American Journal of Signal Processing

2012;  2(4): 76-82

doi: 10.5923/j.ajsp.20120204.04

Genetic Algorithm Clustering for Color Image Quantization

F. Z. Bellala Belahbib , F. Souami

LRIA Département Informatique FEI, USTHB, Alger, Algérie

Correspondence to: F. Z. Bellala Belahbib , LRIA Département Informatique FEI, USTHB, Alger, Algérie.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


Clustering is an unsupervised classification method used for different issues in image analysis. Genetic algorithms are randomized search and optimization techniques. In this paper, we present a genetic algorithm clustering for color image quantization as a prior process to any other one for image analysis. A fitness function with a smallest number of variables is proposed. It’s based on the fuzzy c-means objective function reformulated by Bezdek and the one proposed by Frigui and Krishnapuram in their competitive agglomeration algorithm. In the proposed clustering genetic algorithm, variable chromosome length is used to adjust the clusters number and determine their centers at the same time. Application of the algorithm to color image quantization shows that initial population solutions converge to good results. Furthermore, results in different color spaces and impact of parameters are discussed.

Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Clustering, Fuzzy Clustering, Color Image Quantization

1. Introduction

Genetic algorithms are randomized search andoptimization techniques[11] inspired by natural species evolution. They converge toward global solution and are parallelized. In genetic algorithms, population of solutions or individuals is encoded in the form of chromosomes (strings). Individuals are randomly initialized from a large search space and coded (often in binary). This population is then evolved from generation to other using genetic operators: crossover, mutation and selection. The selection operation depends on an objective function called fitness (or evaluation function) which measures the goodness of the solution. The process of selection, crossover and mutation are continually applied for individuals till termination conditions are satisfied or a fixed number of generations is reached.
Clustering is an unsupervised classification technique where elements in the same class (cluster) are as similar as possible and elements in different classes are as dissimilar as possible. A most popular clustering algorithm is the K-Means. It allows a partition of set of elements into a set of K clusters such that the squared error between the empirical mean of a cluster and the points in the cluster isminimized [6]. One variant of K-Means is the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) where principal of fuzzy sets is used. In FCM algorithm, one element can be in more than a cluster with different memberships. Given a set of data, a set of class centers and a partition matrix, the FCM algorithm consists in updating the centers values and the partition matrix till convergence. Validity index was introduced[18],[19] to select clusters number optimal value after applying the algorithm for different initialization schemes. However, FCM algorithm is very sensitive to initialization parameters and can lead to local minima instead of global one.
On the other hand, it has been proved that GeneticAlgorithms as stochastic approaches converge generally to the global solution even with complex data. Genetic algorithms have been applies with satisfactory results for data clustering. Maulik and Bandyopadhyay have demonstrated the effectiveness of GA for clustering artificial data sets in[1,11] and for pixel classification in[12] using different validity index as a measure of the fitness function and different configurations of cluster centers as individuals of population coded in real values. Wang use GA to determine the number of cluster centers and there coordinates in[17] with binary codification of individuals where each bit in one individual indicates either an associated data is center or not center. The GA results are then filling to FCM algorithm to cluster the no centers data. Scheunders has described a hybrid clustering algorithm combining GA with C-Means algorithm in[16] using cluster centers as individuals and the inverse of MSE (Mean Squared Error) as fitness function. It has been shown that author’s approach gives good results.
These propositions were applied for simple data or for grayscale images. In this paper, we propose a geneticalgorithm for data clustering using a variable chromosome length as in[12] and we demonstrate its efficiency for color image quantizing.
This paper is organized as follows. In section two, we present briefly the FCM clustering algorithm. In the third section, we present our algorithm, the chromosomecodification, the fitness function and the evolution operations. In the last section, we present the results obtained by applying our algorithm for color image quantization. And we finally, conclude our work.

2. FCM Clustering

Clustering is the unsupervised classification of patterns (observations, data items, or feature vectors) into groups (clusters)[7]. In image analysis, partitional algorithms for clustering are the most preferred. They have been applied for classification, segmentation[13] and image retrieval[8]. The most popular and simplest partitional algorithm is K-Means also known as hard clustering. It allows the allocation of a single cluster to each data. In opposite, the FCM algorithm for clustering which is a fuzzy version of K-Means, introduced by Ruspini in 1969[15] and enhanced by Bezdek[2], allows uncertain classifications, which made it more flexible and more appropriate to natural phenomena. FCM method assigns degrees of membership in several clusters to each input pattern and can be converted to a hard clustering by assigning each pattern to the cluster with the largest measure of membership[7].
Formally, given a data set X = {xj, j=1,…, N} and let C be the number of clusters. The FCM algorithm evolves the centers βi of set B={βi, i=1, …, C} defined by the Eq.1 for each class i
And the partition matrix (membership) U=[uij] for each data xj to each class i defined by Eq.2:
With: - m is the degree of fuzzification. - d(xji) is the distance from the data xj to the center βi.
Provided that:
Note that in the hard partition, uij is either 0 or 1.
In the FCM algorithm, the number C of clusters must be known and the best value of C and the partition matrix can be selected from suggested ones using validity index after applying the algorithm for different initialization schemes (initial value of C and partition matrix). The most known validity indices are PC, PE, XB, FS and SC[18, 19]. Even though, FCM algorithm can converge to local minima instead of global one depending in the initial parameters.
Conversely, evolution has proven to be a very powerful mechanism in finding good solutions to difficult problems[9]. Hence, we propose to introduce Genetic Algorithm, as evolutionary algorithms, to improve the unsupervised fuzzy classification using less variables and variable string length to determine at the same time the clusters number C and the classes centers βi.

