Ratan Kumar Sarkar
Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India
Correspondence to: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.
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Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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Time unifies gravitational and electromagnetic values in the earth-moon space-time structure. Amino acids are formed in different natural techniques in space-time structure. The macromolecular assemblies are gravitational and anti-gravitational chemistry, the anti-gravitational or electromagnetic influx with cumulative rotational units following codon-anticodon assignment that deflects at a position to the opposite gravitational arena in directional biology. A fundamental molecular equation has been established capable of explaining protein expansion to cancer transactivation.
Gravity, Antigravity, Electromagnetic values, Mutation, Molecular point
Cite this paper: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, The Electro-gravitational Chemistry in Structural Biology, American Journal of Biochemistry, Vol. 10 No. 1, 2020, pp. 5-8. doi: 10.5923/j.ajb.20201001.02.
1. Introduction
This paper involves electro-gravitational chemistry of directional biology. The lunar gravity (0.1605) is in opposite direction to lunar time (0.1736, about halved of lunar diameter) while electromagnetic values (0.1451, proton time + electron time = 0.0938 + 0.0513) meeting at a point is in the same direction to lunar time (0.1736). The opposite direction can be altered to the same direction by a ‘0.0154’ or ‘154’ (a non-synonymous factor) values absorbed in the system. The difference, 0.1605 – 0.1026 (electro-magnetic negative values *2) = 0.0579 = 0.0425 + 0.0154 and correspondingly 0.1876 (electro-magnetic positive values*2) – 0.1605 = 0.0271 = 0.0425 – 0.0154 where 0.0938 (proton time) – 0.0513 (electron time) = 0.0425 (electromagnetic values in opposite direction) that would be caused 155.1552 (his), a molecular weight where gravitational (155) and anti-gravitational (0.1552) values are in a similar line-up. The values ‘107’ is an anti-gravitational unit and possess rotational characteristic in space-time that make-up lunar gravity (0.1605) by 15 rotations i.e., 0.0107*15 = 0.1605 that lies opposite to electromagnetic values (0.1451) since 0.1451 + 0.0154 = 0.1605 where 0.0154 or 154 is a ‘factor of opposite’ in a full cycle of directional biology. Correspondingly, 0.0126(T)*15 = 0.1890 = 0.1736 (about halved of lunar time) + 0.0154 and seen parallel running of thymine and anti-gravitational units towards amino acid synthesis. This paper involves molar masses (g/mol) of amino acids [1] with structural analysis.The earth-moon curvature of time (0.0367) is concerned into the system where 183*0.0019 = 0.3477 and 193*0.0019 = 0.3667 with a significant difference of time, 193 – 183 = 10 = 0.0190 in the structure. It is important that the diameter of earth and moon is a measurement of time where 12756km/3476km = 3.67(0.0367 curvature of time). The mass of electron (0.511Mev/c2) and that of proton (938.29 Mev/c2) are found in time form as 0.0513 and 0.0938 that can meet at a point to make up 0.1451 (gln ht) and with a difference 0.0938 – 0.0513 = 0.0425 = 425 are components of directional biology. Derived from 14.0267, the equation, T (time) = M (integer mass)*0.0019 [2] is highly implicated into the system that is shown bracketed. It is assumed 0.1451 or 0.0146 are horizontal time(ht) while ‘146’ is vertical time in glutamine (146.1451) as an example. A complementary time difference of 0.0001-0.0002 is found in many places in the system. Now I shall go through synthesis of some amino acids.
