American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

p-ISSN: 2165-8935    e-ISSN: 2165-8943

2020;  10(1): 15-20



New Three-Point Secant-Type Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations

R. Thukral

Padé Research Centre, 39 Deanswood Hill, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS17 5JS, England

Correspondence to: R. Thukral, Padé Research Centre, 39 Deanswood Hill, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS17 5JS, England.


Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


This paper presents new three-point Secant-type methods for finding simple root of nonlinear equations. It is proved that the new methods have the convergence order of 1.84 or 1.80 requiring only one function evaluations per full iteration. Some of the three-point Secant-type iterative methods are shown to have the same order of convergence as the Tiruneh et al. method, the Muller method and the Traub methods. Numerical comparisons are made to demonstrate exceptional convergence speed of the proposed methods. It is observed that the new three-point Secant-type iterative methods are very competitive with the similar robust methods.

Keywords: Secant-type methods, Simple root, Nonlinear equations, Root-finding, Order of convergence

Cite this paper: R. Thukral, New Three-Point Secant-Type Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations, American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 10 No. 1, 2020, pp. 15-20. doi: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20201001.03.

1. Introduction

The root-finding problem arises in a wide variety of practical applications in physics and engineering [2,3,8]. In this paper, we present new three-point Secant-type iterative methods to find a simple root of the nonlinear equation. It is well established that the multipoint root-solvers is of great practical importance since it overcomes theoretical limits of one-point methods concerning the convergence order and computational efficiency. Recently, some modifications of the Secant-type methods for simple root have been proposed and analysed [4-7]. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to show further development of the secant-type methods. The three-point Secant-type iterative methods are shown to have the same order of convergence as the Tiruneh et al. method [7], the Muller method [1] and the Traub methods [8]. In view of this fact, the proposed methods are significantly better when compared with the established methods. We have found that the efficiency index of new iterative methods has a better efficiency index than the classical Secant method.
We consider two well-known iterative methods for finding simple root of nonlinear equations are namely, the classical secant method
and the Tiruneh et al method, given by
and their order of convergence is 1.62 and 1.84 respectively. However, for the purpose of this paper, we present a new three-point secant-type methods for finding simple root of nonlinear equations.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Some essential definitions relevant to the present work are stated in the section 2. In section 3 we define some variants three-point secant-type methods and prove their order of convergence. In section 4, we will demonstrate the similarity between the Tiruneh et al. method and one of the proposed methods. Finally, in section 5, numerical comparisons are made to demonstrate the performance of the presented methods.

2. Preliminaries

In order to establish the order of convergence of an iterative method, following definitions are used [2,3,4,5,8,10].
Definition 1 Let be a real-valued function with a root and let be a sequence of real numbers that converge towards . The order of convergence p is given by
where and is the asymptotic error constant.
Definition 2 Let be the error in the kth iteration, then the relation
is the error equation. If the error equation exists, then p is the order of convergence of the iterative method.
Definition 3 Let be the number of function evaluations of the method. The efficiency of the method is measured by the concept of efficiency index and defined as
where p is the order of convergence of the method.
Definition 4 Suppose that and are three successive iterations closer to the root of a nonlinear equation. Then the computational order of convergence [10] may be approximated by

