American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

p-ISSN: 2162-948X    e-ISSN: 2162-8475

2019;  9(2): 51-56



Boundedness and Stability of Periodic Solutions of a Hill’s Equation with Six Independent Arbitrary Parameters

E. O. Eze, U. E. Obasi, S. I. Ezeh

Department of Mathematics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria

Correspondence to: E. O. Eze, Department of Mathematics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.


Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions that guaranteed the boundedness and stability of periodic solution of a Hill’s equation with six independent arbitrary parameters were investigated using a combination of Simpson’s method and Lyapunov direct methods. Regions of stable and unstable points were identified, which extended some results in literature.

Keywords: Boundedness, Stability, Lyapunov Method, Simpson’s Technique, Hill’s Equation

Cite this paper: E. O. Eze, U. E. Obasi, S. I. Ezeh, Boundedness and Stability of Periodic Solutions of a Hill’s Equation with Six Independent Arbitrary Parameters, American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 9 No. 2, 2019, pp. 51-56. doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20190902.01.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to extend the results obtained in [8] and [10].
Consider the second order linear differential equation of Hill’s type of the form
where is the second order derivative with respect to time, are independent arbitrary parameters and dots represent differentiation with respect to time. For a given the points is said to be stable if all solutions of (1) above are bounded for all and unbounded if any unbounded solution exists. Equation (1) is a linear differential equation with periodic coefficients.
Various researchers have worked on Hill’s equation with very great results. See for instance [11, 12, 13]. [8] investigated the stability of Hill’s equation with four independent parameters using Floquent theory and perturbation.
In [9] the stability of Hill’s equation with three arbitrary parameters was also investigated using Fourier analysis. The Fourier analysis method employed did not include explicit algebraic expressions for the regions of stability. [6] also investigated the stability of Hill’s equation with independent small parameters by the method of perturbations. However, the method of investigating stability and boundedness of equation (1) using a combination of numerical integration and Lyapunov functions has been rare in literature to the best of our knowledge.
Equation (1) has a lot of physical applications especially in the areas of Genetic regulatory circuit and has been widely used in Physics, Chemistry and Biology [3] and other physical phenomenon. Furthermore, the significance are found in amplitude distortion in moving coil of loud speakers, frequency modulation, dynamical systems and vibration of stretched strings, also for scattery theory and wave mechanics and for relativistic oscillators. Due to the importance of Hill’s equation in real world problems, the study of boundedness and stability of the equation has continued to attract the attention of many researchers see for instance [1, 4, 9]. Other researchers like [2], [5], [14] and [7] have investigated the stability and boundedness of linear and nonlinear differential equations.

2. Main Body

2.1. Preliminaries

Definition 2.1: Simpson’s rule is a method of numerical integration that provides an approximation of a definite integral over the interval [a, b] using parabola. Furthermore, the interval of a function over the interval [a, b] with subintervals
and subintervals length can be approximated as
as long as n is even. Let be a regular partition of [a, b] into an even number of subintervals (so n must be even) and assume that is a continuous function on [a, b], then where
Definition 2.2: Assume that otherwise the point is a singular point of
and that and are analytic at then they will have Maclaurin series expansion
with radius of convergence and respectively. That is
which converges for Then the point is called a regular singular point of (4).
Definition 2.3: The functions are analytic at if they have Taylor series expansion
with radius of convergence and respectively. That is
which converges for and which converges for .
Definition 2.4: Frobenius method of solving differential equation is a method that assumes that is a regular singular point of the differential equation.
The Frobenius series of the form can be used to solve the differential equation (7). The parameter r must be chosen so that when the series is substituted into the differential equation the coefficient of the smallest power of x is zero. This is called the indicial equation. Also, a recursive equation for the coefficient is obtained by setting the coefficient of equal to zero.
Definition 2.5: Let be the error in Simpson’s rule for a particular n i.e, . Then if on (for some constant k), then .
Definition 2.6: Let
A solution of (8) is Lyapunov stable if for each and such that if is a solution of (2.4) and then for all .
Definition 2.7: A solution of (8) is asymptotically stable if it is Lyapunov stable and if for every as .
Definition 2.8: Consider a real valued function which is continuously differentiable with V is said to be
Definition 2.9: Let the origin be an equilibrium point for . Let be a continuously differentiable function such that, and , then is stable. Moreover if then is asymptotically stable.
Corollary 2.10: Let be an equilibrium point of . Let be a positive definite function containing the origin such that in D. Let and suppose that no solution can stay identically in S, other than the trivial solution then the origin is asymptotically stable.

2.2. Results and Discussion

2.2.1. Numerical Integration Approach
We consider a differential equation of the form
Then equation (9) becomes
Assume that equation (6) has a solution of the form
Finding the derivative of term by term gives
Substituting for and in equation (10) we have,
When respectively we have
For a power series to vanish identically over the interval, the coefficient must be zero.
Hence = integer.
For we have
When , then
in (15) implies that is intermediate
For we have
For the general term , we have
which gives
From the indicial equation implies that is intermediate.
From equation (20)
Hence, one solution is
Since and are arbitrary constants, we have
Similarly when
Since is an arbitrary constant, we have that
Hence, the general solution is
Since then
Applying Simpson’s Integration formula on with step size
Let be the interval then,
2.2.2. Stability Analysis
The first equivalent systems of (32) is
(33) and (34) can be written as
where In matrix form we have
(35) can be written as where A is the matrix.
For the characteristics polynomial
Hence the general solution is
which can be written as
Equation (38) shows that solution of Hill’s equation is periodic with respect to the independent parameters.
2.2.3. Lyapunov Direct Method
Consider the equation
At fixed point
Using we have
Hence at fixed point we have as the only equilibrium point of the system.
For the Lyapunov function, we multiply equation (39) by which gives
Integrating equation (40) we have
which gives
The energy function
Hence the Lyapunov function is given by
Applying definition (2.9) to equation (43) we have
Differentiating equation (43) we have
Hence the equilibrium point is unstable.
2.2.4. Numerical Solution of Hill’s Equation
Define a function that determines a vector of derivative values at any solution point (t,Y):
Define additional arguments for the ODE solver:
Solution matrix:
Table 1. Table of values for the independent variables
Figure 1. The relation between first solution function values and independent variable values
Figure 2. The relation between second solution function values and independent variable values
Figure 3. Phase portrait of Hill’s equation showing instability of the solution as a spiral source
Figure 4. The relation between the first solution function values and the independent variable values
Figure 5. The relation between the second solution function values and the independent variable values
Figure 6. The relation between first solution function values and second solution function values showing instability of Hill’s equation
Figure 7. Trajectory profile of first solution function values and independent variable values
Figure 8. Trajectory profile of second solution function values and independent variable values
Figure 9. Phase portrait of Hill’s equation of first solution function values and second solution function values showing instability around the origin

3. Conclusions

From our result, it was observed that regions of instability were basically around the equilibrium point and stable otherwise.
We also observed that this region of instability remained radially unbounded. Although, the total derivative existed, the region is unbounded, which implies that the existence of total derivative does not necessarily implied boundedness using Lyapunov methods.


The authors wishes to express their profound gratitude to the editor of American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics for providing a platform in which this paper was acknowledged and accepted.


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