Applied Mathematics

p-ISSN: 2163-1409    e-ISSN: 2163-1425

2013;  3(4): 144-151


(1,2) - domination in Middle and Central Graph of K1,n, Cn and Pn

N. Murugesan, Deepa. S. Nair

Post Graduate and Research Department of Mathematics Government Arts College, Coimbatore-18, India

Correspondence to: Deepa. S. Nair, Post Graduate and Research Department of Mathematics Government Arts College, Coimbatore-18, India.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


In this paper we discuss domination and (1,2) - domination in middle graph and central graph of and .

Keywords: Dominating set, Domination Number, (1,2) - dominating Set, (1,2) - domination Number, Middle Graph, Central Graph

Cite this paper: N. Murugesan, Deepa. S. Nair, (1,2) - domination in Middle and Central Graph of K1,n, Cn and Pn, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2013, pp. 144-151. doi: 10.5923/

1. Introduction

Domination in graphs has become an important area of research in graph theory,as evidenced by the many results contained in the two books by Haynes,Hedetniemi and Slater(1998)[6].Vernold Vivin J(2010) have studied the harmonious coloring of line graph, middle graph, central graphs of certain special graphs[12].Venketakrishnan and Swaminathan (2010)[15] have studied the colorclass domination number of middle graph and central graphs of K1,n, Cn and Pn. In this paper we discuss (1,2)-domination in the middle and central graphs of K1,n, Cn and Pn.
By a graph we mean a finite ,undirected graph without loops or multiple edges. A subset of is a dominating set of if every vertex of is adjacent to a vertex of . The domination number of , denoted by (), is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of .
A (1,2) - dominating set in a graph is a set S having the property that for every vertex in there is atleast one vertex in at distance from and a second vertex in at distance atmost 2 from . The order of the smallest (1,2) - dominating set of is called the (1,2) - domination number of denoted by .
For a given graph of order n,the central graph is obtained, by subdividing each edge in E exactly once and joining all the nonadjacent vertices of . The central graph of a graph is an example of a split graph, where a split grah is a graph whose vertex set V can be partitioned into two sets, V1 and V2, where every pair of vertices in V1 are adjacent , and no two vertices in V2 are adjacent.
The middle graph of a graph , is the graph whose vertex set is where two vertices are adjacent if and only if they are either adjacent edges of G or one is a vertex and the other is an edge incident with it. That is, two vertices x and y in the vertex set of are adjacent in if are in and are adjacent in or is in ,y is in , and x is incident to y in . The related ideas regarding these graphs can be seen in[3,12,13,14].

2. (1,2) - domination in Middle Graphs of K1,n, Cn and Pn.

Theorem 2.1
For any star graph
Let and .By the definition of middle graph, we have in which the vertices induces a clique of order . Hence. Butis an independent set and each is adjacent to .
Theorem 2.2
For any star graph (1,2)- domination number
Let and .By the definition of middle graph, we have in which the vertices induces a clique of order the vertex is adjacent to and is an independent set and eachSo will form a (1,2)- dominating set. That is, .
Since induces a clique,
Theorem 2.3
For any cycle
Let and where By the definition of middle graph , has the vertex set in which each is adjacent with and is adjacent with . In induces a cycle of length
But we know that for (Theorem 2.1,[5 ]).
Thus it is clear that ,
Theorem 2.4
For any cycle
Let and where By the definition of middle graph , has the vertex set is adjacent with and is adjacent with . In induces a cycle of length
We have by theorem 3.1 in[ 10 ], for any cycle Cn, Hence
Theorem 2.5
For any path
Let be a path of length and let . By the definition of middle graph, has the vertex set in which eachis adjacent to .Also
Case 1:
Then. The vertices induces a path of length
Case 2:
Then. The vertices induces a path of length
In both the cases, is a path of length That is,
But we have for , (Theorem 2.1,[5 ]). Therefore,
Theorem 2.6
For any path
Let be a path of length and let .
By the definition of middle graph has the vertex set in which each is adjacent toand
is adjacent to .Also is adjacent to
Case 1:
Then . The vertices induces a path of length
Case 2:
Then. The vertices induces a path of length
In both the cases, is a path of length That is,
Then by theorem 2.1 in[10] we have

3. (1,2) - domination in Central Graph of K1,n, Cn and Pn.

3.1. (1,2)-domination in C(K1,n)

Theorem 3.1
For any star graph
Let where deg v = n. By the definition of central graph of we denote the vertices of subdivision by That is, vvi is subdivided by . Let and . Therefore . By the definition of central graph the subgraph induced by the vertex set and let eij be the edge of , connecting the vertex vi and vj
Since in the central graph of a star, the central vertex v together with any one of vi’s form a dominating set. Therefore we have
Theorem 3.2
For any star graph
Let where deg v = n. By the definition of central graph of we denote the vertices of subdivision by is subdivided by . Let and . Therefore . By the definition of central graph the subgraph induced by the vertex set is Kn and let eij be the edge of , connecting the vertex vi and vj Then . Since in the central graph of a star, the central vertex of the star is adjacent to every vertex in the central graph the vertex v together with any one of the vetices will form a {(1,2)- dominating set. Hence

