Ratan Kumar Sarkar
Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, W.B., India
Correspondence to: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, W.B., India.
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Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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Genetics is basically electro-gravitational chemistry. Because of intricate structure of lunar time (183 or 0.3477) a structural labyrinth has been developed where lunar gravity (0.1605) works intrinsically in electromagnetic interface. Polymorphic site (72) and t-RNA distance of constancy (66A0) factor synonymous with mass are two structural components in the system. The existence of arginine and proline in polymorphic site has been discussed significantly. The two diseases cancer and sickle-cell-anaemia have been described mathematically in upper and lower level aspects in the structure.
Co-linearity, Molecular point, P53, De-oxy-nucleotides, Mutation
Cite this paper: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, The Polymorphic Site and Structural Genetics, American Journal of Biochemistry, Vol. 12 No. 1, 2022, pp. 4-7. doi: 10.5923/j.ajb.20221201.02.
1. Introduction
Associated with 393-amino acids, p53 protein is a fundamental protein and the polymorphic site-72(0.1368) is a standard molecular point where arginine (174.2017) or proline (115.1311) can be exists. On the basis of lunar gravity (0.1605), arginine exists in upper level (+) whereas proline exists in lower level (-) or anti-parallel in directional genetics. Considering from lunar time (183 or 0.3477), 184 – 174 = 10 and correspondingly 87(0.1653) + 10 = 97 = 0.1843 (arg pre-transitional values) = 0.2017 – 0.0174 where 0.0551(29)*3 = 0.1653(87) since the intrinsic structure of lunar time possesses opposite direction, 183 = 154 (factor of opposite) + 29 where 149 (met integer values) + 6 = 155. The values 174 = 171 + 3 and 0.0171 – 0.0057(3) = 0.0114(6) where ‘6’ would be a factor of opposite in lower level. This comply with the structure of lunar time where 183 = 154 + 29 and 149 + 6 = 155 where 0.3477 = 0.2831(149) + 0.0646 (trp factor) and 0.2831 – 0.0646 = 0.2185(115 or 6) and also 0.1615 (trp Cv) – 0.1064 (thr Cv) = 0.0551(29) in the structure. Again, 23 + 6 = 29 where (0.1254 + 0.1368) – 0.2185 = 0.0437(23) and where 0.1254(66A0, t-RNA distance of constancy factor) and 0.1368(72, polymorphic site) are two fundamental component of the structural genetics differentiated by 0.1368 – 0.1254 = 0.0114(6).The lunar time comprises two bisectional units methionine and tryptophan where met is generally governed by 0.1254(66) and that of trp by 0.1368(72) towards cell cycle and met exists in opposite direction of trp.The formula T(time) = 0.0019*M (integer gravitational mass) is prevailing in the system derived from 14.0266, an inter-amino acid factor somewhere.In contrast, proline (115.1311) is formed as 184 = 115 + 69 where 69*0.0019 = 0.1311 and 0.1311 – 0.0115 = 0.1196 (pro pre-transitional values) and 115*0.0019 – 0.1311 = 0.0874 (pro core values). The resultant values of proline = 0.1196 – 0.0874 = 0.0322 whereas resultant values of arg = 0.1843 (arg pre-transitional values) – 0.1289 (arg core values) = 0.0554 and interestingly 0.0554 + 0.0322 = 0.0876 (about pro core values).It is seen 333(CCC) + 154 = 487g/mol (avg. tri) and 333(CCC) – 6 = 327g/mol (avg. mono) and the difference, 487 – 327 = 160 = 154 + 6, where 154 and 6 are ‘factors of opposite’ in upper and lower level that would be based from lunar gravity (0.1605). The p53 protein developed where 547 (met factor) – 154 = 393 = 399 (AUG) – 6 where 149 + 6 = 155 in the structure.Again, 160 + 23 = 183 and correspondingly 1605 – 814 = 791 = 814 – 23 = 977 – 186 where 1000 – 977 = 23 and 562 + 438 = 1000 and also 1415 - 977 = 438(23) [1]. Significantly, 428 + 160 = 588 where 1391 – 963 = 428 and conversely 1391 + 963 = 2354 = 1177*2 and 1605 – 1177 = 428 in the structure. It is seen 0.1159(61) + 0.0446 = 0.1605 and 0.1159*2 – 0.1605 = 0.0713 = 0.0813 – 0.0100. The three factors 0.0446 (glu), 0.0547 (met) and 0.0646 (trp) with approximately difference of ‘100’ are important in biophysical chemistry.As 0.0149 can be transit to 149 in the system and there are so many transitions, decimals have been avoided somewhere. A time difference of 0.0001(1)-0.0002(2) is about a common factor in the system which will not be mentioned specifically.A term ‘resultant values’ used somewhere that the difference of pre-transitional values and core values e.g. the resultant values of met = 0.1975 – 0.0707 = 0.1268 is important.
