Applied Mathematics

p-ISSN: 2163-1409    e-ISSN: 2163-1425

2012;  2(2): 21-27

doi: 10.5923/

SOR- Steffensen-Newton Method to Solve Systems of Nonlinear Equations

M. T. Darvishi , Norollah Darvishi

Department of Mathematics, Razi University, Kermanshah, 67149, Iran

Correspondence to: M. T. Darvishi , Department of Mathematics, Razi University, Kermanshah, 67149, Iran.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


In this paper, we present SOR-Steffensen-Newton (SOR-SN) algorithm to solve systems of nonlinear equations. We study the convergence of the method. The computational aspects of the method is also studied using some numerical experiment. In comparison of new method with SOR-Newton, SOR-Steffensen and SOR-Secant methods, our method are better in CPU time and number of iterations.

Keywords: Nonlinear System, SOR-Newton Method, SOR-Steffensen Method, SOR-Secant Method, CPU Time

1. Introduction

There are cases where thousands of nonlinear equations depending on some independent variables must be solved effectively. Consider the nonlinear system
where , that is, a system with equations and unknowns. Finding roots of systems of nonlinear equations efficiently is of major importance and has widespread applications in numerical and applied mathematics. There are many approaches to solve (1). The second order Newton's method is one of the most common iterative methods adopted for finding approximate solutions of nonlinear system (1) (for more details see[1]). The Newton's method to solve (1) is an important and basic method which converges quadratically. Recently, some third and fourth order iterative methods have been proposed and analyzed for solving systems of nonlinear equations that improve some classical methods such as the Newton's method and Chebyshev-Halley methods. It has been demonstrated that the methods are efficient, and can compete with Newton's method, for more details see[2-10]. To solve system (1), Darvishi and Barati[11-13] presented some high order iterative methods, free from second order derivative of function . Darvishi[14,15] presented some multi-step iterative methods, free from second order derivative of function . Frontini and Sormani[16] obtained a third-order method based on a quadrature formula to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Babajee et al.[17] proposed a fourth order iterative method to solve system (1).
One-step SOR-Newton method to solve nonlinear system (1) which presented in[1] is as follows:
where , is the relaxation parameter in SOR method and
It is obvious that we have
The aim of this paper is to introduce the SOR-SN algorothm. To achieve this, we follow the two-step Steffensen type method which presented by Ren et al[18]. They have presented a class of one-parameter Steffensen type methods with fourth-order convergence to solve nonlinear equations
where f is a real function. We extend their method to solve systems of nonlinear equations and then combine the new method and SOR-Newton method to obtain the mixed method SOR-SN to solve (1). The convergence analysis of method will be presented. Also, we compare CPU time and number of iterations of SOR-SN method and another SOR methods to solve some nonlinear systems.

2. SOR- SN Algorithm

In this section we introduce the SOR-SN algorithm, to solve systems of nonlinear equations. The SOR-SN method to solve for
is defined by solving the following equation for
We set
Then we obtain from (3) as follows
whereas Finally, we set

