American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

p-ISSN: 2165-901X    e-ISSN: 2165-9036

2022;  12(6): 606-608


Received: May 13, 2022; Accepted: May 28, 2022; Published: June 2, 2022


Ways to Optimize the Formation of the Principles of a Healthy Lifestyle of Children

A. O. Imamova, Salomova F. I., Аxmadalieva N. O., Nigmatullaeva D. J., Toshmatova G. А., Sharipova S. А.

Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


In the modern world, the role of the family, the role of the school in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children, a comprehensively developed personality is increasing. It is known that a person spends most of his life in the family. Indeed, in childhood, a child’s lifestyle is formed under the influence of the lifestyle of his parents and friends. According to medical research, the percentage of schoolchildren who have deviations in health is increasing every year. One of the reasons for this is the sedentary lifestyle of schoolchildren, as well as the reluctance to engage in physical education and sports. The lack of balance of different types of activity of children, the violation of the regime of the educational process negatively affects the health and performance of the child.

Keywords: Form of preschool education, Diseases of preschool children, Functional state of preschool children, Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), Healthy lifestyle in childhood

Cite this paper: A. O. Imamova, Salomova F. I., Аxmadalieva N. O., Nigmatullaeva D. J., Toshmatova G. А., Sharipova S. А., Ways to Optimize the Formation of the Principles of a Healthy Lifestyle of Children, American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 12 No. 6, 2022, pp. 606-608. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20221206.03.

1. Introduction

The need to form a culture of health is reflected in the studies of local and foreign scientists, which confirm that human health is only 7-8% dependent on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle. In modern times, the community of valeological and pedagogical sciences has vast experience in developing a healthy lifestyle for a person (G.K. Zaitsev, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, V.V. Kolbanov, L.G. Tatarnikova, etc.), experience in educating the necessary knowledge and skills and skills in preschool children in the organization of a healthy lifestyle (V.G. Alyamovskaya, K.L. Kazakovtseva, M.L. Lazarev, L.G. Tatarnikova, etc.), experience in the formation of health (T.N. Doronova, V. T. Kudryavtsev).
In modern science, there are few studies on the problem of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle and the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among preschoolers (N.G. Bykova, L.G. Kasyanova, M.V. Melicheva, O.S. Schneider, etc.)
Risk factors that worsen the health of children and adolescents include: bad habits; poor quality, malnutrition; disordered daily routine; learning overload and other needs to start in childhood. The foundations of mental and physical health are formed in childhood. Therefore, unfortunately, today no more than 20% of parents are interested in teaching a healthy lifestyle to the physical education of their children. This is where the teacher comes into play. The teacher should strive to make parents adherents of physical culture. An atmosphere of camaraderie should be created between parents and the school. In addressing the issue of forming a healthy lifestyle, purposefully organized educational physical culture and health work with the active participation of parents, teachers, and medical workers is of particular importance.

