American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
p-ISSN: 2165-901X e-ISSN: 2165-9036
2013; 3(4): 68-73
Elaine Cristina Navarro1, Mariana Miziara de Abreu1, Francilene Capel Tavares1, José Eduardo Corrente2, Camila Maria de Arruda1, Paulo Câmara Marques Pereira1
1Botucatu Medical School, UNESP , Department of Tropical Disease
2Bioscience Institute, UNESP, Department of Biostatistics
Correspondence to: Paulo Câmara Marques Pereira, Botucatu Medical School, UNESP , Department of Tropical Disease.
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Chagas’ disease (CD) has been a major concern in public health in Latin America countries and in Brazil there are about 3 million people suffering from this disease. With the social and economic changes which have been occurring in the last 6 decades in the country, there have been a lot of changes in the population life style with severe metabolic consequences, especially for those with Chagas' disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in individuals with the indeterminate form of CD. A total of 74 individuals, mean age of 55.6 years, participated in the study. Anthropometric and biochemical evaluations were performed. Overweight/obesity was found in 86.5 % of individuals, increased waist circumference in 72.5%, and 67% had more than 30% of fat mass. Hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia were observed in 24.3% and 75.7% of patients, respectively. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 48.2% of patients. The family history revealed high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (80.3%), systemic arterial hypertension (57.1%) and diabetes mellitus (42.8%). A total of 90% of patients were overweight/obese, and it is well known that increased adipose tissue, specially visceral adipose tissue is highly associated with dyslipidemia and cardiovascular diseases, as well as imbalance in production of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines produced by that tissue. Adipocytes are also known as a reservoir for Trypanosoma cruzi, favoring an increase in parasite load and a possible reacutization of the disease. Therefore, the study individuals are at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as well as further symptomatic form of the Chagas' disease, mainlychagastic cardiopathy.
Keywords: Indeterminate Form of Chagas’ Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, Visceral Fat, Cytokines
Cite this paper: Elaine Cristina Navarro, Mariana Miziara de Abreu, Francilene Capel Tavares, José Eduardo Corrente, Camila Maria de Arruda, Paulo Câmara Marques Pereira, Indeterminate Form of Chagas’ Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: A Dangerous Combination, American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2013, pp. 68-73. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20130304.03.
Figure 1. Nutritional classification according to BMI of individuals in G1 (no dyslipidemia) and G2 (with dyslipidemia) |
Figure 2. Classification according to the dyslipidemia presented by individuals of G2 separated by sex |