2. Discussions
Methionine and Valine:Methionine (149.2124) is an initiating amino acid for protein synthesis. I shall denote here three terms for biological proceedings considering methionine. The core values (Cv) = 149*0.0019 – 0.2124 (negative impulse) = 0.0707, the pre-transitional values (Pv) = 0.2124 – 0.0149 = 0.1975(104) and the resultant values (Rv) = 0.1975 – 0.0707 = 0.1268. It is seen 0.1368 (72, polymorphic site in p53 protein) – 0.1268 = 0.0100 = 100, 0.1976 – 0.1876 = 0.0100 = 100 and 104 – 72 = 32 = 0.0608 (oxy-time) = 0.0707 – 0.0100 (app.) is something special in methionine where 0.1451 (electromagnetic values meeting at a point) + 0.0425 (difference of electromagnetic values) = 0.1876 = 0.0938*2 (proton time) are in the system.The parallel running of gravitational (107) and thymine (126) units for methionine synthesis towards anti-gravitational transition point (0.1975) like, 0.0107*18 rotations = 0.1926 and 0.0126*18 rotations = 0.2268 that gives 0.2268 – 0.1975 = 0.0293 = 0.0149 + 0.0154 – 0.0010 (reducing values as the rotational values surpasses lunar gravity) and 0.1975 – 0.1926 = 0.0049 = 0.0149 – 0.0100 where ‘0.0154’ is an absorbed transitional values for anti-gravitational to opposite gravitational arena deflection. The p53 (393-amino acids) should be a fundamental protein shows 393 + 154 = 547 = 0.0547 = 0.1254 (t-RNA distance of constancy factor, 66*0.0019 = 0.1254) – 0.0707 (met cv).It is seen the resultant value of tyrosine is 0.0168 and that of 0.1268 for methionine. The differential values, 0.1268 – 0.0168 = 0.1100 is concerned to t-RNA factor, 0.1254(66) = 0.1100 + 0.0154 shows gravitational and anti-gravitational chemistry in the structure.Valine is also an initiating amino acid for protein synthesis and would be differentiated with methionine as follows.Now, 0.1469 – 0.0117 = 0.1352 (val pre-transitional point values) and 117 + 154 = 271. According to fundamental molecular structure discussed later, 238+.3059-(161), while the positive pole reaches to ‘271’ the negative pole consequently reaches to ‘194’ and consequently 253 + 194 = 447 = 547 – 100 (avoiding decimals) where 0.1605(107*15) – 0.1352 = 0.0253 and 0.1890(126*15) – 0.1352 = 0.0538. As 0.0754 (val cv) – 0.0707 (met cv) = 0.0047 = 47, while the positive pole attains ‘285’ (by adding 47) consequently the negative pole attains ‘208’(bisectional point) and structurally 117 + 91 = 208 and 194 + 91 = 285 and 538 – 91 = 447 = 547 – 100 where 0.1254(66) – 0.0707 = 0.0547.Glutamine and Leucine:Clarifying leucine or isoleucine (131.1736) in context of glutamine (146.1451), we see, 146 – 131 = 15 = 0.0285 that correspondence to 0.1736 – 0.1451 = 0.0285 = 0.1890 – 0.1605 and 285 = 154 + 131 (transitional leu vt) and ‘154’ is absorbed in the system making 0.1605 and 0.1736 in the same direction since 0.1736 – 0.1605 = 0.0131 = 131 (on transition). It is seen a complementary 0.0002 values have been deleted from positive and negative side for leucine. Considering glutamine (146.1451), as the electron and proton time meets at a point it is found complementary electronic time (0.0513) in the positive side since 513 – 367 = 146 where 425 – 367 = 58 = 0.1451 – 0.0367 = 0.1084(57), a gravitational and electromagnetic biochemistry.Interestingly, the molecular weight of glutamine (146.1451) and lysine (146.1881) are