2. Discussions
Polymorphic site is described in genetic point of view where de-oxy-nucleotides avg. MW 487.0 g/mol (tri) and 327.0 g/mol (mono) are associated as 0.0487 + 0.0327 = 0.0814 = 814 and also 0.0237 + 0.0351 = 0.0588 = 588 where 0.1605 – 0.1368 = 0.0237 and 0.1605 – 0.1254 = 0.0351 in aspects of lunar gravity. Now the values 0.0814 + 0.0554 (arg resultant values) = 0.1368(72) and 0.0814 – 0.0322 (pro resultant values) = 0.0492 = 0.1843 (arg pre-transitional values) – 0.1351 with a structural factor of difference ‘1000’ where 0.1197(63) + 0.0154 = 0.1351. According to structural molecular formula 238.3059 (161) [2], it is seen 0.1197(63) with one step up has been cancelled out from both sides towards forming arginine 174.2017 where 0.2017 – 0.0174 = 0.1843(97) and where 237 – 63 = 174 and 160 – 63 = 97 and the difference, 174 – 97 = 77 = 0.1463. Mathematically, 1463 – 814 = 649 = 646 + 3 and in other respects 646 – 57 = 589 = 238 + 351 in the structure. It is seen 814 – 351 = 463 = 1463 – 1000 and 260 + 91 (bisection of lunar time) = 351 where 814 – 554 = 260 and 91 + 6 = 97 and also 407(di) + 91 = 498 = 492 + 6 in the structure.In context of upper (+) and lower level (-), 0.1368 + 0.0171 = 0.1539(81) and 0.1368 – 0.0171 = 0.1197(63), the later cancelled out would be due to division at a point 0.0367 = 0.0304 (oxy-time) + 0.0063(63) where 0.1843 – 0.0304 = 0.1539 (81) and proline would be a bio-product in opposite direction to complement arginine where 0.1311 – 0.0115 = 0.1196 (pro pre-transitional values).It is seen 0.0814 + 0.0554 (arg resultant values) = 0.1368 and conversely 0.0814 – 0.0322 (pro resultant values) = 0.0492 where 0.0554 – 0.0492 = 0.0062(62) and 0.0554 + 0.0492 + 0.0304 (complementary factor) = 0.1350.At polymorphic site the system would appear at 0.0368 earth-moon curvatures and would bisect at 0.0184*2 but it is seen the division is 0.0368 = 0.0305 + 0.0063, a structural complementation. Again, 1197(63) – 814 = 383 where 305 + 283 = 588 and 160 = 97 + 63(cancelled out) and 1197 – 589 = 608 (oxy-time) and also 260 – 77 = 183 where 814 – 554 = 260, with a difference of ‘100’ in the structure.In sickle-cell-anaemia (SCA), at molecular point ‘6’ of beta-strand Haemoglobin, glu can be replaced by val (Hb S) or lys (Hb C) where the mutational values 0.1494 (glu Cv) – 0.0754 (val Cv) = 0.0740 and 0.1494 – 0.0893 (lys Cv) = 0.0601 respectively where the sum-up values 0.0740 + 0.0601 = 0.1341 and correspondingly 0.0740 – 0.0601 = 0.0139 = 139. Mutation is a process where hidden time can be escaped. These two values are balanced values or average values of met and trp where trp and met is differentiated by 6 or 0.0115.Here, 1000 (a structural factor) – 341 = 660 = 814 – 154 (factor of opposite) and met resultant values might be complemented by oxy-time since 0.1268 = 0.0660 + 0.0608 (32) causing de-oxygenation and where 1268 – 900 = 368 and polymorphic site (72*0.0019 = 0.1368) is in 0.0368 disposition needed for replication. Mathematically, 1494 – 588 = 906 (i.e. 900 + 6) = 601 + 305 (oxy-time) and 1342 – 588 = 754 (val core values) and also 1646 (trp factor) – 906 = 740. From genetic