Salah H. Abid, Heba A. Hassan
Mathematics department, Education College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq
Correspondence to: Salah H. Abid, Mathematics department, Education College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq.
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In reliability theory, a combination of two distributions failure rate model for reliability studies is paid much attention. In this paper, we will derive the failure rate model of (Marshall-Olkin Extended Uniform distribution) MOEU
and every one of MOEU
, uniform
, truncated exponential
, truncated Weibull
, truncated Frechet
, truncated Rayleigh
, doubly truncated Cauchy
and doublytruncated Gumbel
Reliability, MOEU, Additive rate model, Truncated distribution
Cite this paper: Salah H. Abid, Heba A. Hassan, Some Additive Failure Rate Models Related with MOEU Distribution, American Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2015, pp. 1-10. doi: 10.5923/j.ajss.20150401.01.
1. Introduction
In reliability studies, combinations of components forming series, parallel and k out of n systems are quite popular. The reliability probabilities of such systems are evaluated either by the system as a whole or through the reliability probabilities of the components that define the system. It is well known that in a series system of a finite number of components with independent life time random, the system reliability is equal to the product of the component reliabilities.If
respectively indicate the failure density, failure probability and failure rate of a component with life time random variable x, then we know that the reliability is given by, | (1) |
Where  | (2) |
If a series system has two component with independent but non-identical life patterns explained by two distinct random variables say
with respective failure densities, failure probabilities and failure rates as
, then the system reliability is given by, | (3) |
From the above expression we can get the failure density and the failure rate of the series system whose reliability is given by (3), such models are already studied in the past with different choices of
by Rao, Nagendram and Rosaiah (2013), Rao, Kantam, Rosaiah and Baba (2013) [4] and Rosaiah, Nagarjuna, Kumar and Rao (2014) [3]. In this paper a combination of
and some other distributions will studied.
2. MOEU Distribution and Its Properties
Marshall and Olkin (1997) [2] introduced a new family of distributions in an attempt to add a parameter to a family of distributions. Let
be the reliability function of a random variable X and
be a parameter. Then | (4) |
is a proper reliability function.
is called Marshall-Olkin family of distributions. The probability density function (p.d.f) corresponding to (4) is given by  | (5) |
is the p.d.f. corresponding to
. The hazard (failure) rate function is given by
.Now, Let X follows
distribution, where
. Then
. Substituting in (1) we get a new distribution denoted by MOEU
with reliability function [1]. | (6) |
The corresponding pdf is obtained as | (7) |
and the corresponding cumulative distribution function is, | (8) |
Note that
is the shape parameter and
is the scale parameter of the distribution. The hazard rate function of a random variable X with MOEU
distribution is  | (9) |
The higher-order moments is [1], | (10) |
Specially, the mean and the variance of a random variable X with MOEU
distribution are, respectively [1],
.So, the coefficient of variation is,
. The
quantile of a random variable X with MOEU
distribution is given by [1],
, Where
is the inverse distribution function.The median is
, and the mode is
. The skewness is
and the kurtosis is
In the following sections we will derive Some additive failure rate models related with MOEU distribution.
3. MOEU-MOEU Additive Failure Rate Model
Here we choice
, then | (11) |
, and then by (3) can get,  | (12) |
Which is mean,
. So for two additive failure rates,
, one can get the distribution of the system as.
, where,
, so,  | (13) |
According to the same argument, if we have for two additive failure rates
, then, one can get the distribution of the system as. | (14) |
4. MOEU-Uniform Additive Failure Rate Model
Here we choice
. So, Since
, then
. We have,
then we get,
So, by (3), one can get the system Reliability as, | (15) |
For two additive failure rates,
, then, one can get the distribution of the system as. | (16) |
5. MOEU-Truncated Exponential Additive Failure Rate Model
The probability density function of truncated exponential distribution from the right can be derived as,
so the cumulative distribution is
and then the reliability function is | (17) |
Here we choice
and truncated exponential from the right for
.Now, since
So, we can write
We get
And then the reliability function of the system can be written by (3) as, | (18) |
It follows that, for two additive failure rates
of truncated exponential (λ) at, then one can get the distribution of the system as follows, | (19) |
6. MOEU-Truncated Weibull Additive Failure Rate Model
The pdf of the truncated Weibull from the right at
can be derived as
so, the distribution function can be defined as
and then the reliability function will be,
so the failure rate function will be, | (20) |
So if we choice
and truncated Weibull
from the right at
so by (3) the reliability function of the system is, | (21) |
for two additive failure rates,
of truncated weibull
from the right at
, then, one can get the distribution of the system as, | (22) |
7. MOEU-Truncated Frechet Additive Failure Rate Model
The pdf of truncated Frechet from the right at
can be derived as,
. so the distribution function can be derived as,
and then the reliability function as,
So the hazard function will be | (23) |
Now, if we choice
of truncated Frechet
from the right at,
 | (24) |
For two additive failure rates
of truncated Frechet
, then, one can get the probability distribution of the system as, | (25) |
8. MOEU-Truncated Rayleigh Additive Failure Rate Model
The pdf of truncated Rayleigh from the right at
can be derived as,
so the distribution function is,
and the reliability function is,
So, the hazard function will be
Now, if we choice
and truncated Rayleigh
from the right at
so the reliability function of the system is , | (26) |
For two additive failure rates,
of truncated Rayleigh
from the right at
then, one can get the distribution of the system as, | (27) |
9. MOEU- Doubly Truncated Cauchy Additive Failure Rate Model
The pdf of doublytruncated Cauchy from the right at
and from the left at zero can be derived as,
So the distribution function is
And the reliability function is
and then the hazard function will be, | (28) |
Now, if we choice
and doublytruncated Cauchy
from the right at
and from the left at zero for
Then, | (29) |
So, the reliability of the system can be written as | (30) |
So, for two additive failure rates,
of doublytruncated Cauchy
from the right at
and from the left at zero, one can get the distribution of the system as | (31) |
10. MOEU-Doublytruncated Gumbel Additive Failure Rate Model
The pdf of doublytruncated Gumbel from the right, at
and from the left at zero, can be derived as,
So the distribution function is
And the reliability function is
and then the hazard function will be | (32) |
Now, if we choice
and doublytruncated Gumbel(a,b) from the right at
and from the left at zero for
then,  | (33) |
So the reliability function of the system can be written as | (34) |
For two additive failure rates,
of doublytruncated Gmbel(a,b) from the right at
and from the left at zero, one can get the distribution of the system as. | (35) |
11. Summary and Conclusions
In spite of the great importance of the uniform distribution uses, but unfortunately the form of the distribution and its properties reduced the distribution applications, especially in real life. This issue has made us think to construct other distributions based on the uniform distribution, So that the new distributions have flexible forms and properties to represent a lot of other applications.A combination of (Marshall-Olkin Extended Uniform distribution) MOEU
model and every one of some probability models are developed on lines of the well known linear failure rate model .We derive here the additive failure rate model of MOEU
and every one of MOEU
, uniform
, truncated exponential
, truncated Weibull
, truncated Frechet
, truncated Rayleigh
, truncated Cauchy
and truncated Gumbel
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