about analogical would be concerned to polymorphic site. Mathematically, 0.1368(72) – 0.0938 (proton time) = 0.0430 = 0.0425+ 0.0005 where 0.1876 (proton time*2) + 0.0005 = 0.1881 (lys ht).Arginine and Methionine:The pre-transitional values of arginine (174.2017) is 0.2017 – 0.0174 = 0.1843(97) where 0.1890 – 0.1843 = 0.0047 = 0.0893(47) and 0.1843 – 0.1605 = 0.0238 and 174 + 154 = 328 (avoiding decimals). It is seen 0.0893 – 0.0328 = 0.0565 = 0.0327 + 0.0238 or, 0.0328 – (0.0238 – 0.0047) = 0.0137 where 0.0137*2 = 0.0274 = 274 = 174 + 100 in biophysical chemistry.The core values of arginine (174.2017) = 174*0.0019 – 0.2017 = 0.1289 and the pre-transitional values = 0.2017 – 0.0174 = 0.1843(97) makes an important structural factor, 0.1843 – 0.1289 = 0.0554, the resultant values. According to the fundamental structure 238+.3059-(161), arginine forms in a way 238 – 174 = 64 and correspondingly 161 – 64 = 97 = 0.1843 and when the positive and negative pole meets at a point, it constitutes 174 + 97 = 271 = 425 – 154 = 665(35) – 394 (p53 would be a fundamental protein) makes arginine an essential amino acid. The ‘271’ values is equivalent to ‘194’ (193 would be the maximum limit in negative side when positive side is ‘270’ that would concerned to codon values applied) values according to fundamental structure and ‘194’ bisects to ‘97’(0.1843). The bisection might be caused as 174 + 194 = 368 or 0.0368 earth-moon curvature of time. The codon values of arginine is ‘421’ (AGA) where 286 (AG) + 421 (AGA) = 707 (met core values) = 554 + 153 (non-synonymous factor) with 0.0001 time difference.Again, 0.1289 – 0.1254(66) = 35 = 0.0665 (on expansion) shows 0.1843 + 0.0665 = 0.2508 = 0.1254*2 where 0.0665 may be used as a linker between electronic time and oxy-time as 0.0665 + 0.0361(19) = 0.1026 or 0.0665 – 0.0361 = 0.0304.Methionine is closely related to arginine in a way 0.1976(104) – 0.1843(97) = 0.0133(7) and also 0.0554 – 0.0547 = 0.0007 where 0.1254 – 0.0707 = 0.0547 = 0.0398 (AUG) + 0.0149. The resultant values of methionine is 0.1975 – 0.0707 = 0.1268 = 0.1368(72, polymorphic site) – 0.0100 where 0.1268 – (0.0707 + 0.554) = 0.0007 = 7. Again, 0.1289 – 0.0707 = 0.0582 = 0.0291*2 where 0.1545 (tyr Cv) – 0.1289 = 0.0256 = 0.0291 – 0.0035(35 or 0.0665) in the structure.Space-time mechanism:The particles are creating in space-time, in this context, biomolecules in space-time structure. The macro-molecular assemblies would be governed by the gravitational and anti-gravitational chemistry where a fractional time change may lead to infiltration of anti-gravitational or electromagnetic quantum until equilibrium in the structural system. Considering Val-Cys or Met-Ala, we get total molecular weight of two amino acids = 117.1469 + 121.159 = 149.2124 + 89.0935 = 238+.3059-(161) is a fundamental molecular structure and can be considered as two positive and negative strands with base values = 0.0161 + 0.0238 = 0.0399 where 238 – 161 = 77 (half of 154) is also a component in the structure. Incorporating the factor of opposite (154) in the directional biological structure, we get, 161 - 154 = 7 and correspondingly, 238 – 7 = 231 = 107 (gravitational unit) + 126 (thymine unit) – 2 (complementary 0.0002 or 0.0038 values in the positive pole) where 285 – 231 = 54 = 154 – 100 (an essential factor in the