Applied Mathematics

p-ISSN: 2163-1409    e-ISSN: 2163-1425

2018;  8(1): 1-4



On a Problem of Maximization in the Discrete Time Models of Economic Dynamics

S. I. Hamidov

Baku State University, Department of Mathematic Cybernetics, Baku, Azerbaijan

Correspondence to: S. I. Hamidov, Baku State University, Department of Mathematic Cybernetics, Baku, Azerbaijan.


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We consider the two-sector model of the economic dynamics. The problem of the distribution of labor between sectors is considered under the condition that the total consumption is maximized. As a production function is taken a function with constant elasticity of the substitution (CES). Potential opportunity of the sectors is analyzed.

Keywords: Problem of maximization, Consumption, Production function

Cite this paper: S. I. Hamidov, On a Problem of Maximization in the Discrete Time Models of Economic Dynamics, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.5923/

1. Introduction

Consider Neumann type two-sector model [1] that is denoted as . Let’s introduce the denotations:
base funds of the sector;
number of the labor in the sector;
consumption fund of the sector;
specific consumption (wage rate) in the sector;
national income in the sector;
capital-labor force ratio in the sector,
ratio of fixed assets disposals in the sector;
production function of the sector. Sometimes instead of the function we’ll consider the function
It is expected that the total labor force is In paper [2] the dependence of the consumption volume on the labor force is investigated. In this paper the following problem is set: to distribute the labor between the sectors such that to maximize the total consumption. At the same time as a production function the function with constant elasticity of substitution (CES) is considered [1, 3, 4, 6, 8].

2. Main Part

So, consider the problem of maximizing the total consumption
under the condition
Here is a consumption fund in the sector, under the assumption that the special consumption is chosen by the formula
where is the unique root of the equation
Since may be expressed as function of
where and are defined by the equalities
then the following relations are valid
where is an inverse to function defined by the formula (5).
Now suppose that as a production function will be considered the function with a constant elasticity of substitution (CES)
It is proved that [2] in the case when is a production function with a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) the consumption computed by the formula (6), reaches its maximum in some point and is a unique local extremum point, the function has the only inflection point which changes the concavity to the convexity while
Note that capital-labor ratio in which the maximum of the consumption function of the defined by the formula (6) is reached is the same at all times. Therefore, the point depends only on the national wealth
Suppose that (3) has a unique solution and is a point in which the function reaches its maximum. As above and are found from the conditions
Here we give
Lemma 1. Let the following conditions be fulfilled
b) for some moment .
Proof. Let and . Since and are increasing functions and
then and therefore Since we have Considering (8) we get
Lemma is proved.
Note. It is easy to check that the condition is satisfied if
Let’s show this. The points and are solutions of the equations
where Then
Note that the functions and are increasing and - decreasing and moreover
It follows from the last that the equation has a unique solution if and only if, when that is equivalent to the inequality
Then if and only if when Due to the properties of and we have (Fig.1).
Figure 1
Therefore the inequality is satisfied if
Let’s calculate and
As follows from (9)
From this we obtain
Consequently, for the fulfillment of the condition а) of Lemma 1 it is enough to take from the interval
Let and
It is valid
Theorem 1. Let the conditions
be satisfied. Then for all and moreover decreases.
Proof. First we show that Actually, from the condition and (8) follows that Since the total number of the labor is equal to unit, the function is increasing and concave on the interval . Considering that we obtain from the last that increases on the interval and decreases on . Therefore the solution of problem (1) lies on the interval It gives
Suppose that Then from the second condition of b) follows that This means that If then and then
From we get
Thus Besides in the proof was shown that and so considering we get
Now using Lemma 1 we obtain
From this considering after the similar considerations may be shown that and
Continuing this process we arrive at the proof of the theorem.

3. Consequence

If the conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied then and total consumption
tends to .
Assume that the potential of the second sector is higher than the first sector. Then Theorem 1 is an example of the fact that under certain assumptions in the problem of maximization of the total consumption in contrast to the problems with the same wage rates we do not observe the replacement of the labor force to the second, more "better" production [2]. Moreover, in fact, the labor force in the second sector is upper bounded by the decreasing sequence. Also limit the total consumption is less than the similar limit in the problem with the same wages.


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