American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

p-ISSN: 2165-901X    e-ISSN: 2165-9036

2023;  13(3): 224-226


Received: Feb. 14, 2023; Accepted: Mar. 3, 2023; Published: Mar. 15, 2023


The Molecular Mechanisms and Cancer

Ratan Kumar Sarkar


Correspondence to: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, India.


Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Methionine is an initiating amino acid of protein synthesis is due to its basic structure aligned to electro-gravitational structure in earth-moon space-time curvature. The development of cancer is due to breakage of shield between positive and negative segments of fundamental molecular structure leads to directional change and associated with disclosure of genetic suppression as molecular point is a factor of structural mutation have been shown to some extent.

Keywords: Anti-gravity, Methionine, Molecular point, Point mutation, tRNA

Cite this paper: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, The Molecular Mechanisms and Cancer, American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 13 No. 3, 2023, pp. 224-226. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20231303.07.

1. Introduction

Previously I have discussed on JAK2 G1849T V617F and TP53 G469T V157F cancer mutations [1]. Before adding some new findings I shall go through molecular mechanisms of genetics or molecular biology to some extent. Genetics is above all electro-gravitational chemistry. It is important that the diameter of moon and earth in km are measurements of time while the curvature of earth-moon (0.3667) is concerned to molecular and structural biology. It is seen 0.3477 (lunar time) – 0.2902 (electromagnetic values, 0.1451*2) = 0.0575 = 0.1605 (lunar gravity) – 0.1031 (electro-magnetic values) approximately. A 0.0001(1)- 0.0002(2) time differences (would be adjustable) are about common in the system which is not specifically clarified. It is significant that 0.2902 is an electro-magnetic or anti-gravitational time values that not independent but linked to systematically gravitational values makes the system complicated. While it is time, proton or electron can exists at a place. In addition to 0.3667(193), a point of bisection, the another values 0.1368(72) is also a point of bisection and after bisection there are so many values would exists at a place like 0.0684(36), 0.0803 (halved of lunar gravity), 0.0357 (CCA, a t-RNA factor) makes the system somewhat complicated. Polymorphic site shows an interesting molecular mechanism.
Considering amino acids glutamine (146.1451) and lysine (146.1881)-leucine (131.1736) context, we see 292.2902 where 292 + 154 (factor of opposite) = 446 where the pre-transitional values of glutamine 0.1451 – 0.0146 = 0.1305 = 0.1605 – 0.0300 where 446 = 300 + 146.
It is interesting that the pre-transitional values of lysine and leucine are 0.1881 – 0.0146 = 0.1735 (about halved of lunar time) and 0.1736 – 0.0131 = 0.1605 (lunar gravity) respectively where 0.1881*2 – 0.3477 = 0.0285 = 285 = 131 + 154 (factor of opposite). The core values (Cv) or hidden time of leucine = 131*0.0019 – 0.1736 = 0.0753.
The molecular mechanisms facilitate understanding of cancer development. It is very important about the values of molecular weight of amino acids since molecular mechanisms are within it [3]. Decimals have been avoided somewhere since transitions are about common in the system.