structure). The structure is aligned to 193*0.0019 = 0.3667 (or, 0.0367 earth-moon curvature of time) manifests existence of oxy-time where 0.3667 – 0.3059 = 0.0608(32). When the positive pole attains 270 by adding oxy-time (32 or 00608), the negative pole reaches to 193 at its limit maintaining the half cycle, 270 – 193 = 77 and for a complete cycle it will be 154 (factor of opposite) to attain bisectional stage. The difference 193 – 154 = 39 = 0.0741 = 0.0405 (AAA) + 0.0336 (UUU) = 0.0359 (UUA) + 0.0382 (AAU) can be applied as codon-anticodon assignment in the system. When the positive pole attains 271 correspondingly the negative pole attains 194 and bisected to 97 (viz. arginine) while the molecular structure attains to 271 + 97 = 368 = 0.0368 (earth-moon curvature). Now, 425 (electromagnetic difference) – 368 = 57(3 or 0.0003) and 0.1463 – 0.0399 (base values) = 0.1064(56) with 0.0001 time difference. Correspondingly, 0.1615 (trp cv or equational terrestrial gravity) – 0.1463 = 0.0152(8) = 0.0551 – 0.0399.The gravitational and anti-gravitational chemistry is mathematically related, 270 + 193 = 463 = 154*3 (app.) and the differential values, 270 – 193 = 77 where 77*0.0019 = 0.1463 = 0.1000 + 0.0463.When the system reaches at a limit (193 or 0.3667) surpassing the lunar time (183) the lunar and equational terrestrial gravity with a difference of ‘10’ (or 0.0190) meets at a point, 0.1605 + 0.1615 = 0.3220 = 0.3059(161) + 0.0161 = 0.0322*10 and correspondingly 183 + 193 = 376 = 378 (TTT – 2) in the structural labyrinth. The system should go to doubling i.e., 161*2 + 154 = 238*2 = 376 + 100 in the molecular structure towards cell cycle and would bisects as 91*2 = 182 (lunar time – 1) to complement ‘100’ in the positive side where 91 = 85(0.1615) + 6 with conforming to the basic structure 252 (TT) – 91 = 161.The arginine structure is very symmetrical to the fundamental structure where 378 (TTT) – 287 (AG + 1) = 91 = 554 – 463 (i.e., 270 + 193) and 554 – 378 = 176 = 100 + 76 (pole difference -1) and 554 – 287 = 267 = 421 (AGA) – 154.Here, 0.3477 (lunar time) – 0.3059 = 0.0418 = 0.0425 – 0.0007 = 0.0608 (oxy-time) – 0.0190(10) is structurally associated with electromagnetic values where 0.0425 + 0.0183 (lunar time in opposite direction) = 0.0608 where displacement of ‘6’(0.0114) is seen in the structure. Here, 0.3220 – 0.1451*2 = 0.0318 = 0.0418 – 0.0100 and correspondingly 271 = 85(0.1615) + 183 (lunar time) + 3(0.0057) in the structure. Again, 0.1451 – 0.1254(66) = 0.0197 and 0.0425 – 0.0351 = 0.0074 gives 197 + 74 = 271 in the structure where 0.1605 – 0.1254 = 0.0351.The polymorphic site and t-RNA distance of constancy factor (66A0):The polymorphic site (72 or 0.1368) and t-RNA factor (66 or 0.1254) are associated with earth-moon space-time structure where 66 + 6 = 72. The proton time 0.0938*2 = 0.1876 = 0.1000 + 0.0876 (proline core values app.) is associated with 72*0.0019 = 0.1368 = 0.1000 + 0.0368 (earth-moon curvature) where 0.1000 or 1000 is a mathematical factor developed. On bisection of polymorphic site, 0.1368/2 = 0.0684 where 0.0938 – 0.0684 = 0.0254 = 0.1254(66) – 0.1000 in the structure and conversely 0.0684 + 0.0513 = 0.1197(63) = 66 – 3. Again, 0.0451 – 0.0425 = 0.0026 = 0.1026 – 0.1000 where 0.1451 – 0.1000 = 0.0451.This can be clearly explained in lys-phe and leu-gln