American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

p-ISSN: 2162-948X    e-ISSN: 2162-8475

2019;  9(3): 131-135



On the Krasnoselskii’s Fixed Point Theorem and the Existence of Periodic Solution for a Damped and Forced Duffing Oscillator

E. O. Eze, U. E. Obasi, C. O. D. Udaya, F. Daniel

Department of Mathematics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria

Correspondence to: E. O. Eze, Department of Mathematics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.


Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


This paper is devoted to study the existence of periodic solution for a damped and forced Duffing oscillator using the Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem in Banach space. As an application, uniqueness and compactness of solution of Duffing oscillator was achieved using Gronwall’s Inequality and Eberlein Simultan theorem which extends some results in literature.

Keywords: Krasnoselskii’s Fixed Point Theorem, Banach Space, Compactness, Analytic Semigroup, Duffing Oscillator

Cite this paper: E. O. Eze, U. E. Obasi, C. O. D. Udaya, F. Daniel, On the Krasnoselskii’s Fixed Point Theorem and the Existence of Periodic Solution for a Damped and Forced Duffing Oscillator, American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 9 No. 3, 2019, pp. 131-135. doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20190903.03.

1. Introduction

The aim of this paper is to study existence of periodic solution for a damped and forced Duffing oscillator of the form
with boundary conditions
In equation (1.1) are real constants and is continuous. Also, is periodic in . Duffing oscillator is a second order nonlinear differential equation used to model dynamics of special types of mechanical and electrical systems. This differential equation has been named after the studies of Duffing in [1] which has a cubic nonlinearity and describes an oscillator. It is the simplest oscillator displaying catastrophic jumps of amplitude and phase when the frequency of the forcing term is taken as a gradually changing parameter. The main application have been in electronics and biology. For example, the brain is full of oscillators at micro and macro levels [2]. Several techniques have been used by many authors to study the existence of periodic solution of the Duffing type of equation (1.1) such as polar coordinates, the method of upper and lower solution, coincidence degree theory and a series of existence results of nontrivial solution of equation (1.1). We refer to [3-5] and reference therein. However, some methods of proving existence have some limitations and in fact for practical purposes serious difficulties arise frequently in the search for fixed point of Duffing equation with cubic nonlinearity.
In this paper, we chose another strategy of proof which rely essentially on a fixed point theorem due to Krasnoselskii for a set that is closed, bounded and convex subset of a Banach space [6]. This result has been extensively employed in the related literature in the study of several kinds of separated boundary value problems (see for instance in [7, 8, 9, 10, 11] and their references); while for the periodic problem, it is more difficult to find references [12]. The reason for this contrast may be the fact that in order to apply this fixed point theorem, it is necessary to study the semigroup operator for linear equation, contraction and compactness of solution which are relatively difficult to study. To overcome this problem, Gronwalls inequality and Eberlein Simultian theorem were employed to obtain uniqueness and compactness of solution of Duffing equation.

2. Preliminaries

Definition 2.1. (Boundedness of a function): A function is bounded if
Definition 2.2. (Convex Set): Suppose X is a vector space. A subset is said to be convex if whenever and , it follows that The closure of a set is again convex.
Definition 2.3. (Hilbert Space): A pre-Hilbert space which is complete (considered as a normed linear space) is called Hilbert space.
Definition 2.4. (Pre-Hilbert Space): A linear space X is said to be pre-Hilbert space if for every ordered pair of elements there is associated real number where X is a real linear space and complex number where X is a complex linear space such that
Definition 2.5. (Banach space): A normed linear space is called Banach space if it is complete in the sense of a metric given by the norm. Completeness means that every Cauchy sequence is convergent. Let be any Cauchy sequence that is a sequence for which as independently, then an element such that
Definition 2.6. Let be a complete metric space. Then is called a contraction mapping if there exists a constant such that
for each and where
Theorem 2.9. (Contraction Mapping Principle) Let be a complete metric space and let be a contraction, then T has a unique fixed point . Furthermore, for each
From this, one draws three conclusion in which this paper is written
(i) T has a unique fixed point, say
(ii) For each the picard sequence converges to and also sequentially compact and converges to
(iii) The convergence is uniform if X is bounded.
Theorem 2.10. (Gronwalls-Bellman’s Inequality) Let f and g be continuous real-valued functions on some interval then
for some implies that
Proof. Multiplying both sides of equation (2.9) by we have
By hypothesis then
Remark: There is a generalization of this inequality. Its statement and proof is all about technicality.
Definition 2.11. (Compactness) The subset A of a topological space X i.e is said to be compact if every open cover of A has a finite subcover.
Note: A subset is pre-compact if is compact.
Definition 2.12. (Contraction Semigroup) Let E be a Banach space. A one-parameter family of bounded linear operators on E into itself is called a contraction semigroup of class or simply a contraction semigroup if it satisfies the following conditions
Note: (i) is called the semigroup property.
(1) is a semigroup.
(2) Let , with and is a semigroup.
Theorem 2.13. A subset of a Banach space X is relatively weak compact if only if it is relatively weakly sequentially compact. In particular, a subset of a Banach space X is weakly compact if and only if it is weakly sequentially compact.
Theorem 2.14. (Krasnoselskii’s Fixed Point Theorem) Assume that F is a closed bounded convex subset of a Banach space X. Futhermore, assume that and are mappings from F into X such that the following conditions hold:
Theorem 2.15. If is a then and such that for each
Proof: Since is continuous. Suppose by contraction, Let there exist a sequence such that , then by the uniform boundedness principle, there exist such that is unbounded contradicting the fact that is continuous at

3. Main Result

We consider the Duffing equation of the form
Equation (1.9) can be re-written in the following form
Vectorization of equation (1.10) is as follows
Let then equation (1.10) gives
The equivalent system of equation (1.11) is given by
In matrix form equation (1.12) is written as
The above is of the form of non-autonomous equation given by
General solution of equation (1.13) is
where is a semigroup operator.
To generate sequence of solutions in equation (1.14) we have that for we have
Now assuming that and are solutions of equation (1.14) then we have that
Furthermore, we will show that that is uniqueness.
Suppose that where X is a Banach space and F is a subspace and consider convexity of its solutions. For say, then
Claim 1: is convex,
Case I
Take then 0.
Case II
Take then
Case III, take we have
Claim 2: Is
Define a ball, is convex. Then
Hence the solution of the equation is convex.
Next, we verified the boundedness property of our solution.
Let we show that
This is true by uniform boundedness principle. Applying theorem 2.15 we have
By semigroup property,
We have
. So bounded for each where as
Next, we show that that is Uniqueness of Solution.
But where is a semigroup
by theorem 2.15 and theorem 2.10 we have
Therefore and since uniqueness of solution are satisfied, the closure is trivial. Hence
Furthermore, we will show that is a contraction that is
From equation (1.15) we have that
where is a semigroup operator, and
Claim: Equation (1.25) is a contraction
Using equation (1.20) which have the same idea with Banach-Mazur distance in supper multiplicative metric space we have
By theorem 2.15
By theorem 2.10 equation (1.25) becomes
Now take and equation (1.30) becomes
Hence equation (1.31) is a contraction.
To show that is a continuous, we proceeds as follows. Recall that that is uniqueness of solution, then is also a contraction.
Given any and such that . If then
By equation (1.32) is continuous.
Finally we use theorem 2.13 to establish the compactness of . Assume that we are in finite dimensional space, Hein-Borel guarantees our result that is since is closed and bounded hence compact. But since we are in infinite dimensional space (Banach space), by theorem 2.13, is sequentially compact hence compact. Therefore has a fixed point in F.


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