3. Derivation of the Methods and Convergence Analysis

In this section, we define new three-point secant-type iterative methods. These methods are of three different order of convergence. Before these new three-point secant-type iterative methods are stated we will denote the following,
The first of the three-point Secant-type method is of order 1.62 and is expressed as
The next two of the three-point Secant-type methods are of order 1.80 and they are expressed as
The rest of the three-point Secant-type methods are of order 1.84 and these are expressed as
where are given by (7)-(10) respectively, are the initial values and provided that the denominators of (11)-(20) are not equal to zero. We emphasize that the formulas of (14), (18)-(20) are given in [8]. It is essential to verify our finding and prove the order of convergence of the new three-point secant-type iterative methods.
Theorem 1
Let be a sufficiently differentiable function and let for an open interval D has be a simple zero of in an open interval D, with in D. If the initial points are sufficiently close to then the asymptotic convergence order of the new methods defined by (16) is 1.84.
Let be a simple root of , i.e. and , and the errors at and iteration are expressed as and respectively.
Using Taylor expansion and taking into account that we have
Using (21)-(23), we obtain
Substituting the expressions (25)-(28) in (16), we obtain
Simplifying, we obtain the error equation for the new three-point Secant-type iterative method, given by (16) is
In order to prove the order of convergence of (16) and we defining positive real terms of and as
The error terms of are given as
It is obtained from (30) that
substituting the appropriate expressions of errors terms in (35), we get
In order to satisfy the asymptotic equation (36), the power of the error term shall approach zero, that is
The roots of the cubic equation (37) are;
The order of convergence of the new three-point Secant-type method is determined by the positive root of (38). Hence, the new three-point Secant-type method defined by (16) has a convergence order of 1.84. This completes the proof.
We repeat the procedure to prove the error equations for the other proposed three-point Secant-type methods.
Theorem 2
Let be a sufficiently differentiable function and let for an open interval D has be a simple zero of in an open interval D, with in D. If the initial points are sufficiently close to then the asymptotic convergence order of the new methods defined by (12) and (13) is 1.80.
Similarly, we prove the order of convergence of (12) and (13) by similar procedure of the previous proof. Using (25)-(28) we get
substituting the appropriate expressions of errors terms in (39), we get
In order to satisfy the asymptotic equation (40), the power of the error term shall approach zero, that is
The roots of the cubic equation (41) are;
The order of convergence of the new three-point Secant-type methods is determined by the positive root of (41). Hence, the new three-point Secant-type methods defined by (12) and (13) has a convergence order of 1.80.
It is elementary to prove the order of convergence of the new three-point Secant-type method given by (11). Using the similar procedure as above, the order of convergence order of (11) is 1.62.
The new three-point Secant-type iterative methods require single function evaluation and has the order of convergence 1.84 or 1.80. To determine the efficiency index of these new methods, definition 3 shall be used. Hence, the efficiency index of the new three-point Secant-type iterative methods is as their order of convergence.

4. Equivalence of the Approximation

In this section, we will demonstrate the similarity between the Tiruneh et al. (2) and the proposed method (16). First, we will simplify the Tiruneh et al. method,
and then demonstrate the similarity of these methods. In order to show the equivalency, we simply equate the two methods.
Let (16) = (43), we have
Applying cross-multiplication rule to (44), we obtain
Expanding (45), we have
Further expansion of (46) yields
Cancelling common factors, we obtain
Simplifying, we get
Simplifying, we have
Replacing we obtain
Further simplification yields
Expanding (53), we have
Cancelling common factors, we obtain
Combining appropriate terms, we get
Substituting given by (7)-(9), into (56), we have
Again, cancelling common factors, we obtain
Mathematically, we have demonstrated the fact that the (2) and (16) Secant-type methods produce equivalent results. Hence, the equation (58) establishes that the Tiruneh et al. method (2) and the new three-point Secant-type method (16) produce identical estimates of the simple root of the nonlinear equation. Furthermore, this is manifested in the numerical examples.

5. Numerical Test Results

The proposed three-point Secant-type iterative methods are employed to solve nonlinear equation with simple root. The difference between the simple root and the approximation for test function with initial guess is displayed in tables. Furthermore, the computational order of convergence approximations is displayed in tables and we observe that this perfectly coincides with the theoretical result. The numerical computations listed in the table was performed on an algebraic system called Maple and the errors displayed are of absolute value.
Numerical example 1
We will demonstrate the order of convergence of the new three-point Secant-type iterative methods for the following nonlinear equation
having the exact value of the simple root of (59) is In Table 1 the errors obtained by the methods described are based on the initial points
Table 1. Errors occurring in the approximation of the simple root of (59)
Numerical example 2
We will demonstrate the order of convergence of the new three-point Secant-type iterative methods for the following nonlinear equation
having exact value of the simple root of (60) is In Table 2 the errors obtained by the methods described are based on the initial points
Table 2. Errors occurring in the approximation of the simple root of (60)
Numerical example 3
We will demonstrate the order of convergence of the new three-point Secant-type iterative methods for the following nonlinear equation
having exact value of the simple root of (61) is In Table 3 the errors obtained by the methods described are based on the initial guess
Table 3. Errors occurring in the approximation of the simple root of (61)

6. Concluding Remarks

New three-point secant-type methods for solving nonlinear equations with simple root have been presented. The effectiveness of the new iterative methods is examined by showing the accuracy of the simple root of several nonlinear equations. Convergence analysis proves that the new three-point iterative methods preserve their order of convergence. Numerical examples are provided to support the theoretical results obtained and compared with different methods. The major advantages of the new three-point Secant-type methods are that they are very effective and produces high precision of approximation of the simple root and they are derivative-free. Finally, we conclude that the new three-point Secant-type iterative methods may be considered a very good alternative to the established methods.


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