3. Genetic Algorithm Clustering

Genetic algorithms are stochastic optimization methods based on biological evolution of natural species founded by J. Holland in 1975[14]. The principal steps of classical genetic algorithms can be summarized as follows:
Figure 1. GA Steps
For our application, the data to be clustered are image points in their feature space, which made the dimension of the U matrix too large. We propose to restrict the solution to be optimized to the B vector (values of cluster centers and their number) rather than the B vector and the U matrix.
One individual is then feasible cluster centers. The population size P witch regroups set of individuals is generally ranged from 20 to 1000. In our case, it is taken to be 100 (P=100). One chromosome is a possible partition. It’s a set B of cluster centers.
In the following sections, we describe, separately, each step of the proposed genetic algorithm.

3.1. Chromosomes Encoded and Initialization

Binary coding is the most common representation of strings in GA. But it has been proved that real representation is more suitable and more efficient[3,11]. The chromosomes in this paper are encodes with real values.
Each gene chromosome is a three dimensional vector (to get color image feature for our application) and each coordinate take real value. Variable string length is used to find the clusters number C and the centers βi without any prior knowledge. We must just initialize the string length to the maximum possible number of clusters. This number might be adjusted with processing and the invalid item (item which is not center) in each chromosome is represented by an invalid value (negative value as an example for the RGB color representation).
The initial string length depends on the precision desired by clustering or the precision required for the image analysis step that follows the quantization for our application.
The values of each chromosome k (k=1...P) are randomly chosen from the data set to be clustered what allows convergence in fewer generations. For quantization, one chromosome is a set of colors of randomly chosen pixels of a given image and some arbitrary genes are made to invalid value.

3.2. Fitness Function

The standard FCM algorithm is based on the minimization of the objective function noted J by Bezdek et al. in[2] and by Hathaway and Bezdek in[8] and defined by:
Where uij, βi, m and d(xji) are as defined in section 2
Hathaway and Bezdek[8] have demonstrated that the J function given by (4) can be reformulated into an other formula (noted R in their article) without using U which will considerably reduce the run-time.
In other hand, Frigui and Krishnapuram[4] have proposed the Competitive Agglomeration (CA) algorithm which combines the advantages of hierarchical and partitional clustering method. It tries to find the number of clusters without using validity measure and initiate the algorithm by a large number of small clusters. This number decrease with iterations to converge to the correct number.
Based on objective function given by Hathaway and Bezdek[8] and the one proposed by Frigui andKrishnapuram[4], we propose in this paper the fitness function F defined as follows:
- t is the generation number of population solution;
- a, b are two constants;
- R is as given in[8] by:
The Euclidean distance is used but other distances can be considered[4].
Note that ƒ(t) can be any function which tends to 1 when t is too large. So that F tends to the FCM objective function.

3.3. Selection

The selection operation determines the survival individuals for the next generation according to their fitness value. In this paper, we use the roulette wheel selection method[9] to choose the individuals to be crossed and mutate. In addition, some parent individuals are kept for the next generation to preserve good characteristics and to avoid premature convergence.

3.4. Crossover and Mutation Operations

The crossover operation consists in interchange parts of two randomly chosen parent chromosomes to generate child chromosomes. The crossover operation may be in one or more randomly chosen point. In our algorithm, a one-point crossover is applied with a probability pc=0.82 at a chromosome position upper then 1 and less then the chromosome length. Note that gene is a three dimensional vector and it can not be truncated.
Mutation is the operation which alters (mutates) a gene at a random position in chromosome chosen with a small probability pm. In this paper pm=0.01. Indeed, the objective is to find the best combination of features points in image space which can represent the centers without trying calculating them. So the mutation probability may be smaller.

3.5. Stop Condition

The process of selection, crossover and mutation is iterated for a finite number or until individuals converge to practically the same one. The best chromosome is then taken from the last generation and is used as solution for the clustering problem. Therefore the length of this chromosome gives the clusters number and genes values their centers.