3.2. (1,2)-domination in C(Cn): Consider the Following Examples

{v1,u2} is a dominating set and also (1,2)-dominating set.
{v1,u2,u3} is a (1,2)-dominating set.
{v1,u2,u3,u4} is a (1,2)-dominating set.
{v1,u2,u3,u4,u5} is a (1,2)-dominating set.
Theorem 3.3
For any cycle
Let Cn be any cycle of length n and let and
By the definition of central graph has the vertex set where ui is a vertex of subdivision of the edge vivi+1 (1 i n-1) and un is a vertex of subdivision of the edge vnv1. In we can note that the vertex vi is adjacent with all vertices except the vertices vi+1 and vi-1 for 1 i n-1.v1 is adjacent with all vertices except vn-1 and v1.The total number of edges incident with vi is (n-1) for every
i = 1,2,…,n and { ui, (1 i n)} is an independent set.So { vi}
will be a dominating set.So the dominating set will consist of (n-1) vertices.
Theorem 3.4
For any cycle
Let Cn be any cycle of length n and let and .
By the definition of central graph has the vertex set where ui is a vertex of subdivision of the edge vivi+1 (1 i n-1) and un is a vertex of subdivision of the edge vnv1. In we can note that the vertex vi is adjacent with all vertices except the vertices vi+1 and vi-1 for 1 i n-1.v1 is adjacent with all vertices except vn-1 and v1.The total number of edges incident with vi is (n-1) for every
i = 1,2,…,n and { ui, (1 i n)} is an independent set. So { vi}
will be a dominating set. But every minimum cardinality dominating set is also a (1,2)-dominating set in

3.3. (1,2)-domination in C(Pn)

v1,u2} is a dominating set and also (1,2)-dominating set.
{v1,u2,u3} is a (1,2)-dominating set.
{v1,u2,u3,u4} is a (1,2)-dominating set.
Theorem 3.5
For any path Pn γ (C(Pn)) = n-1
Let Pn be any path of length n-1 with vertices v1,v2,...........,vn. On the process of centralisation of Pn, let ui be the vertex of subdivision of the edges vivi-1 (1 ≤ i ≤ n).
Also let viui=ei and uivi+1= (1 ≤ i ≤ n-1).
By the definition of central graph the non-adjacent vertices vi and vj of Pn are adjacent inC(Pn) by the edge eij. Therefore V(C(Pn)) = {vi/1 ≤ i ≤ n} {ui/1 ≤ i ≤ n-1} and E(C(Pn))={ei :1≤ i ≤ n-1} {:1≤i≤n-1} {eij : 1 ≤ i ≤ n -2, i+2 ≤ j ≤ n}. In C(Pn) we can see that the vertex vi is adjacent with all vertices except the vertices vi+1 and vi-1 for 1 i n-1.v1 is adjacent with all vertices except v2. { ui, (1 i n)} is an independent set So So { vi}
will be a dominating set.
γ(C(Pn))= n-1.
Theorem 3.6
For any path Pn(1,2) ((C(Pn))= n-1.
Let Pn be any path of length n-1 with vertices v1,v2,...........,vn. On the process of centralisation of Pn, let ui be the vertex of subdivision of the edges vivi-1 (1 ≤ i ≤ n).
Also let viui=ei and uivi+1= (1 ≤ i ≤ n-1).
By the definition of central graph the non-adjacent vertices vi and vj of Pnare adjacent inC(Pn) by the edge eij. Therefore V(C(Pn)) = {vi/1 ≤ i ≤ n} ∪ {ui/1 ≤ i ≤ n-1} and E(C(Pn))={ei :1≤ i ≤ n-1}∪ {:1≤i≤n-1} ∪ {eij : 1 ≤ i ≤ n -2, i+2 ≤ j ≤ n}. In C(Pn) we can see that the vertex vi is adjacent with all vertices except the vertices vi+1 and vi-1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n-1.v1 is adjacent with all vertices except v2. { ui, (1 ≤ i ≤ n)} is an independent set SoSo { vi}
will be a dominating set.
γ(C(Pn))= n-1.
But every minimum cardinality dominating set of the central graph of a path is also a (1,2)- dominating set. Hence γ(1,2) (C(Pn)) = n-1.

4. Relation between Domination Number and (1,2)-domination Number in Middle and Central Graph of Stars, Cycles and Paths

Theorem 4.1
In the middle graph of a star, ,the domination number equals the (1,2)-domination number.
This result is obvious from theorem 2.1 and 2.2.
Theorem 4.2
In the middle graph of cycles, the domination number equals the (1,2)-domination number.
This result is obtained by theorem 2.3 and theorem 2.4.
Theorem 4.3
In the middle graph of paths, , the domination number is less than or equal to the (1,2)- domination number.
This result is obtained by theorem 2.5 and theorem 2.6.
Theorem 4.4
In the central graph of any star, C(K1,n), the domination number equalsthe (1,2)-domination number.
This is clear from theorem 3.1 and 3.2.
Theorem 4.5
In the central graph of cycles, C(Cn), the domination number equals the (1,2)- domination number.
This result is due to the theorem 3.3 and 3.4.
Theorem 4.6
In the central graph of paths,C(Pn), the domination number equals the (1,2)- domination number.
This result is obtained from theorem 3.5 and 3.6.

5. Conclusions

In this paper we have extended (1,2)- domination to the middle graph and central graph of stars, cycles, and paths and discussed both domination and (1,2)- domination number of these graphs. In all cases it is important to see that the domination number is less than or equal to the (1,2)- domination which coincides the result established in[8].


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