American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

p-ISSN: 2162-948X    e-ISSN: 2162-8475

2018;  8(1): 1-7



Soft BCH-Algebras of the Power Sets

Shuker Mahmood Khalil, Mayadah Abd Ulrazaq

Department of Mathematics, College of Science, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq

Correspondence to: Shuker Mahmood Khalil, Department of Mathematics, College of Science, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq.


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In this paper, in the first we introduce the concept of algebra of the power set and new notions connected to it are investigated and discussed like subalgebra of the power set, soft algebra of the power set and soft subalgebra of the power set. Then some binary operations between two soft algebras of the power set are studied. Further, we state the relations between soft algebra of the power set and soft algebra of the power set. Moreover, several examples are given to illustrate the notations introduced in this work.

Keywords: Soft sets theory, Proper algebra, algebras

Cite this paper: Shuker Mahmood Khalil, Mayadah Abd Ulrazaq, Soft BCH-Algebras of the Power Sets, American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20180801.01.

1. Introduction

algebras two classes of abstract algebras are introduced by Imai and Iseki ([22], [23]). The class of BCK-algebras is a proper subclass of the class of algebras. Also, Hu and Li introduced a wider class of abstract algebras, it is said to be BCH-algebras ([5], [6]). Next, the concept of algebras, which is another useful generalization of BCK –algebras are introduced (see [2], [3], [20]). After then, the concept of algebra is introduced and studied [9]. The basic notions of soft sets theory are introduced by Molodtsov ([18]) to deal with uncertainties when solving problems in practice as in engineering, social science, environment, and economics. This notion is convenient and easy to apply as it is free from the difficulties that appear when using other mathematical tools as theory of theory of fuzzy sets, rough sets and theory of vague sets etc. Moreover, many researches on soft sets theory and some of their applications are studied (see [10]-[15]). On other word, many authors applied the notion of soft set on several classes of algebras like soft algebras [7] and soft algebras [16]. In recent years, for any (finite set ), the notations of algebra of the power set, algebra of the power set, algebra of the power set, soft algebra of the power set, soft algebra of the power set, soft algebra of the power set, soft algebra of the power set, soft edge algebra of the power set, soft edge algebra of the power set, soft edge algebra of the power set are introduced (see [16], [17]). The aim of this paper is to introduce new branch of the pure algebra it's called algebra of the power set. Then some binary operations between two soft algebras of the power set are stated. Further, we study the relations between soft algebra of the power set and soft algebra of the power set. Also, several examples are given to illustrate the notations introduced in this work.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we recall the basic background needed in our present work.
Definition 2.1: ([20]) A algebra is a non-empty set with a constant 0 and a binary operation* satisfying the following axioms:
(iii)- and imply that for all x, y in X.
Definition 2.2: ([19]) A algebra is said to be algebra if satisfies the following additional axioms:
(2). for all
Definition 2.3 ([8]) A algebra is a non-empty set with a constant and a binary operation* satisfying the following axioms:
(iii)- imply that
(iv)- For all imply that
Definition 2.4: ([21]) A algebra is a non-empty set with a constant 0 and a binary operation* satisfying the following axioms:
(ii)- and imply that
(iii)- for all x, y ,z in X.
Definition 2.4: ([5]) A algebra is a non-empty set with a constant 0 and a binary operation* satisfying the following axioms:
(ii)- and imply that
(iii)- for all x, y ,z in X.
Definition 2.5: ([18]) Let be an initial universe set and let be a set of parameters. The power set of is denoted by . Let be a subset of . A pair is said to be a soft set over if is a set-valued functions of into the set of all subsets of the set .
Definition 2.6: ([11]) Let and be two soft sets over , then their union is the soft set where and for all if if if We write Further, [4] for any two soft sets and over their intersection is the soft set over , and we write where and for all
Definition 2.7: ([8]) Let be a soft set over . Then is said to be a soft algebra over if is a algebra for all
Definition 2.8: ([7]) Let be a soft set over . Then is said to be a soft algebra over if is a algebra for all
Definition 2.9: ([7]) Let be a soft set over . Then is said to be a soft algebra over if is a algebra for all
Definition 2.10: ([16]) Let be a soft set over . Then is said to be a soft algebra over if is a algebra for all
Definition 2.10: ([24]) Let be a soft set over . Then is said to be a soft algebra over if is a algebra for all
Definition 2.11: ([16]) Let be non-empty set and be a power set of . Then with a constant and a binary operation* is said to be algebra of the power set of if satisfying the following axioms:
(iii)- and imply that for all
Definition 2.12: ([16]) Let be a algebra of the power set of . Then is said to be algebra of the power set of if it satisfies the following additional axioms:
Definition: 2.13: ([16]) Let be a algebra of the power set of . Then is said to be a algebra of the power set of if it satisfies the identity for all
Definition 2.14: ([16]) Let be a algebra of the power set of . Then is said to be a algebra of the power set of if it satisfies the identity for all
Definition 3.1: ([17]) Let be non-empty set and be a power set of . Then with a constant and a binary operation is said to be algebra of the power set of if satisfying the following axioms:
(ii)- and imply that for all
(iii)- for all
Definition 2.15: ([16], [17]) Let be a algebra algebra, algebra, algebra) of the power set of and let be a collection of some random subsets of . Then is said to be subalgebra (resp. subalgebra, subalgebra, subalgebra, subalgebra) of the power set of , if for any
Definition 2.16: ([16], [17]) Let be a algebra (resp. algebra, algebra, algebra, algebra) of the power set of and let be a set valued function , where is a collection of some random subsets of defined by for all where is an arbitrary binary operation from to . Then the pair is a soft set over . Further, is said to be a soft algebra (resp. soft ρ-algebra, soft algebra, soft algebra, soft algebra) of the power set of , if is a subalgebra (resp. subalgebra, subalgebra, subalgebra, subalgebra) of the power set of for all

