 + 4.0121 = 14.0267. Here 10.0146 and 4.0121 are bisection of 14.0267 with respect to core values (Cv).
10*0.0019 – 0.0146 = 0.0044 whereas 4*0.0019 – 0.0121 = (-)0.0045 with 0.0001 time difference and neutralizes each other.
It is significant that 121 or 146 values both found in horizontal as well as vertical time.
The addition of core values of cys and gln = 0.0709 + 0.1323 = 0.2033 = 19*0.0107 = 107*0.0019 whereas the substraction follows 0.1323 – 0.0709 = 0.0614 = 1/16 – 0.0010 where 1/16 = reciprocal of lunar gravity (vt) and 0.0010 is vertical bisection of 14.0267 since 0.0267/14 = 0.0019 with 0.0001 time difference.
In met-tyr context, 149.2124met – 117.1469val = 32.0655 = 28*0534 + 4.0121 and 149.2124 + 32.0655 = 181.278 that differ with 0.278 – 0.1894tyr ht = 0.0886 = 0.0741 + 0.0146 where 16(lunar gravityvt)*0.0019 = 0.0304 = 0.016 + 0.0146 – 0.0002(time difference).
Again 89.0935ala + 32.0655 = 121.159cys.
The starting amino acid 75.0669gly + 3*14.0267 = 117.1469val.
Reptetive 14.0267 is significant for anti-gravitational influx since 0.3477(lunar time) – 30*0.0107 (anti-gravitational unit) = 0.0267 shows lunar time limitation and go for a new amino acid in a definite structure. The system allows bisection of lunar antigravity or gravity i.e. 0.428 – 0.3477 = 0.0803 that related to 0.0803 + 0.0267 = 0.107(i.e.10*0.0107) or 0.0367(earth-moon curvature) – 0.0359(UUA) = 0.0008 and 0.0367 – 0.0382(AAU) = 0.0016 – 0.0001(time difference) that constitutes 0.0359 + 0.0382 = 0.0741 a fundamental codon package that extrude specific anti-gravitational values in the positive side thus making amino acids.

3. Biophysical Informations

The gravitational or antigravitational threshold of the earth-moon time structure would be 30*0.0107 = 0.321 and that of corresponding values 30*0.0019 = 0.057. The amino acid synthesis reaction can not be initiated until anti-gravitational influx reaches to this position. The each position represents a multiple of 0.0019 or 0.0107.
From the standpoint of codon difference i.e. 263(UG) – 246(AC) = 17 = 16 + 1.
Where ‘16’ is lunar gravity in vertical time or molecular weight form that coincides to Oxygen and would be concerned mathematically 31*0.0019 = 1 / 17 and 31*0.0107 = 0.3317 = 0.3477(lunar time) – 0.016.
Here, 17*0.0019 = 0.0323 and 1/17 = 0.0589 are structural matters are related to 0.321/10 = 0.0321 + 0.0002 and 0.0589 – 0.057 = 0.0019 shows 0.0570 is eqivalent or complementary to 16(lunar gravity). Reciprocality arises as moon exists in opposite direction to earth.
Now, 0.321 – 0.0321 = 0.2889 = 27*0.0107 = 152*0.0019 and 0.057 – 0.0057 = 0.0513 = 27*0.0019 are related to 0.0152*2 = 0.0304 = 16*0.0019.
Now, 152 + 3 = 155his vt and 152 – 3 = 149met vt and correspondingly 0.2124met ht – 0.1552his ht = 0.0572 and (0.2124 + 0.1552) – 0.321 = 0.0466 = 0.0321 + 0.0145 where 152*2 = 304 = 160 + 144 a structural matter in course of bisectional progress of biomolecules.
Correspondingly, 0.1894tyr ht – 0.1469val ht = 0.0425 = 0.0570 – 0.0145 and (0.1894 + 0.1469) – 0.321 = 0.0153.
It is significant that 0.1736(bisection of lunar time or leu ht) – 0.1552 = 0.0184(bisection of 0.0367 earth-moon time curvature) comply to 304 /2 = 152 where 152*2 = 304 = 155 + 149.