point of view, 1494 – 814 = 680 = 340*2 where 1341 – 1000 = 341 and 1653 – 1493 = 160 and also 240 – 87 = 153 (factor of opposite) where 0.1494 – 0.1254 = 0.0240 = 240. The core values of glu (0.1494) is such a values which falls at opposite of combined Hb S and Hb C mutations i.e. 0.1494 – (0.0740 + 0.0601) = 0.0153 = 0.0814 – 0.0661 in the structure.Structural Genetics:Lunar time, 183 = 154 + 29 and there are sub-divisions within it. The factor of opposite (154) can be complemented by negative electronic values (27*0.0019 = 0.0513) to a limit. The triplet values are 0.0513*3 = 0.1539(81) and 0.0551*3 = 0.1653 (87) = 0.0850 (opposite values of electromagnetics) + 0.0803 (halved of lunar gravity) = 0.1254(66) + 0.0399(21) = 0.1463 (77, a structural values) + 0.0190(10) which are differentiated by 0.1653 – 0.1539 = 0.0114(6) and interrelated. It is seen 1653 – 1380 (i.e. 460*3, would be electromagnetic expansion) = 273 (hotspot) and 354 (i.e. 1608 – 1254) – 273 = 81 in the structure. It is seen 0.3477 – (0.1539 + 0.1451) = 0.0487(tri) where 0.1539 + 0.1451 = 0.2990 and 0.1539 – 0.1451= 0.0088 = 88 and 399 (AUG) + 88*2 = 575 = 0.3477 – 0.2902 (electromagnetic values) where 0.2990 – 0.2902 = 0.0088 in the structure and conversely 0.2990 – (850 + 327) = 1813 (genetic values) where 1000 – 813 = 187. The values 0.0399 (AUG) is a balanced point where 3477 – 399 = 3078 = 1539*2 and 487 – 399 = 88 and 399 – 327 = 72 (polymorphic shrinking values). Again, 1254 + 327 = 1581 (bisectional values) = 791*2 where 1605 – 791 = 814 and conversely 1368 + 487 = 1855 = 927*2 (app.) where 813 + 114 = 927. Considering 814 and 589 in the structure we get 160 + 114 = 274 = 137*2 where 814 + 137 = 951 (electro-magnetic values in opposite direction + 100) = 1088 – 137 where 1000 – 88 = 912 = 304*3 (oxy-time) and 814 – 137 = 677 (trp factor) in the structure. Here, 814 = 407*2 and 588 = 294*2 where 137 + 40 = 177 = 354 / 2 (i.e. 1608 – 1254 = 354) and 407 – 137 = 270 and also 407 + 137 – 193 = 351 (gravitational values) makes the fundamental molecular structure 238+.3059-(161) or 270.3667(193), a bisectional stage. This may be called electro-gravitational complex.In context of molecular structure 238.3059(161), 0.3477 – 0.3059 = 0.0418 = 0.1605 – 0.1187 where 0.1000 – 0.0187 = 0.0813 and conversely 0.3477 – (0.1605 + 0.1187) = 0.0685 (halved of polymorphic site) in the structure. The system appears at bisection stage while 0.3667(193) – 0.3059 = 0.0608(oxy-time) i.e. 270.3667(193) and where 0.1368 + 0.0608 = 0.1976 (met pre-transitional values) and correspondingly 0.1368 – 0.0608 = 0.0760 where 0.0760 – 0.0100 = 0.0560 and 0.1268 (met resultant values) – 0.0707 (met core values) = 0.0561. Again, 0.1159 + 0.0209 = 0.1368 and conversely 0.1159 – 0.0209 = 0.0950 (electromagnetic values + 100) in the structure where 418 – 67 = 351 = 1605 – 1254.The lunar time (183 or 0.3477) is comprises met (0.2831) and trp(0.0646) factors are derived from electro-gravitational processes since 0.1159(61) – 0.0513 = 0.0646 and 0.2318(61*2) + 0.0513 = 0.2831 where 61*3 = 183(0.3477) in the structure.Considering methionine, it is seen 0.0551 + 0.0513*2 = 