2.1. Convergence Analysis

In this part, we state and prove convergence theorem for our SOR-SN method. The proof is similar to proof of convergency of SOR algorithm in[19]. First, to follow[19], we need some assumptions. These assumptions are as follows
a) D is a convex set in .
b) For system , is gradient of , namely, and function is strictly convex.
c) On domain , function is twice continuously differentiable.
d) Set for some is nonempty and compact. Note that exists and set is nonempty and compact.
e) for and , unless is the point at which attains its minimum, where for is Hessian matrix of at .
Assumptions a) and b) show that the Hessian matrix of is positive definite. It is obvious that sets are convex for all . Assumption d) shows that attains its minimum at some point . If assumptions a), b) and c) hold and function attains its minimum at some point then assumption d) is nontrivially satisfied, that is, there exists such that and is compact also is a non-increasing function. From b) the minimum point is unique. At last, a point is the minimum point of function if and only if .
Now, we can present the following theorem on convergency of SOR-SN method.
Theorem 1. If sequence be generated by
in fact, we have
Also if ,, be defined by
and be defined by where
and for some which satisfies in
then for any sequence is well-defined and converges to .
Proof. We first prove that sequence is well-defined. By consideration of structure of sets and we have
Note that we have
this shows that . But sequence is non-increasing, thus , from this we have . In a similar manner and by mathematical induction we can prove that all terms of sequence are contained in hence the sequence is well-defined. We now prove that converges. By using Taylor's theorem on function for (where denotes the open line segment joining and ) we have
Note that in the Steffensen's method we have
thus from (5) we have
setting (7) in (6) yields
From the convergence of the Steffensen's method for which satisfies in
we have
Consequently, from this and (8) we have
where . Since the Hessian matrix of is positive semidefinite, hence . We consider two cases for :
Case 1.
By assumption e) there exists some subsequence converges to and we know that and as is a non-increasing sequence, we have Therefore, by our assumption, as is a continuous function, we have .
Case 2.
We know that satisfies in
we consider two possible cases as follows:
Case 1.
We know that the sequence is non-increasing and bounded from below, hence it is a convergent sequence. Then , we suppose that is a limit point of and we consider the following sets and . From (7) we have
from the convergency of the Steffensen's method we have
As and is bounded, hence we have
This shows that is a nonempty set. If be an empty set, hence and as is a non-increasing sequence, . Else if be a nonempty set, thus
For we define the following sets
Clearly sets are closed and nonempty sets, because and , hence .
Also we define . Since is a closed set then there exists such that for , we have Remember that hence, there is an integer such that for we have Let . From the continuity of there exists such that implies that
We define set such that for all the following relations hold
Note that for any we may select such that if then , otherwise for every sequence which reduces to zero, there exists such that and . All such are contained in which is a compact set. This results that, there exists a limit point of which is such that . We have from (9) that
And also from (10) we have
where denotes the inner product of vectors and . This leads to a contradiction, because is a strictly convex function. Thus there exists such that implies that Also from , there exists such that for we have Also there exists such that hence there is an such that thus . If for , then we have which is a contradiction. Hence for . This shows that for there is not any such that , therefore there is not any in thus is an empty set, which is a contradiction. Thus .
Case 2.
We can state a similar discussion for this case.

3. Numerical Results

In this section we solve some nonlinear systems by SOR-SN method. We compare the CPU time and number of iterations of our method with SOR-Newton(SOR-N), SOR-Steffensen(SOR-St) and SOR-Secant(SOR-Se) methods. Numerical computations have been carried out in MATLAB. The stopping criteria is , where shows the Infinity norm.
Note that in SOR-secant method we need to two initial guesses, namely and , while for another methods we only need to one initial guess. In the following parts, we present some examples to compare these methods:
Example 1 . Consider the following nonlinear system
The exact solution of the above system is
For an initial guess we set and also for SOR-Secant method we set . The numerical results are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Results for Example 1
Methoderr ()CPU time (s)Iter.
Example 2 . We consider the following nonlinear system
Its exact solution is . For an initial guess we set and also for SOR-Secant method we set . The numerical results are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Results for Example 2
Methoderr ()CPU time (s)Iter.
Example 3. Consider the following system
Its exact solutions are and for different values of . For an initial guess we set and also for SOR-Secant method we set . The numerical results are given in Table 3.
Table 3. Results for Example 3.
Example 4. Consider the following nonlinear system
One of the exact solutions of the system is for different values of . For an initial guess we set also and for SOR-Secant method we set .
The numerical results are given in Table 4.
Table 4. Results for Example 4.
In the following example, we apply the new method to solve a boundary value problem. The stopping criteria used in this case is , where is the th approximation of the solution.
Example 5 . We consider the following boundary value problem, which is given in[3]:
The exact solution of this problem is. To discretize the problem we use the second order finite difference method. The zeros of the following nonlinear functions will provide us an estimation of the solution of the problem:
and for we have , such that
In the above system, the second order approximations are used for and by step . By this step, we set the nodes as:
Also, denotes the unknown . In Table 5 some results can be observed. For any initial estimation, we analyze the number of iterations and CPU time needed to converge to the solution. The initial estimations used are:
For SOR-secant in Table 5 we set and in Table 6 we set And in both cases. As we can see from Tables 5 and 6 for all cases the number of iterations and CPU time for our new method are less than number of iterations and CPU time for the other methods.
Table 5. Results for
      in Example 5
Table 6. Results for
      in Example 5.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, we have presented SOR-SN algorithm to solve systems of nonlinear equations. We have shown that our method is convergent. In comparison with another SOR type methods, such as, SOR-Newton, SOR-Steffensen and SOR-Secant methods, SOR-SN algorithm were better in CPU time and number of iterations.


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