codon-anticodon assignments.In case bisection of polymorphic site 0.0684*2 = 0.1368 where 684 – 368 = 316 and 1000 = 684 + 316 are mathematically developed where 0.0741(39) = 0.0405 (AAA) + 0.0336 (UUU) = 0.0359 (UUA) + 0.0382 (AAU) = 0.0425 + 0.0316 = 0.1254 – 0.0513 (electron time) are structurally concerned that shows 322 – 6 (displacement of six) = 316.Accordingly, 311 (lys-phe vt) + 114(6) = 425 = 477 (positive pole) – 52 where 368 – 316 = 52 in the structure. Again, 263 (leu-gln vt) + 114 = 377 = 477 – 100 in the structure. It is also seen 0.0399 (base values) + 0.0342 (phe-lys cv difference) = 0.0741 and 0.0570 (gln-leu cv difference) – 0.0399 = 0.0171 = 0.0342/2.Again proton values 0.0938*2 = 0.1876 = 0.1000 + 0.0876 (pro cv polymorphic values app.) that derived from arginine resultant values (0.0554) + proline resultant values (0.0322). It is seen proline resultant values goes through the negative of fundamental molecular structure in a complete cycle where 0.0876 – 0.0477 (positive values) = 0.0399 (base values of molecular structure).Cancer transactivation and expansion analysis:Three oncogenic hotspot mutations C844T R282W, G469T V157F (TP53) and G1849T V617F (JAK2) [3] have been considered for clarification that aligned to fundamental molecular structure. Following mutation of C844T R282W, the co-linear values gives 0.0844 + 0.0282 + 0.0326 = 0.1452 (electromagnetic values) where 0.1289 (arg core values) – 0.0843 = 0.0446 and 0.1451 – 0.0446 = 0.1005 = 0.1849 – 0.0844 with 0.0001 time difference. Again, 0.1451 – 0.1107 (i.e. 0.0469 + 0.0157 + 0.0481) = 0.0344 = 0.0354 – 0.0010 (i.e. 0.0190). The expansion unit may be derived from 617 – 157 = 460 and genetically 1849 – 469 = 1380 = 460*3 (triplet factor) and 1451 – 1380 = 71 = 446 – 375 where 844 – 469 = 375 = 125*3 avoiding decimals. In directional biology, 0.0354 + 0.0071 = 0.0425 (electromagnetic values) where 0.0754 (val core values) + 0.0354 = 0.1108 and 0.1451 – 0.0354 = 0.1097 (V617F + molecular point) are mathematically interrelated. Interestingly, 0.0326 (R282W) + 0.0154 (non-synomous factor) = 0.0481 (V157F) with 0.0001 time difference. A structural displacement is seen in the fundamental structure where 0.1605 – 0.1254 = 0.0351 = 0.0354 – 0.0003 = 0.0294 + 0.0057(3) in the structure where 270 + 193 = 463 = 460 (expansion unit) + 3. Again, 0.1495 (asp core values) – 0.1380 = 0.0115 where 0.0115*3 = 0.0445 and 0.0751 – 0.0741 (D816V) = 0.0010 = 0.0190 in the structure. The mutations C844T and G469T or G1849T should have linked to polymorphic sites where 0.0285 (mutational values) + 0.0399 (base values) = 0.0684 and 0.0475 (mutational values) + 0.0399 = 0.0874 (pro cv).
3. Conclusions
The directional biology causes the system somewhat complicated and exposes electromagnetic positive and negative components can exist at a point while it is time. The electromagnetic values are directly concerned to lunar gravity or time in biological processes. The fundamental molecular structure 238+.3059-(161) manifests genetics of protein synthesis, gravitational and anti-gravitational biochemistry, molecular point assessment and many more.
[1] | Molecular weights of amino acids: webqc. |
[2] | Sarkar R.K., International Journal of Biophyics, 2016 6(1) pp.1-3. |
[3] | Sarkar R.K., Research in Cancer and Tumor, 2018 6(1) pp.13-15. |