Mousumi Datta, Md. Shah Alam, Umme Hahiba, Nigar Sultana, Md. Babul Hossain
Department of Mathematics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail, Bangladesh
Correspondence to: Md. Shah Alam, Umme Hahiba, Nigar Sultana, Md. Babul Hossain, Department of Mathematics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail, Bangladesh.
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Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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This article explores a new approach to achieving an exact solution of a special type of both linear and non-linear partial differential equation (LNLPDE) with mixture derivatives, namely Goursat problems by Double Elzaki Decomposition Method (DEDM). The process utilizes characteristics of Double Elzaki Transform and Adomian Polynomials to obtain an exact solution for Goursat problems. Moreover, Adomian polynomials are used to decompose the non-linear terms. The findings indicate the proposed method is very easy to use and more effective than other techniques because of seed and computational time. It can easily be expanded to other mixed-type LNLPDEs and the approximation task size can be simplified.
Linear and Non-linear PDEs, Double Elzaki Transform, Mixed Partial Derivatives, Adomian Polynomials, Goursat Problem
Cite this paper: Mousumi Datta, Md. Shah Alam, Umme Hahiba, Nigar Sultana, Md. Babul Hossain, Exact Solution of Goursat Problem with Linear and Non-linear Partial Differential Equations by Double Elzaki Decomposition Method, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11 No. 1, 2021, pp. 5-11. doi: 10.5923/
1. Introduction
LNLPDE describes many problems in different fields of applied mathematics and sciences. These equations arise in various scientific models such as the fluid dynamics, chemical reaction-diffusion, shallow water wave propagation, and Schrodinger wave equation models. LNLDEs naturally occurs in various fields of study such as in engineering, physics, and applied mathematics. Many mathematicians and scientists have drawn too much attention to the extensive effectiveness of these equations. In the analysis of physical phenomena and applied sciences, the Goursat partial differential equation occurs in LNLPDEs including mixed-type derivatives and it is known as hyperbolic PDE of second order. The standard form of the Goursat problems with conditions [7-10] is
Several computational techniques, such as Variation Iteration Method (VIM) [7], Laplace Substitution–Variational Iteration Method (LSVIM) [15], Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) [11], Two-Dimensional Differential Transform Method (DTM) [8], Modified Variational Iteration Methods [12], Runge-Kutta Method [10] and Finite Difference Method (FDM) [13] and Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) [14] have been developed to resolve the linear and nonlinear form of Goursat Problems. Previously, the ESM was used [16-17] to solve second-order linear and non-linear PDEs containing mixed partial derivatives. Recently, inspired and encouraged by research work in these fields, we introduce a new method named DEDM, based on Elzaki transform [1] and Double Elzaki Transform [2-6]. The proposed technique is combined the Double Elzaki Transform with the Adomian polynomials for solving non-linear Goursat problems. Here in section (2), definitions and partial derivatives of the Double Elzaki transform will be described. In Section (3), explanation of main advantage of DEDM applied directly without linearization or interruption to Goursat problems are presented. To clarify the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method for several linear and non-linear problems are presented in section (4). We finally conclude the result at last section.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Elzaki Transform
The Elzaki transform for exponential order of function f, in the set A is defined by:  | (1) |
where M is a finite constant and
are finite or infinite in set A.The Elzaki transform symbolized by the operator E (.) and expressed by the integral equation- | (2) |
is used to factor the variable
in the argument of function
.Table 1  |
| |
2.2. Inverse Elzaki Transform
is the Elzaki transforms of
is called the inverse Elzaki transform of
and in mathematical terms, it can be expressed as
, where
is an operator and is called inverse Elzaki transform.
