Nizom Ermatov1, Bakhtiyor Danaev1, Dilshod Alimukhamedov2, Khasan Rajabov2
1Head of the Hygiene of Children, Teenagers and Nutrition Department, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Hygiene of Children, Teenagers and Nutrition Department, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Correspondence to: Nizom Ermatov, Head of the Hygiene of Children, Teenagers and Nutrition Department, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Email: | ![](email/10.5923.j.ajmms.20241403.05.gif) |
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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This article features hygiological analysis of the composition of the dietary diet of the cement production company. 968 workers between the 20 and 60 workers work at the controlled enterprise were obtained. The order of the enterprise is analyzed during the Season of the year. The structural structure of workers was organized on the basis of the structural structure of the workers on the basis of sanitary norms and the chemical compativities of the daily ration and its number and quality indicators Chemical composition of food products. The daily nutrition of patients does not meet the daily requirements, the amount of bread, bread and macron and cucumber, and cabbage, pamids and cucumbers, Kahwa tomato and spices are more than authenticity in the spring season. The total amount of rye bread and porrifications is less physiological standard, and the rye noni is 55.0% lower than. The amount of meat products is up to 48%, the maximum amount of rabbit meat is sharply. If dairy products are provided by 31.7%, the volume of vegetable oil is 26.7% more than 26.7%. The amount of animal proteins, vitamins and mineral substances is also rarely consumed.
Meals, Cement enterprises, Diet, Proteins, Fats and carbohones, Vitamine and mineral substances
Cite this paper: Nizom Ermatov, Bakhtiyor Danaev, Dilshod Alimukhamedov, Khasan Rajabov, The Factor of Household Matters in the Spring Industry of the Cement Production with Analysing, American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 14 No. 3, 2024, pp. 562-567. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20241403.05.
1. Introduction
During the last few decades, perhaps not the diet of the population, or maybe to study the epidemiological features of a specific product. Pively quality mourning of the population is not only to assess their health status, and the duration of life, in collaboration [1,9,15,16,17,18,19,20].The world is one of anthropogenic pollution, is one of the risk of risk of the population to the health situation, which is a result of mortality of 9 million a year [3,6,15,23,24,26].Among the various sonsacing, atmospheric air pollution with utesemet industry, atorhanSport, anthropogenic mixtoses is one of the main dangerous factors in the protection of public health and the development of diseases [5,17,18,19,20,26,23,26].According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the living in the other 10 people in the world have been returned to unattractive air in its structural requirements [15,23,26].Millions of people work together to live in living conditions that are a key factor in living conditions, as well as the factor of professional diseases, is the factor of the most common diseases among the population [2,3,6,10,11,12,14].Environmentality of environmental pollution and prevention is one of the international issues of public health [5,23,26].Millions of the population operate in conditions related to the dust factor during the day, which works, which works, which is one of the professionalities of the respiratory systems, [23,26].One of the mains of dust factors is cement production enterprises, which results in the environment, as a result of carbon 2 oxide (CO2), nitrogen oxide (NO2) and the diameter is below 10 mcM. Dust (PM) propagates [23,26].The calcium oxide (CaO, 62-67%) and quartz bottles (SiO2, 17-25%), aluminum trioxide (Al2O3, 3-8%), magnesium oxide (Fe2O3, 0-5%), magnesium oxide (MGO, 1-2%) and other heavy metals, including six-valentine chrome, nickel [23,26].The area of cement dust generated from the oven, formed as a result of mining, transportation and smoking, and packaging of sand and limestone is the region of production of cement dust and packaging [3,4,14,21,22].Lack of daily ration of workers operating in various industrial enterprises leads to an increase in diseases of harmful factors.He is the daily diet of the workers of cementing enterprises and its quality analysis of laborers' workers and hygienic analysis of its quality today is one of the most pressing issues facing areas.
2. Purpose of the Research
The workshops of cement production consists of an effective hygienic analysis of the condition of the year in the spring season.
3. Materials and Methods
The structure of the daily dining enterprise operating operating in Surkhandarya region Sherabad cement production enterprise is an effective analysis of the daily diet. The workers' ages were 20 to 60 years old.The study analyzed the structure of the 2022 the beginning of the beginning to 2022 years, between the beginning of the month, between 81 (from 9) during the total season, at the end of the total season.The meal and its degree of physiological composition of the workers and the provision of the provision of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan 0007-2020 [13] meet the requirements of sanitary norms and regulations «Their chemical composition depends» [8] on the fact that food is based on the chemical composition and the maba analysis was staged. A package of statistics is used in statistical processing of the research process.In the statistical processing of the research results, the "Statistica for Windows 7.0" personal computer application package was used.
