American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

p-ISSN: 2165-8935    e-ISSN: 2165-8943

2012;  2(6): 241-248

doi: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20120206.01

The Arithmetic Mean Solver in Lagged Diffusivity Method for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations

Emanuele Galligani

Department of Mathematics "G. Vitali", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via Campi 213/b, I-41125, Modena, Italy

Correspondence to: Emanuele Galligani, Department of Mathematics "G. Vitali", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via Campi 213/b, I-41125, Modena, Italy.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


This paper deals with the solution of nonlinear system arising from finite difference discretization of nonlinear diffusion convection equations by the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method combined with different inner iterative solvers. The analysis of the whole procedure with the splitting methods of the Arithmetic Mean (AM) and of the Alternating Group Explicit (AGE) has been developed. A comparison in terms of number of iterations has been done with the BiCG-STAB algorithm. Some numerical experiments have been carried out and they seem to show the effectiveness of the lagged diffusivity procedure with the Arithmetic Mean method as inner solver.

Keywords: Lagged Diffusivity, Arithmetic Mean Method, Nonlinear Finite Difference Systems

Cite this paper: Emanuele Galligani, "The Arithmetic Mean Solver in Lagged Diffusivity Method for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations", American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2 No. 6, 2012, pp. 241-248. doi: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20120206.01.

1. Introduction

We consider a nonlinear diffusion convection equation where the diffusion coefficient, denoted by σ, depends on the solution.
When we use a finite difference discretization, this elliptic equation supplemented by a suitable boundary condition, can be transcribed into a nonlinear system of algebraic equations.
We wish to compute a solution of this system of nonlinear equations with a common iterative procedure in which the nonlinear term, corresponding to the discretization of the diffusivity σ, may be evaluated at the previous iteration (see[22]). In literature, this approach of nonlinearity lagging in the diffusivity term is denoted as Lagged Diffusivity Fixed Point Iteration or Lagged Diffusivity Functional Iteration.
In Section 2, a model problem described by a nonlinear diffusion convection equation subject to homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions is presented and a finite difference discretization is described. Then, the lagged diffusivity procedure for the solution of this nonlinear difference system is stated.
Since, a purpose here is to re-examine the lagged diffusivity procedure for solving the system of nonlinear difference equations of elliptic type in the context of Parallel Computing, the linear difference system that arises at each iteration of the lagged diffusivity procedure is solved with the iterative splitting methods of the Arithmetic Mean introduced in[20-21] and of the Alternating Group Explicit (AGE) introduced by Evans (see[1-3]).
Thus, the outer iterates of the lagged diffusivity procedure are the approximate solutions of the linear systems computed with an inner iterative solver; a criterion for acceptability of these approximate solutions is given. A stopping rule for the lagged diffusivity procedure is also given.
Section 3 is devoted to remind the Arithmetic Mean method and AGE method for the solution of linear systems with block tridiagonal coefficient matrix.
In Section 4, the convergence of the lagged diffusivity iteration method is analysed under mild and reasonable assumptions imposed on the diffusivity σ using well known standard techniques (see[16]).
In Section 5, numerical experiments show the behaviour of the inner-outer iterations of the procedure. In this section a comparison of the lagged diffusivity iteration method with different iterative solvers is also presented. The Arithmetic Mean and the AGE methods are compared, in terms of number of iterations, with BiCG-STAB method (see[23]).

