American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

p-ISSN: 2165-901X    e-ISSN: 2165-9036

2024;  14(10): 2608-2610


Received: Sep. 22, 2024; Accepted: Oct. 12, 2024; Published: Oct. 23, 2024


Scientific Justification of Organizational Forms of Activity of Nurses of the Rehabilitation Department (Review of Literature)

Kodirov Jobir Hayitqulovich1, Rizaev Jasur Alimdjanovich2, Tukhtarov Bakhrom Enazarovich2

1Independent Researcher, Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

2Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Modern rehabilitation is a process aimed at providing all-round assistance to patients and disabled people to achieve physical, mental, professional, social and economic perfection in this disease, to restore their physical and mental condition. The goal of providing high-quality medical care is realized by improving the health care system, developing the capacity of medical personnel and human resources.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, World Health Organization, Health, Quality medical care, Nursing care, Physical rehabilitation

Cite this paper: Kodirov Jobir Hayitqulovich, Rizaev Jasur Alimdjanovich, Tukhtarov Bakhrom Enazarovich, Scientific Justification of Organizational Forms of Activity of Nurses of the Rehabilitation Department (Review of Literature), American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 14 No. 10, 2024, pp. 2608-2610. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20241410.34.

1. Introduction

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines rehabilitation as follows: Rehabilitation is a set of activities aimed at helping people with functional impairments as a result of illness, injury and birth defects to get used to new conditions of life in the society in which they live. The term rehabilitation is derived from the Latin word habilis - ability, rehabilis - to restore ability. [12; pp. 18-27, 18; 16 p., 15; 26 pp.].
In the modern interpretation, rehabilitation is a process aimed at providing all-round assistance to patients and disabled people in order to achieve maximum physical, mental, professional, social and economic fulfillment in this disease, restoring their physical and mental condition [8; 64 p., 5; 78 p., 8; 53 p.].
People with limitations in their health, as well as patients with limitations due to the results of their diseases, are considered objects of rehabilitation [18; 102 p.].
Currently, changes caused by diseases can be divided into classes: at the biological level (organism); at the psychological level (individual); social level (person) [1; 118 pp.].
In the rehabilitation process of the WHO, it is necessary to take into account the consequences of diseases and injuries in three classes: impairment, impairment of lifestyle and work capacity or disability, social or physical and psychological defect [3; 5-9 p., 4; pp. 32-37].
Physical rehabilitation is a component of medical, social and professional rehabilitation, a system of activities aimed at restoring or compensating a person's physical capabilities and intellectual abilities, increasing the functional state of the body, improving physical condition using physical education tools and methods, sports elements, massage, physiotherapy and natural factors. [2; pp. 45-50, 10; 182 p.].
The psychological aspect of rehabilitation is closely related to the medical aspect and is aimed at correcting the mental state of the patient, as well as eliminating negative mental reactions caused by illness or disability. The main methods of mental rehabilitation: various psychotherapeutic effects (autogenic exercises, hypnosis, etc.), psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, physical training, occupational therapy, esthetic therapy, landscape therapy; music therapy, vocal therapy, art therapy (painting, modeling), biographical counseling (treatment with memories), bibliotherapy (using books in the treatment of patients) and drug therapy [14; pp. 88-92, 18; pp. 25-27, 21; 183.].
A medical nurse was one of the first in her professional career to prove that it is possible to reduce the recovery period and the risk of complications if the patient gets on his feet in a short time after medical interventions [8; pp. 77-81, 14; 47 p., 21; pp. 36-39].

2. Materials and Methods

The goal of providing quality medical care is to improve the health care system by developing the capacity of medical personnel and human resources. Because the health care system cannot achieve the coverage of its activities with medical services on a large scale, it cannot effectively implement its activities within the framework of the sustainable development of the millennium goals related to health care, and if the rights and opportunities of nurses and midwives are not expanded in order to carry out the effective work of secondary medicine employees cannot take advantage of their opportunities [21; pp 26-29, .26; 27 pp.].
Nursing has gone through a long and complicated development path. Nursing and nursing has a long history. The first nursing community was founded in 1633, and the definition of "nursing" was given by the English nurse Florence Nightingale, who founded the first school of nursing in England in the 1860s. Nursing is an integral part of medical activity. It should be noted that nursing work depends on a number of organizational, psychological and ethical aspects. Today, the role of nurses in the implementation of treatment, rehabilitation, preventive measures, the effectiveness of treatment with high-tech methods, and ensuring equal access to medical care for everyone is increasing [4; pp. 17-23, 9; 6 p., 19; 78 pp.].

3. Discussion

The progressive reforms in the healthcare system of various countries are further increasing the need for secondary medical workers. The comprehensive role of nurses in nursing care is recognized worldwide: in 2013, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) adopted a resolution that affirmed that it was reflected in the meeting of national representatives. If there is not a sufficient number of competent, competent specialists in the field of nursing, it is impossible to talk about the quality and the same level of prevention and medical care being carried out for everyone [9; 36-41 p., 11; 48 p., 16; 36 pp.].
In the current environment, nurses, who make up the largest part of the health workers, should be considered as valuable personnel to meet the needs of the population in the primary health care system for affordable, acceptable and cost-effective medical care in the prevention of diseases. This has been proven by studies conducted in primary health care (PHC). In the period from 1991 to 2017, primary care institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan led to a 1.6-fold decrease in hospitalization rates, and a 2.2-fold increase in the number of residents' appeals to polyclinic institutions [2; p. 72-73, 3; pp. 56-62, 5; 89 p., 8; 13- 91b.].
The duties of nurses are no longer limited to performing nursing manipulations, but began to include elements of medical, social, psychological and pedagogical work. The nurse is a link between other specialists of the multi-functional team - participants in the rehabilitation process (doctor, social worker, psychologist, labor teacher) and patients [23; 101-109 p.]

4. Conclusions

It can be seen that the need for care depends on the physical and mental health of the patient, and determines the psychological and physical actions of the staff engaged in care and the norms of care time [24; 4-7 p.]
General instructions for rehabilitation measures: 1) concurrent acute inflammation and infectious diseases; 2) decompensated somatic and oncological diseases; 3) specific disorders of the intellectual and mnestic sphere and mental disorders that make it difficult for the patient to communicate and actively participate in the rehabilitation process [22; pp. 88-92].
Rehabilitation measures are carried out based on the general rules of early initiation, continuity, comprehensiveness, individuality and return to socially useful work [16; 102 p., 26; 185 pp.].


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