American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

p-ISSN: 2165-8935    e-ISSN: 2165-8943

2014;  4(6): 202-217


Generalized Gaussian Elimination (GGE) Solving System of Linear Inequalities or Equalities (LIS-II)

Paul T. R. Wang

Wang Paul_Research, Potomac, Maryland, USA

Correspondence to: Paul T. R. Wang, Wang Paul_Research, Potomac, Maryland, USA.


Copyright © 2014 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


The author generalizes the traditional Gaussian Elimination (GE) technique to resolve the feasibility of any system of linear inequalities or equalities. Any linear system consists of either equalities and/or inequalities or mixed of both equalities and inequalities is converted to its homogeneous linear feasibility standard form (HLSF). Variable substitution (VS) in the original Gaussian Elimination is replaced by variable transition (VT) to eliminate a specific variable of choice in a recursive fashion such that at the end only one single variable left to yield the feasible interval for the selected variable if such an interval exists. Note that the feasible interval of a specific variable can be null, single value, bounded below and above, bounded below only, bounded above only, or both unbounded above and below. Furthermore, the feasible interval of a given variable if it exists must also include its integer or binary solution or solutions. It is further shown that the original GE is indeed a special case of the GGE and both GE and GGE share Identical computational complexity that is bounded by the worst case of . GGE is applicable to any linear system with a finite number of variables, n, and m, a finite number of equalities, inequalities, or mixed constraints. GGE can be used to resolve the feasibility of a given linear system with number of variables and constraints over millions or more. The validity of GGE in dealing very large linear system not only addresses the feasibility of linear systems, it may also resolve the computational complexity of the class of NP-complete (NPC) mystery. This innovative GGE technique is applied to various linear programs with unique solution, unbounded solution, or no solution to illustrate its correctness and applicability. GGE is also shown to be applicable in resolving differential variational inequalities (DVI) for both scientific and engineering applications.

Keywords: Homogenerous Linear Systems, Linear Inequalities, Feasibility, Feasible Interval, Gaussian Elimination, Differential Variation Inequalities, Linear Programs, Computational Complexity

Cite this paper: Paul T. R. Wang, Generalized Gaussian Elimination (GGE) Solving System of Linear Inequalities or Equalities (LIS-II), American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 4 No. 6, 2014, pp. 202-217. doi: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20140406.04.

1. Introduction

Very large system of linear inequalities with thousands or millions of variables and/or constraints are very tough to resolve. Typically, linear inequalities are solved with the famous Simplex method [1-4] the ellipsoid method [6], or the interior points method [7, 11]. Whether or not a linear system is solvable or whether or not a feasible linear system contains integer or binary solution is one of the most challenging questions known as NP-complete (NPC) for applications in operstions research (OR) [10]. In this paper, the author proposes an innovative approach that generalizes the well known Gaussian Elimination (GE) for linear equalities to resolve the feasibility problem of a system of linear inequalities. Instead of variable subsittution, it is replaced by variables transition to eliminate recursively variables of choice until only one single variable is left to determine the feasible intervl associated of the specific variable. The technique is coined as the Generalized Gaussian Elimination (GGE) for linear systems. Furthermore, it is shown that GE is simply a special case of GGE and that both GE and GGE share the same computational complexity. Simple LPs are used to illustrate for all possible cases of feasibble intervals such as single value (unique), infinite many solutions with distinct upper and lower bounds, or both bounded and unbounded cases.

2. Homogeneous Linear Systems Feasibility (HLSF) with New Notations [17-19]

Given any system of linear inequalities or equalities in vector and matrix form,
where is an n by m matrix, and are m by 1 and n by 1 column vectors respectively.
We define the homogeneous linear system feasibility (HLSF) for as follows
The vector is referred to as the feasibility vector of the original linear system of inequalities .
Note that any system or subsystem of linear equalities can always be converted into a system or subsystem of linear inequalities as .
The author adopted the following new notations to simplify the illustration of GGE:
Let be an 1 by n row vector, and let be the 1 by n-1 sub-vector of .
With such a new notation, it is clear that for the dot product of two vectors and
we have,
For a linear inequality converted to dot product , we have
Given the following homogenous linear inequality (HLI):
Let where
We also adopt the notation, to highlight the nonexistence or absence of the variable, , from the function (either an equality or an inequality) for .