2. The Lagged Diffusivity Functional Iteration Method

Consider the model problem described by the nonlinear diffusion convection equation
where u= u(x,y) is the density function at the point (x,y) of a diffusion medium R, σ =σ(u)>0 is the diffusion coefficient or diffusivity and is dependent on the solution u, q=q(x,y) ≥ 0 is the absorption term, the velocity vector p=(p1, p2)T is assumed to be constant and f(x,y) is a real valued sufficiently smooth function.
In the boundary ∂R of R, equation (1) can be supplemented by a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition of the form
In the following, we suppose R to be a rectangular domain with boundary ∂R and we assume that the functions σ, q and f satisfy the "smoothness" conditions:
(i) the function σ = σ(u) is continuous in u; the functions q(x,y) and f(x,y) are continuous in x,y respectively;
(ii) there exist two positive constants σmin and σmax such that
uniformly in u; in addition, q(x,y) ≥ qmin ≥ 0;
(iii) for fixed (x,y)∈R, the function σ(u) satisfies Lipschitz condition in u with constant Γ (uniformly in x, y), Γ > 0.
The nonlinearity introduced by the u-dependence of the coefficient σ(u) requires that, in general, the solution of equation (1) is approximated by numerical methods.
We superimpose on R∪∂R a grid of points Rh∪∂Rh; the set of the internal points Rh of the grid are the mesh points, for i = 1, ..., N and = 1, ..., M, with uniform mesh size h along x and y directions respectively, i.e. and for i = 0, ..., N, j = 0, ..., M.
Thus, at the mesh points of R∪∂R, for i = 0, ..., N+1, = 0, ..., M+1, the solution is approximated by a grid function defined on Rh∪∂Rh and satisfying the boundary condition (2) on ∂Rh.
In order to approximate partial derivatives in (1) we shall make use of difference quotients of grid functions. The forward, backward and centered difference quotients with respect to x and to y of the grid function at the mesh point, are, respectively:
while the centered second difference quotient with respect to x and to y can be written
This notation was introduced by Courant et al. in[4].
Providing a discretization error O(h2), the finite difference approximation of (1) in , i = 1, ..., N, j = 1, ..., M, is given by
By ordering in a row lexicographic order the mesh points Pl =, (i.e., l=(j-1)•N+i with j = 1, ..., M, and i = 1, ..., N), we can write the vector u of components and the difference equations (3) as the nonlinear system
where the matrix A(u) is of order n = M N and has the block tridiagonal form; the M diagonal blocks are tridiagonal matrices of order N and the M-1 sub- and super- diagonal blocks are diagonal matrices of order N.
The five nonzero elements of A(u) corresponding to respectively, are, and, where
The matrix A(u) is an irreducible matrix ([24, p. 18]).
Providing that the mesh spacing h is sufficiently small, i.e.,
the matrix A(u) is strictly (when) or irreducibly (when) diagonally dominant ([24, p. 23]) and has positive diagonal elements, = 1, ..., n, and nonpositive off diagonal elements with r,= 1, ..., n; therefore A(u) is an -matrix ([24, p. 91] or[18, p. 110]).
In the case of diffusion equation , the matrix A(u) is also symmetric; then it is a symmetric and positive definite matrix ([24, p. 91]).
The vector f in (4) has components for = 1, ..., N, = 1, ..., M and l = (j-1) • N+i.
We remark that while the grid function is defined on the whole mesh region Rh∪∂Rh, the vector represents the grid function defined only on the interior mesh points Rh.
Here, we suppose that a solution of the system (4) exists in (see Section 4).
For solving the nonlinear system (4) the easiest and maybe the most common method is to lag the nonlinear term in (4) generating an iterative procedure denoted as Lagged Diffusivity Functional Iteration.
With this iterative procedure the nonlinear system (4) can be solved via a sequence of systems of linear equations.
Specifically, given a sequence of positive numbers such that as and an initial estimate of the solution of the system (4), we generate a sequence of iterates with the following rule for the transition from a current iteration to the new iterate:
● Find an approximate solution of the linear system
with the criterion for acceptability of the solution on the norm
Then, the lagged diffusivity procedure is composed by an outer iteration that generates the sequence and by an inner iterative solver of the linear system (8). This solver must be particularly well suited for implementation on parallel computers.
The termination criterion for the outer iteration is provided by the following stopping rule
where decreases as, with and is a prespecified threshold.

