American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
p-ISSN: 2165-901X e-ISSN: 2165-9036
2014; 4(5): 186-191
Nihal Magzoub Yousif1, Amar Mohamed Ismail2
1Department of Clinical Chemistry, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science, AL-Neelain University, Sudan
2Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, AL-Neelain University, Sudan
Correspondence to: Amar Mohamed Ismail, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, AL-Neelain University, Sudan.
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Background: GGT known as strong predictor of risk factor of DM, and there is association between ALT and insulin resistance, however vitD has important role in modifying risk factors of DM, therefore present study aims to evaluate the ALT and GGT activity as markers for hepatocellular damage in vitD deficient type2 diabetes mellitus patients.Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, 120 type2 DM patients were enrolled in this study, then classified into two groups based on vitD results, <30 ng/ml considered as cases and >30ng/ml as control. Fasting blood samples were collected and VitD, ALT, GGT and glucose level were estimated using competitive ELISA kit, and kinetic spectrophotometry method.Results: DM is more common in females76 (63%) than in males44 (37%). 57 (75%) of DM females and20 (45.45%) of DM males were suffering from vitD deficient, 59 (77.60%) female have over weight (BMI >26.5) compared with 65 (65.90%) male. VitD deficient is more common in over weight male 15 (51.72%), in contrast vitD deficient observed in both normal and overweight 11 (64.71%) and 46 (77.96%) females. There was significant increase in GGT (P-value 0.038), and no significant difference in ALT activity (P-value 0.067) in vitD deficient patients, there was week negative correlation between GGT and ALT versus vitD (-0.183) and (-0.127) respectively.Conclusions: Study concludes DM females were more vulnerable to vitD deficient than males. DM patients with vitD deficient tend to have higher ALT and GGT. Therefore, could beuseful predictor markers for hepatocellular damage and cholestasis in vitD deficient DM patients.
Keywords: ALT, GGT, Vitamin D deficient, Type2 DM
Cite this paper: Nihal Magzoub Yousif, Amar Mohamed Ismail, Alanine Aminotransferase and Gamma-glutamyltransferase Activity as Predictor Markers for Hepatocellular Damage in Vitamin D Deficient Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients – Cross-sectional Study, American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 5, 2014, pp. 186-191. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20140405.09.
![]() | Figure 1. Shows percentage of males and females among type2 DM patients (n=120) |
![]() | Figure 5. Shows mean ALT activity in vitD deficient type2 DM patients (16.00±2.30 U/l) compared control group (14.19±0.86 U/l) with in significant difference (P-value <0.067) |
![]() | Figure 6. Shows mean GGT activity in vitD deficient DM patient (63.35±20.48 U/l) compared with control group (33.07±2.94) with significant increase in GGT levels (P-value = 0.038) |
![]() | Figure 7. Presenting mean ALT activity in patients with blood glucose < 180 mg/dl (16.05±1.8 mg/dl) in comparison with those have blood glucose > 180 mg/dl (14.13±0.72) with in significant difference (P-value >0.05) |
![]() | Figure 8. Presenting mean GGT activity in patients with blood glucose <180 mg/dl (53.92±16.35 mg/dl) in comparison with those have blood glucose>180 mg/dl (32.24±2.88) with significant decrease (P-value <0.05) |
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