2.1. A Literature Overview and Motivation

Traditionally, linear inequalities are resolved as linear programs using either the Simplex methods (Dantzig, 1947), Crisis Cross algorithms (Fukuda & Terlaky, 1997), interior point method (Khachiyan, 1979), projective algorithms (Strang, 1987), path-following algorithms (Gondzio & Terlaky, 1996), and penalty or barrier functions (Nocedal and Wright, 1999). Most approaches centered on iterative searching for feasible points within the n dimensional polytope, i.e., the n-polytope, defined by the constraint linear inequalities. The author with his colleagues [18] proposed a new approach that recursively reduces the worst infeasibility, the sum of all infeasibility, and the number of constraints with the worst infeasibility based upon nonzero coefficients or a subset of the nonzero coefficients that defines the given system of linear inequalities [18]. Such an approach is capable of finding the exact solution if such a feasible solution is unique, a feasible solution if there are more than one solution. For linear system that does not have a feasible solution, this approach is capable of minimizing the sum of all infeasibility or the worst infeasibility, and pinpointing to the relevant coefficients to reveal true conflicts of the linear system [18].
Over a five years period from 2009 to 2014 the author presented three new techniques in dealing with linear systems with both equalities and inequalities were propose by the author and his colleagues during the past few years. The first technique (LIS-I) that examines the atomic components of system of linear inequalities is a set of algorithms that recursively reduce the sum of all infeasibility, maximum infeasibility, and the number of constraints with the maximum infeasibility [17, 18], This paper details a generalized Gaussian Elimination (GGE) to obtain the feasible interval of individual variable as LIS-II. A third technique as LS-III utilizes both projective and orthogonal geometry of unit vectors over the surface an n-dimensional hyperspace as the unit-shell and the concepts of equal distanced points to selected set of points on the unit shell with increasing rank recursively to locate a solution if such a solution does exists [19].

3. The Generalized Gaussian Elimination (GGE) Algorithm for HLSF

Let a HLSF in its standard form as (1) where the constraint matrix, Let the HLSF with n constraints and m variables , then , is an n by m+1 matrix with n linear constraints and variables with. We have the i-th column of , , and the j-th row of , is respectively: and
To eliminate a specific variable, from , GGE requires the following steps:
Step 1: normalization;
Step 2: rows permutation by sign;
Step 3: sorting of rows by decreasing number of nonzero coefficients;
Step 4: replacing rows using binding transition;
Steps 1 to 4 are repeatedly applied to eliminate other variables until only the desirable variable left.
When only one variable is left, the final HLSF uniquely defines both an upper bound and a lower bound as the feasible interval for remaining variable that is not eliminated.
Note that the feasible interval withmay have the following 6 possible cases:
(i) no solution such that with
(ii) unique solution with , i.e., we have
(iii) bounded interval with infinite many solutions as such that with
(iv) bounded above as such that
(v) bounded below as such that
(vi) unbounded above and below as such that
Note: (vi) may not exist; it is listed for completeness.
Assume that a selected column variable, , is to be eliminated, the detailed description of each step for the GGE is provided as follows:
Step 1: Normalization: Normalization of column associated with the variable is to force all nonzero coefficients of has value of 1 for all positive numbers and -1 for all negative numbers and zero otherwise. It is equivalent to construct a diagonal matrix
where if and if such that .
Note that Multiplying by is simply dividing the k-th row of by 1 if and the j-th row of by if . In other words, we have:
Note that we have the i-th column of is
where if , if , and if , for .
Upon the completion of Step 1, the i-th column, associated with the variable, consists of only three values, 1, -1, or 0.Step 2 is needed to group rows in by the signs in in its i-th column and also sort rows in each group by decreasing number of nonzero coefficients (nzc) of the associated row. In equation notations,
We are rearranging the rows of into three parts by a row permutation matrix, , such that
where and the i-th column of is
the i-th column of =, and the i-th column of =. Furthermore, we have
Step 3. Identifying most and least binding rows: Both and are sorted in decreasing order of such that if where is defined as the number of nonzero coefficients of the r-th row of . We refer to rows in or with the maximum nzc(r) as binding rows. Two cases of binding rows must be separated properly to locate the least and most binding rows. Let row r in be, we have
It is possible that another binding row s in as:
, we have
Note that if , we have
and , hence, the most lower binding (MLB) row for is row j such that . Similarly, let row r in be , we have
It is possible that another binding row s in as:
, we have
Note that if , we have
and , hence, the least upper binding (LUB) row for is row k such that .
Elimination of the variable must preserve the most and/or least binding rows with respect to all the connected variables included and accounted for.
Step 4. Note that each row in uniquely defines a lower bound of with respect to all other variables in . Similarly, each row in uniquely define an upper bound of with respect to all other variables in .
Select distinct binding rows from and such that we have:
if row r in
and if row u in
Consequently, we have a lower bound for from a binding row in as
and an upper bound for from a binding row in as
As shown in Step 3, a unique most lower binding (MLB) row and least upper binding (LUB) row for may be identified if such binding relationship exists.
From this two extreme binding rows, the variable, , can be safely and successfully eliminated as:
For each row within we have
Consequently, we have i.e.,
Similarly, for each row within we have
Consequently, we have i.e.,
Note that rows in do not contain the variable, . In other words, we have shown that the variable, may be eliminated completely and safely from every row in without loss of all the binding inequalities that include all possible lower or upper bounds in terms of the remaining variables,
Note that steps 1 to 4 may be applied recursively to eliminate any specific ordering of variables in such that only a specific variable, left such that we have the final inequalities:
Inequalities (5) define all possible upper bounds and lower bounds for the select variables, .
In other words, we have:
where is the number of rows in and is the number of rows in
Let , then uniquely defines a feasible interval for the variable, . Consequently, we may have the following 6 possible cases for .
(i) no solution such that if
(ii) unique solution with with i.e., we have .
(iii) bounded interval with infinite many solutions as if .
(iv) bounded above only as if .
(v) bounded below only as if .
(vi) unbounded above and below as if and .