3. Iterative Parallel Solution of the Linear Systems

In this section, we remind the block form of the Alternating Group Explicit (AGE) and of the Arithmetic Mean methods for the solution of the linear system
when the nn matrix A has the block tridiagonal form
Here, each square block = 1, ..., M, is a nonsingular NN matrix and the blocks and (= 1, ..., M; are square matrices of order N (n = N M).
The AGE method consists in considering the following splitting of the matrix Awhere and are the following matrices
Thus, starting from a vector, the AGE method generates a sequence of iterates as follows; for and k = 0, 1, ..., until convergence:
Here, is the identity matrix of order n. The AGE method is convergent when the matrices and are symmetric and positive definite with. In this case it is proved that the optimal choice for r is where
and, s = 1, 2, are the eigenvalues of the matrix (see, e.g.[1]).
Furthermore, if the matrix A is irreducibly (or strictly) diagonally dominant with positive diagonal elements, , and nonpositive off diagonal elements, and
then the AGE method is convergent.
Indeed, from the hypotheses we have that the matrix A is an -matrix. Set and s = 1, 2. The choice of r in (14) yields that the matrices are strictly (or irreducibly) diagonally dominant and have positive diagonal elements and nonpositive off diagonal elements, then are -matrices with From the hypotheses on the matrix A, the matrices are nonnegative
Thus, the iteration matrix T of the AGE method is
we have (P is an -matrix) and holds.
Indeed, set, a multiplicative splitting method can be written
can be seen as a splitting method, i.e., , by setting
Since, s = 1, 2, and, then we have the expression (15) for.
Now, the proof runs as that of the Regular Splitting Theorem in[18, p. 119].
The Arithmetic Mean method uses the following two splittings of the matrix A
where and are the following matrices
We suppose M even. If M is odd, we can proceed in a similar way.
Thus, starting from a vector, the method of the Arithmetic Mean generates a sequence of iterates as follows; for and k = 0, 1, ..., until convergence:
In the paper[21], it is proved that the block form of the Arithmetic Mean method above described, is convergent when the matrix A is:
● irreducibly (strictly) diagonally dominant with positive diagonal entries and nonpositive off diagonal elements with
● positive definite but not symmetric with where
Here denotes an eigenvalue of a matrix V and
and is the symmetric positive definite matrix;
● symmetric positive definite with
At each iteration k of the AGE method, we have to solve M /2 linear systems of order 2N, = 1, 3, 5, ..., M -1,
to obtain the vector. The solution of (17) can be seen as a block partitioned vector
where each block has N components.
Here is the right hand side (r.h.s.) of the first equation of (13).
These M / 2 systems can be solved simultaneously (in parallel).
Then, in order to obtain the new iterate of the AGE method, we have to solve, in parallel, M / 2-1 systems as (17) with = 2,4, 6, ..., M -2 and two linear systems of order N
that can be solved in parallel, as well. The AGE method has an intrinsic parallelism.
In the case of the additive splitting method of the Arithmetic Mean, at each iteration k we have to solve M-1 linear systems of order 2N, = 1, 2, 3, ..., M -1,
where and indicate the vector (for = 1, 3, 5, ..., M -1) and the corresponding r.h.s. of the first equation of (16) or the vector (for = 2, 4, 6, ..., M -2) and the corresponding r.h.s. of the second equation of (16).
Furthermore, we have to solve two linear systems of order N
where and indicate the first and the last block of the vector and, the corresponding r.h.s. of the second equation of (16).
These systems can be solved in parallel. The Arithmetic Mean method introduces also an explicit parallelism in order to increase the degree of multiprogramming, that is the number of processes that can be executed simultaneously ([13, p. 87]).
When the system (11) arises from the finite difference discretization of the problem (1)-(2), the diagonal blocks of A in (12) are tridiagonal while the sub and superdiagonal blocks are diagonal.
Thus, the systems (17) and (18) can be solved directly as in[9, 8] or iteratively, generating a two-stage iterative method as in[12]. A direct solution of these systems can be performed by cyclic reduction solvers ([17, p. 125],[15]) combined with an approximate Schur complement method ([17, p.123, p. 217]) or with block Gaussian elimination.

