American Journal of Biochemistry

p-ISSN: 2163-3010    e-ISSN: 2163-3029

2019;  9(1): 1-2



The Structural Mutation and Development of Cancer

Ratan Kumar Sarkar

Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India

Correspondence to: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Janhavi, Keota, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.


Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

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The application of time in biology facilitates understanding of structural mutation and its impact on cancer development. A relation between nucleotide mutation and protein mutation has been established towards oncogenic mutations are structural phenomena. The molecular or genetic point determines the distance of oncogenic events while distance is synonymous to gravity or anti-gravity.

Keywords: Co-linearity, Point mutation, Tryptophan

Cite this paper: Ratan Kumar Sarkar, The Structural Mutation and Development of Cancer, American Journal of Biochemistry, Vol. 9 No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.5923/j.ajb.20190901.01.

1. Introduction

This paper involves structural features of cancer development. Three oncogenic structural mutations C844T R282W, G469T V157F and JAK2 G1849T V617F [1] have been considered for explanation that is mathematically interrelated in the system. The R282W is a hotspot protein mutation in p53 while C844T is a genetic mutation at the c DNA level located in DNA binding domain of p53 are mutations in fundamental structural level of p53. The mathematical value 14.0267 is the integral part of DNA structure, about common values in inter-protein system e.g. 117.1469(val) + 14.0267 = 131.1736(leu), 121.159(cys) + 2*14.0267 = 149.2124(met), 105.093(ser) + 14.0267 = 119.1197(thr) etc.
Derived from 14.0267, the time-mass transition formula T(time) = 0.0019M(mass) is likely inevitable for clarification. The genetic or molecular point is a factor in the system to determine the distance while distance is synonymous to gravity or anti-gravity.