2.3. Double Elzaki Transform
The function
which can be expressed as an infinite convergent series, as a consequence Double Elzaki Transform is: | (3) |
are complex. Table 2  |
| |
2.4. Partial Derivatives of Double Elzaki Transform
Using Integration by parts to produce double Elzaki transforms of partial derivatives of
Proof: By the definition of double Elzaki transform-
Using first partial derivatives of Elzaki transform, the inner integral provides
Taking Elzaki transform with respect to
the above integrals is converted to
By second order partial derivatives of Elzaki transform, the inner integral becomes-
Taking Elzaki transform with respect to
IV. Similarly the following formula can be established
The inner integral reduces to
3. DEDM for Goursat Problem
In order to explain the solution procedure for DEDM, considering a general Goursat problem rolling mixed partial derivatives with conditions is | (4) |
 | (5) |
are linear term, non-linear differential term and source term respectively.Consequently, equation (4) becomes-
By double Elzaki transform the above equation is converted to- | (6) |
Again taking single Elzaki transform in equation (5), then the equation reduces to | (7) |
Substituting these values in equation (6), implies that
Now, on both sides of the above equation using inverse double Elzaki transform, finally- | (8) |
where initial conditions are prescribed and
reflects the resulting source term.Consider an infinite series solution to solve non-linear mixed type PDEs by DEDM is | (9) |
Then the non-linear term is reduced to | (10) |
are Adomian polynomials with components
are defined by  | (11) |
Substituting u(x, y) and Nu(x, y) in equation (8), the equation is converted to- | (12) |
Comparing on both sides of the above equation, obtained relationships are
In general, the recursive relations are
The values of all
are obtained from the above recursive relation and substitute in equation (9), then the series solution for the given equation is found.
4. Applications
The DEDM for LNLPDEs with mixed type derivatives will be explained by considering Goursat problems in a linear and non-linear form.
4.1. Linear Homogeneous Goursat Problem
Considering a Goursat problem which is linear and homogeneous
is a function of first degree.Example 1: Considering a Goursat problem which is linear and homogeneous-  | (13) |
 | (14) |
Equation (13) is converted to this new one by double Elzaki transform | (15) |
Operating single Elzaki transform, equation (14) reduces to
Using the above initial values, the equation (15) is reduced to-
The exact solution is found by using inverse double Elzaki transform
which is verified by the results obtained by VIM and ADM.
4.2. Linear Non-Homogeneous Goursat Problem
Consider a Goursat problem which is linear and non-homogeneous-
is a function of first degree.Example 2: Considering linear non-homogeneous Goursat problem-  | (16) |
 | (17) |
Taking double Elzaki transform in equation (16)  | (18) |
By single Elzaki transform equation (17) becomes
with the above conditions, the equation (18) is converted to
Applying inverse double Elzaki transform in the above equation
Which is the required exact solution. This result is completely similar with the result obtained by VIM and DTM.
4.3. Non-linear Goursat Problem
To illustrate the proposed DEDM, two non-linear homogeneous and non-homogeneous Goursat problem is considered.Example 3: Considering the non- linear non-homogeneous Goursat problem  | (19) |
 | (20) |
Directly use the double Elzaki transform in equation (19) implies that
Applying single Elzaki transform in equation (20), conditions reduce to
The transformed equation reduces with these conditions as
Again apply inverse double Elzaki transform in the above equation on both sides,  | (21) |
In DEDM, solution is represented in infinite series form as below, | (22) |
And the non-linear term can be written as follows,  | (23) |
are Adomian polynomials of components
which is defined by the formula (11).Some Adomian polynomials of
are found as
Then the equation (21) is transformed to
The following recursive relation is found by comparing the above equation on both sides,
The following few components of un (x, y), n>0 are determined from the above relation
Substituting all values of un (x, y), n≥0 in equation (22), finally the series solution of the given equation is
This results are in complete compliance with the result given by VIM and DTM.Example 4: Consider the non-linear homogeneous Goursat problem | (24) |
 | (25) |
Applying double Elzaki transform the equation (24) becomes-
Using the single Elzaki transform the conditions in equation (25) reduces to
with these new conditions the above equation gives
Operating inverse double Elzaki transform, find that | (26) |
The infinite series solution in DEDM is presented by | (27) |
and the non-linear term can be written as- | (28) |
are Adomian polynomials of components
which is defined by the formula (11). Adomian polynomials
Then the equation (26) becomes
The recursive relationships are obtained by comparing both sides of the above equation
The following new components of
have been found from the above relationship.
Putting all values of un (x, y), n≥0 in equation (27), finally the series solution of the given equation is
This finding is in complete compliance with the result obtained by VIM and DTM.
5. Conclusions
To find the approximate series solutions we successfully implemented the DEDM of linear and non-linear Goursat problems. The mentioned process eliminates the computational difficulties that occur in other existing methods and is directly implemented without the use of linearization, transformation, discretization or limiting assumptions. By applying DEDM, many examples of linear and non-linear Goursat problems were evaluated and the findings have shown noticeable and more satisfactory results. The improvement of this methodology would lead to the possibility of increasing the order and accuracy of the system further.
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