American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

p-ISSN: 2162-948X    e-ISSN: 2162-8475

2016;  6(3): 115-121



Convergence of Binomial, Poisson, Negative-Binomial, and Gamma to Normal Distribution: Moment Generating Functions Technique

Subhash C. Bagui1, K. L. Mehra2

1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of West Florida, Pensacola, USA

2Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, USA

Correspondence to: Subhash C. Bagui, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of West Florida, Pensacola, USA.


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In this article, we employ moment generating functions (mgf’s) of Binomial, Poisson, Negative-binomial and gamma distributions to demonstrate their convergence to normality as one of their parameters increases indefinitely. The motivation behind this work is to emphasize a direct use of mgf’s in the convergence proofs. These specific mgf proofs may not be all found together in a book or a single paper. Readers would find this article very informative and especially useful from the pedagogical stand point.

Keywords: Binomial distribution, Central limit theorem, Gamma distribution, Moment generating function, Negative-Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution

Cite this paper: Subhash C. Bagui, K. L. Mehra, Convergence of Binomial, Poisson, Negative-Binomial, and Gamma to Normal Distribution: Moment Generating Functions Technique, American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 6 No. 3, 2016, pp. 115-121. doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20160603.05.

1. Introduction

The basic Central Limit Theorem (CLT) tells us that, when appropriately normalised, sums of independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables (r.v.’s) from any distribution, with finite mean and variance, would have their distributions converge to normality, as the sample size n tends to infinity. If we accept this CLT and are in knowledge of the fact that Binomial, Poisson, Negative-binomial and Gamma r.v.’s are themselves sums of i.i.d. r.v.’s, we can conclude the limiting normality of these distributions by applying this CLT. We must note, however, that the proof of this CLT is based on the use of Characteristic Functions theory involving Complex Analysis, the study of which primarily only advanced math majors in colleges and universities undertake. There are available, indeed, other methods of proof in specific cases, e.g., in case of Binomial and Poisson distributions through approximations of probability mass functions (pmf) by the corresponding normal probability density function (pdf) using Stirling’s formula (cf., Stigler, S.M. 1986, pp.70-88, [8]; Bagui et al. 2013b, p. 115, [2]) or by simply approximating the ratios of successive pmf terms of the distribution one is dealing with (cf., Proschan, M.A. 2013, pp. 62-63, [6]). However, by using the parallel (to characteristic functions) methodology of mgf’s, which does not involve Complex Analysis, we can also accomplish the same objective with relative ease. This is what we propose to explicitly demonstrate in this paper.
The structure of the paper is as follows. We provide some useful preliminary results in Section 2. These results will be used in section 3. In Section 3 we give all the details of convergence for all the above mentioned distributions to normal distribution. Section 4 contains some concluding remarks.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we state some results that will be used in various proofs presented in section 3.
Definition 2.1. Let be a r.v. with probability mass function (pmf) or probability density function (pdf)
Then the moment generating function (mgf) of the r.v. is defined as
assume to exist and be finite for all for an
If has a normal distribution with mean and variance , then mgf of is given by [3]. If , then is said to have standard normal distribution (i.e., a normal distribution with mean zero and variance one). The mgf of is given by
Let denote the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the r.v.
Theorem 2.1. Let and be two cumulative distribution functions (cdf’s) whose moments exist. If the mgf’s exist for the r.v.’s and and for all in then
for all (i.e., for all
A probability distribution is not always determined by its moments. Suppose has cdf and moments which exist for all . If has a positive radius of convergence for all (Billingsley 1995, Section 30, [4]; Serfling 1980, p. 46, [7]), then mgf exists in the interval and hence uniquely determines the probability distribution.
A weaker sufficient condition for the moment sequence to determine a probability distribution uniquely is This sufficient condition is due to Carleman (Chung 1974, p. 82, [5]; Serfling 1980, p. 46, [7]).
Theorem 2.2. Let be a sequence of r.v’s with the corresponding mgf sequence as and be a r.v. with mgf which are assumed exist for all If
for , then
The notation means that, as the distribution of the r.v. converges to the distribution of the r.v.
Lemma 2.1. Let be a sequence of reals. Then, provided and do not depend on an
CLT (See Bagui et al. 2013a, [1]). Let be a sequence of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with mean , , and variance , , and set and
Then , as , where stands for a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.
For Definition 2.1, Theorem 2.1, Theorem 2.2, and Lemma 2.1, see Casella and Berger, 2002, pp. 62-66, [4] and Bain and Engelhardt, 1992, p. 234, [3].