4. Results and Discussion
In a separate response of the results obtained in the daily diet of cement production enterprises and their solutions and the results of the results in the course of the dietary examination, we found it advisable to perform the results of the results of the results with physiological regulations.Analysis of the workers of cement production enterprises during the seasons will be the basis for the separate separation of the most basic threats in the development of the disease and developing the correlation of correlation with each other, as well as the development of the ration together with address measures.In the analysis of the daily operation procedure, the state of treatment of workers and the condition of eating and adherence to the presence of conditions, it is the basis for advising the conditions of health care, workers' state and dietary statuss.In analyzing the nutrition diet, we considered to analyze the consumption of the consumption of the consumption of 42 set products, which is determined in the field of domestic diet, and the hygienic analysis of household diet in the winter period of the year.The procedure for diet on the working conditions and its severity in the analysis of nutrition and the level of its gravity is divided into 5 groups. We have analyzed the changes in the sharp differences of workers' carcasses according to the nutritional norms to identify the sides.The results of the food consumption of workers consumed during the day are given in Table 1.Table 1. Quantitative level of foods consumed during the spring season of workers of cement manufacturing enterprise ![](image/10.5923.j.ajmms.20241403.05_001.gif) |
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In assessing the consumption of products, it was evaluated to meet and not to meet and arrive in the day of the day.The data provided in the lycle of the enterprise in the 1st day shows that the consumption of the company's employees in the summary of the year, that is, in May 33.3% in April and May, 66% of physiological norms, 66, It is obvious to 7% or 3 times.Dukyaic products indicate the lack of plant proteins in dietary diet and lack of energy volumes resulting in decrease in excessively amenacils.The main composition of the daily diet at the cement production enterprise was products consisting of flour and flour products. The consumption rate of its consumption was 150% in the spring of the year, which is 50% of physiological norms, or 10 grams and 1.5 times.Lack of basic products and all of the daily production of the daily ration of the workers of the worker of the workers of the workplate, and the level of bread is more determined by the rumor of flour products, which shows that conditions have been created to lead to the imposition of the alaturation process.The consumption rate of rice included in the bakery group was 72.0% among workers, which is 28.0% less than physiological standard, filled with flour and bakery products.The rye bread level was 43.8% in spring months, which consumed 56.2% less than physiological standard. It should be noted that the rattle of the rating of the rattle of the rating of the rating creates the lack of the lack of group vitamins and creates conditions between workers and the development of nervous mental change among workers.The level of consumption of patchs was 45.0% this season. This is 2.2 times less than normal.Pasta consumption rate was 136.0% in the spring of 136.0% more than 36.0% higher than in physiological norms.The level of potato consumption is 61.4% in spring, with 38.6% of the daily physiological standard, which is 1.6 times.In the Spring Consumption Level Consumption rate, 1.32 times, salted tomato consumption levels are more than 1.5 times in spring months.The results of the analyzes show that the number of composed cucumbers and tomatoes in the daily ration is seen sharply.The tula is seen from the level of consumption levels, 70.0% in the Spring of the Year, and the consumption rate of onions is 87.5%, and the number of daily levels of red beets are sharply. The reduction is the basis for bringing up preoperality between workers, as well as their workplace requires it.The other vegetable consumption levels entry, radish, radios, cabbage, patinson, and the amount of which was 48.3%. Our professor analyzes show that the workers of this enterprise consumed turning turnips and radiises.In the spring in the spring, the level of fraqalajon, melon, watermelon, and consumer consumption of bilateral crops was 30.0%, and capacity of 33.3%.If the consumption rate of the daily ration was 34.0%, dried fruits were 45.0% on the daily route TarkI. It should be noted that the grape consumption rate is not returned during the spring season, which is the product consumed in summer and day and winter. Among the fruits, consumption rate of estimated source of allergic cases today was 73.3% this season.Meat products are the source of the most basic animal proteins and the source of irrelevant amino acids. The consumption rate of carbon in the dietary diet was 53.3%, and mutton consumption was 60.0%.The flaven is a source of diet and dietical meat, and was 36.0%. Rabbit is sources of vitamins V1 and V12 and the V12 sources and vitamins RR, and is explained by the source of iron, phatern, potassium, fluorettes, low amounts of the amount of cholestin.The consumption rate of chicken meats of poultry is 64.3%.The consumption rate of net fish products was 48.6% and the consumption of fish products is 30.0%. Tariquet for employees of dairy cement enterprises, including the consumption rate of net dairy products, the level of 60.0%, butter consumption rate 40.0%, consumption of float consumption The level was 43.3%, and the level of consumption consumption was 55.0%. This situation requires the workers' day ration