Thamer J. Abaas , Abdul Samad Shibghatullah , Mustafa Musa Jaber
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, University Technical Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia, Melaka
Correspondence to: Thamer J. Abaas , Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, University Technical Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia, Melaka.
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The purpose of the present study is to create an integrated framework for a smart electronic intelligence system by benefit from the experience of countries in this area and make the system suitable for requirement of countries environments. That particular system would be able to use from any platforms, different devices and distributed sites to collect and classify the unclassified information from security agency, partners, peoples, embassies, and other government facilities, etc. to save humans life and expect next terrorism attack and high active with crime cases.
Terrorism, Intelligence, Information Sharing Environment, E-Government
Cite this paper: Thamer J. Abaas , Abdul Samad Shibghatullah , Mustafa Musa Jaber , Use Information Sharing Environment Concept to Design Electronic Intelligence Framework for Support E-Government: Iraq as Case Study, Advances in Computing, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2014, pp. 22-24. doi: 10.5923/
1. Introduction
Terrorism attack was much of a talk-about by people especially after the September 11th of 2001 attack in the United States. In lieu with this incident, many academic literatures and works has been proposed or recommended and done to improve the quality of the international intelligence to combat the terrorism throughout the world (McEntire & David, 2007). However, most of the proposed and intellectual works or research focused more on either classify of intelligence or how various mathematical models might improve the analytical product. In spite of all the modern and sophisticated models been introduced and used, there are still remained another larger and affecting issue i.e. the government has yet be able to upgrade the intelligence level to cope with the all the relevant models or products, thus would affected their capability to address the chronic and serious situations that happened everywhere (James & Russel, 2001).Looking at the increasing and rampant attacks that happened in certain countries, one can say that one of the reason that contributed to the failure in curbing this issue was that the inability of the government agencies to produce a better and proactive system or models. Perhaps a better and elevated of intelligence system should be developed and used i.e. by introducing a sharing information system by all respective intelligence agencies. No doubt that by having a common aim (fighting crimes, safeguard the national security and anti-terrorist) and standard information system by all relevant agencies in combating terrorism attack would bring to a better environment and improved the efficiency; somehow this may not be an easy task when it comes into its execution (Lugna, 2006).One way that can be suggested here is that in order to create a good cooperation is actually by having coordination between all the intelligence agencies and the security agencies using the sharing information system, and at the same time this will be useful to be shared to the civilians. After 11 Sep. 2001 U.S launch project Information Sharing Environment (ISE) the ISE is broadly refers to the people, projects, systems, and agencies that enable responsible information sharing for national security. This includes many different communities; law enforcement, public safety, homeland security, intelligence, defense, and foreign affairs. The people in these communities may work for federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial governments. They may also need to collaborate and share national security information with each other, private sector partners, or our foreign allies. While they work in different disciplines and have varying roles and responsibilities, they all rely on timely and accurate information to achieve their national security mission responsibilities.
2. Research Problem
In the years following 9/11, there is a big increase in terrorist attacks in world and although attention to terrorism has increased sharply in recent years, it is by no means a new phenomenon. For decades terrorists have carried out attacks against non-combatant targets causing massive destruction by means of vicious assaults. While the objectives and modus operandi have changed, there is no reason to believe that terrorism will completely cease to exist in the near future. In addition to in-depth analysis of the prevailing literature, several models are introduced to help explain the concepts at hand. It is important to emphasize, however, that the complexity of terrorism combined with the unique attributes of individual groups make it nearly impossible to capture the explanatory characteristics of the phenomenon in a single model (ECUSFP, 2008) (Gaibulloev & Sandler, 2009). According to Newsletter AFP report October was Iraq's deadliest month since April 2008, figures compiled by government ministries showed Friday, with 964 people killed last month as the country grapples with a spike in bloodshed. According to data compiled by the Iraqi ministries of health, interior and defense, a total of 855 civilians, 65 policemen and 44 soldiers were killed, furthermore militants last month targeted everything from public parks and restaurants to funerals and government buildings, killing security forces, civilians and civil servants, with dozens of suicide bombings and vehicles packed with explosives ripping through towns and cities. And from other side the Prime Minister of Iraq Al-Maliki has sought to drum up US support, calling in a speech on Thursday for an "international war against terrorism": Speaking at the United States Institute of Peace, he called terrorism "a virus" which was trying to spread "a dirty wind" around the region. Ahead of Maliki's talks with Obama, Washington vowed to help Iraq combat terror groups, but said Baghdad needed a broader strategy not just based on strengthening its military arsenal (AFP, 2013). According to casualty figures released today by UNAMI, a total of 1,057 Iraqis were killed and another 2,326 were wounded in acts of terrorism and violence in July. The impact of violence on civilians remains disturbingly high, with at least 4,137 civilians killed and 9,865 injured since the beginning of 2013 (UNAMI, 2013). Militants who carried out a series of bomb attacks in Iraq in 2013, deliberately killing civilian people committed crimes against humanity; Crimes against humanity are some of the most serious crimes under international law (rights, 2013). Iraq Security Forces are divided between ministry of interior, ministry of defence, ministry of Homeland Security and Iraqi National Intelligence Service (Jones & James, 2007); and it is estimated that the total members for Iraq Security Forces are about more than two million of them but unfortunately no matter huge numbers of security members and money spent for this purposes, the terrorist attack are still on the rise and increased (Al-jabouri, 2009). Even in Iraq find absence, or nearly so, of Information systems on which decisions can be dependent on and must encouraging the related sides to find the effective information knowledge which can be recognized by the Iraqi person to build Information system and The establishment of centers concerning in providing information and rehabilitation of the sub-structures of information in all country (Abdul-Sattar Sh. salman, 2010).
3. The Significant of Research
Many research done on collaboration and information sharing has been intensive, the published works are based mainly in the US and European environment. Research has shown that any technological implementation can be determined by cultural and political environments (Avison & Malaurent, 2007) (Hart, Dennis, Warne, & Leoni, 2006), and that technological change can affect the culture of the organization because culture within a system affects members of society and their tolerance for new ideas (Hofstede & Geert, 2001). Therefore, it is imperative to complement the research on US and European environments by conducting research in other environments across the globe in order to create a wider perspective on the phenomenon of collaboration and information sharing (Harold, 2011). This research is significant for e-government because it will provide study of information sharing environment and expected to produce flexible framework for an integrated and distributed electronic intelligence system. The framework will be presented to the Ministry of Interior and general intelligence agencies in Iraq for the deployment or further development for intelligence (anti-terrorist and anti-crime) system in Iraq. The data and findings from the research can aid in the benchmarking of the current Iraq e-government concept and in measuring the practicality of the existing approach.Ultimately, this research can support the national goal of governments in enhancing electronic service delivery by intelligence with other foreign partnership to be more cognizant of the importance of collaboration and information sharing in digitally connected environment, which can lead to more effective and efficient collaborations.
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