3. Congergence of Mgf’s

3.1. Binomial

Binomial probabilities apply to situations involving a series of independent and identical trials with two possible outcomes –a success with probability and a failure with probability - on each trial. Let be the number of successes in trials, then has binomial distribution with parameters and . The probability mass function of is given by Thus the mean of is and the variance of is The mgf of is given by Let . With simplified notation we have Below we derive the mgf of Now the mgf of is given by
Based on the Taylor’s series expansion, there exists a number between 0 and
such that
Similarly, based on the Taylor’s series expansion, there exists a number between 0 and such that
Now substituting these two equations (3.2) and (3.3) in the last expression for in (3.1), we have
The above equation (3.4) may be written as
Since as then for every fixed value of Thus based on Lemma 2.1 we have
for all real values of That is, in view of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, we conclude that the r.v.
has the limiting standard normal distribution. Consequently, the binomial r.v.
has, for large an approximate normal distribution with mean and variance

3.2. Poisson

The Poisson distribution is appropriate for predicting rare events within a certain period of time. Let be a Poisson r.v. with parameter The probability mass function of is given by Both the mean and variance of are The mgf of is given by
For notational convenience let and Below we derive the mgf of which is given by
Now consider the simplification of the term as
where is number between and and converges to zero as Further the above term may be simplified as Now substituting this in the last expression (3.5) for
we have
where which tends to as . Hence, we have
for all real values of Using Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 we conclude that has the limiting standard normal distribution. Hence, the Poisson r.v. has also an approximate normal distribution with both mean and variance equal to for large

3.3. Negative Binomial

Consider an infinite series of independent trials, each having two possible outcomes, success or failure. Let and Define the random variable to be the number of failures before the success. Then has negative binomial distribution with parameters and . Thus, the probability mass function of is given by The mean of is given by and the variance of is given by The mgf of can be obtained as Let Now the mgf of is given by
According to Taylor’s series expansion, there exists a number between and such that
Similarly, there exists a number between and such that
Now substituting these two expressions (3.7) and (3.8) in the last expression for in (3.6), we have
The above equation (3.9) can be written as where Since both as for every fixed value of
Hence by lemma 2.1 we have
for all real values of Hence, by Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, we conclude the r.v.
has the limiting standard normal distribution. Accordingly, the negative-Binomial r.v. has approximately a normal distribution with mean and variance for large

3.4. Gamma

The Gamma distribution is appropriate for modeling waiting times for events. Let be a Gamma r.v. with pdf and The is called the shape parameter of the distribution and is called the scale parameter of the distribution. For convenience let us denote by It is well known that the mean of is and the variance of is The mgf of is given by
Let The mgf of is given by
Observe that where is a number between and and tends to zero as and Now substituting these two in the last expression of in (3.10), we have This can be written as where Since as for every fixed value of Hence by Lemma 2.1 we have
for all real values of Hence, by Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, we conclude the r.v. has the limiting standard normal distribution. Accordingly, the Gamma r.v. has approximately a normal distribution with mean and varianc for large

4. Concluding Remarks

It is well-known that a Binomial r.v. is the sum of i.i.d. Bernouli r.v.’s, a Poisson r.v., with a positive integer, the sum of i.i.d. r. v.’s, a Negative-binomial r.v. the sum of i.i.d. geometric r.v.’s and a Gamma r.v. the sum of i.i.d. exponential r.v.’s. In view of these facts, one can easily conclude by applying the above stated general CLT that the above distributions, after proper normalizations, converge to a normal distribution as the number of terms in their respective sums, increases to infinity. But these facts may be beyond the knowledge of undergraduate students, especially those who are non-math majors. However, as demonstrated in the preceding Section 3 for the Binomial, Poisson, Negative-binomial and Gamma distributions, in dealing with distributional convergence problems where individual mgf’s exist and are available, we can use the mgf technique effectively to formally deduce their limiting distributions. In our view, this latter technique is natural, equally instructive and at a more manageable level. In any case, it provides an alternative approach.
In the proof of general central limit theorem using mgf both Bain and Engelhardt (1992), [3] and Inlow (2010), [6a] use the mgf of sum of i.i.d r.v’s. But we are using the existing mgf of all the above mentioned distributions without treating them as sums of i.i.d. r.v.’s. Bain and Engelhardt (1992), [3] discusses a proof of convergence of binomial to normal using mgf. But this paper formalizes mgf proofs of collection of distributions. The paper framed in this way can serve as an excellent teaching reference. The proofs are straightforward and require only an additional knowledge of Taylor series expansion, beyond the skills to handle algebraic equations and basic probabilistic concepts. The material should be of pedagogical interest, and can be discussed in classes where only basic calculus and skills to deal with algebraic expressions are the only background requirements. The article should also be of reading interest for senior undergraduate students in probability and statistics.


The authors are thankful to the Editor-in-Chief and an anonymous referee for their careful reading of the paper.


[1]  Bagui, S.C., Bhaumik, D.K., Mehra, K.L. (2013a). A few counter examples useful in teaching central limit theorem, The American Statistician, 67(1), 49-56.
[2]  Bagui, S.C., Bagui, S.S., Hemasinha, R. (2013b). Nonrigourous proof’s Stirling’s formula, Mathematics and Computer Education, 47(2), 115-125.
[3]  Bain, L.J. and Engelhardt, M. ((1992). Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 2nd edition, Belmont: Duxbury Press.
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