2. Discussions

The oncogenic mutation C844T R282W exhibits a distinct relation between genetic and protein amplification. The sharing mutations shows T – C = 126 – 111 = 15 = 0.0285(in time form) = 285 and W – R = 0.1615(trp core values) – 0.1289(arg core values) = 0.0326 = 326(on transition) and total mutation = 285 + 326 = 611 = 652 – 41 where 326 – 285 = 41. The decimal parts of T & C are anti-gravitational values having negative impact on integer values.
Trp(204.2261) core values = 204*0.0019 – 0.2261(anti-gravitational negative impulse) = 0.1615(85) gives 1615(lunar gravity + 10) on direct transition.
In shrinking form, 652 = 100 + 552(29) = 129 = 113 + 16(oxygen) and total mutation 610 = 481(mutational unit) + 129. The mutational unit(481) = 0.1235(phe core values) – 0.0754(val core values) where 481 = 367 + 114(6). The mutations V157F and F270L[2] shows a complete cycle since V157F = - 0.0481 and F270L = + 0.0482 and total values from positive to negative cycle = 481 + 482 = 963 is aligned to electro-magnetic cycle. The genetic point in R282W, 844 = 850 – 6 and 850 + 113 = 963 where 1615 – 652 = 963 and 270 – 157 = 113 are structural matters. A time difference of 0.0001-0.0002 is about common in the system.
Now, 1615(on transition) – 610 = 1005 = 1849 – 844 that shows C844T R282W and G1849T V617F are co-related where 771(414-UGG + 357-ACC) = 1005 – 234(bisection of 469) = 1615 - 844 associated with tryptophan core values. Again, 844 – 469(G469T V157F) = 375 = 234 + 141 where 234 - 141 = 93 and 844 - 93 = 751 = 1849 – 1098 where 1098 = 481 + 617 in G1849T V617F structural mutation. The negative mutational values would be added to molecular point.
Furthermore, 0.2902 – 0.2058(trp pre-transitional values) = 0.0844 = 844 where 0.2261 – 0.0204 = 0.2057 and 0.2092 is concerned to 0.0850 from electro-magnetic point of view since 0.0938(proton time) – 0.0513(electron time) = 0.0425 = 425.
Again, 1849 – 469 = 1380 = 1615 – 235 where ‘367’ curvature of time might be existed intrinsically e.g., 1849 – 638(V157F) = 1211 = 844 + 367 or 1380 – 367 = 1013 = 638 + 375 or 638 +367 = 1005. The addition of ‘100’ in the system implies bisection or cell cycle since by adding 100 in both sides of 14.0267 gives 114.0367 and bisects giving off ‘57’ and ‘183’ where
‘57’ is codon – anticodon difference in tryptophan timeline and ‘183’ is lunar time limit and correspondingly, 652 = 469 + 183 where 183*0.0019 = 0.3477(lunar time limit). Again, 1849 – 460(amplification unit) = 1389(arg core values + 100) = 610 + 779(41) in the structure.
The ’367’ earth-moon curvature of time can be sub-divided by 367 = 304(oxy-time) + 63 where 63*0.0019 = 0.1197 = 1197 and 1849 – 1197 = 652 and 956(total mutation) – 652 = 304 are structural matters.
The condition of cancer development would be point mutations are permanent and gaining ‘100’ values by appearing ‘367’ curvature of time so that anti-gravitational influx persists towards cell cycle and would be aligned to tryptophan time structure.
Structurally, the anti-gravitational approaching spots would be gained by ‘100’ (i.e. 29*0.0019 + 100 = 0.0652 = 652) as well as earth-moon time curvature(i.e. 267 + 100 = 367) causes cell cycle.
A brief account of structural mutation:
Total protein mutational values in R282W = 0.1289 – 0.1615 = - 0.0326 and 282 + 326 = 608. Now, 652 + 608 = 1260 and 1260 – 304(oxy-time) = 956(total mutation in G1849T V617F i.e. 475 + 481 = 956) and correspondingly 1849 – 1260 = 589 = 304(oxy-time) + 285(C844T).
Now, 652 + 637(V157F) = 1289(arg core values on transition) and 1849 – 1289 = 560 = 460(amplification unit) + 100 and 1098(V617F) + 1289 = 2387 = 1849 + 538(V157F – 100).
Again, 956 + 779(41) = 1735 = 1098 + 637 = 1849 – 114 in the structure.
Moreover, 3477(lunar time) – 652 = 2825 = 2831(149) – 6 and 2825 – 113 = 2712 = 1097 + 1615 = 1849 + 1097 – 234 are structural matters.
Now, 956(total mutation)*2 = 1912 = 1849 + 63 where 3477 – 368 = 3109 = 1912 + 1197(63) and 1849 – 1197 = 652.
Again, 610*2 = 1220 = 844 + 376 where 1220 – 469 = 751 = 1849 – 1098(V617F).
The space-time mechanism can be anticipated from G1849T V617F where 3477(lunar time) – 551(29) = 2926 = 1849 + 1077 and 2033 – 1849 = 184(shrinking form of lunar time with 0.0001 time difference) and where 551 + 305(oxy-time) = 856 = 8*107 and 107*0.0019 = 0.2033 = 2033(on transition) constituted an anti-gravitational-gravitational relation with oxy-time.
Now, 2033 – 1077 = 956(total mutational values in G1849T V617F) and 956 – 611(total mutational values in C844T R282W) = 345 = 304 + 41 and conversely 779(41) – 304 = 475(G1849T) in the structure.

3. Conclusions

It has been shown that three oncogenic mutations are mathematically interrelated where molecular point or genetic point is concerned and would supports co-linearity. The structural gaining of ‘100’ values i.e. attaining to 367 or 652 in the system is liable to proliferation of cell. The structural explanations might be helpful for drug designing of cancer disease.


[1]  Ratan Kumar Sarkar, Research in Cancer and Tumor, 2018 6(1), pp.13-15.
[2]  P53 Coding Sequence, website/, 2016.