American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

p-ISSN: 2165-8935    e-ISSN: 2165-8943

2012;  2(1): 25-29


Fourth Order Fitted Scheme for Second Order Singular Perturbation Boundary Value Problems

Awoke Andargie

Bahir dar University, Department of Mathematics, P.O.Box 79, Bahirdar, Ethiopia

Correspondence to: Awoke Andargie, Bahir dar University, Department of Mathematics, P.O.Box 79, Bahirdar, Ethiopia.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


Fitted fourth order central difference scheme is presented for solving singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems with the boundary layer at one end point. A fitting factor is introduced in a tri-diagonal finite difference scheme and is obtained from the theory of singular perturbations. Thomas Algorithm is used to solve the system and its stability is investigated. To demonstrate the applicability of the method, we have solved linear and nonlinear problems. From the results, it is observed that the present method approximates the exact solution very well.

Keywords: Singular Perturbation Problems, Finite Differences, Fitted Scheme

Cite this paper: Awoke Andargie, Fourth Order Fitted Scheme for Second Order Singular Perturbation Boundary Value Problems, American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 2 No. 1, 2012, pp. 25-29. doi: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20120201.04.

1. Introduction

There are varieties of physical processes in which a boundary layer may arise in the solutions for certain parameter ranges. These types of problems may be generally characterized as singular perturbation problems, and the parameter is termed as the perturbation parameter. Detailed theory and analytical discussion on singular perturbation problems, can be referred in Bender and Orsazag[1], Kevorkian and Cole[3], Nayfeh[5-6], O’Mally[7] and Van Dyke[12] and for exponential fitted methods Miller,J.J.H., O’Riordan,E. and Shishkin, G.I.[4], Y.N.Reddy, P.Pramod. Chakravarthy[9] and Reddy Y.N., Awoke A.[10-11].
Fitted stable fourth order scheme is presented for solving singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems with the boundary layer at one end point. A fitting factor is introduced in a tri-diagonal finite difference scheme and is obtained from the theory of singular perturbations. Thomas Algorithm is used to solve the system and its stability is investigated. To demonstrate the applicability of the method, we have solved several linear and nonlinear problems. From the results, it is observed that the present method approximates the exact solution very well.

2. Fourth Order Finite Difference Method

Consider a linear singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problem of the form:
where ε is a small positive parameter (0<ε<<1) and α, β are known constants. We assume that a(x), b(x) and f(x) are sufficiently continuously differentiable functions in[0,1]. Further more, we assume that b(x) ≤ 0, a(x) ≥ M > 0 throughout the interval[0,1], where M is some positive constant.
A finite difference scheme is often a convenient choice for the numerical solution of two point boundary value problems, because of their simplicity. Let us divide the interval[0,1] in to N equal parts , each of length h where and then we have . For simplicity, let us denote
Assuming that y has continuous fourth order derivatives in the interval [0,1], by using Taylor series expansion we obtain the central difference formulas for given by.
where, and for .
From (1), we have
Differentiating both sides of equation (5) with respect to x, we get
Differentiating twice both sides of equation (5) with respect to x, we get
By substituting from equations (3) and (4) in (1) at , we get the central difference approximation in a form that includes all the error terms:
where, and are defined accordingly in equations (6) and (7) respectively. Using equations (3, 4, 6 & 7) in equation (8), we get the fourth order scheme
Where, , from equation (4). For detail discussions of the method refer Joshua Y.Choo and David H.Schultz[2].

