Advances in Computing
p-ISSN: 2163-2944 e-ISSN: 2163-2979
2012; 2(4): 54-59
doi: 10.5923/
Ousmane Thiare 1, Papa Alioune Fall 2
1Department of Computer science, Gaston Berger University, BP 234 Saint-Louis, Senegal
2Department of Applied Physics, Gaston Berger University, BP 234 Saint-Louis, Senegal
Correspondence to: Ousmane Thiare , Department of Computer science, Gaston Berger University, BP 234 Saint-Louis, Senegal.
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Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
In distributed systems,cooperating process essh are both local and remoter sources. Chance is very high that multiple processes makesimultaneous requests to the same resource. If the resourcerequires mutually exclusive access (critical section - CS), then some regulation is needed to access it for ensuring synchronizedaccess of the resources thatonly one process could use the resource at a given time. This is the distributed mutual exclusion problem. The problem of coordinating the execution of critical sections by eachprocessissolved by providing mutually exclusive access to the CS. Mutual exclusion ensures that concurrent processes make a serialized access to shared resources.Quorum-based algorithms offer the advantage of protocol symmetry, spreading effort and responsibility uniformly across the distributed systems. In thispaper, we have proposed a permission baseddistributedmutual exclusion algorithmwhichis an improvement of Maekawa’s algorithm. The number of messages required by the improvisedalgorithmis in the range 3Mto 5Mper critical section invocation whereMis the number of intersection nodes1 in the system. A reduction in number of message by restricting the communication of anynodewith the intersection nodes of the quorums, withoutany modification of the basic structure of the algorithm.
Keywords: Mutual Exclusion, Communication, Quorum
![]() | Figure 1. The finite projective plane of order 2 (Fano plane) |