American Journal of Environmental Engineering
p-ISSN: 2166-4633 e-ISSN: 2166-465X
2013; 3(3): 121-129
Ashik Rubaiyat1, Md. Lokman Hossain2, Sarah Jabeen Kristy2, Md. Kawser Uddin2
1Department of Business Administration, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom
2Environment and Social Development Organization, Lalmatia, Dhaka, 1207, Bangladesh
Correspondence to: Md. Lokman Hossain, Environment and Social Development Organization, Lalmatia, Dhaka, 1207, Bangladesh.
Email: |
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
The study was conducted in the nursery of the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh to evaluate the performance of Toona ciliata seedlings grown under three different categories of soil viz. polluted, moderately polluted soil of ship breaking yard and nursery soil. The study showed that polluted soil and moderately polluted soil contain more organic carbon and organic matter compare to that of nursery soil. pH value and conductivity in polluted soil (8.5 and 7343 µs/cm respectively) and moderately polluted soil (7.6 and 6096 µs/cm respectively) also varied than that of nursery soil. Total dry weight of seedlings was found maximum (14.87±0.47g) grown under nursery soil followed by moderately polluted soil (11.69±0.39g) and polluted soil (10.58±0.33g) over the period of 35 days. The leaf elongation, stem elongation and root growth of seedlings were negatively affected under polluted and moderately polluted soil. It has suggested that nitrogen fixing and pollution resistant species can be used for landscaping polluted areas. Adequate study should be carried out to find out indigenous species that are suitable to plant in the ship breaking yard.
Keywords: Toona ciliata, Polluted Soil, Ship Yard, Growth, Total Biomas, Heavy Metal
Cite this paper: Ashik Rubaiyat, Md. Lokman Hossain, Sarah Jabeen Kristy, Md. Kawser Uddin, Ship Breaking Yard Soil: Safe or Harm for Seedlings Growth, American Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2013, pp. 121-129. doi: 10.5923/j.ajee.20130303.02.
Figure 1. Experimental design of the study |
Figure 2. Seedling growth (left to right) in NS, MPS, PS at 35 days |
Figure 3. Increase in leaf length (cm) of growing seedlings of T. ciliata over a period of 35 days under 3 different categories of soil:NS, MPS and PS |
Figure 4. Increase in stem length (cm) of growing seedlings of T. ciliata over a period of 35 days under three different categories of soil viz: NS, MPS and PS |
Figure 5. Change in collar diameter (mm) of growing seedlings of T. ciliata over a period of 35 days under three different categories of soil viz: NS, MPS and PS |
Figure 9. Relationship between collar diameter (mm) and total biomass (g) of growing seedling of T. ciliata under three different categories of soil viz: NS, MPS and PS over a period of 35 days. Points are results of mean of five observations on successive occasion (day 7, 14, 21 and 28) |
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