4. Application to Color Image Quantization

We applied the genetic algorithm described above to color image quantization. Quantizing color image consists to find at first a new color palette with a reduced number of colors than the original one (2563 for 24 bits RGB image) and then assign each pixel point of original image to one of the color in the new palette. The color image quantization algorithms are classified into two classes[16]. The first class contains methods based on splitting algorithms and the second one consists of clustering based methods. In the previous sections, we have presented a clustering algorithm witch can effortlessly be applied for quantization such that the best chromosome generated by the proposed GA represents the palette obtained and each image pixel is assigned to its new color by the argmin function (the nearest color according to a given metric).
Images from the Berkeley images base[10] and other famous images are used to evaluate the proposed algorithm. The images are 24bits/pixel real color images. Quantization is evolved in four different color spaces, the RGB, XYZ and Lab and Luv as perceptual ones[5]. Examples of the obtained results in RGB color space are shown in figure 2 after 17 generations and 60 genes (colors) as initial string length where original images are presented in the first row (a, d and g) and the quantized ones in the third row (c, f, and i). The MSE value is used to evaluate difference between original images and the quantized ones.
In addition, quantized images by the CA algorithm are presented for comparison in figure 2 second row (b, e and h). The CA algorithm is applied with 60 initial values of clusters (to allow comparison). In both of them (CA algorithm and the proposed GA), Euclidean distance is used and the value of the constants ‘a’ and ‘b’ are taken to be 5 and 10 as in[4]. For the propped algorithm, the degree of fuzzification m is fixed to 3, the population size is taken to be 100 (P=100) and the initial string length is equal to 60 for the presented images. Other results are also shown in figure 3, 4 and 5 for ‘Peppers’, ‘House’ and ‘Lion’ images with m=2.
Figure 2. Quantized images from Berkeley images base
Figure 3. Quantized ‘Peppers’ image by CA and proposed GA
Figure 4. Quantized ‘House’ image by CA and proposed GA
Figure 5. Quantized ‘Lion’ image by CA and proposed GA
The impact of initial string length, degree of fuzzification (m) and generations number are analyzed and presented in table 1, 2 and 3 for the first depicted image using different color spaces. In table 1 and 2, the results are given after 17 generations that we suggest be sufficient to get good quantization results for this images base. In both of tables, XYZ, Lab and Luv give better results than the RGB representation (see figure 6 for some examples). In Lab and Luv, even if the MSE values are more important then in XYZ, but the visual results show their preponderancy for 32 or 64 as initial string length (figure 6). For table 1 and 2, we note that the higher the initial string length is the lower MSE value is. Better results are obtained with more important initial string length which represents the quality desired by the quantification. Starting with 64 colors is widely sufficient to achieve good quantization results in the tested images base. This value (64 colors) is adjusted by the algorithm and the final value is between 55 and 60 (depending on the image) for the tested images base.
In addition, we point out that generally (except for the RGB color space) better results are obtained by the degree of fuzzification m=2 in relation to m=3. We note that this parameter is frequently taken to be two in literature.
In the same way, better results are generally obtained with high of generations number (table 3). But this parameter affects enormously the run-time and convergence is observed at around 17 generations in both tests.
Using HP unit with Intel(R) Core (TM) 2 Duo 1.80 GHz CPU, the run-time is at around 3mn for the presented image (figure 2). Even though this time may seem to be important but applying GA for color images is generally time-consuming. The dominant part of this time is that of calculating the fitness value for each population individual and for each generation. One idea to improve run-time is to evolve the fitness function for all individuals in one image run through instead of one run through for each individual. Other suggestion is to save distances (which serve for fitness) from image color points to different palettes colors. But this last is too space consuming. The better is to reduce the number of image runs. Notice that the fitness function depends on the data number to be clustered and the clusters number, so the run-time is proportional to the image dimension and the desired maximum number of colors. The cost can also be improved by parallel implementation where fitness values are calculated in parallel for each individual.
Therefore, after application of the proposed algorithm on varies images, we have observed that individuals are close to improved partition at around 17 generations and 60 as initial individual length is sufficient for our application.
Table 1. The MSE value in different color spaces according to the initial string length for m=3
Color spaceInitial string length (colors number)
Table 2. The MSE value in different color spaces according to the initial string length for m=2
Color spaceInitial string length (colors number)
Table 3. The MSE value according to the generations number for 32 colors as initial string length.
Color spaceGenerations number
Figure 6. Quantized images in different color spaces with 32 colors and 64 colors as initial string length

5. Conclusions

Clustering is an unsupervised classification algorithm commonly used in image analysis. Genetic algorithms are a heuristic technique optimization. Even if they are time consuming, it’s proved that they converge nevertheless in better results. In this paper, a clustering method based on genetic algorithm is proposed. It permits to find the clusters number without using validity indices and it requires fewer variables for the fitness function. The application of this algorithm to image quantization proves its efficiency. In addition, if local constraints between neighboring pixels are taken into account, the approach can load to important results for image segmentation process. Currently works are in progress using this genetic algorithm applied for color images to achieve segmentation process in less run-time and may succeed this paper.


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