Here are some interesting relations like 0.2889 + 0.0513 = 0.3402 = 0.378(TTT) – 0.0378(TTT) = 0.321 + 0.0192 and also 0.0321 + 0.0192 = 0.0513 = 0.057 – 0.0057 = 0.0155 + 0.0358(CAU).
Again, 131.1736leu MW + 14.0267 + 10.0146 = 155.2149 differed by 0.2149 – 0.1552 = 0.0597= 0.0741 + 0.0144 with 0.0002 time difference and 0.2889 – 0.2149 = 0.0741.
So 0.0144 or 144 structural values appears from 304 – 160 = 144.
A changeover of ‘10’ originated from 0.367 – 0.3477 = 0.0193 = 10*0.0019 + 0.0003.
The codon package ‘39’ shows 39*0.0019 = 0.0741 a fundamental anti-gravitational codon in biophysics shows 0.0741 = 0.0359(UUA) + 0.0382(AAU).
A general form of codon-anticodon disposition is 19*0.0019 = 0.0361 = 0.0359(UUA) + 0.0002 and 19*10 = 190 so that 190*2 – 361 = 19 a core values exists for regeneration and the seed of replications are innate to 0.0267 / 14 = 0.0019 formulation. This 0.019 = 10*0.0019 acts as a changeover as a complementation in the structure to initiate bisectional progress and 0.0190 = 0.0133 + 0.0057 are the structural matters.
The synthesis of amino acids can also be found from summation of codon-anticodon assignment.
The maximum difference of codon-anticodon triplet pair would be 453(GGG) – 333(CCC) = 120 = 3*40(triplet repetitive of 40) and on summation perspective 453 + 333 = 786 is concerned to lunar gravity with one molecule difference like 786 – 741 = 45 = 3*16 – 3 that is why 3*0.0019 = 0.0057 is an intrinsic factor of time structure.
741 or 0.0741 and 0.3477(lunar time) are differentiated by change of one decimal place.
39*0.0019 = 0.0741 = 0.0304(lunar antigravity) + 0.0437(core values or difference of UUA-AAU).
Lunar time = 0.3477 = 0.304 + 0.0437.
Lunar time 0.3477 or 0.0741 is a limit point of anti-gravitational influx and that can be overfluxed by codon complementarity or any way otherwise it drives out the anti-gravitational values to gravitational arena.
Now, 183*0.0019 = 0.3477 and 183 = 160 + 23 = 144 + 39 shows under one step replication 144 drives out to positive or gravitational arena and related by 144 + 8 = 152 and 152*2 = 304.
Because of gravitational-antigravitational chemistry, 23*0.0019 = 0.0437 is fundamental values in the system. ‘23’ appears a core values of UUAleu and AAUasn codon-anticodon combination (0.0741) and it is seen the combination torn out by 39 = 10 + 29 where 10*0.0019 = 0.0190 would acts as a complementary of one step(10) replication or one molecule adjustment as the case may be.
In phe-lys context, the codon-anticodon disposition is UUU-AAA, so it is expected the presence of TTT(378) in the system.
Here, antigravitational influx (horizontal time) = 0.1881lys ht + 0.19phe ht = 0.3781(TTT) = 0.321 + 0.057 where 0.321 or 0.057 acts as parameters.
Here, codon-anticodon summation is 336(UUU) + 405(AAA) = 741 but codon difference is 405 – 336 = 69 = 3*23. Comparing with above discussions, 0.3781 – 0.3477 = 0.0304 and surplus of 2*23 = 46 = 0.0874 = 0.0311 + 0.0553 + 0.0010 and 0.0874 = 0.0304 + 0.0570.
The total molecular weight of phe-lys = 146.1881 + 165.19 = 311.3781 and phe-lys shows one molecule adjustment in positive and negative side.
In met-tyr context, anti-gravitational influx(ht) = 0.2124met ht + 0.1894tyr ht = 0.4018.