immediately to correcify immediately.The eggs are the source of amino acids, along with aminociclots, with aminoicles and the main task is irrelevant. The daily consumption rate was 1.The daily diet consisted of 126.7% in the control season of the consumption of vegetable oil. Excessive consumption of vegetable oil is provided in a number of scientific research that the excess body weight is based on the development of excess body weight.The salt consumption is more than 3 times, while the level of consumption, the level of consumption of the Kechwa consumption is up to 3.0 times, and the consumption rate of spices increased by 2.0 times, and the consumption rate of spices is more than 3.5 times.In recent years, it is clear that the level of consumption levels of confectionery products among the population. In the spring of the year, it is 162.5% and more than 1.6 times more. At the same time, sugar, the consumption of the main sweets and the source of the glkoz, amounted to 133.3%, and the consumption rate of honey was 45.0%. The margarine consumption rate in the daily diet is more than 5 times, which is mainly by adding to confectionery products.Margarine and high-grade are composed of the composition of confectionery, from the cooks, various sweets.The scientific analysts shows that working order of workers in the year and hygienic students of workers of cement production enterprises.The next task of the study consists of the level of consumption of the main nutrients of the cement production, the resulting results are given in Table 2.Table 2. Quantitative level of basic foodstuffs of cement manufacturing enterprise in the spring season ![](image/10.5923.j.ajmms.20241403.05_002.gif) |
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2-What can be seen that the cement manufacturing enterprise is 72.9% of the workers consumed products consumed. The lack of proteins in the products that consume daily was 27.1%. The daily diet is confirmed the main functional index of proteins plant proteins.The amount of fats in the dietary ration consumes, mainly vegetable oils, and the amount of consumption is 7.6% higher than the physiological rate.The amount of carbohydrates consumed 63.4% and the lack of shortage was 36.6%. The daily energy value was 96.4%.The ratio of proteins, fats and carbonuvers is: 1.5: 4.4 ratings, normative indicator of regulatory indicator: 1: 5,05.It is clear that the number of carbonums is visible.The level of provision of viathmins in the spring of the enterprise workers is given in Table 3.Table 3. The level of vitamins consumed the workers of cement production enterprises during the spring season ![](image/10.5923.j.ajmms.20241403.05_003.gif) |
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In daily diet, vitamins perform the catalysts. Despite the importance of a number of vitamins in the body, the importance of vitamins D and E is appropriate.The impact of the working conditions among employees of cement production and the food rate of vitamins d, despite the importance of the organism to the body, accounted for 11.5%. This is a very sad situation. The level of vitamin E is 75.3%.The V12 provision among employees of cement production enterprises was 69.5% and the level of ascorbic acid was 80.0%. The level provided with all vitamins does not meet hygienic requirements.The level of consumed minerals of the workshop enterprise of cement production is given in Table 4.Table 4. Consumption rate of minerals consumed during the spring workers of the cement manufacturing enterprise ![](image/10.5923.j.ajmms.20241403.05_004.gif) |
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Cement Manufacture of the Cement Manufacturing is 37.3%, which can cause a number of changes in the Tanachian movement system.Despite the fact that the amount of phosphorus is partially high, the amount of phosphorus in the fish is rarely provided.The importance of the geemy iron in daily diet is high, but the level of basic rail in my research is seen, which is mainly a hemeless iron.Yodylic micro-micronutrient levels accounted for 23.3%. This created a number of changes in a result of the lack of iodine.In addition, the level of selenium and zinc micronutrients shows that it is compatible with hygienic requirements.On the basis of the obtained analysis Wall to implement preventive work in this regard.
5. Conclusions
1. The daily diet of workers of cement production enterprises does not meet existing hygienic requirements, the products, salt, sugar margarine, khakwa, tomato, spices are the role of dried and spring products.2. Workers of cement production enterprises 52.0% consumer of meat products, including the amount of rabbits and fish products is dramatically provided.3. In the spring consumption rate of employees of cement production enterprises Low-income of 40.0%.4. If the amount of bakery consumes the consumption of cement production enterprises is carried out sharply, the grade of rice is equipped with exceeding excess, the level of rice is 72%, the total amount of fertilizers is provided by 45.0% of the physiological norm.5. Although the number of fruits and vegetables is rigid in the dietary ration, the amount of vegetables is less than low season, and the amount of the animals are less than physiological standard, the number of lesser physiological standard and other vegetables were rarely consumed.6. Consumer consumption rate of 72.9% in the daily rate of patients with cement production enterprises, accounting for 107.6%, mainly vegetable oils, and the amount of carbonums is 63.4%. The amount of basic vitamins and minerals in the ration was dramatically reduced, but the amount of sodium is overwhelmed by 558 times, which is increased to the calculation of the salt and pickles and tomatoes.
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