4. Examples

To illustrate the validity, capability, and correctness of GGE, we provide feasible intervals for simple inequalities computed by GGE that are easily verifiable and sample linear programs covering with unique solution, no solution, or unbounded cases as follows:
Example #1
The homogeneous is:
Eliminating x, we have the following inequalities
This provides the feasible interval for x as
Eliminating y, we have the following inequalities
This provides the feasible interval for y as
Example #2
The homogeneous is:
Eliminating variables y and z with (11), we have the following inequalities:
Figure 1. Feasible Intervals and
This provides the feasible interval for x as
Eliminating variable x and y with (11), we have the following inequalities:
This provides the feasible interval for z as
Eliminating variables x and z with (11), we have the following inequalities:
This provides the feasible interval for y as
Figure 6 illustrates the feasible region for these feasible intervals.
Figure 6. Feasible Intervals for , , and
Example #3 a linear program with unique solution:
Consider the following pair of primal and dual linear programs:
The self-dual LP as Homogeneous Liner Inequalities (HLI) (Wang, 2013):
Consider the primal and dual LP pair:
The corresponding HLFS for this LP as self-dual form [18, 19] is:
Applying GGE to eliminate , normalize column we have:
Select distinct binding rows, LUB and MLB to eliminate , we Have
After normalization for of 2th column for , we have:
Select distinct binding rows, MLB and LUB to eliminate , we have
After normalization for of 3rd column and the removal of identical rows, we have:
Select distinct binding rows, MLB and LUB to eliminate , we have
After normalization for of 4th column for and the removal of identical rows, we have:
Select distinct binding rows, MLB and LUB to eliminate , we have
After normalization for of 5th column for and the removal of identical rows, we have:
Hence the MLB is obtained from row and the LUB is obtained from row such that
and = 6.4
Since MLB=LUB=6.4, we conclude that the variable has unique solution with
From (21) with = 6.4, for the MLB is and LUB =3.2
Hence, has unique solution = 3.2
Substituting and = 3.2 into (19), we obtain the MLB and LUB for as MLB = 0 and
LUB = ; Hence, has unique solution .
Substituting , = 3.2 and = 0 into (17), we obtain the MLB and LUB for as
MLB =and LUB =; Hence, has the unique solution = 0.2.
Substituting, , and = 0.2 into (15), we obtain the MLB and LUB for as
MLB = and LUB = = 2.1; Hence, has unique solution.
Consequently, both the primal and the dual LPs are resolved by applying the GGE algorithm to (15) with the unique optimal solution of
Example #4 LP with no solution
Consider the LP:
The corresponding HLFS for this LP as self-dual form [19] is:
Applying the GGE algorithm to normalize the first column, we have
Eliminate variable by rows and , we have
The 2nd column for variable are all positive, hence is only bounded below, the dual LP is unbounded above. For the primal LP, it is reduced to the following linear inequalities:
Using GGE from rows and , we can eliminate to obtain the both MLB and LUB for as; Consequently, the feasible interval for is, i.e., the primal LP has no solution !
Example #5 LP with unbounded solution
Consider the LP:
The corresponding HLFS for this LP as self-dual form [18] is:
Using GGE from and , we can eliminate and obtain
Normalize the 2nd column for , we have
Regardless the primal variables and , the 2nd column for and the last column for MLB and LUB,
We obtain the feasible interval (i.e., ) from rows and as and
Eliminate by rows and and excluding the rows with dual variables and only, we have inequalities for the primal variables and as:
Normalize the 3rd column for , we have:
Eliminate from rows and , we have
Normalize 2nd column for , we have
From (33), it is clear that is bounded below only with .
Also is not bounded above with LUB =. Hence, the feasible interval for is .