3. Fitted Fourth Order Scheme

A difference scheme with a fitting factor containing exponential functions is known as exponentially fitted difference scheme. From the theory of singular perturbations it is known that the solution of (1)-(2) is of the form [cf. O’ Malley[7]; pp 22-26]
where is the solution of
By taking first terms of the Taylor’s series expansion for a(x) and b(x) about the point ‘0’, (10) becomes,
Now we divide the interval [0, 1] into N equal parts with constant mesh length h. Let 0=x0, x1, x2, …xN =1 be the mesh points. Then we have xi = ih; i=0, 1, 2, …, N.
From (11) we have
Now, we consider the stable fourth order central difference scheme (8) and introduce the fitting factor:
Rewriting (13), we have
where σ(ρ) is a fitting factor which is to be determined in such a way that the solution of (14) converges uniformly to the solution of (1)-(2).
Multiplying (14) by h and taking the limit as h→ 0; we get
By using (12) in (15) and simplifying, we get
We have;
From (14) we have
where the fitting factor σ is given by (18).
The equivalent three term recurrence relation of equation (19) is given by:
This gives us the tri-diagonal system which can be solved easily by Thomas Algorithm.
Thomas Algorithm
A brief discussion on solving the tri-diagonal system using Thomas algorithm is presented as follows:
Consider the scheme given in (20):
subject to the boundary conditions
We set
where and which are to be determined.
From (22), we have
By substituting (23) in (20), we get
By comparing (24) and (22), we get the recurrence relations
To solve these recurrence relations for i=0,1,2,3, ,N-1, we need the initial conditions for and . For this we take. We choose so that the value of.With these initial values, we compute and for i=1,2,3,….,N-1 from (25) in forward process, and then obtain in the backward process from (22)and (21b).
Stability Analysis
We will now show that the algorithm is computationally stable. By stability, we mean that the effect of an error made in one stage of the calculation is not propagated into larger errors at later stages of the calculations. Let us now examine the recurrence relation given by (25a). Suppose that a small error has been made in the calculation of ; then, we have
and we are actually calculating
From (26) and (25a), we have
under the assumption that the error is small initially. From the assumptions made earlier that a(x)>0 , b(x)≤0 and its derivatives also non-positive, we have
Form (25a) we have, since F1>G1
; since W1 <1,
; since F2≥E2 +G2
Successively, it follows that
Therefore the recurrence relation (25a) is stable. Similarly we can prove that the recurrence relation (25b) is also stable. Finally the convergence of the Thomas Algorithm is ensured by the condition <1, i=1, 2, 3,…., N-1.

4. Numerical Examples

4.1. Example

Consider the following homogeneous singular perturbation problem from Bender and Orszag[[1], page 480; problem 9.17 with α=0]
with y(0)=1 and y(1)=1.
The exact solution is given by :
Where and
Error plot for Example 4.1, ε=10-3, h=10-2
Error plot for example 4.1, ε=10-4, h=10-2.

4.2. Example

Let us consider the following non-homogeneous singular perturbation problem from fluid dynamics for fluid of small viscosity, Reinhardt[[8], example 2]
; x∈[0,1],with y(0)=0 and y(1)=1.
The exact solution is given by
Error plot for Example 4.2, ε=10-3, h=10-2
Errorplot for Example 4.2, ε=10-4, h=10-2

5. Non-linear Problems

Nonlinear singular perturbation problems were converted as a sequence of linear singular perturbation problems by using quasilinearization (Replacing the non-linear problem by a sequence of linear problems) method. The outer solution (the solution of the given problem by putting ε=0) is taken to be the initial approximation.

5.1. Example

Consider the following singular perturbation problem from Bender and Orszag[[1], page 463; equations: 9.7.1]
with y(0)=0 and y(1)=0.
The linear problem concerned to this example is
We have chosen to use Bender and Orszag’s uniformly valid approximation[[1], page 463; equation: 9.7.6] for comparison,
For this example, we have boundary layer of thickness O(ε) at x=0. [cf. Bender and Orszag[1]].
Error plot for Example 5.1, ε=10-3, h=10-2
Error plot for Example 5.1, ε=10-4, h=10-2

5.2. Example

Let us consider the following singular perturbation problem from Kevorkian and Cole[[3], page 56; equation 2.5.1]
; x∈[0,1],with y(0)= -1 and y(1)=3.9995
The linear problem concerned to this example is
We have chosen to use the Kevorkian and Cole’s uniformly valid approximation[[3], pages 57 and 58; equations (2.5.5), (2.5.11) and (2.5.14)] for comparison,
Where c1=2.9995 and c2=(1/c1)loge[(c1-1)/(c1+1)]
For this example also we have a boundary layer of width O(ε) at x=0 [cf. Kevorkian and Cole[3], pages 56-66].
The numerical results are given in table 4(a), 4(b) for ε=10-3 and 10-4 respectively.
Error plot for Example 5.2, ε=10-3, h=10-2
Error plot for Example 5.2, ε=10-4, h=10-2

6. Conclusions

We have presented fitted fourth order finite difference method for solving singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems The present fitted fourth order finite difference method for solving singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems produce better approximation to the exact solution, specifically in the boundary layer region with step size , the perturbation parameter.


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