3. Soft BCH-algebra of the Power Sets

In this section we introduce the notion of soft algebra of the power set and soft subalgebra of the power set. We will illustrate the definitions with examples.
Definition 3.1 Let be non-empty set and be a power set of . Then with a constant and a binary operation is said to be algebra of the power set of if satisfying the following axioms:
(ii)- and imply that for all
(iii)- for all
Definition 3.2 A algebra of power set is said to be proper algebra of power set if it satisfies, for some
Example 3.3 Let and let be a binary operation defined by the following table:
Table (1)
Then is a proper algebra of the power set of , since there are such that
Definition 3.4 Let be a algebra of the power set of and let be a collection of some random subsets of . Then is said to be subalgebra of the power set of , if , for any
Example 3.5 Let be algebra of the power set of in example (3.3). Then are subalgebra of the power set of .
Remark 3.6 we will show that not necessary every algebra of the power set is algebra of the power set.
Example 3.7 Let and let be a binary operation defined by for all . Then is a algebra of the power set of with the following table (2).
In other word, , for some . Then is not algebra. Also, for example, and are subalgebra of the power set of , but not subalgebra.
Example 3.8: Let and let be a binary operation defined by for all . Then is a algebra of the power set of with the following table (3).
Table (2)
Table (3)
Remarks 3.9:
(1) It is not necessary every algebra of the power set of is algebra of the power set. In example (3.8), let . Then is not algebra of the power set of , since Also, let Then is not of the power set of , since Also, is a algebra of the power set of . On the other hand, and are subalgebras. However, and are not subalgebras. Further, see example (3.7) is not ρ-algebra.
(2) Further, if is a algebra of the power set of satisfying for any Then is a d-algebra of the power set of X.
Definition 3.10 Let be a algebra of the power set of and let be a set valued function , where is a collection of some random subsets of defined by for all where is an arbitrary binary operation from to . Then the pair is a soft set over . Further, is said to be a soft algebra of the power set of , if is a subalgebra of the power set of for all
Example: 3.11 Let be a proper algebra of the power set of with the following table:
Table (4)
Let be a soft set over where and is a set valued function defined by for all . Then which are soft subalgebras of the power set of . Hence is a soft algebra of the power set of . The next example shows that there exist set-valued functions where the soft set is not a soft algebra of the power set of .
Example 3.12: Consider the algebra in example (3.11) with a set valued function defined by for all We have is not a soft algebra of the power set of , since there exists , but is not soft subalgebras of the power set of .
Definition: 3.13 Let be a soft algebra of the power set of , and let , where is defined by for all . Then is defined by for all
Lemma 3.14: If is a soft algebra of the power set of , then is a soft algebra of the power set of , for any
Proof: Let be a algebra of the power set of and let be a soft algebra of the power set of , then is a subalgebra of the power set of , for all . Moreover, for all we have , but (since ). Hence is a subalgebra of the power set of , for all . Then is a soft algebra of the power set of .
Definition 3.15: Let be a soft algebra of the power set of . Then is said to be a null soft algebra of the power set of if for all . Also, is said to be an absolutely soft algebra of the power set of if for all .