5. GGE for Differential Varitional Inequalities (DVI)

GGE may also be applied to linear space as a normed Banach space with an inner-product operator with norm for solving variational inequalities (VI) or differential variational inequalities (DVI) as follows [15 and 16] or Variational-like Inequalities in Banach space [25 to 29]:
Let where B is an matrix as a nonempty convex compact polyhedron in
Let be a continuously differentiable function from into with Jacobian .
The variational inequality problem (VIP) associated with F and is to locate a solution in satisfying the variational inequality (VI): in . Note that in , we have
Let the gap function associated with a VIP be defined for in as:
While the dual gap function associated with a VIP is defined as
Using Newton’s first order Taylor linear approximation around a point in , a linearized VIP as LVIP can be computed iteratively for as:
Consider the following nonconvex, nonlinear constrained mathematical program:
subject to
Note that optimality occurs at:
subject to:
Consequently, we have the following homogeneous linear feasible system of inequalities
Where and
Note that can be resolved effectively for the feasible intervals of derived from as described and demonstrated by the proposed GGE algorithm illustrated in Section 3.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

In conclusion, the author proposes a generalization of the traditional Gaussian elimination (GE) for solving system of linear equalities to compute the feasible intervals of all variables to resolve the feasibility of all linear systems with both equalities and/or inequalities included. This Generalized Gaussian Elimination (GGE) for linear systems is applicable to a wide range of engineering and scientific applications and is related closely to the NPC mystery of the operations research and solvability of differential variation inequalities (DVI). Furthermore, it can be shown that GGE is indeed a special case of GE and that both GGE and GE do share the same worst case computational complexity of where n is the number of variables and m is the number of constraints. This is accomplished by replacing the variable substitution of the Gaussian elimination method by variable transition such that a specific variable may be safely and recursively eliminated without losing its binding inequalities and preserving both the most lower bounds (MLB) and the least upper bound (LUB). It is shown that any system of linear system with mixed linear equalities and inequalities may be converted into its standard homogeneous form such that the proposed GGE algorithm may be applied to obtain the feasible interval of any variable of choice. From the feasible intervals of all the variables of a given linear system, one may determine whether or not it contains binary, integers, or mixed solutions. The correctness and validity of GGE is illustrated by solving sample linear programs with unique solution, unbounded solution, and no solution.
Future work of this research includes the implementation of GGE as java code and Excel VB functions for very large system of linear inequalities or mixed of linear equalities and inequalities with millions of variables and/or constraints. The author is currently verifying a parameterized GGE algorithm for solving the linear Integer programming (LIP) problem as a potential alternative or replacement for the well known branch and bound (B&B) technique.
A draft paper will be available for external review later. Funding from NSF or private foundations will be pursued to speed up the development of Java or VB functional codes for solving eigenvector systems, computing orthogonal basis, and DVI applications. GGE may also be applied to problems in operations research to reveal the availability of integer or binary solutions encountered in the NPC mystery as open issues.


Generalization of the classical Gaussian elimination for linear systems to cover inequalities is the result of years of inquiry and discussion with Dr. Leone C. Monticone and Dr. William P. Niedringhaus, colleagues of the author at the MITRE Corporation where the author served as an aviation engineer. The author also was benefited professionally and intellectually from his colleagues, Dr. Leonard Wojcik and Mr. Matt McMahon during many years at the MITRE Corporation working on MITRE sponsored research (MSR) projects related to solving vary large linear systems. Review and editorial advice from SAP and AJCAM are also essential to the improved quality and readability of this paper.


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