2. Materials and Methods

The problem of protecting and promoting health has become the subject of special studies in recent years. The object of the study is the process of interaction between the family and the school in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for younger students. The purpose of the study is the forms and methods of interaction between teachers, parents, medical workers in organizing and conducting educational and physical culture and health-improving work with younger schoolchildren on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. L.V. Abdulmaova, O.A. Alexandrova, N.P. Abaskalova, N.V. Barysheva, E.I. Vaner, T.P. Vasilyeva, N.D. Graevskaya, V.A. Kalinkina, N.N. Kuindzhi, Yu.P. Lisitsina, S.M. Martynova, V.A. Smirnova, A.G. Shchedrin and others.
Healthy lifestyle of a student: basic principles. In the issue of a healthy lifestyle for a student, the task of parents and teachers implies three main areas:
- creation of optimal external conditions (food, clothing, suitable furniture, etc.);
- drawing up a harmonious regime of work and rest;
- ducation of correct ideas about a healthy lifestyle and its importance, as well as the formation of a healthy stereotype of behavior. A healthy lifestyle is formed from many components, and each component is important in its own way.
Proper nutrition. The nutrition of the student must be complete and balanced. Nutrients and energy should be enough for daily activity, growth. Excess and lack of calories and nutritional value are equally harmful.
Optimal physical activity. Every child, even "unsportsmanlike", is obliged to engage in physical education or sports. Since physical education lessons do not provide normal physical activity, in their free time, the student is recommended to visit the sports section and allocate time for outdoor games in the fresh air.
Hardening. Hardening is an excellent means of increasing the body's resistance: a person becomes less susceptible to colds.
Rational daily routine. This includes a work regime that implies a rational study load, a sufficient amount of rest and sleep. Compliance with hygiene standards. This includes basic hygiene measures: keeping the mouth and body clean, clean bed linen, using only personal hygiene items.
Refusal of harmful objects. Alcohol, smoking are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and threaten the student with stunted growth and development, the formation of various diseases.
Favorable family environment. Good and friendly relations between all family members are the basis of the psychological health of the student. Love your children, respect their opinion, communicate with them more - and you will be happy to see how your child grows and develops into a full-fledged healthy person.
Healthy lifestyle: advice to parents. Knowledge of the general principles of a healthy lifestyle in itself does not give anything positive: health will not improve until sufficient measures are taken in this direction. Parents need to consider the age of the child. This applies to nutrition, allowable study load, sleep duration, physical activity. It is necessary to remember about the stock of health, endurance and mental characteristics of the student. Parents need to act more by persuasion and by their own example, to be consistent and constant. A lifestyle will only be healthy when it is regular and constant.
The search for effective ways to preserve and improve the health of younger schoolchildren should include an increase in the role of parents in the improvement of their children, familiarization with a healthy lifestyle. In the family, the foundations of the physical, emotional, social development of a person are laid. Therefore, it is necessary to teach parents how to properly organize health-improving and educational work in the family, aimed at forming in children a value attitude towards strengthening and maintaining their health. Among the family risk factors affecting the health of children include:
- problems of parent-child relations;
- violation of the mental health of parents;
- ineffective measures of education, physical and emotional overload;
- conflicts between parents;
- antisocial behavior of parents.

3. Result and Discussion

The teacher works not only with children, but also with parents. When conducting conversations with parents, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of one's own example, the habit of a healthy lifestyle. Joint physical activities of parents with children contribute to the development of motor skills in accordance with age and abilities; improve relationships between parents and children; allow you to spend your free time usefully; serve mutual enrichment; contribute to the all round development of the child. Favorable working, living and leisure conditions for younger students are the main prerequisite for the implementation of a healthy lifestyle.
Improving the health of a child is not a periodic event, but an ideology of education, a behavioral base that will remain with a person for life. If from childhood you teach a child to an active lifestyle, the correct daily routine, instill good habits, be sure that you have taken care of an additional bonus for the child - health. This bonus will help you achieve great success in any area of life. Strengthening and maintaining the health of children is one of the main tasks of parents.
Factors affecting the state of health:
20% - heredity;
20% - ecology;
10% - healthcare development;
50% - lifestyle.
Healthy lifestyle:
- balanced diet;
- compliance with the regime;
- optimal motor mode;
- full sleep;
- healthy hygienic environment;
- favorable psychological environment;
- hardening.
A healthy lifestyle for children is not a daily dousing with cool water, but proper nutrition, activity and plenty of fresh air. Under these conditions, hardening will be a powerful ally in the fight for a child's strong immunity. However, on its own it won't help. Hardening should not be taken to extremes. Dousing with ice water, jogging naked in the cold and swimming in an ice hole are activities for adults. But walking barefoot on the grass in the summer, clothes according to the weather, swimming in cool water - all this is good for the health of the baby.
Health and a healthy lifestyle is the support and love of loved ones. And if parents want their child to be strong and self-confident, they need to be tolerant and calm in any situation.
It can be concluded that the health of an individual, from the point of view of modern theory, can be considered as such a state of all organs, systems of the body and the internal environment of a person, which ensures the process of his life activity in the greatest accordance with the natural and social purpose.

4. Conclusions

Thus, the formation of ideas about the healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is the task of all educational organizations. Programs are developed for each age category, the purpose of which is to preserve and strengthen the physical, psychological and spiritual health of the child, to accustom him to the rules of hygiene and self-service. All the life of a child in a preschool should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. The basis is cognitive, physical culture and integrated educational activities, partner joint activities of the teacher and the child during the day. The purpose of health-improving work in preschools is to create a sustainable motivation for the need to preserve one's own health and the health of others.


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