Ameha Tefera Tessema
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Correspondence to: Ameha Tefera Tessema, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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such that

Where p=2t+1 for all p odd Natural numbers(N), p=2t+2 for all p even natural numbers(N).
Power series, Formula
Cite this paper: Ameha Tefera Tessema, A P-Series Formula, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021, pp. 21-22. doi: 10.5923/
1. Introduction
In the early time fermat, a French number theorist, had stated that the equation
has no solution in integers, if n>2 [1]. The problem to find the exact value of z is enhanced as the number of terms increases rather than power two. Let us have n terms each of which has a common power p in the series then the series is called a p-series which is applied by the following theorem for p>2 which is also an answer for the claim of fermat.Theorem 1. Let
such that
Where p=2t+1 for all p odd Natural numbers(N), p=2t+2 for all p even natural numbers.Proof. Let
such that
then multiplying
up to n times we get
, therefor we can write this expression to p power as
If the binomial theorem for expansion
.Can be written as
, Putting
and dividing both sides by
we get | (1) |
The other way of writing
which can be written to p power as
If binomial theorem for expansion
can be written as
and dividing both sides by
we get | (2) |
Therefor, the summation of EQ(1) and EQ(2) can be put as follow
Where p=2t+1 for all p odd natural numbers, whereas p=2t+2 for all p even natural numbersLet put
and if
be divided by
such that
(Real numbers) then we get the following result
This result led us to a conclusion that every couple terms which have common power can undergo this formula.
[1] | Gerhard Frey, The way to the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem, Annales de la faculte des sciences de Toulouse, Vol. XVIII, 2009, pp.5-23. |