0.1577(83) to t-RNA factor (66) limit where 0.1254(66) + 0.1577 = 0.2831(149). In other respects, 0.0551 + 0.0513*3 = 0.2090(110) where 110 – 23 = 87 that goes up to limit of polymorphic site (72) where 110 + 73 = 183 (lunar time). The de-oxy-ribo-nucleotide tri-phosphate (avg. MW 487.0 g/mol) can be acted as complementation where 0.3477(183) – 0.0487 = 0.2990 = 0.1539 + 0.1451 and 0.2990 – 0.0487 = 0.2503 = 0.1653 + 0.0850. The structure is also linked to electromagnetic expansion where 1540 – 1380 = 160 and 1540 – 690 = 850 and correspondingly (1540 + 1380) – 3477 = 557 = 551 + 6 in the structure.The met integer values 149*0.0019 = 0.2831 = 0.1451 + 0.1380 and in opposite direction 0.1451 – 0.0357 = 0.1094 = 0.0547*2 = 0.0814 + 0.0280 where 0.1254 – 0.0707 = 0.0547. It is seen 0.1094 = 0.0560 + 0.0534(28) where 814 – 280(28*10) = 534 and 160*10 – 1094 = 506 = 534 – 28 and also 1654(87) = 1094 + 560(280*2) in the structure. From electro-magnetic point of view, 1254 – 404(oxy-time + 100) = 850 and conversely (1254 + 404) – 2902 = 1244 = 1254 – 10 indicates 0.2902 or 2902 is a component lies into polymorphic site since 183 + 10 = 193. Again, 0.2902 – 0.1534 (i.e. 0.0850 + 0.0684) = 0.1368 where 0.0814 – 0.0534 = 0.0280 and 0.1094 – 0.0850 = 0.0244 where 0.0404 – 0.0244 = 0.0160 and 0.0404 + 0.0244 = 0.0684(36, halved of polymorphic site) and also 0.2902 – 0.0684 = 0.2218 = 0.2318(61*2) – 100 in the structure. Again, 850 = 814 + 36 = 814 + 684 = 1498(in time form) where 2902 – 1498 = 1404 and 2318 – 1404 = 914 = 814 + 100 and correspondingly 1404 – 160 = 1244 = 1254 – 10 in the structure. The resultant values of met = 0.1975 (met pre-transitional values) – 0.0707 (met core values) = 0.1268 = 0.1368(72) – 0.0100 and 0.1268 – 0.0560 (bisection factor, 0.0280*2) = 0.0708. In order to bisection processes the system should go to 0.0368 factors where 0.1268 – 0.0368 = 0.0900 + 0.0354 (complemented) = 0.1254 where 0.1608 – 0.1254 = 0.0354 indicates bisection processes occurs from lower level in association of methionine in this case.Again, 0.01368(72) is a bisection arena should be linked to tryptophan. Here, 0.2057 (trp pre-transitional values) – 0.1615 (trp core values) = 0.0442 = 0.1380 – 0.0938 (p+) where 0.2057 – 0.1380 = 0.0677 = 0.1615 – 0.0938 and 0.0900 + 0.0677 = 0.1577(83) = 0.1026 + 0.0551 where 0.1577 – 0.1369 = 0.0208 = 0.0308 (i.e. 0.0154*2) – 0.0100(difference of 100). It is seen 0.1026 + 0.0342 = 0.1368 and 0.1026 – 0.0342 = 0.0684(bisection of polymorphic site).Again, 0.2318(61*2) – 0.1736(about bisection of lunar time) = 0.0582 = 0.1608 – 0.1026 = 0.1605 – 0.1023, a position of bisection arises since lunar gravity would not be complemented by negative electronic values and bisects to ‘291’ where 291*2 = 582.The bisection stage appears when the system appears at polymorphic site (0.1368) i.e. the system surpasses lunar time to earth-moon context (0.0368) and bisects to 0.0184 (lunar time). The rotational unit ‘0.0107’ i.e. 0.0291 – 0.0184 = 0.0107 infiltrates while the genetic system appears at bisectional stage i.e. 0.0214 = 0.1605 (15-rotations) – 0.1391 (13-rotations) would leads to 28-rotations (0.2996 = 0.2990 + 0.0006) on mutations in the structure.There are structural interactions where 214 + 600 = 814 = 160*10 – 786 (GGG + CCC), 1391 – 600 = 791 = 1605 – 814, 1600 – 137 = 1463(77), 1391 – 137 = 1254, 951 – 600 = 351 = 814 – 463 = 1605 – 1254, 1605 – 1600 = 5 = 28(0.0532) – 23(0.0437) etc. where “1000’ is a structural factor.The ‘factors of opposite’ 154 and 6 also bisects in the structure 154 / 2 = 77 = 0.1463 and 6 / 2 = 3 = 0.0057 that aligned to genetic structure 814 = 407*2 and 160 = 80*2 where 77 + 3 = 80, 814 – 463 = 351 = 271 + 80 = 407 – 56(3) and correspondingly 194 + 157(i.e. 154 + 3) = 351. Structurally, 184 (lunar time) = 157 + 27 and 1460 – 80 = 1380 and also 1407 – 1380 = 27(0.0513) = 1463 – 950 in the structure.The methionine-tryptophan complex:Towards transitions of methionine, 0.1391 + 0.0149 = 0.1540(81) and 0.2124 (met horizontal time) – 0.1540 = 0.0584 = 0.0684 (halved of polymorphic site) – 0.0100 and 0.0584 – 0.0370 = 0.0214 = 0.1605 – 0.1391 where 0.1975 (met pre-transitional values) – 0.1605 = 0.0370 and getting two parallel system here that linked to anticodon. The values 0.1894 (tyr horizontal time) – 0.1187 = 0.0707 and 526 – 345 (i.e. 460*3/4) = 181 (tyr vertical time) where 0.1605 – 0.1078 (thr pre-transitional values) = 0.0527 and 0.1000 – 0.0187 = 0.0813. From electromagnetic point of view, 469 + 345 = 814 and 1876 – 344 = 1532 = 1000 + 532(28) in the structure.Considering tryptophan, 0.1605 – 0.1391 = 0.0214 transits to 204 (trp vertical time) where 0.2057 (trp pre-transitional values) – 0.1690 (expansion factor) = 0.0367 would be linked to polymorphic site where 1690 – 1367 = 323 = 204 + 119(0.2261) and 0.1690 – 0.1605 = 0.0085 (0.1615, trp core values). It is seen 1690 – 584 = 1106 (met factor) and conversely 1690 – 1017(trp factor) = 673 = 690 (i.e. 684 + 6) – 17 where 1000 – 323(17) = 677 (trp factor) in the structure. The tryptophan is associated with polymorphic site (0.1368) where 0.2057 – 0.1605 = 0.0452 = 452 = 214 + 238 and 0.3876 (204) – 0.1368 = 0.2508 (i.e. 0.1254*2). It is seen 0.2831 (149) – 0.0323 = 0.2508 and 0.2831 – 0.1368 = 0.1463 (77) in the structure.Again, 0.2057 – 0.1615 = 0.0442(trp resultant values) = 442 = 1380 – 938(p+) where 1615 – 938 = 677 = 2057 – 1380 in the structure.The leucine-lysine-glutamine complex:The pre-transitional values of leucine (131.1736) is 0.1736 – 0.0131 = 0.1605(lunar gravity) but the transition would be implicated in electromagnetic interface where the pre-transitional values of lysine (146.1881) is 0.1881 – 0.0146 = 0.1735. Again, 0.2489(131) – 0.1605 = 0.0884 = 0.0881 + 0.0003 while the horizontal time of lys is 0.1881 and also glutamine (146.1451) shows a structural biophysical chemistry.Cancer co-linearity in G1849T V617F and G469T V157F:The mutational values of G1849T or G469T = 151 – 126 = 25 = 0.0475 = 475 that hitting the basic structure of genetics. The mutational value of V617F or V157F is 0.0754 (val Cv) – 0.1235 (phe Cv) = - 0.0481. The negative mutational values would be added to respective molecular point in the structure i.e. 617 + 481 = 1098 and 157 + 481 = 638. The average or balanced position