4. Analysis of the Convergence of the Lagged Diffusivity Functional Iteration Method

In this section, we prove the convergence of the sequence generated by the lagged diffusivity iteration method for the solution of the system (4) under the smoothness assumptions (i)-(iii).
We define and = 0, ..., N +1 and = 0, ..., M +1, the grid functions defined on Rh∪∂Rh and satisfying the Dirichlet boundary condition on ∂Rh.
For grid functions and of this type, the discrete inner product and norm are defined by the formulas
We say that the grid functions defined on Rh∪∂Rh and vanishing on ∂Rh satisfy Property A if they are uniformly bounded and have uniformly bounded backward difference quotients and at each mesh point of Rh∪∂Rh. The set of all grid functions which satisfy Property A is denoted by. Thus, is the set of all grid functions for which there exist two positive constants and such that
The constant is independent of h; also is independent of h but it depends on .(see[16]).
We assume that the system (4), , where, has at least one solution.
Suppose that the system (4) arises from the discretization of problem (1)-(2) subject to the conditions (i)-(iii) with and being an irreducible nonsingular -matrix. If
for any, then the mapping is uniformly monotone in. (See[16],[5] for a proof of this result and e.g.,[19, p. 141] for the definition of uniform monotonicity).
The iterate of the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method satisfies the system (8) with the acceptability criterion (9), that is is the solution of the linear diffusion convection equation whose diffusivity depends on the previous iterate with inhomogeneous term
We assume that all the iterates satisfy Property A. Thus in particular, by inequality (20), the backward difference quotients of each grid function are bounded and they depend on the inhomogeneous term; then, we have that there exist two constants and such that
for = 1, ..., N+1 and = 1, ..., M+1.
Thus, we can state the following result concerning the convergence of the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method.
Theorem 1. Let be a solution of the nonlinear system (4) with arising from the finite difference discretization of problem (1)-(2) subject to the conditions (i)-(iii) with and being an irreducible nonsingular -matrix.
Assume that the mapping is uniformly monotone in.
Suppose that is a sequence of positive numbers such that as
Let be arbitrary and let be the solution of satisfying the condition (9) with as in (8).
If all the vectors belong to and satisfy Property A with (21) instead of (20), then the sequence converges to
Proof. The proof runs as that in[6, Theor. 1] or in[5, Theor. 1, p. 33].
A more general result on the convergence of the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method can be obtained by defining the mapping u=G(u) where
for all. A solution of the system (4) is a fixed point of the mapping.
Since the smoothness condition (iii) on, we can have that the matrix A(u) satisfies the Lipschitz-continuity condition for every bounded subset of with a Lipschitz constant Then we can write,
Thus, we have for
where is a bound for for any. Here, indicates an arbitrary vector and matrix norm.
The last inequality assures that the mapping satisfies a Lipschitz condition on a bounded subset of.

