T. Anitha1, V. Amarendra Babu2
1Department of Mathematics, K.L.University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, India
2Department of Mathematics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, India
Correspondence to: T. Anitha, Department of Mathematics, K.L.University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, India.
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In this paper, first, we investigate the further properties of VLI – ideals on lattice implication algebras. Next, we study the relation between VLI – ideal and vague congruence relation of lattice implication algebras. We show that there is a one - to - one correspondence between the set of all VLI – ideals and the set of all vague congruence relations of lattice implication algebras. We study the homomorphism theorem on lattice implication algebra induced by vague congruence.
Lattice implication algebras, VLI – ideals, Vague congruence relation
Cite this paper: T. Anitha, V. Amarendra Babu, Vague Congruence Relation Induced by VLI – Ideals of Lattice Implication Algebras, American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 6 No. 3, 2016, pp. 89-93. doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20160603.01.
1. Introduction
In 1993, Y. XU [12] first established the lattice implication algebra by combining lattice and implication algebra. Z. M. Song and Y. Xu [11] studied the congruence relations on lattice implication algebras. Congruence relation is also one of the important tool when an algebra is studied. Lattice implication algebra is a special kind of residuated lattice. Zadeh [14] proposed the theory of fuzzy sets. In1993, W. L. Gau and D.J. Buehrer [5] introduced the concept of vague sets, which are more useful to evaluate the real life problems. The idea of vague sets is that the membership of every element can be classified into two parameters including supporting and opposing. Ranjit Biswas [4] initiated the study of vague algebra by studying vague groups. At first Ya Qin and Yi Liu [9] applied the concept of vague set theory to lattice implication algebras and introduced the notion of v- filter, and investigated some of their properties. Y. Lin et al. [8] studied the fuzzy congruence relations and properties on lattice implication algebras. Kham et al. [7] studied the vague relation and its properties on lattice implication algebras. Ch. Zhong and Y. Qin [15] studied the vague congruence relations and its properties on lattice implication algebras. Xiaoyan Qin et al. [10] studied the vague congruence and quotient lattice implication algebras. There are close correlations among ideals, congruence and quotient algebras. In [1], we introduced the concept of VLI – ideals on lattice implication algebras and studied properties of VLI – ideals.In this paper, we investigate the further properties of VLI – ideals and the relation between VLI – ideals and vague congruence relations.
2. Preliminaries
Definition 2.1 [12]. Let
be a complemented lattice with the universal bounds 0, I.
binary operation of L.
is called a lattice implication algebra, if the following axioms hold, 
Definition 2.2 [6]. Let A be a subset of a lattice implication algebra L. A is said to be an LI - ideal of L if it satisfies the following conditions:
Definition 2.3 [5]. A vague set A in the universal of discourse X is characterized by two membership functions given by:(1) A truth membership function
and(2) A false membership function
Where tA(x) is a lower bound of the grade of membership of x derived from the “evidence for x”, and fA(x) is a lower bound on the negation of x derived from the “evidence against x” and
The vague set 
The value of x in the vague set A denoted by
defined by
Notation: Let I[0, 1] denote the family of all closed subintervals of [0, 1]. If I1 = [a1, b1], I2 = [a2, b2] are two elements of I[0, 1], we call I1 ≥I2 if a1 ≥a 2 and b1 ≥b2. We define the term imax to mean the maximum of two interval as
Similarly, we can define the term imin of any two intervals.Definition 2.4 [1]. Let A be a vague set of a lattice implication algebra L. A is said to be a vague LI - ideal of L if it satisfies the following conditions:
Definition 2.5 [7]. Let X and Y be two universes. A vague relation of the universe X with the universe Y is a vague set of the Cartesian product
Definition 2.6 [7]. Let X and Y be two universes. A vague subset R of discourse
is characterized by two membership functions given by:(1) A truth membership function
and(2) A false membership function
Where tR(x, y) is a lower bound of the grade of membership of (x, y) derived from the “evidence for (x, y)” and fR(x, y) is a lower bound on the negation of (x, y) derived from the “evidence against (x, y)” and tR(x, y) + fR(x, y) ≤ 1.Thus the grade of membership of (x, y) in the vague set R is bounded by subinterval [tR(x, y), 1 – fR(x, y)] of [0,1]. The vague relation R is written as
The value of (x, y) in the vague relation R denoted by VR(x, y), defined by
Definition 2.7 [15]. Let X be a nonempty universe. A vague relation R on X is called vague similarity relation, if R satisfies the following conditions:
Remark 2.8 [15]. For the vague transitivity,

