American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

p-ISSN: 2162-948X    e-ISSN: 2162-8475

2016;  6(6): 238-241



Elementary Proofs of the Jordan Decomposition Theorem for Niloptent Matrices

Mohamed Kobeissi, Bilal Chebaro

Larifa Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University of Beirut, Lebanon

Correspondence to: Mohamed Kobeissi, Larifa Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University of Beirut, Lebanon.


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In this paper we use elementary concepts of linear algebra to show that a nilpotent matrix is similar to a Jordan matrix.

Keywords: Jordan decomposition, Nilpotent matrices

Cite this paper: Mohamed Kobeissi, Bilal Chebaro, Elementary Proofs of the Jordan Decomposition Theorem for Niloptent Matrices, American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 6 No. 6, 2016, pp. 238-241. doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20160606.03.

1. Introduction

The Jordan decomposition theorem for nilpotent matrices is treated in simple way. While the result is known, the interest of our proofs lies in their simplicity. Note that the usual proofs are mostly based on module theory and/or quotient spaces.
Definition 1 A nilpotent Jordan block of size n, denoted, is a square matrix of the form:
Definition 2 A nilpotent Jordan matrix is a block diagonal matrix of the form:
where each is a nilpotent Jordan block.
Theorem 1 Let E be a vector space over a field K, of finite dimension n, and f a linear operator on E, nilpotent of index p. There exists some basis B, in which the matrix representing f in B is a Jordan matrix.
Theorem 1 can be expressed in matrix form as follows:
Theorem 2 Every nilpotent matrix N of index p is similar to an Jordan matrix J in which the size of the largest Jordan block is where k is the rank of N.
A. Galperin and Z. Waksman [1] used elementary concepts to show that is similar to Jordan matrix. Gohberg and Goldberg [2] gave an algorithm that builds Jordan form of an operator A on an n-dimensional space if the Jordan form restricted to an n1 dimensional invariant subspace is known. In what follows, we give two proofs of theorem 2. The first by using elementary operations on matrices, and the second by using a decomposition of E into direct sums of subspaces.

2. Method 1 - Elementary Operations

We shall prove theorem 2 by induction. The following two lemmas are first proved:
Lemma 1 There exists a matrix A representing f having the following form:
Proof 1 As f is nilpotent of index p, there exists such that The family is then linearly independent Suppose the contrary, then there exist constants not all zero such that
Now let
i.e. and, which is a contradiction
By the incomplete basis theorem, there exist vectors such that the family
spans E. The matrix representing f in that basis has the needed property.
The lemma 2 below is the key to prove our theorem. We shall prove (again in two ways!) that the bloc matrix B found in lemma 1 is in fact the zero matrix.
Lemma 2 There exists a matrix representing f having the form:
Proof 2 method 1: The first proof is based on elementary matrix calculations. For this let the triangular matrix defined as follows:
We can easily check that
Define the matrix A' by clearly:
Let and be the i-th rows of X and B respectively, then
Now choose and for , we obtain a matrix A' , similar to A , of the form
A simple calculation yields:
As then
Therefore L=0, and hence
method 2: Let such that the family is linearly independent. Complete the basis of E by vectors
i.e. the family
is basis of E. Let x be in E, then
And define the linear operator:
We now state and prove the following three properties about the linear form l: property 1: The family is linearly independent in the dual of E
Suppose the contrary, then there exist scalars not all zeros, with
implies that which contradicts our hypothesis
Denote now
and let G be the set of all such that
property 2: The subspace G of E is stable by f
- for all and all , and ; we have then is therefore a subspace of E
- If then and Therefore,
And finally,
property 3:
- If, then there exist not all zeros, such that by letting
then and which contradicts the hypothesis
- Let such that
is a basis of and let be a basis of E whose dual basis is
, and;
- If
hence and Consequently
Is it now simple to see that the matrix representing f in the basis
of is of the form:
The first proof of our theorem can now be completed. For and the result is obvious; Assume the result holds up to
By lemma 2, there exists an invertible matrix such that
By the induction hypothesis, the exists an invertible matrix P such that
Let n1=p, and then
this completes the proof.

3. Method 2 - Decomposition of E into Direct Sums

The second proof was suggested by Rached Mneimné [4] during my visit to the department of Mathematics at Université Diderot in April 2015. The following theorem is on the decomposition of E into direct.
Theorem 3 Let E be a vector space over a field K, of finite dimension n, and f is a linear operator on E, nilpotent of index p. There exists and subspaces such that:
b) is stable by f
c) the operator , restriction of over , is nilpotent of index
Proof 3 The proof is by induction. It is obviously true for and Now suppose that the result holds up to
As f is nilpotent, then and then by the induction hypothesis, there exists and subspaces such that:
b) is stable by f
c) the operator , restriction of , is nilpotent of index
As is nilpotent of order , then by lemma 1, there exists such that
Moreover , then there exists such that Denote
Six properties for the subspaces are stated and proved:
In fact, if then and Thus
2. is a basis of
If , then i.e. and as the family is linearly independent, then and, and Therefore
then and
if, then and Therefore
Let with then
As and then By the previous property, there exists such that , and Therefore
If with then by the previous property there exists such that As the subspaces are in direct sum, then and therefore
The proof of theorem 3 can now be completed as follows: Let now H be a complement of in then:
Thus, are in direct sum, and:
with is a basis of H.
The second proof of theorem can be obtained. We can now check that the matrix representing in the basis is:


The authors are thankful to Salim Kobeissi, Professeur aggregé at Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble II, and to Rached Mneimné, Associate Professor at Université Diderot, Paris 7, for their valuable comments.


[1]  A. Galperin and Z. Waksman, An Elementary Approach to Jordan Theory, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 87, No. 9 (Nov., 1980), pp. 728-732.
[2]  Israel Gohberg and Seymour Goldberg, A Simple Proof of the Jordan Decomposition Theorem for Matrices, the American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 103, No. 2 (Feb., 1996), pp. 157-159.
[3]  N. Jacobson, Basic algebra I, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1985.
[4]  Rached Mneimne, Réduction des endomorphismes: Tableaux de Young, Cône nilpotent, Représentations des algèbres de Lie semi-simples, Calvage & Mounet, 2006.