in these structural mutations are 1098 + 638 = 1736 (about halved of lunar time) and 1098 – 638 = 460 (expansion unit) and accordingly 1736 – 460*3 = 358 = 353 + 5 where 1605 (lunar gravity) – 160*10 (genetic structural values) = 5 in the structure. The genetic points ‘1849’ and ‘469’ exists at upper and lower level in the structure i.e. 1159 + 690 = 1849 and 1159 – 690 = 469 (938-p+ / 2) where 0.1159*3 = 0.3477(183) and 690 = 460*3 / 2 and it is significant that 1876(938*2) – 1849 = 27(0.0513). Now, 1849 – 754 = 1095 (i.e. mutational values – 3) and 754 – 469 = 285 and also 469 – 285 = 184 (lunar time). The genetic point 1849 = 926 + 923 where 923 – 285 = 638 (mutational values) in structural mutation where 285 + 353 (complementary values) = 638 and 353 = 285 + 68 (i.e. 65*0.0019 = 0.1235, phe core values + 3) and also (926 + 353) – 1095 = 184 in the structure. It is significant that the lower level ‘469’ would also possess upper and lower level that might be developed conflicts resulting proliferation under mutations. Mathematically, 1736 (upper level balanced point) – 923 = 813 and 813 – 460 (lower level balanced point) = 353 which changes genetic structure 160 = 154 + 6 = 121 + 39 to 160 = 107 + 53 where 475 – 407 (di) = 68, 407 – 53 = 354 and 814*2 – 1153 = 475 = 291 + 184 and also in opposite direction 291 – 184 = 107 that would be causing proliferation out of structural deformity.Conversely, 0.1235 + 0.0754 = 0.1989 where 0.1539 (81) + 0.1451 = 0.2990 = 0.1990 + 0.1000. Under this mutation, it would be addition of electro-gravitational influx 0.0107*28 = 0.2996 = 0.1605 (15 rotations) + 0.1391 (13 rotations) i.e. 0.2990 – 0.0114 = 0.2876 = 0.3876 (trp204) – 0.1000 where 0.0886 + 0.0114 = 0.1000. The system would go to polymorphic site leaving 0.1254(66) where 0.0886 + 0.0481 (mutational values) = 0.1367 and appear at bisecting platform.In p53 protein the mutations V157F and F270L shows mutational values - 0.0481 and + 0.0482 meets at a point (0.0963) where 0.1605 – 0.0963 = 0.0642 = 3*0.0214 and 0.1605 – 0.1391 = 0.0214 and bisects. There should be existence of ‘154’ and ‘6’ factors of opposite where 270 – 157 = 113(6) and conversely 427 – 154 = 273 and 427 + 154 = 581 = 481 + 100 in the structure.
3. Conclusions
The lunar time may be called a strand where multiple activities raised towards equilibrium. The met-trp complex in lunar time are anti-parallel that are related to t-RNA (66A0) and polymorphic site (72) differentiated by ‘6’, a factor of opposite where methionine is associated with 0.1254 (66) while tryptophan is associated with polymorphic site (0.1368). The two factors of opposite ‘154’ and ‘6’ would be upper (+) and lower (-) level factors that can be bisected in the structure. For better understanding of cancer development we have to go through electro-gravitational complex where oxy-time is a key point. While our lunar time is associated with polymorphic site (earth-moon context), lunar gravity is a curious feature in biophysical chemistry.
[1] | Sarkar R. K., American Journal of Biochemistry, 2022, 12(1): 1-3. |
[2] | Sarkar R. K., American Journal of Biochemistry, 2020, 10(1): 5-8. |