Example 3.16 Let be the algebra of the power set of in example (3.11) and let where are defined by and . Thus, and hence is an absolutely soft algebra of the power set . Moreover, and hence is a null soft algebra of the power set .
Lemma: 3.17 Let be a algebra of the power set of . Then is a algebra of the power set of , if is a algebra of the power set of .
Proof: Since is a algebra of the power set of . Then satisfying the following axioms:
(iii)- and imply that for all
Also, let be a algebra of the power set of , then for all. Hence, from (i) we consider that Further, from (ii) we have and this implies that Therefore, the following are hold:
(2)- and imply that
(3)- for all . The is a algebra of the power set of .
Corollary 3.18 If is a algebra of the power set of . Then is a algebra of the power set of , if and for all
Proof: Since is a algebra of the power set of . Then satisfying the following axioms:
(iii)- and imply that , for all
(iv)- for all Therefore, we consider only the following are hold:
2)- and imply that
Then, to prove that is a algebra of the power set of , we need also to prove that for any Thus we have to show that and hence we have For any we have the all cases that are cover all probabilities as following:
(1) If .
(2) If .
(3) If , but
(4) If , then Hence, for all (1),(2),(3), and (4) we consider that is a algebra of the power set of , since for any
(5) If thus since and is a algebra of the power set of . Then from (iv) we have and this implies that and hence Then is a algebra of the power set of and by[Lemma (3.17)] we have is a algebra of the power set of .
Remark 3.19 From [Lemma (3.17) and Corollary (3.18)] we consider that, if is a algebra of the power set of and for all Then is a algebra of the power set of .
Theorem 3.20: Let and be two soft algebras over . If then the union is a soft algebra of the power set of .
Proof: Since and by definition (2.6), we have for all
If then is a subalgebra of the power set of . Similarly, if then is a subalgebra of the power set of . Hence is a soft algebra of the power set of . Thus the union of two soft algebras of the power set of is a soft algebra of the power set of .
Example 3.21: In example (3.4), let and be two soft sets over where and . Define by for all and by for all . Note that Thus, we have and Then and which are subalgebras of the power set of . Hence, is a soft algebra of the power set of .
Remark 3.22: The condition is important as if then the theorem does not apply. In above example, if and . Then which is not a subalgebra of the power set of . Therefore, is not a soft algebra of the power set of .
Theorem 3.23: Let and be two soft algebras over . If , then the union is a soft algebra of the power set of .
Proof: Since , where and for all [by definition (2.6)], Note that is a mapping and so is a soft set over . We have, or is a subalgebra of the power set of . Hence, is a soft algebra of the power set of . Therefore, the intersection of two soft algebras is a soft algebra.
Example 3.24: Consider the algebra in example (3.21) with and . Then or Note that both are subalgebras of the power set of . Hence, is a soft algebras of the power set of .
Theorem 3.25: Let be a algebra of the power set of with the condition for any . If is a soft algebra of the power set of , then is a soft algebra of the power set of .
Proof: Straightforward from Definitions [(3.10), (2.7)] and remark [(2)-(3.9)].
Theorem 3.26: Let be a algebra of the power set of and is a soft algebra of the power set of . Then is a soft algebra of the power set of , if is algebra of the power set.
Proof: Straightforward from Definitions [(3.10), (2.7)] and [Lemma (3.17)].
The author would like to thank from the anonymous reviewers for carefully reading of the manuscript and giving useful comments, which will help to improve the paper.


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