5. Numerical Experiments

In this section, we consider a numerical experimentation of the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method for the solution of the nonlinear system (4) generated by the finite difference discretization above described, of the elliptic problem (1)-(2). Indeed, we have to solve the system
In these experiments, the vector solution is prefixed and it is composed by the values of the prescribed function defined on the square
The chosen functions for are
where, in the case of we have for a=3, b=2, c=1; for a=1.5, b=0.1, c=0.9 and for a=1, b=0.01, c=0.99.
The vector is computed as
where the matrix of order n, has elements as in (5) and (6) with N=M and. In all the experiments we have N=256 and
At each iteration of the lagged diffusivity procedure, we have to solve the linear system of order nwith the splitting method of the Arithmetic Mean or of the Alternating Group Explicit described in a previous section (see e.g.[9],[10] for an evaluation of the block form of the Arithmetic Mean method on different parallel architectures and[7] for a description of the Fortran code implementing the method). These methods are compared with BiCG-STAB method implemented as in[14, p. 50].
We call the new iteration of the lagged diffusivity procedure, computed with iterations of the inner solver such that the inner residual
satisfies the condition (9)
with and
Here, indicates the Euclidean norm.
The vector is the initial outer residual and its Euclidean norm is called
The initial vector is taken as the null vector or as the vector e whose all the components are equal to 1 .
The lagged diffusivity procedure has been implemented in a Fortran code with machine precision and stops when (10) holds, i.e., for
We call the iteration of the lagged diffusivity procedure for which condition (10) is satisfied. That is, the iterate satisfies (and we have and
In the tables, we report the number of iterations and, in brackets, the total number of iterations of the inner solver, i.e.,
In the tables, we also report the discrete norm of the error, the Euclidean norm of the outer residual
The symbol * close to the value of res indicates that the behaviour of the norm of the outer residual is not monotone decreasing.
The writing max it. indicates that at a certain iteration v, the maximum number of iterations of the inner solver has been reached. The maximum number of inner iterations is set equal to 20000.
The writing n.c. indicates that at a certain iteration v, the condition (7) is not satisfied.
The symbol " ü " close to the number of inner and outer iterations denotes that at a certain iteration v , the condition (7) is not satisfied and, in these cases, the lagged diffusivity iteration method generates the iteration by performing a prefixed number (equal to 20) of iterations of the inner iterative solver.
The writing 1.71(-8) indicates
In the tables, we indicate with lag-AM, lag-AGE and lag-B, the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method with the Arithmetic Mean, the Alternating Group Explicit and the BiCG-STAB method, respectively, as inner solver.
Furthermore, we observe that, since decreases, for v increasing, as (22) and the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method stops at the iteration when the criterion for in (10) is satisfied, we have
where we set Then,
Indeed, in the experiments we obtain
Table 1. Results for different values of p for
Table 2. Results for different values of p for
Table 3. Results for different values of p and
Table 4. Results for different values of p and for
Table 5. Results for different values of p for
Table 6. Results for different values of q
Table 7. Some results for the error and the residuals

6. Conclusions

From the numerical experiments the following conclusions can be drawn:
● the outer residual res has the same order of and the error err in the discrete norm has, in worst cases, order
● the AM method gives better results when the ratio between the maximum value of and the smallest component of is small, that is the coefficient matrix of the linear system is strongly asymmetric (see[20]) or the deviation from asymmetry is decreasing. We define as the deviation from asymmetry of a matrix the difference between the Frobenius norms of the symmetric and nonsymmetric parts of the matrix. Furthermore, we can observe the same behaviour of the AGE method with the one of the AM method, respect to the deviation from asymmetry of the coefficient matrix that occurs at each step of the lagged diffusivity procedure;
● the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method combined with the AM or the AGE method breaks down when the coefficient matrix, at a certain iteration v , is not an -matrix (n.c.). In some cases, the AGE inner solver, requires a large number of inner iterations especially for nearly symmetric matrices;
● the behaviour of the residual res when we use AM or AGE method as inner solver, is always monotone, except in one case where the lagged diffusivity procedure breaks down (the coefficient matrix is not an -matrix) but it has been possible to force the convergence by running a few number of iterations of the inner iterative solver. The nonmonotonicity of the residual happens at these "forced" iterations. This technique of forcing convergence is successful when condition (7) is "almost satisfied".
● the lagged diffusivity functional iteration method combined with the BiCG-STAB method, when it does not break down, requires a number of inner iterations that is not large and seems to be independent from the deviation from asymmetry of the coefficient matrix. We observe that the failure of the lagged diffusivity procedure with the BiCG-STAB method, in most cases, happens when the decreasing of the residual res is not monotone;
● the behaviour of the lagged diffusivity procedure with AM or AGE method as iterative solver depends on the choice of the initial vector. The choice in the cases or yields to negative values for for a certain v (tipically or ) so that condition (7) is not satisfied; that is the initial iterate is too close to a region where a sufficient condition for determining the iterates of the outer procedure is not satisfied. Then, the control on condition (7) is a detection to start from another initial vector.


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