American Journal of Stem Cell Research
2012; 1(1): 1-8
doi: 10.5923/j.ajscr.20120101.01
David J. Deehan 1, 2, Daniel J. Dowen 2, Andrew P. Sprowson 1, Linda C. Ferguson 1, Nilendran S. Prathalingam 3, John D. Isaacs 1, 2, Mark A. Birch 1, Rachel A. Oldershaw 1
1Institute of Cellular Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK
2Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NHS Trust, Freeman Road, High Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE7 7DN, UK
3Institute of Ageing and Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, International Centre for Life, Times Square, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 4EP, UK
Correspondence to: Rachel A. Oldershaw , Institute of Cellular Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK.
Email: |
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
Surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) has a protracted healing phase due to poor osseous tissue integration at the graft/host interface. Intervention with an autologous cell-based therapy using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) derived from haemarthrotic fluid aspirated at the acute phase of injury has been postulated to accelerate healing, though until now the practicalities of this approach have not been demonstrated. hMSCs were derived by plastic adherence from haemarthrosis fluid aspirated from 20 patients presenting at clinic with acute knee injury. Patient details were recorded including age and sex of patient, injury and time between injury and aspiration. The phenotype of hMSCs was characterised by flow cytometry analysis of cell surface antigens. Differentiation potential was analysed by culturing hMSCs with different pro-differentiation stimuli to drive osteogenesis, adipogenesis and chondrogenesis. Comparative analysis of differentiation was made by quantitative PCR for lineage-specific gene expression and quantitative biochemical analyses. hMSC derivation was independent of age, sex and time between injury and aspiration however there was a statistically significant increase in frequency of derivation from haemarthosis samples that had been aspirated from bone fracture injuries compared to soft tissue injuries. hMSCs showed differential expression of cell surface antigens and there were also significant differences in their osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic responses between samples. We have demonstrated the feasibility of deriving multipotent hMSCs from haemarthrosis fluid aspirated from acute knee injuries. Further optimisation of processing and differentiation methodologies must be achieved to develop a feasible clinical treatment which accelerates ACL reconstruction. This study has identified challenges in the harvesting, bio-processing and characterisation of hMSCs which would be broadly applicable to the development of all autologous orthopaedic cell therapies.
Keywords: Haemarthrosis, Mesenchymal Stem Cell, Multipotent Differentiation, Acute Knee Trauma
Figure 1. Flow cytometry analysis of hMSC populations. Human mesenchymal stem cell cultures that had been derived and expanded to passage 2 were analysed for expression of a panel of cell surface antigens characterised to be either present or absent on hMSCs. High numbers of cells expressing positive markers confirmed that we had derived hMSCs however the relative abundance of individual cell surface antigens varied considerably revealing highly heterogenic expression between samples. The detection of CD19 and CD45 expressing cells within some cell populations showed contamination with non-hMSC cell types |
Figure 2. Characterisation of osteogenic differentiation potential of hMSC populations. Human mesenchymal stem cell cultures that had been derived and expanded to passage 2 were analysed for their potential to differentiate to osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic cell lineages. Osteogenic differentiation was assayed by gene expression analysis for (a) CBFA1 and (b) ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (ALP) after 28 days in pro-osteogenic culture. (c) Cellular proliferation during osteogenic differentiation was recorded as the fold-change in the amount of DNA between cultures at day 0 and day 28. (d) Matrix calcification of osteogenic cultures was visualised by alizarin red staining of day 0 and day 28 cultures. (e) As a quantitative measure of matrix calcification, day 28 cultures that had been stained with alizarin red were solubilised and the absorbance read at A492. Alizarin red was recorded as a function of the total amount of DNA within the culture to indicate the contribution of calcification per cell. |
Figure 3. Characterisation of adipogenic differentiation potential of hMSC populations. Adipogenic differentiation was assayed by gene expression analysis for (a) AP2 and (b) LIPOPROTEIN LIPASE (LPL) after 30 days in pro-adipogenic culture. (c) Morphological analysis of cultures at day 30 of adipogenic differentiation showed enlarged cells with numerous mature lipid vesicles distributed though the cytoplasm; scale bar = 50µm |
Figure 4. Charcaterisation of chondrogenic differentiation potential of hMSC populations. Chondrogenic differentiation was analysed by safranin O staining of cells aggregate sections. (a) Images at low magnification revealed strong safranin O staining of cell aggregates formed from hMSCs derived from bone marrow; scale bar = 500mm. (b) At higher magnification rounded chondrocyte–like cells were shown to be encased within an extensive ECM; scale bar = 100µm. (c) Safranin O staining of cell aggregates formed from hMSCs derived from haemarthrosis fluid. Staining was weaker in comparison to that observed in cell aggregates formed from hMSCs derived from bone marrow and was also more heterogenic staining within the cell aggregates; scale bar = 500µm. (d) At high magnification rounded chondrocyte–like cells were shown to be encased within an extensive ECM; scale bar = 100µm. (e) Cellular proliferation during chondrogenic differentiation was recorded as the fold-change in the amount of DNA between cell aggregates cultures at day 0 and day 14. (f) Fold-change in the amount of sGAG accumulated between day 0 and day 14 of chondrogenic culture was measured by DMMB assay. BM = bone marrow. Values represent mean values ± S.E.M; n=3. |
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