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[16] | Khamdamova M.T. Ultrasound features of three-dimensional echography in assessing the condition of the endometrium and uterine cavity in women of the first period of middle age using intrauterine contraceptives // Biology va tibbyot muammolari. - Samarkand, 2020. - No. 2 (118). - P.127-131. |
[17] | Khamdamova M. T. Ultrasound аssessment оf changes in the endometrium of the uterus in women of the first and second period of middle age when using intrauterine and oral contraceptives // Biomedicine va amaliyot journals. – Tashkent, 2020. - №2. - 8 часть. - С.79-85. |
[18] | Khamdamova M. T. Аnthropometric characteristics of the physical status of women in the first and second period of middle age // A new day in medicine. Tashkent, 2020. - № 1 (29). - C.98-100. |
[19] | Khamdamova M.T. Age-related and individual variability of the shape and size of the uterus according to morphological and ultrasound studies // News of dermatovenereology and reproductive health. - Tashkent, 2020. - No. 1-2 (88-80). - P.49-52. |
[20] | Khamdamova M. T. Аnthropometric characteristics of the physical status of women in the first and second period of middle age // A new day in medicine. Tashkent, 2020. - № 1 (29). - C.98-100. |
[21] | Khamdamova M.T. Age-related and individual variability of the shape and size of the uterus according to morphological and ultrasound studies // News of dermatovenereology and reproductive health. - Tashkent, 2020. - No. 1-2 (88-80). - P.49-52. |
[22] | Khamdamova M.T. Ultrasound features of three-dimensional echography in assessing the condition of the endometrium and uterine cavity in women of the first period of middle age using intrauterine contraceptives // Biology va tibbyot muammolari. - Samarkand, 2020. - No. 2 (118). - P.127-131. |
[23] | Khamdamova M. T. Ultrasound аssessment оf changes in the endometrium of the uterus in women of the first and second period of middle age when using intrauterine and oral contraceptives // Biomedicine va amaliyot journals. – Tashkent, 2020. - No. 2. - Part 8.- С.79-85. |
[24] | Khamdamova M.T. Features of ultrasound parameters of the uterus in women of the first and second period of middle age using injection contraceptives // Tibbiyotda yangi kun. - Tashkent, 2020. - No. 2/1 (29/1). - pp.154-156. |
[25] | Khamdamova M.T. Features of ultrasound images of the uterus and ovaries in women of the second period of middle age using combined oral contraceptives // A new day in medicine. - Tashkent, 2020. - No. 2 (30). - pp. 258-261. |
[26] | Khamdamova M.T. Individual variability of the uterus and ovaries in women who use and do not use various types of contraceptives // A new day in medicine. - Tashkent, 2020. - No. 3 (31). - pp. 519-526. |
[27] | Khamdamova M. T. Еchographic features variability in the size and shape of the uterus and ovaries in women of the second period of adulthood using various contraceptives // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research - 2020. – N9 (5). - P.259-263. |
[28] | Khamdamova M. T. Somatometric characteristics of women of the first and second period of adulthood using different contraceptives with different body types // The american journal of medical sciences and pharmaceutical research - 2020. – N8 (2). - P.69-76. |
[29] | Khamdamova M.T., Zhaloldinova M.M., Khamdamov I.B. Status of nitric oxide in blood serum in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis // A new day in medicine. - Bukhoro, 2023. - № 5 (55). - C. 638-643. |
[30] | Khamdamova M.T., Zhaloldinova M.M., Khamdamov I.B. The value of ceruloplasmin and copper in blood serum in women wearing copper-containing intrauterine device // A new day in medicine. - Bukhoro, 2023. - № 6 (56). - C. 2-7. |
[31] | Khamdamova M. T. Bleeding when wearing intrauterine contraceptives and their relationship with the nitric oxide system // American journal of pediatric medicine and health sciences Volume 01, Issue 07, 2023 ISSN (E): 2993-2149. Р. 58-62. |
[32] | Khamdamova M. T. The state of local immunity in background diseases of the cervix // Eurasian journal of medical and natural sciences Innovative Academy Research Support Center. Volume 3 Issue 1, January 2023 ISSN 2181-287X Р. 171-175. |
[33] | Хамдамова М.Т., Хасанова М.Т. Различные механизмы патогенез гиперплазии эндометрия у женщин постменопаузального периода (обзор литературы) // A new day in medicine. - Бухоро, 2023. - № 8 (58). - C. 103-107. |
[34] | Khamdamova M. T., Khasanova Makhfuza Toyqulovna, Umidova Nigora Nabievna The role of genetic determinants in the occurrence of hyperplastic processes of the reproductive system of women’s menopausal age // Journal of Advanced Zoology ISSN: 0253-7214 Volume 44 Issue Special Issue-2 Year 2023 Page 3724: 3730. |