2. Discussions

The electro-magnetic values 0.1031 or 0.2033:
The lunar gravity-like electro-magnetic values (0.1031) can be derived from proton (938.29 Mev/c2) and electron (0.511 Mev/c2) values with adjustable 0.0002 time differences. Since ‘100’ or ‘1000’ is a structural component between gravitation and electro-magnetics, the halved of 1938/2 = 969 is equivalent to 1031 where 1000 – 31 = 969 and 1031 – 969 = 62 = 1938 – 1876 (i.e. 938*2) where 513(27) + 62 = 575 and where 0.1605 – 0.1031 = 0.0574.
It is seen, 574 = 304 (oxy-time) + 270 and conversely 574 = 380 + 194 where 380 = 1380 (electro-magnetic expansion) – 1000 that can be derived from fundamental molecular structure.
The gravitational values of leucine (131.1736) is 131 would be linked to 1031 where the pre-transitional values of leucine = 0.1736 – 0.0131 = 0.1605. It is seen 131*0.0019 = 0.2489 where 0.2489 – 0.1605 = 0.0884 = 0.0576 + 0.0154*2.
Again, 1031 – 131 = 900 = 1784 – 884 where 1784 + 154 = 1938 and 786 = 453(GGG) + 333(CCC) from genetic point of view. The lunar gravity, 0.1605 = 0.0107*15 indicates influx of electro-magnetic values whereas 0.2033 = 0.0107*19 would be existed in this arena where 1969 -753 (leu core values or hidden time) = 1216(64) where 1969 + 64 = 2033 and 2033 – 884 = 1149 = 574*2 +1 in the structure. It is seen 574 – 428 = 146 and correspondingly 574 + 428 = 1002 = 1451 – (446 +3) where 2033 – 1605 = 428 and 1605 – 1031 = 574.
The molecular equation 270+.3667-(193):
Considering the core values and pre-transitional values of methionine (149.2124), it is seen 0.1975 + 0.0707 = 0.2682 and 0.1975 – 0.0707 = 0.1268 and a bisection occurs while 0.2831(149)/2 = 0.1415 = 0.1605 – 0.0190(10) exists in lower level of lunar gravity [2] makes methionine significant. The molecular position met384 in p53 protein shows 1031 + 384 = 1415 that dimensionally correct where 394 -10 = 384 suggests protein expansion would be an electro-magnetic expansion.
Sometimes valine is an initiating amino acid towards protein synthesis since 0.1352 + 0.0754 = 0.2106 (curvature of tyr anti-gravitational values, 0.1894) where 0.2682 – 0.2106 = 0.0576 and 0.2106 – 0.1268 = 0.0838 = 0.1545 (tyr core values) – 0.0707 (met core values). The human haemoglobin alpha and beta chains are started with valine where glu6val creates molecular abnormalities makes valine significant although the molecular point ‘6’ depicted as loci-35 before is still under experiment and would not be definited.
It is seen 0.2682 = 0.1289 (arg core values) + 0.1393 (his) = 0.1615 (trp) +0.1067 (thr core values + 0.0003).
In triplet sequence of molecular biology, 0.2682 stands in 2nd level and that of 0.1341 at 1st level while 0.1341*3 = 0.4023 at 3rd level that corresponding to 0.1159(61), 0.2318 (122) and 0.3477(183) where 61*3 = 183. It is seen 0.1341 – 0.1159 = 0.0182 shows 183(0.3477) to 0.0182, a matter of significance.
A fourth sequence matters in molecular biology, 270 and 0.3667(193) where bisection occurs for cell cycle and 0.3477(183) would be a point where bisection processes starts towards 0.1368 or 0.3667.
Again, 183 = 117 + 66 (tRNA distance of constancy factor 66A0) where 117*3 = 351 = 0.0351= 0.1605 (lunar gravity) – 0.1254(66) and conversely 0.1254 – 0.0969 = 0.0285 where 0.0285*3 = 0.0855(45, met factor where 0.0707 + 0.0149 = 0.0856) and 0.0969 – 0.0285 = 0.0684 = 0.1368 (72, polymorphic site in p53)/2.
Again, 0.1159(61) – 0.0356(CCA, 119*3) = 0.0803 (halved of lunar gravity) where 804 +10(0.0190) = 814 = 487 (deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates avg. MW) + 327 (deoxyribonucleotide monophosphates avg. MW) makes the structure complicated but interrelated. It is seen 2318 – 814*2 = 690 = 1380/2 and 356 = 256(512/2) + 100 makes ‘100’ a structural factor where 1849 + 469 = 2318 and conversely 1849 – 469 = 1380 in directional biology.
It is seen, 0.5130(270) – 0.4023 = 0.1107 and 0.3667 – 0.3477 = 0.0190(10) that reduces 182*3 = 546 to 546 – 190 = 356(CCA, would be a tRNA factor). It is seen 357 + 10 (i.e. 0.0190) = 367 (earth-moon space-time curvature) and 357 +190 = 547 = 1254 – 707 (met Cv) and conversely 1254 + 707 = 1961 = 3667(193) – 1706 where 1000 – 707 = 293, a difference of ‘100’ in the structure. The methionine structure shows 0.4023 – 0.3477 = 0.0546 and 2902 + 222(CC) = 3124 that equivalent to 1000 + 149 = 1149 = 574*2 (app.) or 1000 – 149 = 851 (opposite direction of 0.2902 app.) where 299 – 222 = 77 and 0.3477 – 0.2831 = 0.0646 = 646 = 546 + 100 and 546 – 100 = 446 (an electro-magnetic component) in the structure. The p53 protein exists at opposite direction of ‘547’ where 547 – 154 = 393 and 1268 – 874 (pro core values) = 394 is significant.