Definition 2.9 [15]. Let R be a vague relation on L. R is said to be a vague congruence relation on L, if 
Theorem 2.10 [15]. Let R be a vague relation on L. Then for any
R satisfies the following conditions:
3. Some Properties of VLI – ideals
Theorem 3.1: The vague set A of L is a VLI – ideal if and only if A satisfies the following conditions:
Proof: suppose A is a VLI – ideal of L. Obviously A satisfies the first condition.
It follows that,
Conversely suppose that the vague set A of L satisfies the inequalities (1) and (2).Taking z = 0 in (2), we get
Hence A is a VLI – ideal of L.Theorem 3.2: The vague set A of L is a VLI – ideal of L if and only if for any 
Proof: Suppose A is a VLI – ideal of L.
Conversely suppose that the vague set A of L satisfies the condition
Then, we have
It follows that
So A is a VLI – ideal of L.Corrolary 3.3: The vague set A of L is a VLI – ideal of L if and only if A satisfies the condition
for a1, a2, ……….., an є L.Definition 3.4: Let A be a VLI – ideal of L. Then for any 
the set A[a] defined by
Theorem 3.5: Let A be a VLI – ideal of L. Then A[a] is an ideal of L.Proof: Let A be a VLI – ideal of L.
such that 

Therefore A[a] is an ideal of L.Theorem 3.6: Let A be a vague set of L and A[a] be an ideal of L for any
Proof: Let A[a] be an ideal of L for any
Theorem 3.7: Let A be a vague set of L and A satisfies
Then A[a] is an ideal of L for any
Proof: Let A be a vague set of L and A satisfies the above conditions.
Therefore A[a] is an ideal of L.
4. Vague Congruence Relation Induced by VLI – ideals
Theorem 4.1: Let R be a vague congruence relation on L. Then, for all x, y, z є L,
Since R is a vague congruence relation,
Theorem 4.2: Let R be a vague congruence relation on L. Then the vague set
is a VLI – ideal of L.Proof: (1) Let x є L, then
(2) Let
Therefore AR is a vague LI – ideal of L. AR is called a vague LI – ideal induced by a vague congruence relation R.Definition 4.3: Let R be a similarity relation on L. For each a є L, we define a vague subset
on L, where
Theorem 4.4: Let R be a vague congruence relation on L. Then, R0 is vague LI – ideal of L. Proof: It is obvious from the theorem 4.2.Theorem 4.5: Let A be a vague LI – ideal of L and RA be a vague relation on L defined by
Then RA is a vague congruence relation on L.Proof: Let RA be a vague relation on L defined by
It is clear RA is reflexive and symmetric. For any
we have
Therefore RA is transitive.
Since A is order reversing, we have
It follows that,
Therefore RA is a vague congruence relation on L. RA is called a vague congruence relation induced by a vague LI – ideal A of L.Theorem 4.6: Let the set of all vague LI – ideals of L denoted by IV(L) and the set of all vague congruence relations of L denoted by CV(L). Then IV(L) is isomorphic to CV(L).Proof: We define the mappings f and g as follows:
for any
Obviously these mappings are well defined. For any
For any
we have
That is (g o f) is an identical mapping on IV(L), which implies that f is injective.Let
then AR is a vague LI – ideal of L.Then
is a congruence relation on L.For any 
For any
we have
That implies (f o g) (R) = R. That is f o g is an identical mapping on CV(L) which implies that f is surjective.So f is a bijection from IV(L) to CV(L). Therefore IV(L) is isomorphic to CV(L).Theorem 4.7: Let A be a vague LI – ideal of L and RA be a vague congruence relation induced by A. Then for any 
if and only if
Proof: Let
we have
for all
It follows that,

Similarly, we can prove that
for all
Theorem 4.8: Let A be a VLI – ideal of L. Define
is a congruence relation on L.Proof: The proof can be obtained from theorem 4.7.Theorem 4.9: Let A be a VLI – ideal of L and let L/ RA be the corresponding quotient algebra. Then, the map
defined by
for any
is a lattice implication homomorphism and
Proof: Since A is a VLI – ideal of L, RA is a vague congruence relation induced by A. By proposition 24 (10),
is a lattice implication homomorphism.
5. Conclusions
Congruence theory and ideal theory play very important role in research of logic algebra. Through which we can much information such as quotient structure and homomorphic image of the logic algebra. The aim of this paper is to develop the vague congruence relation induced by VLI – ideals on lattice implication algebras. We study the concept of vague congruence induced by VLI – ideals. First, some properties of VLI – ideals are investigated. Next, some properties of vague congruence relation induced by VLI – ideals are discussed. We obtain one - to - one correspondence between the set of all VLI – ideals and the set of all vague congruence relations of lattice implication algebras. Lastly we obtain the homomorphism theorem on lattice implication algebra induced by vague congruence. We hope that it will be of great use to provide theoretical foundation to design for enriching corresponding many – valued logical system.
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