Now, 0.4018 – 0.3781 = 0.0237 coincides to 0.0237 + 0.0330met-tyr ht + 0.0003 = 0.0570 with 0.0003 time difference and codon-anticodon summation = 398 + 358 = 741 + 16 – 1 and 16 is equivalent to 0.057 previously explained.
In val-gln context, anti-gravitational influx = 0.1469val ht + 0.1451gln ht = 0.292.
Now, 0.3781 – 0.292 = 0.0861= 0.0571 + 0.0290 where 0.292 + 0.029 = 0.321.
In trp-thr context, antigravitational influx (ht) = 0.2261trp ht + 0.1197thr ht = 0.3458.
Now, 0.3781 – 0.3458 = 0.0323 = 323trp-thr vt.
On codon-anticodon perspective, 414(UGG) + 357(ACC) = 741 + 32 – 2.
Here, 30*0.0019 = 0.057 plus 0.0019 = 0.0589 = (16 + 1) since 0.3477 – 0.3458 = 0.0019.
Biophysical informations in terms of Hemoglobin molecule:
The sequence of hemoglobin polypeptide starts (position no. 1) with valine [3]. Although it is called amino acid position-1 but is actually position-30 because valine can not be synthesized until anti-gravitational influx reaches to lunar gravity (position-30).
So the position-6(glutamic acid) is actually position-35 for Hemoglobin A.
Position-35 is the locus of hemoglobin molecule clarified as follows.
Now, 35*0.0107 = 0.3745 = 0.3477 + 0.0268.
0.0268(extruded) = 268 = 121cys vt + 147glu vt and the corresponding values(ht) = 0.159 + 0.1299 = 0.2889 = 27*0.0107 = 152*0.0019 and 0.159 – 0.1299 = 0.0291.
The values 0.0291 = 0.0107 + 0.0184 are correlated with 0.0304 and 0.0267 are structural matters.
It is striking that cys’s are found at ‘93’ & ‘112’ positions of hemoglobin beta-chain what are actually ‘122’ & ‘141’ positions. Beta-chain is 146(i.e.175) amino acids long related with loci-35 in a way that 175 – 35 = 140 and 122 is cys vt with one molecule difference.
Loci-35 is controlling the whole beta-chain hemoglobin and mutation like val or lys in this position-6 or position-35 changes the charecter of the molecule and leads to molecular abnormalities.
The net ht of glutamic acid(147.1299) = 0.1299 – 0.0147 = 0.1152 = 0.1605(lunar gravity) – 0.0453. As 0.0453 overlaps 0.0367(earth-moon curvature) by 0.0453 – 0.0367 = 0.0086 the codon of glu appears as 0.0333 + 0.0086 = 0.0421(GAA) – 0.0002.
In case of valine(117.1469) substitution in position-35 causes gravitational detrimental of the molecule.
The net ht of valine = 0.1469 – 0.0117 = 0.1352 = 0.1605 – 0.0253 where 0.0421(GAA)glu cd – 0.0253 = 0.0168 = 0.016 + 0.0008 is said to be gravitational non-consistency.
Secondly, 268 – 117 = 152 = 0.0152 = 8*0.0019 is a bisection of lunar gravity with one molecule difference.
Again, 0.1469val ht – 0.0803(bisection of 0.1605) = 0.0665 = 35*0.0019.
Again, 35*0.0107 – 121*0.0019 = 0.1446 = 0.0147 + 0.1299 that would supports loci-35.
Conclusions: The biophysical informatics are concerned to deep meaning of gravitational and anti-gravitational motivation towards biological processes derived from earth-moon time structure towards far-reaching implications and simply saving earth-moon is saving ourselves.


[1]  Sarkar R K, 2016, International Journal of Biophysics, vol.6(1), pp 1-3.
[2]  Strickberger Monroe W., 2010, Genetics, 3rd ed, PHI Learning Private Ltd, p-531.
[3]  Strickberger Monroe W., 2010, Genetics, 3rd ed, PHI Learning Private Ltd, p-538.