Development of cancer:
There is a shield between positive and negative values of molecular equation where 270 – 193 = 77 = 0.1463. Cancer develops due to leakage of negative values towards positive values or vice versa and directional change through mutations. The molecular point possesses an essential role and would be accounted for genetic suppression.
Considering mutations JAK2 G1849T V617F, TP53 G469T V157F and TP53 C844T R282W, the negative mutational values for first two amino acids is – 0.0481 would be added to corresponding molecular point i.e. 617 + 481 = 1098 and 157 + 481 = 638 while the third mutation exists in opposite direction since 326 + 154 = 481 while 1615 (trp core values) – 326*2 = 963 = 481*2 +1 and 1289 (arg core values) – 652 = 637 = 638 -1.
It is seen 1463 = 1107 + 356 and conversely in directional change, 1107 – 356 = 751 where 1107 = 469 + 638 and 1098 + 751 = 1849. Moreover, 751 = 754 (val core values) – 3 (i.e. 0.0057) and 1463 = 1235(phe core values) +228 where 228 = 225(val molecular point in p53) + 3 (i.e. 0.0057) shows cancer transactivation, 225 + 57 = 282(R282W) and 225 – 57 = 168(H168R) that shows reciprocal mutation R273H.
It is seen, 273 – 168 = 105 = 0.0105 = 0.1393 (his core values) – 0.1289 (arg core values) with 0.0001 time difference and 273 + 168 = 441 = 393 (p53 expansion) + 48 where 225 + 48 = 273. There would be some point where TP53 meets to JAK2 since 617 – 393 = 225 – 1 and 1849 – 225 = 1624 where 624 = 469 + 155(factor of opposite).
Polymorphic site:
Polymorphic site is a bisectional molecular point ‘72’ for 393-amino acids p53 protein. It is such a point where ‘77’ and ‘66’ meets together and two bisections occurs in negative segment at 0.1368(72) and 0.3667(193). The amino acids proline (115.1311) and arginine (174.2017) can be found here in p53 protein.
It is seen, 77 + 66 = 143 = 72*2 -1 where 143*0.0019 = 0.2717 = 0.1843 (arg pre-transitional values) + 0.0874 (pro core values) and conversely 0.1843 – 0.0874 = 0.0969 = 969 = 1031 – 62. Considering arginine, 174.2017, it is seen 2717 – 2017 = 700 and 174 + 700 = 874 while 1605 – 1254 = 351 would be reached at 0.3667(193) and bisects i.e. 351*2 = 702 = 803 (halved of lunar gravity) – 101 makes a difference of 100. Previously I have shown the point 0.3667(193) matches to 356 + 190 (10) = 546 = 273*2. The arg (CGC-373) = 273 + 100 and the lunar gravity at a point 0.3667(193) = 0.1605 + 0.0010 = 0.1615 where 1615 – 1031 = 584 = 684 – 100 where 0.1368(72)/2 = 0.0684 = 0.0351 + 0.0333 (CCC, pro).
The point 0.3667(193) = 0.1605 + 0.1031*2 where 2000 - 62 = 1938 (electro-magnetic values) where 0.1605 – 0.1463(77) = 0.0142 = 142 = 143 -1 and 2717 – 1605 = 1112 and also 209 – 143 = 66 where 1463 – 1254 = 209. It is seen 143 – 115 = 28(0.0532) where 0.1843 – 0.1311 = 0.0532.
It is seen, 0.2717 = 0.1393 (his core values) + 0.1324 (asn core values) where 0.1393 – 0.1324 = 0.0069 = 0.1358 (i.e. halved of 0.2717 app.) – 0.1289 (arg core values) and 143 – 69 =74 = 174 – 100 and also 143 + 69 = 212 where 212 – 115 = 97(0.1843). The two values 212 and 1112 are significant in the structure.
A corresponding bisection would be occurred at positive side (270) of fundamental molecular equation.

3. Conclusions

Genetics is basically electro-gravitational chemistry in earth-moon space-time curvature. The breakage of shield (77 or 0.1463) between positive and negative segments of fundamental molecular structure changes the directionality at this context and leads to development of cancer that would actuates influx of anti-gravitational wave-particles fibre (0.0107) into cell system. The molecular equation is highly significant not only applicable to cancer. The lunar gravity-like electro-magnetic values (0.1031 or 0.2033) are the components of electro-gravitational chemistry in genetics.


[1]  Sarkar R.K., American Journal of Chemistry 2022, 12(3): 62-63.
[2]  Sarkar R.K., American Journal of Biochemistry 2022, 12(1): 1-3.